80G4double G4SeltzerBergerModel::gYLimitData[] = { 0.0 };
82G4SBBremTable* G4SeltzerBergerModel::gSBSamplingTable =
85const G4double G4SeltzerBergerModel::gBremFactor
86 = 16. * CLHEP::fine_structure_const * CLHEP::classic_electr_radius
87 * CLHEP::classic_electr_radius/3.;
90const G4double G4SeltzerBergerModel::gMigdalConstant
91 = 4. * CLHEP::pi * CLHEP::classic_electr_radius
92 * CLHEP::electron_Compton_length * CLHEP::electron_Compton_length;
94static constexpr G4double twoMass = 2* CLHEP::electron_mass_c2;
95static constexpr G4double kAlpha = CLHEP::twopi*CLHEP::fine_structure_const;
96static std::once_flag applyOnce;
104 1.98550718e-02, 1.01666761e-01, 2.37233795e-01, 4.08282679e-01,
105 5.91717321e-01, 7.62766205e-01, 8.98333239e-01, 9.80144928e-01
108 5.06142681e-02, 1.11190517e-01, 1.56853323e-01, 1.81341892e-01,
109 1.81341892e-01, 1.56853323e-01, 1.11190517e-01, 5.06142681e-02
116 fGammaParticle(
117 fLowestKinEnergy(1.0*
121 if (fPrimaryParticle != p) { SetParticle(p); }
128 for (std::size_t iz = 0; iz < gMaxZet; ++iz) {
129 if (gSBDCSData[iz]) {
130 delete gSBDCSData[iz];
131 gSBDCSData[iz] =
134 if (gSBSamplingTable) {
135 delete gSBSamplingTable;
136 gSBSamplingTable =
145 if (fPrimaryParticle != p) {
152 std::call_once(applyOnce, [
this]() { isInitializer =
true; });
159 for (
auto const & elm : *elemTable) {
160 G4int Z = std::max(1,std::min(elm->GetZasInt(), gMaxZet-1));
162 if (gSBDCSData[Z] ==
nullptr) ReadData(Z);
166 if (fIsUseSamplingTables) {
167 if (
nullptr == gSBSamplingTable) {
184 if (
nullptr != trmodel) {
185 trmodel->Initialise(p, cuts);
186 fIsScatOffElectron =
198 fPrimaryParticle = p;
202void G4SeltzerBergerModel::ReadData(
G4int Z) {
204 if (gSBDCSData[Z] !=
206 if (gSBDCSData[Z] ==
nullptr) {
207 std::ostringstream ost;
209 std::ifstream fin(ost.str().c_str());
210 if (!fin.is_open()) {
212 ed <<
"Bremsstrahlung data file <" << ost.str().c_str()
213 <<
"> is not opened!";
215 ed,
"G4LEDATA version should be G4EMLOW6.23 or later.");
221 if (v->Retrieve(fin)) {
222 v->SetBicubicInterpolation(fIsUseBicubicInterpolation);
224 gYLimitData[Z] = v->Value(0.97, emaxlog, fIndx, fIndy);
228 ed <<
"Bremsstrahlung data file <" << ost.str().c_str()
229 <<
"> is not retrieved!";
231 ed,
"G4LEDATA version should be G4EMLOW6.23 or later.");
242 return std::max(fLowestKinEnergy, cut);
254 fPrimaryKinEnergy = kinEnergy;
255 fPrimaryTotalEnergy = kinEnergy + CLHEP::electron_mass_c2;
256 fDensityCorr = fDensityFactor*fPrimaryTotalEnergy*fPrimaryTotalEnergy;
268 if (
nullptr == fPrimaryParticle) {
271 if (kineticEnergy <= fLowestKinEnergy) {
275 G4double tmax = std::min(cutEnergy, kineticEnergy);
284 const std::size_t numberOfElements = theElemVector->size();
287 for (std::size_t ie = 0; ie < numberOfElements; ++ie) {
289 G4int Z = (*theElemVector)[ie]->GetZasInt();
290 fCurrentIZ = std::min(Z, gMaxZet);
291 dedx += (Z*Z)*theAtomNumDensVector[ie]*ComputeBremLoss(tmax);
295 return std::max(dedx, 0.);
317 const G4double alphaMax = tmax/fPrimaryTotalEnergy;
323 for (
G4int l = 0; l < nSub; ++l) {
324 for (
G4int igl = 0; igl < 8; ++igl) {
326 const G4double k = (alpha_i+gXGL[igl]*delta)*fPrimaryTotalEnergy;
328 const G4double dcs = ComputeDXSectionPerAtom(k);
330 dedxInteg += gWGL[igl]*dcs/(1.0+fDensityCorr/(k*k));
336 dedxInteg *= delta*fPrimaryTotalEnergy;
337 return std::max(dedxInteg,0.);
351 if (
nullptr == fPrimaryParticle) {
354 if (kineticEnergy <= fLowestKinEnergy) {
358 const G4double tmin = std::min(cut, kineticEnergy);
359 const G4double tmax = std::min(maxEnergy, kineticEnergy);
364 fCurrentIZ = std::min(
