Geant4 11.2.2
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
No Matches
G4ExtrudedSolid Class Reference

#include <G4ExtrudedSolid.hh>

+ Inheritance diagram for G4ExtrudedSolid:


struct  ZSection

Public Member Functions

 G4ExtrudedSolid (const G4String &pName, const std::vector< G4TwoVector > &polygon, const std::vector< ZSection > &zsections)
 G4ExtrudedSolid (const G4String &pName, const std::vector< G4TwoVector > &polygon, G4double halfZ, const G4TwoVector &off1=G4TwoVector(0., 0.), G4double scale1=1., const G4TwoVector &off2=G4TwoVector(0., 0.), G4double scale2=1.)
 ~G4ExtrudedSolid () override
G4int GetNofVertices () const
G4TwoVector GetVertex (G4int index) const
std::vector< G4TwoVectorGetPolygon () const
G4int GetNofZSections () const
ZSection GetZSection (G4int index) const
std::vector< ZSectionGetZSections () const
EInside Inside (const G4ThreeVector &p) const override
G4ThreeVector SurfaceNormal (const G4ThreeVector &p) const override
G4double DistanceToIn (const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v) const override
G4double DistanceToIn (const G4ThreeVector &p) const override
G4double DistanceToOut (const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v, const G4bool calcNorm=false, G4bool *validNorm=nullptr, G4ThreeVector *n=nullptr) const override
G4double DistanceToOut (const G4ThreeVector &p) const override
void BoundingLimits (G4ThreeVector &pMin, G4ThreeVector &pMax) const override
G4bool CalculateExtent (const EAxis pAxis, const G4VoxelLimits &pVoxelLimit, const G4AffineTransform &pTransform, G4double &pMin, G4double &pMax) const override
G4GeometryType GetEntityType () const override
G4VSolidClone () const override
std::ostream & StreamInfo (std::ostream &os) const override
 G4ExtrudedSolid (__void__ &)
 G4ExtrudedSolid (const G4ExtrudedSolid &rhs)
G4ExtrudedSolidoperator= (const G4ExtrudedSolid &rhs)
- Public Member Functions inherited from G4TessellatedSolid
 G4TessellatedSolid ()
 ~G4TessellatedSolid () override
 G4TessellatedSolid (const G4String &name)
 G4TessellatedSolid (__void__ &)
 G4TessellatedSolid (const G4TessellatedSolid &ts)
G4TessellatedSolidoperator= (const G4TessellatedSolid &right)
G4TessellatedSolidoperator+= (const G4TessellatedSolid &right)
G4bool AddFacet (G4VFacet *aFacet)
G4VFacetGetFacet (G4int i) const
G4int GetNumberOfFacets () const
G4int GetFacetIndex (const G4ThreeVector &p) const
EInside Inside (const G4ThreeVector &p) const override
G4ThreeVector SurfaceNormal (const G4ThreeVector &p) const override
G4double DistanceToIn (const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v) const override
G4double DistanceToIn (const G4ThreeVector &p) const override
G4double DistanceToOut (const G4ThreeVector &p) const override
G4double DistanceToOut (const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v, const G4bool calcNorm, G4bool *validNorm, G4ThreeVector *norm) const override
virtual G4bool Normal (const G4ThreeVector &p, G4ThreeVector &n) const
virtual G4double SafetyFromOutside (const G4ThreeVector &p, G4bool aAccurate=false) const
virtual G4double SafetyFromInside (const G4ThreeVector &p, G4bool aAccurate=false) const
G4GeometryType GetEntityType () const override
std::ostream & StreamInfo (std::ostream &os) const override
G4VSolidClone () const override
G4ThreeVector GetPointOnSurface () const override
G4double GetSurfaceArea () override
G4double GetCubicVolume () override
void SetSolidClosed (const G4bool t)
G4bool GetSolidClosed () const
G4int CheckStructure () const
void SetMaxVoxels (G4int max)
G4VoxelizerGetVoxels ()
G4bool CalculateExtent (const EAxis pAxis, const G4VoxelLimits &pVoxelLimit, const G4AffineTransform &pTransform, G4double &pMin, G4double &pMax) const override
void BoundingLimits (G4ThreeVector &pMin, G4ThreeVector &pMax) const override
G4double GetMinXExtent () const
G4double GetMaxXExtent () const
G4double GetMinYExtent () const
G4double GetMaxYExtent () const
G4double GetMinZExtent () const
G4double GetMaxZExtent () const
G4PolyhedronCreatePolyhedron () const override
G4PolyhedronGetPolyhedron () const override
void DescribeYourselfTo (G4VGraphicsScene &scene) const override
G4VisExtent GetExtent () const override
G4int AllocatedMemoryWithoutVoxels ()
G4int AllocatedMemory ()
void DisplayAllocatedMemory ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from G4VSolid
 G4VSolid (const G4String &name)
virtual ~G4VSolid ()
G4bool operator== (const G4VSolid &s) const
G4String GetName () const
void SetName (const G4String &name)
G4double GetTolerance () const
virtual void ComputeDimensions (G4VPVParameterisation *p, const G4int n, const G4VPhysicalVolume *pRep)
void DumpInfo () const
virtual const G4VSolidGetConstituentSolid (G4int no) const
virtual G4VSolidGetConstituentSolid (G4int no)
virtual const G4DisplacedSolidGetDisplacedSolidPtr () const
virtual G4DisplacedSolidGetDisplacedSolidPtr ()
 G4VSolid (__void__ &)
 G4VSolid (const G4VSolid &rhs)
G4VSolidoperator= (const G4VSolid &rhs)
G4double EstimateCubicVolume (G4int nStat, G4double epsilon) const
G4double EstimateSurfaceArea (G4int nStat, G4double ell) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from G4VSolid
void CalculateClippedPolygonExtent (G4ThreeVectorList &pPolygon, const G4VoxelLimits &pVoxelLimit, const EAxis pAxis, G4double &pMin, G4double &pMax) const
void ClipCrossSection (G4ThreeVectorList *pVertices, const G4int pSectionIndex, const G4VoxelLimits &pVoxelLimit, const EAxis pAxis, G4double &pMin, G4double &pMax) const
void ClipBetweenSections (G4ThreeVectorList *pVertices, const G4int pSectionIndex, const G4VoxelLimits &pVoxelLimit, const EAxis pAxis, G4double &pMin, G4double &pMax) const
void ClipPolygon (G4ThreeVectorList &pPolygon, const G4VoxelLimits &pVoxelLimit, const EAxis pAxis) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from G4TessellatedSolid
G4double kCarToleranceHalf
- Protected Attributes inherited from G4VSolid
G4double kCarTolerance

