56 slaterEffectiveCharge[0]=0.;
57 slaterEffectiveCharge[1]=0.;
58 slaterEffectiveCharge[2]=0.;
63 lowEnergyLimitForA[1] = 0 * eV;
64 lowEnergyLimitForA[2] = 0 * eV;
65 lowEnergyLimitForA[3] = 0 * eV;
66 lowEnergyLimitOfModelForA[1] = 100 * eV;
67 lowEnergyLimitOfModelForA[4] = 1 * keV;
68 lowEnergyLimitOfModelForA[5] = 0.5 * MeV;
69 killBelowEnergyForA[1] = lowEnergyLimitOfModelForA[1];
70 killBelowEnergyForA[4] = lowEnergyLimitOfModelForA[4];
71 killBelowEnergyForA[5] = lowEnergyLimitOfModelForA[5];
83 G4cout <<
"Rudd ionisation model is constructed " <<
91 fAtomDeexcitation = 0;
105 std::map< G4String,G4DNACrossSectionDataSet*,std::less<G4String> >::iterator pos;
106 for (pos = tableData.begin(); pos != tableData.end(); ++pos)
123 if (verboseLevel > 3)
124 G4cout <<
"Calling G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel::Initialise()" <<
128 G4String fileProton(
129 G4String fileHydrogen(
130 G4String fileAlphaPlusPlus(
131 G4String fileAlphaPlus(
132 G4String fileHelium(
133 G4String fileLithium(
134 G4String fileBeryllium(
135 G4String fileBoron(
136 G4String fileCarbon(
137 G4String fileNitrogen(
138 G4String fileOxygen(
139 G4String fileSilicon(
140 G4String fileIron(
186 tableFile[proton] = fileProton;
187 lowEnergyLimit[proton] = lowEnergyLimitForA[1];
188 highEnergyLimit[proton] = 500. * keV;
196 tableData[proton] = tableProton;
201 tableFile[hydrogen] = fileHydrogen;
203 lowEnergyLimit[hydrogen] = lowEnergyLimitForA[1];
204 highEnergyLimit[hydrogen] = 100. * MeV;
211 tableHydrogen->
213 tableData[hydrogen] = tableHydrogen;
218 tableFile[alphaPlusPlus] = fileAlphaPlusPlus;
220 lowEnergyLimit[alphaPlusPlus] = lowEnergyLimitForA[4];
221 highEnergyLimit[alphaPlusPlus] = 400. * MeV;
228 tableAlphaPlusPlus->
230 tableData[alphaPlusPlus] = tableAlphaPlusPlus;
235 tableFile[alphaPlus] = fileAlphaPlus;
237 lowEnergyLimit[alphaPlus] = lowEnergyLimitForA[4];
238 highEnergyLimit[alphaPlus] = 400. * MeV;
245 tableAlphaPlus->
246 tableData[alphaPlus] = tableAlphaPlus;
251 tableFile[helium] = fileHelium;
253 lowEnergyLimit[helium] = lowEnergyLimitForA[4];
254 highEnergyLimit[helium] = 400. * MeV;
262 tableData[helium] = tableHelium;
267 tableFile[lithium] = fileLithium;
272 lowEnergyLimit[lithium] = 0.5*7*MeV;
273 highEnergyLimit[lithium] = 1e6*7*MeV;
281 tableLithium->
282 tableData[lithium] = tableLithium;
287 tableFile[beryllium] = fileBeryllium;
292 lowEnergyLimit[beryllium] = 0.5*9*MeV;
293 highEnergyLimit[beryllium] = 1e6*9*MeV;
301 tableBeryllium->
302 tableData[beryllium] = tableBeryllium;
307 tableFile[boron] = fileBoron;
312 lowEnergyLimit[boron] = 0.5*11*MeV;
313 highEnergyLimit[boron] = 1e6*11*MeV;
322 tableData[boron] = tableBoron;
327 tableFile[carbon] = fileCarbon;
332 lowEnergyLimit[carbon] = 0.5*12*MeV;
333 highEnergyLimit[carbon] = 1e6*12*MeV;
342 tableData[carbon] = tableCarbon;
347 tableFile[oxygen] = fileOxygen;
352 lowEnergyLimit[oxygen] = 0.5*16*MeV;
353 highEnergyLimit[oxygen] = 1e6*16*MeV;
362 tableData[oxygen] = tableOxygen;
367 tableFile[nitrogen] = fileNitrogen;
372 lowEnergyLimit[nitrogen] = 0.5*14*MeV;
373 highEnergyLimit[nitrogen] = 1e6*14*MeV;
381 tableNitrogen->
382 tableData[nitrogen] = tableNitrogen;
387 tableFile[silicon] = fileSilicon;
391 lowEnergyLimit[silicon] = 0.5*28*MeV;
392 highEnergyLimit[silicon] = 1e6*28*MeV;
