Garfield++ 3.0
A toolkit for the detailed simulation of particle detectors based on ionisation measurement in gases and semiconductors
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#include <iostream>
18#include "HeedChamber.hh"
19#include "HeedFieldMap.h"
23#include "Garfield/Random.hh"
24#include "Garfield/Sensor.hh"
25#include "Garfield/ViewDrift.hh"
27#include "Garfield/TrackHeed.hh"
29namespace {
31void ClearBank(std::vector<Heed::gparticle*>& bank) {
32 for (auto particle : bank)
33 if (particle) delete particle;
34 bank.clear();
38// Global functions and variables required by Heed
39namespace Heed {
41// Particle id number for book-keeping
45// Actual class implementation
47namespace Garfield {
50 m_className = "TrackHeed";
51 m_conductionElectrons.reserve(1000);
52 m_conductionIons.reserve(1000);
54 m_fieldMap.reset(new Heed::HeedFieldMap());
59bool TrackHeed::NewTrack(const double x0, const double y0, const double z0,
60 const double t0, const double dx0, const double dy0,
61 const double dz0) {
62 m_hasActiveTrack = false;
63 m_ready = false;
65 // Make sure the sensor has been set.
66 if (!m_sensor) {
67 std::cerr << m_className << "::NewTrack: Sensor is not defined.\n";
68 return false;
69 }
71 bool update = false;
72 if (!UpdateBoundingBox(update)) return false;
74 // Make sure the initial position is inside an ionisable medium.
75 Medium* medium = nullptr;
76 if (!m_sensor->GetMedium(x0, y0, z0, medium)) {
77 std::cerr << m_className << "::NewTrack:\n"
78 << " No medium at initial position.\n";
79 return false;
80 } else if (!medium->IsIonisable()) {
81 std::cerr << m_className << "::NewTrack:\n"
82 << " Medium at initial position is not ionisable.\n";
83 return false;
84 }
86 // Check if the medium has changed since the last call.
87 if (medium->GetName() != m_mediumName ||
88 fabs(medium->GetMassDensity() - m_mediumDensity) > 1.e-9) {
89 m_isChanged = true;
90 }
92 // If medium, particle or bounding box have changed,
93 // update the cross-sections.
94 if (m_isChanged) {
95 if (!Setup(medium)) return false;
96 m_isChanged = false;
97 m_mediumName = medium->GetName();
98 m_mediumDensity = medium->GetMassDensity();
99 }
101 ClearParticleBank();
103 m_deltaElectrons.clear();
104 m_conductionElectrons.clear();
105 m_conductionIons.clear();
107 // Check the direction vector.
108 double dx = dx0, dy = dy0, dz = dz0;
109 const double d = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
110 if (d < Small) {
111 if (m_debug) {
112 std::cout << m_className << "::NewTrack:\n"
113 << " Direction vector has zero norm.\n"
114 << " Initial direction is randomized.\n";
115 }
116 // Null vector. Sample the direction isotropically.
117 RndmDirection(dx, dy, dz);
118 } else {
119 // Normalise the direction vector.
120 dx /= d;
121 dy /= d;
122 dz /= d;
123 }
124 Heed::vec velocity(dx, dy, dz);
125 velocity = velocity * Heed::CLHEP::c_light * GetBeta();
127 if (m_debug) {
128 std::cout << m_className << "::NewTrack:\n Track starts at (" << x0
129 << ", " << y0 << ", " << z0 << ") at time " << t0 << "\n"
130 << " Direction: (" << dx << ", " << dy << ", " << dz << ")\n";
131 }
133 // Initial position (shift with respect to bounding box center and
134 // convert from cm to mm).
135 Heed::point p0((x0 - m_cX) * 10., (y0 - m_cY) * 10., (z0 - m_cZ) * 10.);
137 // Setup the particle.
139 if (m_particleName == "e-") {
140 particleType = &Heed::electron_def;
141 } else if (m_particleName == "e+") {
142 particleType = &Heed::positron_def;
143 } else if (m_particleName == "mu-") {
144 particleType = &Heed::muon_minus_def;
145 } else if (m_particleName == "mu+") {
146 particleType = &Heed::muon_plus_def;
147 } else if (m_particleName == "pi-") {
148 particleType = &Heed::pi_minus_meson_def;
149 } else if (m_particleName == "pi+") {
150 particleType = &Heed::pi_plus_meson_def;
151 } else if (m_particleName == "K-") {
152 particleType = &Heed::K_minus_meson_def;
153 } else if (m_particleName == "K+") {
154 particleType = &Heed::K_plus_meson_def;
155 } else if (m_particleName == "p") {
156 particleType = &Heed::proton_def;
157 } else if (m_particleName == "pbar") {
158 particleType = &Heed::anti_proton_def;
159 } else if (m_particleName == "d") {
160 particleType = &Heed::deuteron_def;
161 } else if (m_particleName == "alpha") {
162 particleType = &Heed::alpha_particle_def;
163 } else if (m_particleName == "exotic") {
164 // User defined particle
167 particleType = &Heed::user_particle_def;
168 } else {
169 // Not a predefined particle, use muon definition.
170 if (m_q > 0.) {
171 particleType = &Heed::muon_minus_def;
172 } else {
173 particleType = &Heed::muon_plus_def;
174 }
175 }
177 Heed::HeedParticle particle(m_chamber.get(), p0, velocity, t0, particleType,
178 m_fieldMap.get());
179 // Set the step limits.
180 particle.set_step_limits(m_maxStep * Heed::CLHEP::cm,
181 m_radStraight * Heed::CLHEP::cm,
182 m_stepAngleStraight * Heed::CLHEP::rad,
183 m_stepAngleCurved * Heed::CLHEP::rad);
184 // Transport the particle.
186 m_bankIterator = m_particleBank.begin();
187 m_hasActiveTrack = true;
188 m_ready = true;
190 // Plot the new track.
191 if (m_usePlotting) PlotNewTrack(x0, y0, z0);
192 return true;
196 if (!m_ready) {
197 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetClusterDensity:\n"
198 << " Track has not been initialized.\n";
199 return 0.;
200 }
202 if (!m_transferCs) {
203 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetClusterDensity:\n"
204 << " Ionisation cross-section is not available.\n";
205 return 0.;
206 }
208 return m_transferCs->quanC;
212 if (!m_ready) {
213 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetStoppingPower:\n"
214 << " Track has not been initialized.\n";
215 return 0.;
216 }
218 if (!m_transferCs) {
219 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetStoppingPower:\n"
220 << " Ionisation cross-section is not available.\n";
221 return 0.;
222 }
224 return m_transferCs->meanC1 * 1.e6;
227bool TrackHeed::GetCluster(double& xcls, double& ycls, double& zcls,
228 double& tcls, int& n, double& e, double& extra) {
229 int ni = 0;
230 return GetCluster(xcls, ycls, zcls, tcls, n, ni, e, extra);
233bool TrackHeed::GetCluster(double& xcls, double& ycls, double& zcls,
234 double& tcls, int& ne, int& ni, double& e,
235 double& extra) {
236 // Initialise and reset.