Detailed Description

Definition at line 71 of file G4ExtrudedSolid.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ G4ExtrudedSolid() [1/4]

G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid ( const G4String & pName,
const std::vector< G4TwoVector > & polygon,
const std::vector< ZSection > & zsections )

Definition at line 66 of file

69 : G4TessellatedSolid(pName),
70 fNv(polygon.size()),
71 fNz(zsections.size()),
72 fIsConvex(false),
73 fGeometryType("G4ExtrudedSolid"),
74 fSolidType(0)
76 // General constructor
78 // First check input parameters
80 if (fNv < 3)
81 {
82 std::ostringstream message;
83 message << "Number of vertices in polygon < 3 - " << pName;
84 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids0002",
85 FatalErrorInArgument, message);
86 }
88 if (fNz < 2)
89 {
90 std::ostringstream message;
91 message << "Number of z-sides < 2 - " << pName;
92 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids0002",
93 FatalErrorInArgument, message);
94 }
96 for ( std::size_t i=0; i<fNz-1; ++i )
97 {
98 if ( zsections[i].fZ > zsections[i+1].fZ )
99 {
100 std::ostringstream message;
101 message << "Z-sections have to be ordered by z value (z0 < z1 < z2...) - "
102 << pName;
103 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids0002",
104 FatalErrorInArgument, message);
105 }
106 if ( std::fabs( zsections[i+1].fZ - zsections[i].fZ ) < kCarToleranceHalf )
107 {
108 std::ostringstream message;
109 message << "Z-sections with the same z position are not supported - "
110 << pName;
111 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids0001",
112 FatalException, message);
113 }
114 }
116 // Copy polygon
117 //
118 fPolygon = polygon;
120 // Remove collinear and coincident vertices, if any
121 //
122 std::vector<G4int> removedVertices;
123 G4GeomTools::RemoveRedundantVertices(fPolygon,removedVertices,
124 2*kCarTolerance);
125 if (!removedVertices.empty())
126 {
127 std::size_t nremoved = removedVertices.size();
128 std::ostringstream message;
129 message << "The following "<< nremoved
130 << " vertices have been removed from polygon in " << pName
131 << "\nas collinear or coincident with other vertices: "
132 << removedVertices[0];
133 for (std::size_t i=1; i<nremoved; ++i) message << ", " << removedVertices[i];
134 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids1001",
135 JustWarning, message);
136 }
138 fNv = fPolygon.size();
139 if (fNv < 3)
140 {
141 std::ostringstream message;
142 message << "Number of vertices in polygon after removal < 3 - " << pName;
143 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids0002",
144 FatalErrorInArgument, message);
145 }
147 // Check if polygon vertices are defined clockwise
148 // (the area is positive if polygon vertices are defined anti-clockwise)
149 //
150 if (G4GeomTools::PolygonArea(fPolygon) > 0.)
151 {
152 // Polygon vertices are defined anti-clockwise, we revert them
153 // G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids1001",
154 // JustWarning,
155 // "Polygon vertices defined anti-clockwise, reverting polygon");
156 std::reverse(fPolygon.begin(),fPolygon.end());
157 }
159 // Copy z-sections
160 //
161 fZSections = zsections;
163 G4bool result = MakeFacets();
164 if (!result)
165 {
166 std::ostringstream message;
167 message << "Making facets failed - " << pName;
168 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids0003",
169 FatalException, message);
170 }
171 fIsConvex = G4GeomTools::IsConvex(fPolygon);
173 ComputeProjectionParameters();
175 // Check if the solid is a right prism, if so then set lateral planes
176 //
177 if ((fNz == 2)
178 && (fZSections[0].fScale == 1) && (fZSections[1].fScale == 1)
179 && (fZSections[0].fOffset == G4TwoVector(0,0))
180 && (fZSections[1].fOffset == G4TwoVector(0,0)))
181 {
182 fSolidType = (fIsConvex) ? 1 : 2; // 1 - convex, 2 - non-convex right prism
183 ComputeLateralPlanes();
184 }
@ JustWarning
@ FatalException
@ FatalErrorInArgument
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *description)
CLHEP::Hep2Vector G4TwoVector
bool G4bool
Definition G4Types.hh:86
static void RemoveRedundantVertices(G4TwoVectorList &polygon, std::vector< G4int > &iout, G4double tolerance=0.0)
static G4double PolygonArea(const G4TwoVectorList &polygon)
static G4bool IsConvex(const G4TwoVectorList &polygon)
G4double kCarTolerance
Definition G4VSolid.hh:299

Referenced by Clone().