400 tableSilicon->
401 tableData[silicon] = tableSilicon;
406 tableFile[iron] = fileIron;
411 lowEnergyLimit[iron] = 0.5*56*MeV;
412 highEnergyLimit[iron] = 1e6*56*MeV;
421 tableData[iron] = tableIron;
431 if (particle==protonDef)
437 if (particle==hydrogenDef)
443 if (particle==heliumDef)
449 if (particle==alphaPlusDef)
455 if (particle==alphaPlusPlusDef)
461 if (particle==lithiumDef)
467 if (particle==berylliumDef)
473 if (particle==boronDef)
479 if (particle==carbonDef)
485 if (particle==nitrogenDef)
491 if (particle==oxygenDef)
497 if (particle==siliconDef)
503 if (particle==ironDef)
513 G4cout <<
"Rudd ionisation model is initialized " <<
528 if (isInitialised) {
return; }
530 isInitialised =
545 if (verboseLevel > 3)
546 G4cout <<
"Calling CrossSectionPerVolume() of G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel" <<
556 particleDefinition != instance->
558 particleDefinition != instance->
560 particleDefinition != instance->
562 particleDefinition != instance->
595 || particleDefinition == instance->
598 lowLim = lowEnergyLimitOfModelForA[1];
600 else if ( particleDefinition == instance->
601 || particleDefinition == instance->
602 || particleDefinition == instance->
605 lowLim = lowEnergyLimitOfModelForA[4];
607 else lowLim = lowEnergyLimitOfModelForA[5];
617 std::map< G4String,G4double,std::less<G4String> >::iterator pos2;
618 pos2 = highEnergyLimit.find(particleName);
620 if (pos2 != highEnergyLimit.end())
622 highLim = pos2->second;
630 if (k < lowLim) k = lowLim;
634 std::map< G4String,G4DNACrossSectionDataSet*,std::less<G4String> >::iterator pos;
635 pos = tableData.find(particleName);
637 if (pos != tableData.end())
647 G4Exception(
653 if (verboseLevel > 2)
655 G4cout <<
"__________________________________" <<
656 G4cout <<
"G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel - XS INFO START" <<
658 G4cout <<
"Cross section per water molecule (cm^2)=" << sigma/cm/cm <<
659 G4cout <<
"Cross section per water molecule (cm^-1)=" << sigma*waterDensity/(1./cm) <<
662 G4cout <<
"G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel - XS INFO END" <<
666 return sigma*waterDensity;
683 if (verboseLevel > 3)
684 G4cout <<
"Calling SampleSecondaries() of G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel" <<
730 std::map< G4String,G4double,std::less<G4String> >::iterator pos2;
731 pos2 = highEnergyLimit.find(particleName);
733 if (pos2 != highEnergyLimit.end()) highLim = pos2->second;
735 if (k >= lowLim && k <= highLim)
748 G4int ionizationShell = RandomSelect(k,particleName);
758 if (k<bindingEnergy)
761 G4double secondaryKinetic = RandomizeEjectedElectronEnergy(definition,k,ionizationShell);
771 fvect->push_back(dp);
807 size_t secNumberInit = 0;
808 size_t secNumberFinal = 0;
810 G4double scatteredEnergy = k-bindingEnergy-secondaryKinetic;
813 if(fAtomDeexcitation && ionizationShell == 4)
817 secNumberInit = fvect->size();
819 secNumberFinal = fvect->size();
821 if(secNumberFinal > secNumberInit)
823 for (
size_t i=secNumberInit; i<secNumberFinal; ++i)
826 if (bindingEnergy >= ((*fvect)[i])->GetKineticEnergy())
829 bindingEnergy -= ((*fvect)[i])->GetKineticEnergy();
844 if(bindingEnergy < 0.0)
845 G4Exception(
899 proposed_energy = ProposedSampledEnergy(particleDefinition, k, shell);
903 for(
G4double en=0.; en<20.; en+=1.)
