Garfield++ 4.0
A toolkit for the detailed simulation of particle detectors based on ionisation measurement in gases and semiconductors
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Garfield::MediumGas Class Reference

Base class for gas media. More...

#include <MediumGas.hh>

+ Inheritance diagram for Garfield::MediumGas:


struct  ExcLevel
struct  IonLevel

Public Member Functions

 MediumGas ()
virtual ~MediumGas ()
bool IsGas () const override
 Is this medium a gas?
bool SetComposition (const std::string &gas1, const double f1=1., const std::string &gas2="", const double f2=0., const std::string &gas3="", const double f3=0., const std::string &gas4="", const double f4=0., const std::string &gas5="", const double f5=0., const std::string &gas6="", const double f6=0.)
 Set the gas mixture.
void GetComposition (std::string &gas1, double &f1, std::string &gas2, double &f2, std::string &gas3, double &f3, std::string &gas4, double &f4, std::string &gas5, double &f5, std::string &gas6, double &f6)
 Retrieve the gas mixture.
void GetComponent (const unsigned int i, std::string &label, double &f) override
 Get the name and fraction of a given component.
void SetAtomicNumber (const double z) override
 Set the effective atomic number.
double GetAtomicNumber () const override
 Get the effective atomic number.
void SetAtomicWeight (const double a) override
 Set the effective atomic weight.
double GetAtomicWeight () const override
 Get the effective atomic weight.
void SetNumberDensity (const double n) override
 Set the number density [cm-3].
double GetNumberDensity () const override
 Get the number density [cm-3].
void SetMassDensity (const double rho) override
 Set the mass density [g/cm3].
double GetMassDensity () const override
 Get the mass density [g/cm3].
bool LoadGasFile (const std::string &filename)
 Read table of gas properties (transport parameters) from file.
bool WriteGasFile (const std::string &filename)
 Save the present table of gas properties (transport parameters) to a file.
bool MergeGasFile (const std::string &filename, const bool replaceOld)
 Read table of gas properties from and merge with the existing dataset.
virtual bool EnablePenningTransfer (const double r, const double lambda)
virtual bool EnablePenningTransfer (const double r, const double lambda, std::string gasname)
virtual void DisablePenningTransfer ()
 Switch the simulation of Penning transfers off globally.
virtual bool DisablePenningTransfer (std::string gasname)
 Switch the simulation of Penning transfers off for a given component.
virtual void PrintGas ()
 Print information about the present gas mixture and available data.
bool LoadIonMobility (const std::string &filename)
 Read a table of ion mobilities as function of electric field from file.
bool AdjustTownsendCoefficient ()
void ResetTables () override
 Reset all tables of transport parameters.
void SetExtrapolationMethodExcitationRates (const std::string &low, const std::string &high)
void SetExtrapolationMethodIonisationRates (const std::string &low, const std::string &high)
void SetInterpolationMethodExcitationRates (const unsigned int intrp)
void SetInterpolationMethodIonisationRates (const unsigned int intrp)
double ScaleElectricField (const double e) const override
double UnScaleElectricField (const double e) const override
double ScaleDiffusion (const double d) const override
double ScaleDiffusionTensor (const double d) const override
double ScaleTownsend (const double alpha) const override
double ScaleAttachment (const double eta) const override
double ScaleLorentzAngle (const double lor) const override
bool GetPhotoAbsorptionCrossSection (const double e, double &sigma, const unsigned int i) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Garfield::Medium
 Medium ()
virtual ~Medium ()
int GetId () const
 Return the id number of the class instance.
const std::string & GetName () const
 Get the medium name/identifier.
virtual bool IsGas () const
 Is this medium a gas?
virtual bool IsSemiconductor () const
 Is this medium a semiconductor?
virtual bool IsConductor () const
 Is this medium a conductor?
void SetTemperature (const double t)
 Set the temperature [K].
double GetTemperature () const
 Get the temperature [K].
void SetPressure (const double p)
double GetPressure () const
void SetDielectricConstant (const double eps)
 Set the relative static dielectric constant.
double GetDielectricConstant () const
 Get the relative static dielectric constant.
unsigned int GetNumberOfComponents () const
 Get number of components of the medium.
virtual void GetComponent (const unsigned int i, std::string &label, double &f)
 Get the name and fraction of a given component.
virtual void SetAtomicNumber (const double z)
 Set the effective atomic number.
virtual double GetAtomicNumber () const
 Get the effective atomic number.
virtual void SetAtomicWeight (const double a)
 Set the effective atomic weight.
virtual double GetAtomicWeight () const
 Get the effective atomic weight.
virtual void SetNumberDensity (const double n)
 Set the number density [cm-3].
virtual double GetNumberDensity () const
 Get the number density [cm-3].
virtual void SetMassDensity (const double rho)
 Set the mass density [g/cm3].
virtual double GetMassDensity () const
 Get the mass density [g/cm3].
virtual void EnableDrift (const bool on=true)
 Switch electron/ion/hole on/off.
virtual void EnablePrimaryIonisation (const bool on=true)
 Make the medium ionisable or non-ionisable.
bool IsDriftable () const
 Is charge carrier transport enabled in this medium?
bool IsMicroscopic () const