◆ G4ExtrudedSolid() [2/4]

G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid ( const G4String & pName,
const std::vector< G4TwoVector > & polygon,
G4double halfZ,
const G4TwoVector & off1 = G4TwoVector(0.,0.),
G4double scale1 = 1.,
const G4TwoVector & off2 = G4TwoVector(0.,0.),
G4double scale2 = 1. )

Definition at line 189 of file

194 : G4TessellatedSolid(pName),
195 fNv(polygon.size()),
196 fNz(2),
197 fGeometryType("G4ExtrudedSolid")
199 // Special constructor for solid with 2 z-sections
201 // First check input parameters
202 //
203 if (fNv < 3)
204 {
205 std::ostringstream message;
206 message << "Number of vertices in polygon < 3 - " << pName;
207 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids0002",
208 FatalErrorInArgument, message);
209 }
211 // Copy polygon
212 //
213 fPolygon = polygon;
215 // Remove collinear and coincident vertices, if any
216 //
217 std::vector<G4int> removedVertices;
218 G4GeomTools::RemoveRedundantVertices(fPolygon,removedVertices,
219 2*kCarTolerance);
220 if (!removedVertices.empty())
221 {
222 std::size_t nremoved = removedVertices.size();
223 std::ostringstream message;
224 message << "The following "<< nremoved
225 << " vertices have been removed from polygon in " << pName
226 << "\nas collinear or coincident with other vertices: "
227 << removedVertices[0];
228 for (std::size_t i=1; i<nremoved; ++i) message << ", " << removedVertices[i];
229 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids1001",
230 JustWarning, message);
231 }
233 fNv = fPolygon.size();
234 if (fNv < 3)
235 {
236 std::ostringstream message;
237 message << "Number of vertices in polygon after removal < 3 - " << pName;
238 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids0002",
239 FatalErrorInArgument, message);
240 }
242 // Check if polygon vertices are defined clockwise
243 // (the area is positive if polygon vertices are defined anti-clockwise)
244 //
245 if (G4GeomTools::PolygonArea(fPolygon) > 0.)
246 {
247 // Polygon vertices are defined anti-clockwise, we revert them
248 // G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids1001",
249 // JustWarning,
250 // "Polygon vertices defined anti-clockwise, reverting polygon");
251 std::reverse(fPolygon.begin(),fPolygon.end());
252 }
254 // Copy z-sections
255 //
256 fZSections.emplace_back(-dz, off1, scale1);
257 fZSections.emplace_back( dz, off2, scale2);
259 G4bool result = MakeFacets();
260 if (!result)
261 {
262 std::ostringstream message;
263 message << "Making facets failed - " << pName;
264 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", "GeomSolids0003",
265 FatalException, message);
266 }
267 fIsConvex = G4GeomTools::IsConvex(fPolygon);
269 ComputeProjectionParameters();
271 // Check if the solid is a right prism, if so then set lateral planes
272 //
273 if ((scale1 == 1) && (scale2 == 1)
274 && (off1 == G4TwoVector(0,0)) && (off2 == G4TwoVector(0,0)))
275 {
276 fSolidType = (fIsConvex) ? 1 : 2; // 1 - convex, 2 - non-convex right prism
277 ComputeLateralPlanes();
278 }

◆ ~G4ExtrudedSolid()

G4ExtrudedSolid::~G4ExtrudedSolid ( )

Definition at line 322 of file

324 // Destructor

◆ G4ExtrudedSolid() [3/4]

G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid ( __void__ & a)

Definition at line 283 of file

284 : G4TessellatedSolid(a), fGeometryType("G4ExtrudedSolid")
286 // Fake default constructor - sets only member data and allocates memory
287 // for usage restricted to object persistency.

◆ G4ExtrudedSolid() [4/4]

G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid ( const G4ExtrudedSolid & rhs)

Member Function Documentation

◆ BoundingLimits()

void G4ExtrudedSolid::BoundingLimits ( G4ThreeVector & pMin,
G4ThreeVector & pMax ) const

Reimplemented from G4VSolid.