if(RejectionFunction(particleDefinition, k, en, shell) > max1)
904 max1=RejectionFunction(particleDefinition, k, en, shell);
908 value_sampling = RejectionFunction(particleDefinition, k, proposed_energy, shell);
910 }
while(random1 > value_sampling);
912 return(proposed_energy);
963 G4int ionizationLevelIndex)
965 const G4int j=ionizationLevelIndex;
968 const G4double Gj[5] = {0.99, 1.11, 1.11, 0.52, 1.};
973 const G4double Bj[5] = {12.60*eV, 14.70*eV, 18.40*eV, 32.20*eV, 540*eV};
985 Bj_energy = Bj[ionizationLevelIndex];
988 G4double energyTransfer = proposed_ws + Bj_energy;
989 proposed_ws/=Bj_energy;
994 tau = (electron_mass_c2 / particleDefinition->
GetPDGMass()) * k;
1000 if((tau/MeV)<5.447761194e-2)
1002 v2 = tau / Bj_energy;
1003 beta2 = 2.*tau / electron_mass_c2;
1008 v2 = (electron_mass_c2 / 2. / Bj_energy) * (1. - (1./ pow( (1.+ (tau/electron_mass_c2)),2) ));
1009 beta2 =1. - 1./(1.+ (tau/electron_mass_c2/A_ion))/(1.+ (tau/electron_mass_c2/A_ion));
1013 G4double wc = 4.*v2 - 2.*v - (Ry/(4.*Bj_energy));
1014 G4double rejection_term = 1.+
G4Exp(alphaConst*(proposed_ws - wc) / v);
1015 rejection_term = (1./rejection_term)*CorrectionFactor(particleDefinition,k,ionizationLevelIndex) * Gj[j];
1021 || particleDefinition == instance->
1024 return(rejection_term);
1031 G4double x = 100.*std::sqrt(beta2)/std::pow(Z,(2./3.));
1032 G4double Zeffion = Z*(1.-
1033 rejection_term*=Zeffion*Zeffion;
1036 else if (particleDefinition == instance->
"alpha++") )
1039 slaterEffectiveCharge[0]=0.;
1040 slaterEffectiveCharge[1]=0.;
1041 slaterEffectiveCharge[2]=0.;
1047 else if (particleDefinition == instance->
"alpha+") )
1050 slaterEffectiveCharge[0]=2.0;
1052 slaterEffectiveCharge[1]=2.0;
1053 slaterEffectiveCharge[2]=2.0;
1055 sCoefficient[0]=0.7;
1056 sCoefficient[1]=0.15;
1057 sCoefficient[2]=0.15;
1060 else if (particleDefinition == instance->
"helium") )
1063 slaterEffectiveCharge[0]=1.7;
1064 slaterEffectiveCharge[1]=1.15;
1065 slaterEffectiveCharge[2]=1.15;
1066 sCoefficient[0]=0.5;
1067 sCoefficient[1]=0.25;
1068 sCoefficient[2]=0.25;
1081 zEff -= ( sCoefficient[0] * S_1s(k, energyTransfer, slaterEffectiveCharge[0], 1.) +
1082 sCoefficient[1] * S_2s(k, energyTransfer, slaterEffectiveCharge[1], 2.) +
1083 sCoefficient[2] * S_2p(k, energyTransfer, slaterEffectiveCharge[2], 2.) );
1085 rejection_term*= zEff * zEff;
1088 return (rejection_term);
1097 G4int ionizationLevelIndex)
1100 const G4int j=ionizationLevelIndex;
1109 const G4double Bj[5] = {12.60*eV, 14.70*eV, 18.40*eV, 32.20*eV, 540*eV};
1145 Bj_energy = Bj[ionizationLevelIndex];
1150 tau = (electron_mass_c2 / particle->
GetPDGMass()) * k;
1156 if((tau/MeV)<5.447761194e-2)
1158 v2 = tau / Bj_energy;
1159 beta2 = 2.*tau / electron_mass_c2;
1164 v2 = (electron_mass_c2 / 2. / Bj_energy) * (1. - (1./ pow( (1.+ (tau/electron_mass_c2)),2) ));