 Does the medium have electron scattering rates?
bool IsIonisable () const
 Is charge deposition by charged particles/photon enabled in this medium?
void SetW (const double w)
 Set the W value (average energy to produce an electron/ion or e/h pair).
double GetW ()
 Get the W value.
void SetFanoFactor (const double f)
 Set the Fano factor.
double GetFanoFactor ()
 Get the Fano factor.
virtual bool ElectronVelocity (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &vx, double &vy, double &vz)
 Drift velocity [cm / ns].
virtual bool ElectronDiffusion (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &dl, double &dt)
 Longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients [cm1/2].
virtual bool ElectronDiffusion (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double cov[3][3])
virtual bool ElectronTownsend (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &alpha)
 Ionisation coefficient [cm-1].
virtual bool ElectronAttachment (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &eta)
 Attachment coefficient [cm-1].
virtual bool ElectronLorentzAngle (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &lor)
 Lorentz angle.
virtual double ElectronMobility ()
 Low-field mobility [cm2 V-1 ns-1].
virtual double GetElectronEnergy (const double px, const double py, const double pz, double &vx, double &vy, double &vz, const int band=0)
 Dispersion relation (energy vs. wave vector)
virtual void GetElectronMomentum (const double e, double &px, double &py, double &pz, int &band)
virtual double GetElectronNullCollisionRate (const int band=0)
 Null-collision rate [ns-1].
virtual double GetElectronCollisionRate (const double e, const int band=0)
 Collision rate [ns-1] for given electron energy.
virtual bool GetElectronCollision (const double e, int &type, int &level, double &e1, double &dx, double &dy, double &dz, std::vector< std::pair< int, double > > &secondaries, int &ndxc, int &band)
 Sample the collision type. Update energy and direction vector.
virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfDeexcitationProducts () const
virtual bool GetDeexcitationProduct (const unsigned int i, double &t, double &s, int &type, double &energy) const
virtual bool HoleVelocity (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &vx, double &vy, double &vz)
 Drift velocity [cm / ns].
virtual bool HoleDiffusion (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &dl, double &dt)
 Longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients [cm1/2].
virtual bool HoleDiffusion (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double cov[3][3])
 Diffusion tensor.
virtual bool HoleTownsend (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &alpha)
 Ionisation coefficient [cm-1].
virtual bool HoleAttachment (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &eta)
 Attachment coefficient [cm-1].
virtual double HoleMobility ()
 Low-field mobility [cm2 V-1 ns-1].
virtual bool IonVelocity (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &vx, double &vy, double &vz)
 Drift velocity [cm / ns].
virtual bool IonDiffusion (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &dl, double &dt)
 Longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients [cm1/2].
virtual bool IonDissociation (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &diss)
 Dissociation coefficient.
virtual double IonMobility ()
 Low-field mobility [cm2 V-1 ns-1].
void SetFieldGrid (double emin, double emax, const size_t ne, bool logE, double bmin=0., double bmax=0., const size_t nb=1, double amin=HalfPi, double amax=HalfPi, const size_t na=1)
 Set the range of fields to be covered by the transport tables.
void SetFieldGrid (const std::vector< double > &efields, const std::vector< double > &bfields, const std::vector< double > &angles)
 Set the fields and E-B angles to be used in the transport tables.
void GetFieldGrid (std::vector< double > &efields, std::vector< double > &bfields, std::vector< double > &angles)
 Get the fields and E-B angles used in the transport tables.
bool SetElectronVelocityE (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double v)
 Set an entry in the table of drift speeds along E.
bool GetElectronVelocityE (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
 Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along E.
bool SetElectronVelocityExB (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double v)
 Set an entry in the table of drift speeds along ExB.
bool GetElectronVelocityExB (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
 Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along ExB.
bool SetElectronVelocityB (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double v)
 Set an entry in the table of drift speeds along Btrans.
bool GetElectronVelocityB (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
 Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along Btrans.
bool SetElectronLongitudinalDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double dl)
 Set an entry in the table of longitudinal diffusion coefficients.
bool GetElectronLongitudinalDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dl)
 Get an entry in the table of longitudinal diffusion coefficients.
bool SetElectronTransverseDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double dt)
 Set an entry in the table of transverse diffusion coefficients.
bool GetElectronTransverseDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dt)
 Get an entry in the table of transverse diffusion coefficients.
bool SetElectronTownsend (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double alpha)