Definition at line 1361 of file

1364 G4double xmin0 = kInfinity, xmax0 = -kInfinity;
1365 G4double ymin0 = kInfinity, ymax0 = -kInfinity;
1367 for (G4int i=0; i<GetNofVertices(); ++i)
1368 {
1369 G4double x = fPolygon[i].x();
1370 if (x < xmin0) xmin0 = x;
1371 if (x > xmax0) xmax0 = x;
1372 G4double y = fPolygon[i].y();
1373 if (y < ymin0) ymin0 = y;
1374 if (y > ymax0) ymax0 = y;
1375 }
1377 G4double xmin = kInfinity, xmax = -kInfinity;
1378 G4double ymin = kInfinity, ymax = -kInfinity;
1380 G4int nsect = GetNofZSections();
1381 for (G4int i=0; i<nsect; ++i)
1382 {
1383 ZSection zsect = GetZSection(i);
1384 G4double dx = zsect.fOffset.x();
1385 G4double dy = zsect.fOffset.y();
1386 G4double scale = zsect.fScale;
1387 xmin = std::min(xmin,xmin0*scale+dx);
1388 xmax = std::max(xmax,xmax0*scale+dx);
1389 ymin = std::min(ymin,ymin0*scale+dy);
1390 ymax = std::max(ymax,ymax0*scale+dy);
1391 }
1393 G4double zmin = GetZSection(0).fZ;
1394 G4double zmax = GetZSection(nsect-1).fZ;
1396 pMin.set(xmin,ymin,zmin);
1397 pMax.set(xmax,ymax,zmax);
1399 // Check correctness of the bounding box
1400 //
1401 if (pMin.x() >= pMax.x() || pMin.y() >= pMax.y() || pMin.z() >= pMax.z())
1402 {
1403 std::ostringstream message;
1404 message << "Bad bounding box (min >= max) for solid: "
1405 << GetName() << " !"
1406 << "\npMin = " << pMin
1407 << "\npMax = " << pMax;
1408 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::BoundingLimits()",
1409 "GeomMgt0001", JustWarning, message);
1410 DumpInfo();
1411 }
double G4double
Definition G4Types.hh:83
int G4int
Definition G4Types.hh:85
double z() const
double x() const
double y() const
void set(double x, double y, double z)
ZSection GetZSection(G4int index) const
G4int GetNofZSections() const
G4int GetNofVertices() const
G4String GetName() const
void DumpInfo() const

Referenced by CalculateExtent().

◆ CalculateExtent()

G4bool G4ExtrudedSolid::CalculateExtent ( const EAxis pAxis,
const G4VoxelLimits & pVoxelLimit,
const G4AffineTransform & pTransform,
G4double & pMin,
G4double & pMax ) const

Implements G4VSolid.

Definition at line 1418 of file

1423 G4ThreeVector bmin, bmax;
1424 G4bool exist;
1426 // Check bounding box (bbox)
1427 //
1428 BoundingLimits(bmin,bmax);
1429 G4BoundingEnvelope bbox(bmin,bmax);
1430#ifdef G4BBOX_EXTENT
1431 return bbox.CalculateExtent(pAxis,pVoxelLimit,pTransform,pMin,pMax);
1433 if (bbox.BoundingBoxVsVoxelLimits(pAxis,pVoxelLimit,pTransform,pMin,pMax))
1434 {
1435 return exist = pMin < pMax;
1436 }
1438 // To find the extent, the base polygon is subdivided in triangles.
1439 // The extent is calculated as cumulative extent of the parts
1440 // formed by extrusion of the triangles
1441 //
1442 G4TwoVectorList triangles;
1443 G4double eminlim = pVoxelLimit.GetMinExtent(pAxis);
1444 G4double emaxlim = pVoxelLimit.GetMaxExtent(pAxis);
1446 // triangulate the base polygon
1447 if (!G4GeomTools::TriangulatePolygon(fPolygon,triangles))
1448 {
1449 std::ostringstream message;
1450 message << "Triangulation of the base polygon has failed for solid: "
1451 << GetName() << " !"
1452 << "\nExtent has been calculated using boundary box";
1453 G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::CalculateExtent()",
1454 "GeomMgt1002",JustWarning,message);
1455 return bbox.CalculateExtent(pAxis,pVoxelLimit,pTransform,pMin,pMax);
1456 }
1458 // allocate vector lists
1459 G4int nsect = GetNofZSections();
1460 std::vector<const G4ThreeVectorList *> polygons;
1461 polygons.resize(nsect);
1462 for (G4int k=0; k<nsect; ++k) { polygons[k] = new G4ThreeVectorList(3); }
1464 // main loop along triangles
1465 pMin = kInfinity;
1466 pMax = -kInfinity;
1467 G4int ntria = (G4int)triangles.size()/3;
1468 for (G4int i=0; i<ntria; ++i)
1469 {
1470 G4int i3 = i*3;
1471 for (G4int k=0; k<nsect; ++k) // extrude triangle
1472 {
1473 ZSection zsect = GetZSection(k);
1474 G4double z = zsect.fZ;
1475 G4double dx = zsect.fOffset.x();
1476 G4double dy = zsect.fOffset.y();
1477 G4double scale = zsect.fScale;
1479 auto ptr = const_cast<G4ThreeVectorList*>(polygons[k]);
1480 auto iter = ptr->begin();
1481 G4double x0 = triangles[i3+0].x()*scale+dx;
1482 G4double y0 = triangles[i3+0].y()*scale+dy;
1483 iter->set(x0,y0,z);
1484 iter++;
1485 G4double x1 = triangles[i3+1].x()*scale+dx;
1486 G4double y1 = triangles[i3+1].y()*scale+dy;
1487 iter->set(x1,y1,z);
1488 iter++;
1489 G4double x2 = triangles[i3+2].x()*scale+dx;
1490 G4double y2 = triangles[i3+2].y()*scale+dy;
1491 iter->set(x2,y2,z);
1492 }
1494 // set sub-envelope and adjust extent
1495 G4double emin,emax;
1496 G4BoundingEnvelope benv(polygons);
1497 if (!benv.CalculateExtent(pAxis,pVoxelLimit,pTransform,emin,emax)) continue;
1498 if (emin < pMin) pMin = emin;
1499 if (emax > pMax) pMax = emax;
1500 if (eminlim > pMin && emaxlim < pMax) break; // max possible extent
1501 }
1502 // free memory
1503 for (G4int k=0; k<nsect; ++k) { delete polygons[k]; polygons[k]=nullptr;}
1504 return (pMin < pMax);
std::vector< G4ThreeVector > G4ThreeVectorList
std::vector< G4TwoVector > G4TwoVectorList
void BoundingLimits(G4ThreeVector &pMin, G4ThreeVector &pMax) const override
static G4bool TriangulatePolygon(const G4TwoVectorList &polygon, G4TwoVectorList &result)
G4double GetMinExtent(const EAxis pAxis) const
G4double GetMaxExtent(const EAxis pAxis) const