237 xcls = ycls = zcls = tcls = 0.;
238 extra = 0.;
239 ne = ni = 0;
240 e = 0.;
242 m_deltaElectrons.clear();
243 m_conductionElectrons.clear();
244 m_conductionIons.clear();
246 // Make sure NewTrack has been called successfully.
247 if (!m_ready) {
248 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetCluster:\n"
249 << " Track has not been initialized. Call NewTrack first.\n";
250 return false;
251 }
253 if (m_particleBank.empty()) return false;
254 std::vector<Heed::gparticle*>::const_iterator end = m_particleBank.end();
255 if (m_bankIterator == end) return false;
257 // Look for the next cluster (i. e. virtual photon) in the list.
258 Heed::HeedPhoton* virtualPhoton = nullptr;
259 for (; m_bankIterator != end; ++m_bankIterator) {
260 // Convert the particle to a (virtual) photon.
261 virtualPhoton = dynamic_cast<Heed::HeedPhoton*>(*m_bankIterator);
262 if (!virtualPhoton) {
263 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetCluster:\n"
264 << " Particle is not a virtual photon. Program bug!\n";
265 // Try the next element.
266 continue;
267 }
269 // Get the location of the interaction (convert from mm to cm
270 // and shift with respect to bounding box center).
271 xcls = virtualPhoton->position().x * 0.1 + m_cX;
272 ycls = virtualPhoton->position().y * 0.1 + m_cY;
273 zcls = virtualPhoton->position().z * 0.1 + m_cZ;
274 tcls = virtualPhoton->time();
275 // Skip clusters outside the drift area or outside the active medium.
276 if (!IsInside(xcls, ycls, zcls)) continue;
277 // Add the first ion (at the position of the cluster).
278 m_conductionIons.emplace_back(
279 Heed::HeedCondElectron(Heed::point(virtualPhoton->position()), tcls));
280 ++m_bankIterator;
281 break;
282 }
284 // Stop if we did not find a virtual photon.
285 if (!virtualPhoton) return false;
286 // Plot the cluster, if requested.
287 if (m_usePlotting) PlotCluster(xcls, ycls, zcls);
289 std::vector<Heed::gparticle*> secondaries;
290 // Transport the virtual photon.
291 virtualPhoton->fly(secondaries);
292 // Get the transferred energy (convert from MeV to eV).
293 e = virtualPhoton->m_energy * 1.e6;
295 while (!secondaries.empty()) {
296 std::vector<Heed::gparticle*> newSecondaries;
297 // Loop over the secondaries.
298 for (auto secondary : secondaries) {
299 // Check if it is a delta electron.
300 auto delta = dynamic_cast<Heed::HeedDeltaElectron*>(secondary);
301 if (delta) {
302 extra += delta->kinetic_energy() * 1.e6;
303 const double x = delta->position().x * 0.1 + m_cX;
304 const double y = delta->position().y * 0.1 + m_cY;
305 const double z = delta->position().z * 0.1 + m_cZ;
306 if (!IsInside(x, y, z)) continue;
307 if (m_doDeltaTransport) {
308 // Transport the delta electron.
309 delta->fly(newSecondaries);
310 // Add the conduction electrons and ions to the list.
311 m_conductionElectrons.insert(m_conductionElectrons.end(),
312 delta->conduction_electrons.begin(),
313 delta->conduction_electrons.end());
314 m_conductionIons.insert(m_conductionIons.end(),
315 delta->conduction_ions.begin(),
316 delta->conduction_ions.end());
317 } else {
318 // Add the delta electron to the list, for later use.
319 deltaElectron newDeltaElectron;
320 newDeltaElectron.x = delta->position().x * 0.1 + m_cX;
321 newDeltaElectron.y = delta->position().y * 0.1 + m_cY;
322 newDeltaElectron.z = delta->position().z * 0.1 + m_cZ;
323 newDeltaElectron.t = delta->time();
324 newDeltaElectron.e = delta->kinetic_energy() * 1.e6;
325 newDeltaElectron.dx = delta->direction().x;
326 newDeltaElectron.dy = delta->direction().y;
327 = delta->direction().z;
328 m_deltaElectrons.push_back(std::move(newDeltaElectron));
329 }
330 continue;
331 }
332 // Check if it is a real photon.
333 auto photon = dynamic_cast<Heed::HeedPhoton*>(secondary);
334 if (!photon) {
335 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetCluster:\n"
336 << " Particle is neither an electron nor a photon.\n";
337 }
338 extra += photon->m_energy * 1.e6;
339 const double x = photon->position().x * 0.1 + m_cX;
340 const double y = photon->position().y * 0.1 + m_cY;
341 const double z = photon->position().z * 0.1 + m_cZ;
342 if (!IsInside(x, y, z)) continue;
343 // Transport the photon.
344 if (m_usePhotonReabsorption) photon->fly(newSecondaries);
345 }
346 for (auto secondary : secondaries)
347 if (secondary) delete secondary;
348 secondaries.clear();
349 secondaries.swap(newSecondaries);
350 }
351 // Get the total number of electrons produced in this step.
352 ne = m_doDeltaTransport ? m_conductionElectrons.size()
353 : m_deltaElectrons.size();
354 ni = m_conductionIons.size();
355 return true;
358bool TrackHeed::GetElectron(const unsigned int i, double& x, double& y,
359 double& z, double& t, double& e, double& dx,
360 double& dy, double& dz) {
361 // Make sure NewTrack has successfully been called.
362 if (!m_ready) {
363 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetElectron:\n"
364 << " Track has not been initialized. Call NewTrack first.\n";
365 return false;
366 }
368 if (m_doDeltaTransport) {
369 // Make sure an electron with this number exists.
370 if (i >= m_conductionElectrons.size()) {
371 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetElectron: Index out of range.\n";
372 return false;
373 }
375 x = m_conductionElectrons[i].x * 0.1 + m_cX;
376 y = m_conductionElectrons[i].y * 0.1 + m_cY;
377 z = m_conductionElectrons[i].z * 0.1 + m_cZ;
378 t = m_conductionElectrons[i].time;
379 e = 0.;
380 dx = dy = dz = 0.;
382 } else {
383 // Make sure a delta electron with this number exists.