G4lrint(Z), gMaxZet);
367 crossSection = ComputeXSectionPerAtom(tmin);
372 if (tmax < kineticEnergy) {
373 crossSection -= ComputeXSectionPerAtom(tmax);
376 crossSection *= Z*Z*gBremFactor;
377 return std::max(crossSection, 0.);
399 const G4double alphaMax =
400 const G4int nSub = (
404 for (
G4int l = 0; l < nSub; ++l) {
405 for (
G4int igl = 0; igl < 8; ++igl) {
407 const G4double k =
409 const G4double dcs = ComputeDXSectionPerAtom(k);
411 xSection += gWGL[igl]*dcs/(1.0+fDensityCorr/(k*k));
419 return std::max(xSection, 0.);
425 if (gammaEnergy < 0.0 || fPrimaryKinEnergy <= 0.0) {
429 const G4double x = gammaEnergy/fPrimaryKinEnergy;
434 fCurrentIZ = std::max(std::min(fCurrentIZ, gMaxZet-1), 1);
435 if (
nullptr == gSBDCSData[fCurrentIZ]) {
437 ReadData(fCurrentIZ);
441 const G4double pt2 = fPrimaryKinEnergy*(fPrimaryKinEnergy + twoMass);
442 const G4double invb2 = fPrimaryTotalEnergy*fPrimaryTotalEnergy/pt2;
443 G4double val = gSBDCSData[fCurrentIZ]->
444 dxsec = val*invb2*CLHEP::millibarn/gBremFactor;
447 const G4double invbeta1 = std::sqrt(invb2);
448 const G4double e2 = fPrimaryKinEnergy - gammaEnergy;
451 (e2 + CLHEP::electron_mass_c2)/std::sqrt(e2*(e2 + twoMass));
452 const G4double dum0 = kAlpha*fCurrentIZ*(invbeta1-invbeta2);
453 if (dum0 < gExpNumLimit) {
456 dxsec *=
474 const G4double tmin = std::min(cutEnergy, kinEnergy);
475 const G4double tmax = std::min(maxEnergy, kinEnergy);
482 logKinEnergy, tmin, tmax);
483 fCurrentIZ = std::max(std::min(elm->
GetZasInt(), gMaxZet-1), 1);
485 const G4double totMomentum = std::sqrt(kinEnergy*(kinEnergy + twoMass));
493 const G4double gammaEnergy = !fIsUseSamplingTables
494 ? SampleEnergyTransfer(kinEnergy, logKinEnergy, tmin, tmax)
496 fDensityCorr, fCurrentIZ, couple->
GetIndex(), fIsElectron);
498 if (gammaEnergy <= 0.) {
505 fPrimaryTotalEnergy-gammaEnergy, fCurrentIZ, couple->
508 vdp->push_back(gamma);
513 const G4double finalE = kinEnergy - gammaEnergy;
const G4double kinEnergy,
551 if (
nullptr == gSBDCSData[fCurrentIZ]) {
552 ReadData(fCurrentIZ);
554 vmax = gSBDCSData[fCurrentIZ]->
Value(x0, y, fIndx, fIndy)*1.02;
556 static const G4double kEPeakLim = 300.*CLHEP::MeV;
557 static const G4double kELowLim = 20.*CLHEP::keV;
559 if (fIsElectron && x0 < 0.97 &&
560 ((kinEnergy>kEPeakLim) || (kinEnergy<kELowLim))) {
561 G4double ylim = std::min(gYLimitData[fCurrentIZ],
562 1.1*gSBDCSData[fCurrentIZ]->
563 vmax = std::max(vmax, ylim);
570 static const G4int kNCountMax = 100;
574 for (
G4int nn = 0;
nn < kNCountMax; ++
nn) {
577 std::sqrt(std::max(
G4Exp(xmin + rndm[0]*xrange)-fDensityCorr,0.));
578 v = gSBDCSData[fCurrentIZ]->
Value(gammaEnergy/kinEnergy, y, fIndx, fIndy);
581 const G4double e1 = kinEnergy - tmin;
583 (e1 + CLHEP::electron_mass_c2)/std::sqrt(e1*(e1 + twoMass));
584 const G4double e2 = kinEnergy-gammaEnergy;
586 (e2 + CLHEP::electron_mass_c2)/std::sqrt(e2*(e2 + twoMass));
587 const G4double dum0 = kAlpha*fCurrentIZ*(invbeta1-invbeta2);
588 if (dum0 < gExpNumLimit) {
594 if (v > 1.05*vmax && fNumWarnings < 11) {
597 ed <<
"### G4SeltzerBergerModel Warning: Majoranta exceeded! "
598 << v <<
" > " << vmax <<
" by " << v/vmax
600 <<
" Egamma(MeV)= " << gammaEnergy
601 <<
" Ee(MeV)= " << kinEnergy
604 if (10 == fNumWarnings) {
605 ed <<
"\n ### G4SeltzerBergerModel Warnings stopped";
607 G4Exception(
610 if (v >= vmax*rndm[1]) {
std::vector< const G4Element * > G4ElementVector
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *description)
std::ostringstream G4ExceptionDescription
G4double G4Exp(G4double initial_x)
Exponential Function double precision.