◆ Clone()

G4VSolid * G4ExtrudedSolid::Clone ( ) const

Reimplemented from G4VSolid.

Definition at line 840 of file

842 return new G4ExtrudedSolid(*this);
G4ExtrudedSolid(const G4String &pName, const std::vector< G4TwoVector > &polygon, const std::vector< ZSection > &zsections)

◆ DistanceToIn() [1/2]

G4double G4ExtrudedSolid::DistanceToIn ( const G4ThreeVector & p) const

Implements G4VSolid.

Definition at line 1209 of file

1211 switch (fSolidType)
1212 {
1213 case 1: // convex right prism
1214 {
1215 G4double dist = std::max(fZSections[0].fZ-p.z(),p.z()-fZSections[1].fZ);
1216 std::size_t np = fPlanes.size();
1217 for (std::size_t i=0; i<np; ++i)
1218 {
1219 G4double dd = fPlanes[i].a*p.x() + fPlanes[i].b*p.y() + fPlanes[i].d;
1220 if (dd > dist) dist = dd;
1221 }
1222 return (dist > 0) ? dist : 0.;
1223 }
1224 case 2: // non-convex right prism
1225 {
1226 G4bool in = PointInPolygon(p);
1227 if (in)
1228 {
1229 G4double distz= std::max(fZSections[0].fZ-p.z(),p.z()-fZSections[1].fZ);
1230 return (distz > 0) ? distz : 0;
1231 }
1232 else
1233 {
1234 G4double distz= std::max(fZSections[0].fZ-p.z(),p.z()-fZSections[1].fZ);
1235 G4double dd = DistanceToPolygonSqr(p);
1236 if (distz > 0) dd += distz*distz;
1237 return std::sqrt(dd);
1238 }
1239 }
1240 }
1242 // General case: use tessellated solid
G4double DistanceToIn(const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v) const override

◆ DistanceToIn() [2/2]

G4double G4ExtrudedSolid::DistanceToIn ( const G4ThreeVector & p,
const G4ThreeVector & v ) const

Implements G4VSolid.

Definition at line 1148 of file

1151 G4double z0 = fZSections[0].fZ;
1152 G4double z1 = fZSections[fNz-1].fZ;
1153 if ((p.z() <= z0 + kCarToleranceHalf) && v.z() <= 0) return kInfinity;
1154 if ((p.z() >= z1 - kCarToleranceHalf) && v.z() >= 0) return kInfinity;
1156 switch (fSolidType)
1157 {
1158 case 1: // convex right prism
1159 {
1160 // Intersection with Z planes
1161 //
1162 G4double dz = (z1 - z0)*0.5;
1163 G4double pz = p.z() - dz - z0;
1165 G4double invz = (v.z() == 0) ? DBL_MAX : -1./v.z();
1166 G4double ddz = (invz < 0) ? dz : -dz;
1167 G4double tzmin = (pz + ddz)*invz;
1168 G4double tzmax = (pz - ddz)*invz;
1170 // Intersection with lateral planes
1171 //
1172 std::size_t np = fPlanes.size();
1173 G4double txmin = tzmin, txmax = tzmax;
1174 for (std::size_t i=0; i<np; ++i)
1175 {
1176 G4double cosa = fPlanes[i].a*v.x()+fPlanes[i].b*v.y();
1177 G4double dist = fPlanes[i].a*p.x()+fPlanes[i].b*p.y()+fPlanes[i].d;
1178 if (dist >= -kCarToleranceHalf)
1179 {
1180 if (cosa >= 0) { return kInfinity; }
1181 G4double tmp = -dist/cosa;
1182 if (txmin < tmp) { txmin = tmp; }
1183 }
1184 else if (cosa > 0)
1185 {
1186 G4double tmp = -dist/cosa;
1187 if (txmax > tmp) { txmax = tmp; }
1188 }
1189 }
1191 // Find distance
1192 //
1193 G4double tmin = txmin, tmax = txmax;
1194 if (tmax <= tmin + kCarToleranceHalf) // touch or no hit
1195 {
1196 return kInfinity;
1197 }
1198 return (tmin < kCarToleranceHalf) ? 0. : tmin;
1199 }
1200 case 2: // non-convex right prism
1201 {
1202 }
1203 }
#define DBL_MAX
Definition templates.hh:62

◆ DistanceToOut() [1/2]

G4double G4ExtrudedSolid::DistanceToOut ( const G4ThreeVector & p) const

Implements G4VSolid.