384 if (i >= m_deltaElectrons.size()) {
385 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetElectron:\n"
386 << " Delta electron number out of range.\n";
387 return false;
388 }
390 x = m_deltaElectrons[i].x;
391 y = m_deltaElectrons[i].y;
392 z = m_deltaElectrons[i].z;
393 t = m_deltaElectrons[i].t;
394 e = m_deltaElectrons[i].e;
395 dx = m_deltaElectrons[i].dx;
396 dy = m_deltaElectrons[i].dy;
397 dz = m_deltaElectrons[i].dz;
398 }
399 return true;
402bool TrackHeed::GetIon(const unsigned int i, double& x, double& y, double& z,
403 double& t) const {
404 // Make sure a "conduction" ion with this number exists.
405 if (i >= m_conductionIons.size()) {
406 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetIon: Index out of range.\n";
407 return false;
408 }
410 x = m_conductionIons[i].x * 0.1 + m_cX;
411 y = m_conductionIons[i].y * 0.1 + m_cY;
412 z = m_conductionIons[i].z * 0.1 + m_cZ;
413 t = m_conductionIons[i].time;
414 return true;
417void TrackHeed::TransportDeltaElectron(const double x0, const double y0,
418 const double z0, const double t0,
419 const double e0, const double dx0,
420 const double dy0, const double dz0,
421 int& nel) {
422 int ni = 0;
423 return TransportDeltaElectron(x0, y0, z0, t0, e0, dx0, dy0, dz0, nel, ni);
426void TrackHeed::TransportDeltaElectron(const double x0, const double y0,
427 const double z0, const double t0,
428 const double e0, const double dx0,
429 const double dy0, const double dz0,
430 int& nel, int& ni) {
431 nel = 0;
432 ni = 0;
434 // Check if delta electron transport was disabled.
435 if (!m_doDeltaTransport) {
436 std::cerr << m_className << "::TransportDeltaElectron:\n"
437 << " Delta electron transport has been switched off.\n";
438 return;
439 }
441 // Make sure the sensor has been set.
442 if (!m_sensor) {
443 std::cerr << m_className << "::TransportDeltaElectron:\n"
444 << " Sensor is not defined.\n";
445 m_ready = false;
446 return;
447 }
449 bool update = false;
450 if (!UpdateBoundingBox(update)) return;
452 // Make sure the initial position is inside an ionisable medium.
453 Medium* medium = nullptr;
454 if (!m_sensor->GetMedium(x0, y0, z0, medium)) {
455 std::cerr << m_className << "::TransportDeltaElectron:\n"
456 << " No medium at initial position.\n";
457 return;
458 } else if (!medium->IsIonisable()) {
459 std::cerr << "TrackHeed:TransportDeltaElectron:\n"
460 << " Medium at initial position is not ionisable.\n";
461 m_ready = false;
462 return;
463 }
465 // Check if the medium has changed since the last call.
466 if (medium->GetName() != m_mediumName ||
467 fabs(medium->GetMassDensity() - m_mediumDensity) > 1.e-9) {
468 m_isChanged = true;
469 update = true;
470 m_ready = false;
471 m_hasActiveTrack = false;
472 }
474 // If medium or bounding box have changed, update the "chamber".
475 if (update) {
476 if (!Setup(medium)) return;
477 m_ready = true;
478 m_mediumName = medium->GetName();
479 m_mediumDensity = medium->GetMassDensity();
480 }
482 m_deltaElectrons.clear();
483 m_conductionElectrons.clear();
484 m_conductionIons.clear();
486 // Initial position (shift with respect to bounding box center and
487 // convert from cm to mm).
488 Heed::point p0((x0 - m_cX) * 10., (y0 - m_cY) * 10., (z0 - m_cZ) * 10.);
490 // Make sure the kinetic energy is positive.
491 if (e0 <= 0.) {
492 // Just create a conduction electron on the spot.
493 m_conductionElectrons.emplace_back(Heed::HeedCondElectron(p0, t0));
494 nel = 1;
495 return;
496 }
498 // Check the direction vector.
499 double dx = dx0, dy = dy0, dz = dz0;
500 const double d = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
501 if (d <= 0.) {
502 // Null vector. Sample the direction isotropically.
503 RndmDirection(dx, dy, dz);
504 } else {
505 // Normalise the direction vector.
506 dx /= d;
507 dy /= d;
508 dz /= d;
509 }
510 Heed::vec velocity(dx, dy, dz);
512 // Calculate the speed for the given kinetic energy.
513 const double gamma = 1. + e0 / ElectronMass;
514 const double beta = sqrt(1. - 1. / (gamma * gamma));
515 double speed = Heed::CLHEP::c_light * beta;
516 velocity = velocity * speed;
518 // Transport the electron.
519 std::vector<Heed::gparticle*> secondaries;
520 Heed::HeedDeltaElectron delta(m_chamber.get(), p0, velocity, t0, 0,
521 m_fieldMap.get());
523 ClearBank(secondaries);
525 m_conductionElectrons.swap(delta.conduction_electrons);
526 m_conductionIons.swap(delta.conduction_ions);
527 nel = m_conductionElectrons.size();
528 ni = m_conductionIons.size();
531void TrackHeed::TransportPhoton(const double x0, const double y0,
532 const double z0, const double t0,
533 const double e0, const double dx0,
534 const double dy0, const double dz0, int& nel) {
535 int ni = 0;
536 TransportPhoton(x0, y0, z0, t0, e0, dx0, dy0, dz0, nel, ni);
539void TrackHeed::TransportPhoton(const double x0, const double y0,
540 const double z0, const double t0,
541 const double e0, const double dx0,
542 const double dy0, const double dz0, int& nel,
543 int& ni) {
544 nel = 0;
545 ni = 0;
547 // Make sure the energy is positive.
548 if (e0 <= 0.) {
549 std::cerr << m_className << "::TransportPhoton:\n"
550 << " Photon energy must be positive.\n";
551 return;
552 }
554 // Make sure the sensor has been set.
555 if (!m_sensor) {
556 std::cerr << m_className << "::TransportPhoton: Sensor is not defined.\n";
557 m_ready = false;
558 return;
559 }
561 bool update = false;
562 if (!UpdateBoundingBox(update)) return;
564 // Make sure the initial position is inside an ionisable medium.
565 Medium* medium = nullptr;
566 if (!m_sensor->GetMedium(x0, y0, z0, medium)) {
567 std::cerr << m_className << "::TransportPhoton:\n"
568 << " No medium at initial position.\n";
569 return;
570 } else if (!medium->IsIonisable()) {
571 std::cerr << "TrackHeed:TransportPhoton:\n"
572 << " Medium at initial position is not ionisable.\n";
573 m_ready = false;
574 return;
575 }
577 // Check if the medium has changed since the last call.
