28#ifndef G4ChannelingFastSimCrystalData_h
29#define G4ChannelingFastSimCrystalData_h 1
37#include <unordered_map>
98 long long int fNChannelx=0;
100 long long int fNChannely=0;
104 G4int fNpointsx=0,fNpointsy=0;
110 std::vector <G4double> fN0;
111 std::vector <G4double> fU1;
112 std::vector <G4double> fZ1;
113 std::vector <G4double> fAN;
Definition of the G4ChannelingFastSimInterpolation class The class includes spline interpolation coef...
Definition of the G4VChannelingFastSimCrystalData class The class contains the data and properties re...
G4ThreeVector CoordinatesFromBoxToLattice(const G4ThreeVector &pos0)
void SetMaterialProperties(const G4Material *crystal, const G4String &lattice)
G4double AngleXShift(G4double z)
auxialiary function to transform the horizontal angle
virtual ~G4ChannelingFastSimCrystalData()=default
G4double AngleXFromBoxToLattice(G4double tx, G4double z)
G4ThreeVector ChannelChange(G4double &x, G4double &y, G4double &z)
change the channel if necessary, recalculate x o y
G4ThreeVector CoordinatesFromLatticeToBox(const G4ThreeVector &pos)
G4double AngleXFromLatticeToBox(G4double tx, G4double z)
G4double GetCUtetax(G4double z)
get crystalline undulator wave 1st derivative function