Definition at line 1330 of file

1332 switch (fSolidType)
1333 {
1334 case 1: // convex right prism
1335 {
1336 G4double dist = std::max(fZSections[0].fZ-p.z(),p.z()-fZSections[1].fZ);
1337 std::size_t np = fPlanes.size();
1338 for (std::size_t i=0; i<np; ++i)
1339 {
1340 G4double dd = fPlanes[i].a*p.x() + fPlanes[i].b*p.y() + fPlanes[i].d;
1341 if (dd > dist) dist = dd;
1342 }
1343 return (dist < 0) ? -dist : 0.;
1344 }
1345 case 2: // non-convex right prism
1346 {
1347 G4double distz = std::max(fZSections[0].fZ-p.z(),p.z()-fZSections[1].fZ);
1348 G4bool in = PointInPolygon(p);
1349 if (distz >= 0 || (!in)) return 0; // point is outside
1350 return std::min(-distz,std::sqrt(DistanceToPolygonSqr(p)));
1351 }
1352 }
1354 // General case: use tessellated solid
G4double DistanceToOut(const G4ThreeVector &p) const override

◆ DistanceToOut() [2/2]

G4double G4ExtrudedSolid::DistanceToOut ( const G4ThreeVector & p,
const G4ThreeVector & v,
const G4bool calcNorm = false,
G4bool * validNorm = nullptr,
G4ThreeVector * n = nullptr ) const

Implements G4VSolid.

Definition at line 1248 of file

1254 G4bool getnorm = calcNorm;
1255 if (getnorm) *validNorm = true;
1257 G4double z0 = fZSections[0].fZ;
1258 G4double z1 = fZSections[fNz-1].fZ;
1259 if ((p.z() <= z0 + kCarToleranceHalf) && v.z() < 0)
1260 {
1261 if (getnorm) n->set(0,0,-1);
1262 return 0;
1263 }
1264 if ((p.z() >= z1 - kCarToleranceHalf) && v.z() > 0)
1265 {
1266 if (getnorm) n->set(0,0,1);
1267 return 0;
1268 }
1270 switch (fSolidType)
1271 {
1272 case 1: // convex right prism
1273 {
1274 // Intersection with Z planes
1275 //
1276 G4double dz = (z1 - z0)*0.5;
1277 G4double pz = p.z() - 0.5 * (z0 + z1);
1279 G4double vz = v.z();
1280 G4double tmax = (vz == 0) ? DBL_MAX : (std::copysign(dz,vz) - pz)/vz;
1281 G4int iside = (vz < 0) ? -4 : -2; // little trick: (-4+3)=-1, (-2+3)=+1
1283 // Intersection with lateral planes
1284 //
1285 std::size_t np = fPlanes.size();
1286 for (std::size_t i=0; i<np; ++i)
1287 {
1288 G4double cosa = fPlanes[i].a*v.x()+fPlanes[i].b*v.y();
1289 if (cosa > 0)
1290 {
1291 G4double dist = fPlanes[i].a*p.x()+fPlanes[i].b*p.y()+fPlanes[i].d;
1292 if (dist >= -kCarToleranceHalf)
1293 {
1294 if (getnorm) n->set(fPlanes[i].a, fPlanes[i].b, fPlanes[i].c);
1295 return 0;
1296 }
1297 G4double tmp = -dist/cosa;
1298 if (tmax > tmp) { tmax = tmp; iside = (G4int)i; }
1299 }
1300 }
1302 // Set normal, if required, and return distance
1303 //
1304 if (getnorm)
1305 {
1306 if (iside < 0)
1307 { n->set(0, 0, iside + 3); } // (-4+3)=-1, (-2+3)=+1
1308 else
1309 { n->set(fPlanes[iside].a, fPlanes[iside].b, fPlanes[iside].c); }
1310 }
1311 return tmax;
1312 }
1313 case 2: // non-convex right prism
1314 {
1315 }
1316 }
1318 // Override the base class function to redefine validNorm
1319 // (the solid can be concave)
1321 G4double distOut =
1322 G4TessellatedSolid::DistanceToOut(p, v, calcNorm, validNorm, n);
1323 if (validNorm != nullptr) { *validNorm = fIsConvex; }
1325 return distOut;

◆ GetEntityType()

G4GeometryType G4ExtrudedSolid::GetEntityType ( ) const

Implements G4VSolid.

Definition at line 831 of file

833 // Return entity type
835 return fGeometryType;

◆ GetNofVertices()

G4int G4ExtrudedSolid::GetNofVertices ( ) const

◆ GetNofZSections()

G4int G4ExtrudedSolid::GetNofZSections ( ) const

◆ GetPolygon()

std::vector< G4TwoVector > G4ExtrudedSolid::GetPolygon ( ) const

◆ GetVertex()

G4TwoVector G4ExtrudedSolid::GetVertex ( G4int index) const

◆ GetZSection()

ZSection G4ExtrudedSolid::GetZSection ( G4int index) const

◆ GetZSections()

std::vector< ZSection > G4ExtrudedSolid::GetZSections ( ) const

◆ Inside()

EInside G4ExtrudedSolid::Inside ( const G4ThreeVector & p) const

Implements G4VSolid.