578 if (medium->GetName() != m_mediumName ||
579 fabs(medium->GetMassDensity() - m_mediumDensity) > 1.e-9) {
580 m_isChanged = true;
581 update = true;
582 m_ready = false;
583 }
585 // If medium or bounding box have changed, update the "chamber".
586 if (update) {
587 if (!Setup(medium)) return;
588 m_ready = true;
589 m_mediumName = medium->GetName();
590 m_mediumDensity = medium->GetMassDensity();
591 }
593 // Delete the particle bank.
594 // Clusters from the current track will be lost.
595 m_hasActiveTrack = false;
596 ClearParticleBank();
597 m_deltaElectrons.clear();
598 m_conductionElectrons.clear();
599 m_conductionIons.clear();
601 // Check the direction vector.
602 double dx = dx0, dy = dy0, dz = dz0;
603 const double d = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
604 if (d <= 0.) {
605 // Null vector. Sample the direction isotropically.
606 RndmDirection(dx, dy, dz);
607 } else {
608 // Normalise the direction vector.
609 dx /= d;
610 dy /= d;
611 dz /= d;
612 }
613 Heed::vec velocity(dx, dy, dz);
614 velocity = velocity * Heed::CLHEP::c_light;
616 // Initial position (shift with respect to bounding box center and
617 // convert from cm to mm).
618 Heed::point p0((x0 - m_cX) * 10., (y0 - m_cY) * 10., (z0 - m_cZ) * 10.);
620 // Create and transport the photon.
621 Heed::HeedPhoton photon(m_chamber.get(), p0, velocity, t0, 0, e0 * 1.e-6,
622 m_fieldMap.get());
623 std::vector<Heed::gparticle*> secondaries;
626 while (!secondaries.empty()) {
627 std::vector<Heed::gparticle*> newSecondaries;
628 // Loop over the particle bank and look for daughter particles.
629 std::vector<Heed::gparticle*>::iterator it;
630 for (it = secondaries.begin(); it != secondaries.end(); ++it) {
631 // Check if it is a delta electron.
632 auto delta = dynamic_cast<Heed::HeedDeltaElectron*>(*it);
633 if (delta) {
634 if (m_doDeltaTransport) {
635 // Transport the delta electron.
636 delta->fly(newSecondaries);
637 // Add the conduction electrons to the list.
638 m_conductionElectrons.insert(m_conductionElectrons.end(),
639 delta->conduction_electrons.begin(),
640 delta->conduction_electrons.end());
641 m_conductionIons.insert(m_conductionIons.end(),
642 delta->conduction_ions.begin(),
643 delta->conduction_ions.end());
644 } else {
645 // Add the delta electron to the list, for later use.
646 deltaElectron newDeltaElectron;
647 newDeltaElectron.x = delta->position().x * 0.1 + m_cX;
648 newDeltaElectron.y = delta->position().y * 0.1 + m_cY;
649 newDeltaElectron.z = delta->position().z * 0.1 + m_cZ;
650 newDeltaElectron.t = delta->time();
651 newDeltaElectron.e = delta->kinetic_energy() * 1.e6;
652 newDeltaElectron.dx = delta->direction().x;
653 newDeltaElectron.dy = delta->direction().y;
654 = delta->direction().z;
655 m_deltaElectrons.push_back(std::move(newDeltaElectron));
656 }
657 continue;
658 }
659 // Check if it is a fluorescence photon.
660 auto fluorescencePhoton = dynamic_cast<Heed::HeedPhoton*>(*it);
661 if (!fluorescencePhoton) {
662 std::cerr << m_className << "::TransportPhoton:\n"
663 << " Unknown secondary particle.\n";
664 ClearBank(secondaries);
665 ClearBank(newSecondaries);
666 return;
667 }
668 fluorescencePhoton->fly(newSecondaries);
669 }
670 secondaries.swap(newSecondaries);
671 ClearBank(newSecondaries);
672 }
673 ClearBank(secondaries);
674 // Get the total number of electrons produced in this step.
675 nel = m_doDeltaTransport ? m_conductionElectrons.size()
676 : m_deltaElectrons.size();
677 ni = m_conductionIons.size();
680void TrackHeed::EnableElectricField() { m_fieldMap->UseEfield(true); }
681void TrackHeed::DisableElectricField() { m_fieldMap->UseEfield(false); }
682void TrackHeed::EnableMagneticField() { m_fieldMap->UseBfield(true); }
683void TrackHeed::DisableMagneticField() { m_fieldMap->UseBfield(false); }
685void TrackHeed::SetEnergyMesh(const double e0, const double e1,
686 const int nsteps) {
687 if (fabs(e1 - e0) < Small) {
688 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetEnergyMesh:\n"
689 << " Invalid energy range:\n"
690 << " " << e0 << " < E [eV] < " << e1 << "\n";
691 return;
692 }
694 if (nsteps <= 0) {
695 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetEnergyMesh:\n"
696 << " Number of intervals must be > 0.\n";
697 return;
698 }
700 m_emin = std::min(e0, e1);
701 m_emax = std::max(e0, e1);
702 m_emin *= 1.e-6;
703 m_emax *= 1.e-6;
704 m_nEnergyIntervals = nsteps;
707void TrackHeed::SetParticleUser(const double m, const double z) {
708 if (fabs(z) < Small) {
709 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetParticleUser:\n"
710 << " Particle cannot have zero charge.\n";
711 return;
712 }
713 if (m < Small) {
714 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetParticleUser:\n"
715 << " Particle mass must be greater than zero.\n";
716 }
717 m_q = z;
718 m_mass = m;
719 m_isElectron = false;
720 m_spin = 0;
721 m_particleName = "exotic";
724bool TrackHeed::Setup(Medium* medium) {
725 // Make sure the path to the Heed database is known.
726 std::string databasePath;
727 char* dbPath = std::getenv("HEED_DATABASE");
728 if (dbPath == NULL) {
730 dbPath = std::getenv("GARFIELD_HOME");
731 if (dbPath == NULL) {
732 std::cerr << m_className << "::Setup:\n Cannot retrieve database path "
733 << "(environment variables HEED_DATABASE and GARFIELD_HOME "
734 << "are not defined).\n Cannot proceed.\n";
735 return false;
736 }
737 databasePath = std::string(dbPath) + "/Heed/heed++/database";
738 } else {
739 databasePath = dbPath;
740 }
741 if (databasePath[databasePath.size() - 1] != '/') {
742 databasePath.append("/");
743 }
745 // Check once more that the medium exists.