1165 beta2 =1. - 1./(1.+ (tau/electron_mass_c2/A_ion))/(1.+ (tau/electron_mass_c2/A_ion));
1170 G4double L1 = (
C1* std::pow(v,(D1))) / (1.+ E1*std::pow(v, (D1+4.)));
1172 G4double H1 = (A1*std::log(1.+v2)) / (v2+(B1/v2));
1173 G4double H2 = (A2/v2) + (B2/(v2*v2));
1181 if( (k/MeV)/(particle->
GetPDGMass()/MeV) <= 0.1 )
1183 maximumEnergy = 4.* (electron_mass_c2 / particle->
GetPDGMass()) * k;
1188 G4double gamma = 1./sqrt(1.-beta2);
1189 maximumEnergy = 2.*electron_mass_c2*(gamma*gamma-1.)/
1190 (1.+2.*gamma*(electron_mass_c2/particle->
GetPDGMass(), 2.) );
1197 G4double wmax = maximumEnergy/Bj_energy;
1198 G4double c = wmax*(F2*wmax+F1*(2.+wmax))/(2.*(1.+wmax)*(1.+wmax));
1201 G4double proposed_ws = F1*F1*c*c + 2.*F2*c*randVal - 2.*F1*c*randVal;
1202 proposed_ws = -F1*c+2.*randVal+std::sqrt(proposed_ws);
1204 proposed_ws/= ( F1*c + F2*c - 2.*randVal );
1205 proposed_ws*=Bj_energy;
1207 return(proposed_ws);
1221 G4double r = R(t, energyTransferred, slaterEffectiveChg, shellNumber);
1222 G4double value = 1. -
G4Exp(-2 * r) * ( ( 2. * r + 2. ) * r + 1. );
1237 G4double r = R(t, energyTransferred, slaterEffectiveChg, shellNumber);
1238 G4double value = 1. -
G4Exp(-2 * r) * (((2. * r * r + 2.) * r + 2.) * r + 1.);
1254 G4double r = R(t, energyTransferred, slaterEffectiveChg, shellNumber);
1255 G4double value = 1. -
G4Exp(-2 * r) * (((( 2./3. * r + 4./3.) * r + 2.) * r + 2.) * r + 1.);
1270 G4double tElectron = 0.511/3728. * t;
1273 G4double value = std::sqrt ( 2. * tElectron / H ) / ( energyTransferred / H ) * (slaterEffectiveChg/shellNumber);
1286 if (particleDefinition == instance->
"hydrogen") && shell < 4)
1288 G4double value = (std::log10(k/eV)-4.2)/0.5;
1290 return((0.6/(1+
G4Exp(value))) + 0.9);
1307 std::map< G4String,G4DNACrossSectionDataSet*,std::less<G4String> >::iterator
1308 pos = tableData.find(particle);
1310 if (pos != tableData.end())
1327 value += valuesBuffer[i];
1338 if (valuesBuffer[i] > value)
1340 delete[] valuesBuffer;
1343 value -= valuesBuffer[i];
1346 if (valuesBuffer)
delete[] valuesBuffer;
1352 G4Exception(
1361G4double G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel::PartialCrossSection(
const G4Track& track )
1373 std::map< G4String,G4double,std::less<G4String> >::iterator pos1;
1374 pos1 = lowEnergyLimit.find(particleName);
1376 if (pos1 != lowEnergyLimit.end())
1378 lowLim = pos1->second;
1381 std::map< G4String,G4double,std::less<G4String> >::iterator pos2;
1382 pos2 = highEnergyLimit.find(particleName);
1384 if (pos2 != highEnergyLimit.end())
1386 highLim = pos2->second;
1389 if (k >= lowLim && k <= highLim)
1391 std::map< G4String,G4DNACrossSectionDataSet*,std::less<G4String> >::iterator
1392 pos = tableData.find(particleName);
1394 if (pos != tableData.end())
1404 G4Exception(
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *description)
G4double G4Exp(G4double initial_x)
Exponential Function double precision.