Definition at line 847 of file

849 switch (fSolidType)
850 {
851 case 1: // convex right prism
852 {
853 G4double dist = std::max(fZSections[0].fZ-p.z(),p.z()-fZSections[1].fZ);
854 if (dist > kCarToleranceHalf) { return kOutside; }
856 std::size_t np = fPlanes.size();
857 for (std::size_t i=0; i<np; ++i)
858 {
859 G4double dd = fPlanes[i].a*p.x() + fPlanes[i].b*p.y() + fPlanes[i].d;
860 if (dd > dist) { dist = dd; }
861 }
862 if (dist > kCarToleranceHalf) { return kOutside; }
863 return (dist > -kCarToleranceHalf) ? kSurface : kInside;
864 }
865 case 2: // non-convex right prism
866 {
867 G4double distz = std::max(fZSections[0].fZ-p.z(),p.z()-fZSections[1].fZ);
868 if (distz > kCarToleranceHalf) { return kOutside; }
870 G4bool in = PointInPolygon(p);
871 if (distz > -kCarToleranceHalf && in) { return kSurface; }
873 G4double dd = DistanceToPolygonSqr(p) - kCarToleranceHalf*kCarToleranceHalf;
874 if (in)
875 {
876 return (dd >= 0) ? kInside : kSurface;
877 }
878 else
879 {
880 return (dd > 0) ? kOutside : kSurface;
881 }
882 }
883 }
885 // Override the base class function as it fails in case of concave polygon.
886 // Project the point in the original polygon scale and check if it is inside
887 // for each triangle.
889 // Check first if outside extent
890 //
891 if ( p.x() < GetMinXExtent() - kCarToleranceHalf ||
897 {
898 // G4cout << "G4ExtrudedSolid::Outside extent: " << p << G4endl;
899 return kOutside;
900 }
902 // Project point p(z) to the polygon scale p0
903 //
904 G4TwoVector pscaled = ProjectPoint(p);
906 // Check if on surface of polygon
907 //
908 for ( G4int i=0; i<(G4int)fNv; ++i )
909 {
910 G4int j = (i+1) % fNv;
911 if ( IsSameLineSegment(pscaled, fPolygon[i], fPolygon[j]) )
912 {
913 // G4cout << "G4ExtrudedSolid::Inside return Surface (on polygon) "
914 // << G4endl;
916 return kSurface;
917 }
918 }
920 // Now check if inside triangles
921 //
922 auto it = fTriangles.cbegin();
923 G4bool inside = false;
924 do // Loop checking, 13.08.2015, G.Cosmo
925 {
926 if ( IsPointInside(fPolygon[(*it)[0]], fPolygon[(*it)[1]],
927 fPolygon[(*it)[2]], pscaled) ) { inside = true; }
928 ++it;
929 } while ( (!inside) && (it != fTriangles.cend()) );
931 if ( inside )
932 {
933 // Check if on surface of z sides
934 //
935 if ( std::fabs( p.z() - fZSections[0].fZ ) < kCarToleranceHalf ||
936 std::fabs( p.z() - fZSections[fNz-1].fZ ) < kCarToleranceHalf )
937 {
938 // G4cout << "G4ExtrudedSolid::Inside return Surface (on z side)"
939 // << G4endl;
941 return kSurface;
942 }
944 // G4cout << "G4ExtrudedSolid::Inside return Inside" << G4endl;
946 return kInside;
947 }
949 // G4cout << "G4ExtrudedSolid::Inside return Outside " << G4endl;
951 return kOutside;
G4double GetMinYExtent() const
G4double GetMinZExtent() const
G4double GetMaxYExtent() const
G4double GetMaxZExtent() const
G4double GetMaxXExtent() const
G4double GetMinXExtent() const
@ kInside
Definition geomdefs.hh:70
@ kOutside
Definition geomdefs.hh:68
@ kSurface
Definition geomdefs.hh:69

◆ operator=()

G4ExtrudedSolid & G4ExtrudedSolid::operator= ( const G4ExtrudedSolid & rhs)

Definition at line 296 of file

298 // Check assignment to self
299 //
300 if (this == &rhs) { return *this; }
302 // Copy base class data
303 //
306 // Copy data
307 //
308 fNv = rhs.fNv; fNz = rhs.fNz;
309 fPolygon = rhs.fPolygon; fZSections = rhs.fZSections;
310 fTriangles = rhs.fTriangles; fIsConvex = rhs.fIsConvex;
311 fGeometryType = rhs.fGeometryType;
312 fSolidType = rhs.fSolidType; fPlanes = rhs.fPlanes;
313 fLines = rhs.fLines; fLengths = rhs.fLengths;
314 fKScales = rhs.fKScales; fScale0s = rhs.fScale0s;
315 fKOffsets = rhs.fKOffsets; fOffset0s = rhs.fOffset0s;
317 return *this;
G4TessellatedSolid & operator=(const G4TessellatedSolid &right)

◆ StreamInfo()

std::ostream & G4ExtrudedSolid::StreamInfo ( std::ostream & os) const

Implements G4VSolid.