746 if (!medium) {
747 std::cerr << m_className << "::Setup: Null pointer.\n";
748 return false;
749 }
751 // Setup the energy mesh.
752 m_energyMesh.reset(new Heed::EnergyMesh(m_emin, m_emax, m_nEnergyIntervals));
754 if (medium->IsGas()) {
755 if (!SetupGas(medium)) return false;
756 } else {
757 if (!SetupMaterial(medium)) return false;
758 }
760 // Energy transfer cross-section
761 // Set a flag indicating whether the primary particle is an electron.
762 m_transferCs.reset(new Heed::EnTransfCS(1.e-6 * m_mass, GetGamma() - 1.,
763 m_isElectron, m_matter.get(),
764 long(m_q)));
766 if (!SetupDelta(databasePath)) return false;
768 if (m_debug) {
769 const double nc = m_transferCs->quanC;
770 const double dedx = m_transferCs->meanC * 1.e3;
771 const double dedx1 = m_transferCs->meanC1 * 1.e3;
772 const double w = m_matter->W * 1.e6;
773 const double f = m_matter->F;
774 const double minI = m_matter->min_ioniz_pot * 1.e6;
775 std::cout << m_className << "::Setup:\n";
776 std::cout << " Cluster density: " << nc << " cm-1\n";
777 std::cout << " Stopping power (restricted): " << dedx << " keV/cm\n";
778 std::cout << " Stopping power (incl. tail): " << dedx1 << " keV/cm\n";
779 std::cout << " W value: " << w << " eV\n";
780 std::cout << " Fano factor: " << f << "\n";
781 std::cout << " Min. ionization potential: " << minI << " eV\n";
782 }
784 Heed::fixsyscoor primSys(Heed::point(0., 0., 0.), Heed::basis("primary"),
785 "primary");
786 m_chamber.reset(new HeedChamber(primSys, m_lX, m_lY, m_lZ,
787 *m_transferCs.get(), *m_deltaCs.get()));
788 m_fieldMap->SetSensor(m_sensor);
789 return true;
792bool TrackHeed::SetupGas(Medium* medium) {
793 // Get temperature and pressure.
794 double pressure = medium->GetPressure();
795 pressure = (pressure / AtmosphericPressure) * Heed::CLHEP::atmosphere;
796 double temperature = medium->GetTemperature();
798 const int nComponents = medium->GetNumberOfComponents();
799 if (nComponents < 1) {
800 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetupGas:\n";
801 std::cerr << " Gas " << medium->GetName() << " has zero constituents.\n";
802 return false;
803 }
805 std::vector<Heed::MolecPhotoAbsCS*> molPacs(nComponents, nullptr);
806 std::vector<std::string> notations;
807 std::vector<double> fractions;
809 for (int i = 0; i < nComponents; ++i) {
810 std::string gasname;
811 double frac;
812 medium->GetComponent(i, gasname, frac);
813 // If necessary, change the Magboltz name to the Heed internal name.
814 if (gasname == "He-3") gasname = "He";
815 if (gasname == "CD4") gasname = "CH4";
816 if (gasname == "iC4H10" || gasname == "nC4H10") gasname = "C4H10";
817 if (gasname == "neoC5H12" || gasname == "nC5H12") gasname = "C5H12";
818 if (gasname == "H2O") gasname = "Water";
819 if (gasname == "D2") gasname = "H2";
820 if (gasname == "cC3H6") gasname = "C3H6";
821 // Find the corresponding photoabsorption cross-section.
822 if (gasname == "CF4")
823 molPacs[i] = &Heed::CF4_MPACS;
824 else if (gasname == "Ar")
825 molPacs[i] = &Heed::Ar_MPACS;
826 else if (gasname == "He")
827 molPacs[i] = &Heed::He_MPACS;
828 else if (gasname == "Ne")
829 molPacs[i] = &Heed::Ne_MPACS;
830 else if (gasname == "Kr")
831 molPacs[i] = &Heed::Kr_MPACS;
832 else if (gasname == "Xe")
833 molPacs[i] = &Heed::Xe_MPACS;
834 else if (gasname == "CH4")
835 molPacs[i] = &Heed::CH4_MPACS;
836 else if (gasname == "C2H6")
837 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C2H6_MPACS;
838 else if (gasname == "C3H8")
839 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C3H8_MPACS;
840 else if (gasname == "C4H10")
841 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C4H10_MPACS;
842 else if (gasname == "CO2")
843 molPacs[i] = &Heed::CO2_MPACS;
844 else if (gasname == "C5H12")
845 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C5H12_MPACS;
846 else if (gasname == "Water")
847 molPacs[i] = &Heed::H2O_MPACS;
848 else if (gasname == "O2")
849 molPacs[i] = &Heed::O2_MPACS;
850 else if (gasname == "N2" || gasname == "N2 (Phelps)")
851 molPacs[i] = &Heed::N2_MPACS;
852 else if (gasname == "NO")
853 molPacs[i] = &Heed::NO_MPACS;
854 else if (gasname == "N2O")
855 molPacs[i] = &Heed::N2O_MPACS;
856 else if (gasname == "C2H4")
857 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C2H4_MPACS;
858 else if (gasname == "C2H2")
859 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C2H2_MPACS;
860 else if (gasname == "H2")
861 molPacs[i] = &Heed::H2_MPACS;
862 else if (gasname == "CO")
863 molPacs[i] = &Heed::CO_MPACS;
864 else if (gasname == "Methylal")
865 molPacs[i] = &Heed::Methylal_MPACS;
866 else if (gasname == "DME")
867 molPacs[i] = &Heed::DME_MPACS;
868 else if (gasname == "C2F6")
869 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C2F6_MPACS;
870 else if (gasname == "SF6")
871 molPacs[i] = &Heed::SF6_MPACS;
872 else if (gasname == "NH3")
873 molPacs[i] = &Heed::NH3_MPACS;
874 else if (gasname == "C3H6")
875 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C3H6_MPACS;
876 else if (gasname == "CH3OH")
877 molPacs[i] = &Heed::CH3OH_MPACS;
878 else if (gasname == "C2H5OH")
879 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C2H5OH_MPACS;
880 else if (gasname == "C3H7OH")