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
static G4DNAChemistryManager * Instance()
void CreateWaterMolecule(ElectronicModification, G4int, const G4Track *)
virtual G4double FindValue(G4double e, G4int componentId=0) const
virtual size_t NumberOfComponents(void) const
virtual const G4VEMDataSet * GetComponent(G4int componentId) const
virtual G4bool LoadData(const G4String &argFileName)
static G4DNAGenericIonsManager * Instance(void)
G4ParticleDefinition * GetIon(const G4String &name)
const std::vector< G4double > * GetNumMolPerVolTableFor(const G4Material *) const
Retrieve a table of molecular densities (number of molecules per unit volume) in the G4 unit system f...
static G4DNAMolecularMaterial * Instance()
virtual void SampleSecondaries(std::vector< G4DynamicParticle * > *, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *, const G4DynamicParticle *, G4double tmin, G4double maxEnergy)
G4ParticleChangeForGamma * fParticleChangeForGamma
virtual ~G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel()
virtual G4double CrossSectionPerVolume(const G4Material *material, const G4ParticleDefinition *p, G4double ekin, G4double emin, G4double emax)
virtual void Initialise(const G4ParticleDefinition *, const G4DataVector &)
G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel(const G4ParticleDefinition *p=0, const G4String &nam="DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel")
G4double IonisationEnergy(G4int level)
const G4ThreeVector & GetMomentumDirection() const
G4ParticleDefinition * GetDefinition() const
G4double GetKineticEnergy() const
static G4Electron * Electron()
G4ParticleDefinition * GetIon(G4int Z, G4int A, G4int lvl=0)
static G4IonTable * GetIonTable()
static G4LossTableManager * Instance()
G4VAtomDeexcitation * AtomDeexcitation()
const G4Material * GetMaterial() const
static G4Material * GetMaterial(const G4String &name, G4bool warning=true)
const G4Track * GetCurrentTrack() const
void SetProposedKineticEnergy(G4double proposedKinEnergy)
void ProposeMomentumDirection(G4double Px, G4double Py, G4double Pz)
G4int GetAtomicNumber() const
G4double GetPDGMass() const
G4int GetAtomicMass() const
G4int GetLeptonNumber() const
G4double GetPDGCharge() const
const G4String & GetParticleName() const
static G4Proton * ProtonDefinition()
const G4DynamicParticle * GetDynamicParticle() const
virtual const G4AtomicShell * GetAtomicShell(G4int Z, G4AtomicShellEnumerator shell)=0
void GenerateParticles(std::vector< G4DynamicParticle * > *secVect, const G4AtomicShell *, G4int Z, G4int coupleIndex)
virtual G4double FindValue(G4double x, G4int componentId=0) const =0
virtual G4ThreeVector & SampleDirectionForShell(const G4DynamicParticle *dp, G4double finalTotalEnergy, G4int Z, G4int shellID, const G4Material *)
void SetHighEnergyLimit(G4double)
G4VEmAngularDistribution * GetAngularDistribution()
G4ParticleChangeForGamma * GetParticleChangeForGamma()
G4double LowEnergyLimit() const
G4double HighEnergyLimit() const
void SetLowEnergyLimit(G4double)
void SetDeexcitationFlag(G4bool val)
void SetAngularDistribution(G4VEmAngularDistribution *)
void ProposeTrackStatus(G4TrackStatus status)
void ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(G4double anEnergyPart)