Definition at line 1509 of file

1511 G4long oldprc = os.precision(16);
1512 os << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
1513 << " *** Dump for solid - " << GetName() << " ***\n"
1514 << " ===================================================\n"
1515 << " Solid geometry type: " << fGeometryType << G4endl;
1517 if ( fIsConvex)
1518 { os << " Convex polygon; list of vertices:" << G4endl; }
1519 else
1520 { os << " Concave polygon; list of vertices:" << G4endl; }
1522 for ( std::size_t i=0; i<fNv; ++i )
1523 {
1524 os << std::setw(5) << "#" << i
1525 << " vx = " << fPolygon[i].x()/mm << " mm"
1526 << " vy = " << fPolygon[i].y()/mm << " mm" << G4endl;
1527 }
1529 os << " Sections:" << G4endl;
1530 for ( std::size_t iz=0; iz<fNz; ++iz )
1531 {
1532 os << " z = " << fZSections[iz].fZ/mm << " mm "
1533 << " x0= " << fZSections[iz].fOffset.x()/mm << " mm "
1534 << " y0= " << fZSections[iz].fOffset.y()/mm << " mm "
1535 << " scale= " << fZSections[iz].fScale << G4endl;
1536 }
1539 // Triangles (for debugging)
1540 os << G4endl;
1541 os << " Triangles:" << G4endl;
1542 os << " Triangle # vertex1 vertex2 vertex3" << G4endl;
1544 G4int counter = 0;
1545 std::vector< std::vector<G4int> >::const_iterator it;
1546 for ( it = fTriangles.begin(); it != fTriangles.end(); it++ ) {
1547 std::vector<G4int> triangle = *it;
1548 os << std::setw(10) << counter++
1549 << std::setw(10) << triangle[0] << std::setw(10) << triangle[1]
1550 << std::setw(10) << triangle[2]
1551 << G4endl;
1552 }
1554 os.precision(oldprc);
1556 return os;
long G4long
Definition G4Types.hh:87
#define G4endl
Definition G4ios.hh:67

◆ SurfaceNormal()

G4ThreeVector G4ExtrudedSolid::SurfaceNormal ( const G4ThreeVector & p) const

Implements G4VSolid.

Definition at line 956 of file

958 G4int nsurf = 0;
959 G4double nx = 0., ny = 0., nz = 0.;
960 switch (fSolidType)
961 {
962 case 1: // convex right prism
963 {
964 if (std::abs(p.z() - fZSections[0].fZ) <= kCarToleranceHalf)
965 {
966 nz = -1; ++nsurf;
967 }
968 if (std::abs(p.z() - fZSections[1].fZ) <= kCarToleranceHalf)
969 {
970 nz = 1; ++nsurf;
971 }
972 for (std::size_t i=0; i<fNv; ++i)
973 {
974 G4double dd = fPlanes[i].a*p.x() + fPlanes[i].b*p.y() + fPlanes[i].d;
975 if (std::abs(dd) > kCarToleranceHalf) continue;
976 nx += fPlanes[i].a;
977 ny += fPlanes[i].b;
978 ++nsurf;
979 }
980 break;
981 }
982 case 2: // non-convex right prism
983 {
984 if (std::abs(p.z() - fZSections[0].fZ) <= kCarToleranceHalf)
985 {
986 nz = -1; ++nsurf;
987 }
988 if (std::abs(p.z() - fZSections[1].fZ) <= kCarToleranceHalf)
989 {
990 nz = 1; ++nsurf;
991 }
993 G4double sqrCarToleranceHalf = kCarToleranceHalf*kCarToleranceHalf;
994 for (std::size_t i=0, k=fNv-1; i<fNv; k=i++)
995 {
996 G4double ix = p.x() - fPolygon[i].x();
997 G4double iy = p.y() - fPolygon[i].y();
998 G4double u = fPlanes[i].a*iy - fPlanes[i].b*ix;
999 if (u < 0)
1000 {
1001 if (ix*ix + iy*iy > sqrCarToleranceHalf) continue;
1002 }
1003 else if (u > fLengths[i])
1004 {
1005 G4double kx = p.x() - fPolygon[k].x();
1006 G4double ky = p.y() - fPolygon[k].y();
1007 if (kx*kx + ky*ky > sqrCarToleranceHalf) continue;
1008 }
1009 else
1010 {
1011 G4double dd = fPlanes[i].a*p.x() + fPlanes[i].b*p.y() + fPlanes[i].d;
1012 if (dd*dd > sqrCarToleranceHalf) continue;
1013 }
1014 nx += fPlanes[i].a;
1015 ny += fPlanes[i].b;
1016 ++nsurf;
1017 }
1018 break;
1019 }
1020 default:
1021 {
1023 }
1024 }
1026 // Return normal (right prism)
1027 //
1028 if (nsurf == 1)
1029 {
1030 return { nx,ny,nz };
1031 }
1032 else if (nsurf != 0) // edge or corner
1033 {
1034 return G4ThreeVector(nx,ny,nz).unit();
1035 }
1036 else
1037 {
1038 // Point is not on the surface, compute approximate normal
1039 //
1040#ifdef G4CSGDEBUG
1041 std::ostringstream message;
1042 G4long oldprc = message.precision(16);
1043 message << "Point p is not on surface (!?) of solid: "
1044 << GetName() << G4endl;
1045 message << "Position:\n";
1046 message << " p.x() = " << p.x()/mm << " mm\n";
1047 message << " p.y() = " << p.y()/mm << " mm\n";
1048 message << " p.z() = " << p.z()/mm << " mm";
1049 G4cout.precision(oldprc) ;
1050 G4Exception("G4TesselatedSolid::SurfaceNormal(p)", "GeomSolids1002",
1051 JustWarning, message );
1052 DumpInfo();
1054 return ApproxSurfaceNormal(p);
1055 }
CLHEP::Hep3Vector G4ThreeVector
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
Hep3Vector unit() const
G4ThreeVector SurfaceNormal(const G4ThreeVector &p) const override

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