881 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C3H7OH_MPACS;
882 else if (gasname == "Cs")
883 molPacs[i] = &Heed::Cs_MPACS;
884 else if (gasname == "F2")
885 molPacs[i] = &Heed::F2_MPACS;
886 else if (gasname == "CS2")
887 molPacs[i] = &Heed::CS2_MPACS;
888 else if (gasname == "COS")
889 molPacs[i] = &Heed::COS_MPACS;
890 else if (gasname == "CD4")
891 molPacs[i] = &Heed::CH4_MPACS;
892 else if (gasname == "BF3")
893 molPacs[i] = &Heed::BF3_MPACS;
894 else if (gasname == "C2HF5")
895 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C2HF5_MPACS;
896 else if (gasname == "C2H2F4")
897 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C2H2F4_MPACS;
898 else if (gasname == "CHF3")
899 molPacs[i] = &Heed::CHF3_MPACS;
900 else if (gasname == "CF3Br")
901 molPacs[i] = &Heed::CF3Br_MPACS;
902 else if (gasname == "C3F8")
903 molPacs[i] = &Heed::C3F8_MPACS;
904 else if (gasname == "O3")
905 molPacs[i] = &Heed::O3_MPACS;
906 else if (gasname == "Hg")
907 molPacs[i] = &Heed::Hg_MPACS;
908 else if (gasname == "H2S")
909 molPacs[i] = &Heed::H2S_MPACS;
910 else if (gasname == "GeH4")
911 molPacs[i] = &Heed::GeH4_MPACS;
912 else if (gasname == "SiH4")
913 molPacs[i] = &Heed::SiH4_MPACS;
914 else {
915 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetupGas:\n Photoabsorption "
916 << "cross-section for " << gasname << " not available.\n";
917 return false;
918 }
919 notations.push_back(gasname);
920 fractions.push_back(frac);
921 }
922 if (m_usePacsOutput) {
923 std::ofstream pacsfile;
924"heed_pacs.txt", std::ios::out);
925 const int nValues = m_energyMesh->get_q();
926 if (nValues > 0) {
927 for (int i = 0; i < nValues; ++i) {
928 double e = m_energyMesh->get_e(i);
929 pacsfile << 1.e6 * e << " ";
930 for (int j = 0; j < nComponents; ++j) {
931 pacsfile << molPacs[j]->get_ACS(e) << " " << molPacs[j]->get_ICS(e)
932 << " ";
933 }
934 pacsfile << "\n";
935 }
936 }
937 pacsfile.close();
938 }
940 const std::string gasname = FindUnusedMaterialName(medium->GetName());
941 m_gas.reset(new Heed::GasDef(gasname, gasname, nComponents, notations,
942 fractions, pressure, temperature, -1.));
944 const double w = std::max(medium->GetW() * 1.e-6, 0.);
945 double f = medium->GetFanoFactor();
946 if (f <= 0.) f = Heed::standard_factor_Fano;
948 m_matter.reset(
949 new Heed::HeedMatterDef(m_energyMesh.get(), m_gas.get(), molPacs, w, f));
951 return true;
954bool TrackHeed::SetupMaterial(Medium* medium) {
955 // Get temperature and density.
956 double temperature = medium->GetTemperature();
957 const double density =
958 medium->GetMassDensity() * Heed::CLHEP::gram / Heed::CLHEP::cm3;
960 const int nComponents = medium->GetNumberOfComponents();
961 std::vector<Heed::AtomPhotoAbsCS*> atPacs(nComponents, nullptr);
963 std::vector<std::string> notations;
964 std::vector<double> fractions;
965 for (int i = 0; i < nComponents; ++i) {
966 std::string materialName;
967 double frac;
968 medium->GetComponent(i, materialName, frac);
969 if (materialName == "C")
970 atPacs[i] = &Heed::Carbon_PACS;
971 else if (materialName == "Si")
972 atPacs[i] = &Heed::Silicon_crystal_PACS;
973 // else if (materialName == "Si") atPacs[i] = &Heed::Silicon_G4_PACS;
974 else if (materialName == "Ga")
975 atPacs[i] = &Heed::Gallium_for_GaAs_PACS;
976 else if (materialName == "Ge")
977 atPacs[i] = &Heed::Germanium_PACS;
978 else if (materialName == "As")
979 atPacs[i] = &Heed::Arsenic_for_GaAs_PACS;
980 else if (materialName == "Cd")
981 atPacs[i] = &Heed::Cadmium_for_CdTe_PACS;
982 else if (materialName == "Te")
984 else {
985 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetupMaterial:\n";
986 std::cerr << " Photoabsorption cross-section data for " << materialName
987 << " are not implemented.\n";
988 return false;
989 }
990 notations.push_back(materialName);
991 fractions.push_back(frac);
992 }
993 if (m_usePacsOutput) {
994 std::ofstream pacsfile;
995"heed_pacs.txt", std::ios::out);
996 const int nValues = m_energyMesh->get_q();
997 if (nValues > 0) {
998 for (int i = 0; i < nValues; ++i) {
999 double e = m_energyMesh->get_e(i);
1000 pacsfile << 1.e6 * e << " ";
1001 for (int j = 0; j < nComponents; ++j) {
1002 pacsfile << atPacs[j]->get_ACS(e) << " " << atPacs[j]->get_ICS(e)
1003 << " ";
1004 }
1005 pacsfile << "\n";
1006 }
1007 }
1008 pacsfile.close();
1009 }
1010 const std::string materialName = FindUnusedMaterialName(medium->GetName());
1011 m_material.reset(new Heed::MatterDef(materialName, materialName, nComponents,
1012 notations, fractions, density,
1013 temperature));
1015 double w = medium->GetW() * 1.e-6;
1016 if (w < 0.) w = 0.;
1017 double f = medium->GetFanoFactor();
1018 if (f <= 0.) f = Heed::standard_factor_Fano;
1020 m_matter.reset(new Heed::HeedMatterDef(m_energyMesh.get(), m_material.get(),
1021 atPacs, w, f));
1023 return true;
1026bool TrackHeed::SetupDelta(const std::string& databasePath) {
1027 // Load elastic scattering data.
1028 std::string filename = databasePath + "cbdel.dat";
1029 m_elScat.reset(new Heed::ElElasticScat(filename));
1031 filename = databasePath + "elastic_disp.dat";
1032 m_lowSigma.reset(new Heed::ElElasticScatLowSigma(m_elScat.get(), filename));
1034 // Load data for calculation of ionization.
1035 // Get W value and Fano factor.