G4double G4Log(G4double x)
virtual void flatArray(const int size, double *vect)=0
const G4ThreeVector & GetMomentumDirection() const
G4double GetLogKineticEnergy() const
G4double GetKineticEnergy() const
static G4Electron * Electron()
static G4ElementTable * GetElementTable()
static G4EmParameters * Instance()
G4bool EnableSamplingTable() const
const G4String & GetDirLEDATA() const
const G4Material * GetMaterial() const
const G4ElementVector * GetElementVector() const
const G4double * GetAtomicNumDensityVector() const
G4double GetElectronDensity() const
void SetProposedKineticEnergy(G4double proposedKinEnergy)
void SetProposedMomentumDirection(const G4ThreeVector &dir)
const G4String & GetParticleName() const
G4double Value(G4double x, G4double y, std::size_t &lastidx, std::size_t &lastidy) const
double SampleEnergyTransfer(const G4double eekin, const G4double leekin, const G4double gcut, const G4double dielSupConst, const G4int izet, const G4int matCutIndx, const bool iselectron)
void Initialize(const G4double lowe, const G4double highe)
G4double ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4double ekin, G4double zet, G4double, G4double cutEnergy, G4double maxEnergy=DBL_MAX) override
G4ParticleChangeForLoss * fParticleChange
void Initialise(const G4ParticleDefinition *, const G4DataVector &) override
void InitialiseLocal(const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4VEmModel *masterModel) override
void SetupForMaterial(const G4ParticleDefinition *, const G4Material *, G4double) override
void SampleSecondaries(std::vector< G4DynamicParticle * > *, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *, const G4DynamicParticle *, G4double cutEnergy, G4double maxEnergy) override
G4double MinPrimaryEnergy(const G4Material *, const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4double cutEnergy) override
G4double ComputeDEDXPerVolume(const G4Material *, const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4double ekin, G4double cutEnergy) override
~G4SeltzerBergerModel() override
G4SeltzerBergerModel(const G4ParticleDefinition *p=nullptr, const G4String &nam="eBremSB")
virtual G4ThreeVector & SampleDirection(const G4DynamicParticle *dp, G4double finalTotalEnergy, G4int Z, const G4Material *)=0
void SetElementSelectors(std::vector< G4EmElementSelector * > *)
G4VEmAngularDistribution * GetAngularDistribution()
G4double LowEnergyLimit() const
std::vector< G4EmElementSelector * > * GetElementSelectors()
G4VEmModel * GetTripletModel()
virtual G4double Value(const G4MaterialCutsCouple *, const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4double kineticEnergy)
G4double HighEnergyLimit() const
void SetCurrentElement(const G4Element *)
void SetLowEnergyLimit(G4double)
void SetAngularDistribution(G4VEmAngularDistribution *)
const G4Element * SelectTargetAtom(const G4MaterialCutsCouple *, const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4double kineticEnergy, G4double logKineticEnergy, G4double cutEnergy=0.0, G4double maxEnergy=DBL_MAX)
void InitialiseElementSelectors(const G4ParticleDefinition *, const G4DataVector &)
G4double SecondaryThreshold() const
G4ParticleChangeForLoss * GetParticleChangeForLoss()
void ProposeTrackStatus(G4TrackStatus status)