1036 const double w = m_matter->W * 1.e6;
1037 const double f = m_matter->F;
1038 filename = databasePath + "delta_path.dat";
1039 m_pairProd.reset(new Heed::PairProd(filename, w, f));
1041 m_deltaCs.reset(new Heed::HeedDeltaElectronCS(
1042 m_matter.get(), m_elScat.get(), m_lowSigma.get(), m_pairProd.get()));
1043 return true;
1046double TrackHeed::GetW() const { return m_matter->W * 1.e6; }
1047double TrackHeed::GetFanoFactor() const { return m_matter->F; }
1049std::string TrackHeed::FindUnusedMaterialName(const std::string& namein) {
1050 std::string nameout = namein;
1051 unsigned int counter = 0;
1052 while (Heed::MatterDef::get_MatterDef(nameout)) {
1053 nameout = namein + "_" + std::to_string(counter);
1054 ++counter;
1055 }
1056 return nameout;
1059void TrackHeed::ClearParticleBank() {
1061 ClearBank(m_particleBank);
1062 m_bankIterator = m_particleBank.end();
1065bool TrackHeed::IsInside(const double x, const double y, const double z) {
1066 // Check if the point is inside the drift area.
1067 if (!m_sensor->IsInArea(x, y, z)) return false;
1068 // Check if the point is inside a medium.
1069 Medium* medium = nullptr;
1070 if (!m_sensor->GetMedium(x, y, z, medium)) return false;
1071 // Make sure the medium has not changed.
1072 if (medium->GetName() != m_mediumName ||
1073 fabs(medium->GetMassDensity() - m_mediumDensity) > 1.e-9 ||
1074 !medium->IsIonisable()) {
1075 return false;
1076 }
1077 return true;
1080bool TrackHeed::UpdateBoundingBox(bool& update) {
1081 // Get the bounding box.
1082 double xmin = 0., ymin = 0., zmin = 0.;
1083 double xmax = 0., ymax = 0., zmax = 0.;
1084 if (!m_sensor->GetArea(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax)) {
1085 std::cerr << m_className << "::UpdateBoundingBox: Drift area is not set.\n";
1086 m_ready = false;
1087 return false;
1088 }
1089 // Check if the bounding box has changed.
1090 const double lx = fabs(xmax - xmin);
1091 const double ly = fabs(ymax - ymin);
1092 const double lz = fabs(zmax - zmin);
1093 if (m_debug) {
1094 std::cout << m_className << "::UpdateBoundingBox:\n"
1095 << " Bounding box dimensions:\n"
1096 << " x: " << lx << " cm\n"
1097 << " y: " << ly << " cm\n"
1098 << " z: " << lz << " cm\n";
1099 }
1100 if (fabs(lx - m_lX) > Small || fabs(ly - m_lY) > Small ||
1101 fabs(lz - m_lZ) > Small) {
1102 m_lX = lx;
1103 m_lY = ly;
1104 m_lZ = lz;
1105 m_isChanged = true;
1106 update = true;
1107 m_hasActiveTrack = false;
1108 }
1109 // Update the center of the bounding box.
1110 m_cX = (std::isinf(xmin) || std::isinf(xmax)) ? 0. : 0.5 * (xmin + xmax);
1111 m_cY = (std::isinf(ymin) || std::isinf(ymax)) ? 0. : 0.5 * (ymin + ymax);
1112 m_cZ = (std::isinf(zmin) || std::isinf(zmax)) ? 0. : 0.5 * (zmin + zmax);
1113 if (m_debug) {
1114 std::cout << m_className << "::UpdateBoundingBox:\n"
1115 << " Center of bounding box:\n"
1116 << " x: " << m_cX << " cm\n"
1117 << " y: " << m_cY << " cm\n"
1118 << " z: " << m_cZ << " cm\n";
1119 }
1121 m_fieldMap->SetSensor(m_sensor);
1122 m_fieldMap->SetCentre(m_cX, m_cY, m_cZ);
1124 return true;
Abstract base class for media.
Definition: Medium.hh:13
virtual double GetMassDensity() const
Get the mass density [g/cm3].
const std::string & GetName() const
Get the medium name/identifier.
Definition: Medium.hh:23
virtual bool IsGas() const
Is this medium a gas?
Definition: Medium.hh:25
bool IsIonisable() const
Is charge deposition by charged particles/photon enabled in this medium?
Definition: Medium.hh:78
bool IsInArea(const double x, const double y, const double z)
Check if a point is inside the user area.
bool GetMedium(const double x, const double y, const double z, Medium *&medium)
Get the medium at (x, y, z).
bool GetArea(double &xmin, double &ymin, double &zmin, double &xmax, double &ymax, double &zmax)
Return the current user area.
void EnableMagneticField()
Take the magnetic field into account in the stepping algorithm.
void SetEnergyMesh(const double e0, const double e1, const int nsteps)
bool GetCluster(double &xcls, double &ycls, double &zcls, double &tcls, int &n, double &e, double &extra) override
void EnableElectricField()
Take the electric field into account in the stepping algorithm.
void DisableMagneticField()
Do not take the magnetic field into account in the stepping algorithm.
void TransportDeltaElectron(const double x0, const double y0, const double z0, const double t0, const double e0, const double dx0, const double dy0, const double dz0, int &ne, int &ni)
double GetFanoFactor() const
Return the Fano factor of the medium (of the last simulated track).
bool NewTrack(const double x0, const double y0, const double z0, const double t0, const double dx0, const double dy0, const double dz0) override
bool GetElectron(const unsigned int i, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &t, double &e, double &dx, double &dy, double &dz)
void TransportPhoton(const double x0, const double y0, const double z0, const double t0, const double e0, const double dx0, const double dy0, const double dz0, int &ne, int &ni)
bool GetIon(const unsigned int i, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &t) const
virtual ~TrackHeed()
double GetW() const
Return the W value of the medium (of the last simulated track).
void SetParticleUser(const double m, const double z)
double GetClusterDensity() override
void DisableElectricField()
Do not take the electric field into account in the stepping algorithm.
double GetStoppingPower() override
Get the stopping power (mean energy loss [eV] per cm).
Abstract base class for track generation.
Definition: Track.hh:14
Sensor * m_sensor
Definition: Track.hh:112
bool m_debug
Definition: Track.hh:119
double GetBeta() const
Return the speed ( ) of the projectile.
Definition: Track.hh:54
double GetGamma() const
Return the Lorentz factor of the projectile.
Definition: Track.hh:56
bool m_isElectron
Definition: Track.hh:109
bool m_isChanged
Definition: Track.hh:114
double m_q
Definition: Track.hh:104
std::string m_particleName
Definition: Track.hh:110
void PlotCluster(const double x0, const double y0, const double z0)
std::string m_className
Definition: Track.hh:102
bool m_usePlotting
Definition: Track.hh:116
double m_mass
Definition: Track.hh:106
void PlotNewTrack(const double x0, const double y0, const double z0)
std::vector< HeedCondElectron > conduction_electrons
std::vector< HeedCondElectron > conduction_ions
Retrieve electric and magnetic field from Sensor.
Definition: HeedFieldMap.h:15
double m_energy
Photon energy [MeV].
Definition: HeedPhoton.h:36
static MatterDef * get_MatterDef(const std::string &fnotation)
Definition: MatterDef.cpp:120
Definition: vec.h:311
vfloat time() const
Get the current time of the particle.
Definition: gparticle.h:176
const vec & position() const
Get the current position of the particle.
Definition: gparticle.h:174
virtual void fly(std::vector< gparticle * > &secondaries)
Transport the particle.
Definition: gparticle.h:154
void set_step_limits(const vfloat fmax_range, const vfloat frad_for_straight, const vfloat fmax_straight_arange, const vfloat fmax_circ_arange)
Set limits/parameters for trajectory steps.
Definition: gparticle.h:163
double kinetic_energy() const
Get the current kinetic energy.
Definition: mparticle.h:34
void set_mass(const double m)
void set_charge(const double z)
Definition: vec.h:366
Definition: vec.h:177
vfloat x
Definition: vec.h:190
vfloat z
Definition: vec.h:192
vfloat y
Definition: vec.h:191
void RndmDirection(double &dx, double &dy, double &dz, const double length=1.)
Draw a random (isotropic) direction vector.
Definition: Random.hh:107
Definition: BGMesh.cpp:6
ExAtomPhotoAbsCS Gallium_for_GaAs_PACS(31, shelllist_dir_name+"shelllist_solid.dat", pacs_table_dir_name+"Ga.dat", "Ga_for_GaAs")
Definition: PhotoAbsCSLib.h:51
ExAtomPhotoAbsCS Tellurium_for_CdTe_PACS(52, shelllist_dir_name+"shelllist_solid.dat", pacs_table_dir_name+"Te.dat", "Te_for_CdTe")
Definition: PhotoAbsCSLib.h:61
MolecPhotoAbsCS C2H2_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS Methylal_MPACS
particle_def pi_minus_meson_def("pi_minus_meson", "pi-", 139.56755 *MeV/c_squared, -eplus, 0, 0, 0.0, spin_def(1.0, -1.0))
Definition: particle_def.h:114
particle_def pi_plus_meson_def("pi_plus_meson", "pi+", 139.56755 *MeV/c_squared, eplus, 0, 0, 0.0, spin_def(1.0, 1.0))
Definition: particle_def.h:112
MolecPhotoAbsCS CF4_MPACS
ExAtomPhotoAbsCS Silicon_crystal_PACS(14, shelllist_dir_name+"shelllist_solid.dat", pacs_table_dir_name+"Si.dat", "Si_crystal")
Definition: PhotoAbsCSLib.h:44
particle_def muon_minus_def("muon_minus", "mu-", 105.658367 *MeV/c_squared, electron_charge, 1, 0, 0.5, spin_def(0.0, 0.0))
Definition: particle_def.h:101
MolecPhotoAbsCS CS2_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS NH3_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS CF3Br_MPACS
long last_particle_number
Definition: HeedParticle.h:9
particle_def alpha_particle_def("alpha_particle", "alpha", 3727.417 *MeV/c_squared, 2 *eplus, 0, 4, 0.0, spin_def(0.0, 0.0))
Definition: particle_def.h:120
particle_def anti_proton_def("", "p-", proton_def)
Definition: particle_def.h:104
MolecPhotoAbsCS Cs_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS C2H6_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS O2_MPACS
particle_def deuteron_def("deuteron", "dtr", 1875.613 *MeV/c_squared, eplus, 0, 2, 0.0, spin_def(0.0, 0.0))
Definition: particle_def.h:119
MolecPhotoAbsCS SiH4_MPACS
particle_def proton_def("proton", "p+", proton_mass_c2/c_squared, eplus, 0, 1, 0.5, spin_def(0.5, 0.5))
Definition: particle_def.h:103
MolecPhotoAbsCS SF6_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS F2_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS C2H2F4_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS H2O_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS C2H4_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS C2F6_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS CO2_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS O3_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS N2_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS Hg_MPACS
particle_def K_minus_meson_def("K_minus_meson_def", "K-", K_plus_meson_def)
Definition: particle_def.h:117
MolecPhotoAbsCS N2O_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS Kr_MPACS
ExAtomPhotoAbsCS Arsenic_for_GaAs_PACS(33, shelllist_dir_name+"shelllist_solid.dat", pacs_table_dir_name+"As.dat", "As_for_GaAs")
Definition: PhotoAbsCSLib.h:55
MolecPhotoAbsCS He_MPACS
particle_def K_plus_meson_def("K_plus_meson_def", "K+", 493.677 *MeV/c_squared, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, spin_def(0.5, -0.5))
Definition: particle_def.h:116
MolecPhotoAbsCS C2HF5_MPACS
particle_def user_particle_def("user_particle", "X", 139.56755 *MeV/c_squared, eplus, 0, 0, 0.0, spin_def(0.0, 0.0))
Definition: particle_def.h:123
ExAtomPhotoAbsCS Germanium_PACS(32, shelllist_dir_name+"shelllist.dat", pacs_table_dir_name+"Ge.dat")
ExAtomPhotoAbsCS Cadmium_for_CdTe_PACS(48, shelllist_dir_name+"shelllist_solid.dat", pacs_table_dir_name+"Cd.dat", "Cd_for_CdTe")
Definition: PhotoAbsCSLib.h:59
DoubleAc fabs(const DoubleAc &f)
Definition: DoubleAc.h:615
MolecPhotoAbsCS BF3_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS H2_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS H2S_MPACS
particle_def muon_plus_def("muon_plus", "mu+", muon_minus_def)
Definition: particle_def.h:102
particle_def positron_def("positron", "e+", electron_def)
Definition: particle_def.h:100
particle_def electron_def("electron", "e-", electron_mass_c2/c_squared, electron_charge, 1, 0, 0.5, spin_def(0.0, 0.0))
Definition: particle_def.h:99
MolecPhotoAbsCS C3H7OH_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS C3F8_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS NO_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS Ne_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS C3H6_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS C4H10_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS Xe_MPACS
ExAtomPhotoAbsCS Carbon_PACS(6, shelllist_dir_name+"shelllist.dat", pacs_table_dir_name+"C.dat")
Definition: PhotoAbsCSLib.h:27
MolecPhotoAbsCS Ar_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS C3H8_MPACS
constexpr double standard_factor_Fano
Definition: PhotoAbsCS.h:575
MolecPhotoAbsCS C5H12_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS C2H5OH_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS CHF3_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS CH4_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS CO_MPACS
MolecPhotoAbsCS GeH4_MPACS