 Set an entry in the table of Townsend coefficients.
bool GetElectronTownsend (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &alpha)
 Get an entry in the table of Townsend coefficients.
bool SetElectronAttachment (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double eta)
 Set an entry in the table of attachment coefficients.
bool GetElectronAttachment (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &eta)
 Get an entry in the table of attachment coefficients.
bool SetElectronLorentzAngle (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double lor)
 Set an entry in the table of Lorentz angles.
bool GetElectronLorentzAngle (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &lor)
 Get an entry in the table of Lorentz angles.
bool SetHoleVelocityE (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double v)
 Set an entry in the table of drift speeds along E.
bool GetHoleVelocityE (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
 Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along E.
bool SetHoleVelocityExB (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double v)
 Set an entry in the table of drift speeds along ExB.
bool GetHoleVelocityExB (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
 Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along ExB.
bool SetHoleVelocityB (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double v)
 Set an entry in the table of drift speeds along Btrans.
bool GetHoleVelocityB (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
 Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along Btrans.
bool SetHoleLongitudinalDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double dl)
 Set an entry in the table of longitudinal diffusion coefficients.
bool GetHoleLongitudinalDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dl)
 Get an entry in the table of longitudinal diffusion coefficients.
bool SetHoleTransverseDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double dt)
 Set an entry in the table of transverse diffusion coefficients.
bool GetHoleTransverseDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dt)
 Get an entry in the table of transverse diffusion coefficients.
bool SetHoleTownsend (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double alpha)
 Set an entry in the table of Townsend coefficients.
bool GetHoleTownsend (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &alpha)
 Get an entry in the table of Townsend coefficients.
bool SetHoleAttachment (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double eta)
 Set an entry in the table of attachment coefficients.
bool GetHoleAttachment (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &eta)
 Get an entry in the table of attachment coefficients.
bool SetIonMobility (const std::vector< double > &fields, const std::vector< double > &mobilities)
bool SetIonMobility (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double mu)
 Set an entry in the table of ion mobilities.
bool GetIonMobility (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &mu)
 Get an entry in the table of ion mobilities.
bool SetIonLongitudinalDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double dl)
 Set an entry in the table of longitudinal diffusion coefficients.
bool GetIonLongitudinalDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dl)
 Get an entry in the table of longitudinal diffusion coefficients.
bool SetIonTransverseDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double dt)
 Set an entry in the table of transverse diffusion coefficients.
bool GetIonTransverseDiffusion (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dt)
 Get an entry in the table of transverse diffusion coefficients.
bool SetIonDissociation (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, const double diss)
 Set an entry in the table of dissociation coefficients.
bool GetIonDissociation (const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &diss)
 Get an entry in the table of dissociation coefficients.
virtual void ResetTables ()
 Reset all tables of transport parameters.
void ResetElectronVelocity ()
void ResetElectronDiffusion ()
void ResetElectronTownsend ()
void ResetElectronAttachment ()
void ResetElectronLorentzAngle ()
void ResetHoleVelocity ()
void ResetHoleDiffusion ()
void ResetHoleTownsend ()
void ResetHoleAttachment ()
void ResetIonMobility ()
void ResetIonDiffusion ()
void ResetIonDissociation ()
void SetExtrapolationMethodVelocity (const std::string &extrLow, const std::string &extrHigh)
void SetExtrapolationMethodDiffusion (const std::string &extrLow, const std::string &extrHigh)
void SetExtrapolationMethodTownsend (const std::string &extrLow, const std::string &extrHigh)
void SetExtrapolationMethodAttachment (const std::string &extrLow, const std::string &extrHigh)
void SetExtrapolationMethodIonMobility (const std::string &extrLow, const std::string &extrHigh)
void SetExtrapolationMethodIonDissociation (const std::string &extrLow, const std::string &extrHigh)
void SetInterpolationMethodVelocity (const unsigned int intrp)
 Set the degree of polynomial interpolation (usually 2).
void SetInterpolationMethodDiffusion (const unsigned int intrp)
void SetInterpolationMethodTownsend (const unsigned int intrp)
void SetInterpolationMethodAttachment (const unsigned int intrp)
void SetInterpolationMethodIonMobility (const unsigned int intrp)
void SetInterpolationMethodIonDissociation (const unsigned int intrp)
virtual double ScaleElectricField (const double e) const
virtual double UnScaleElectricField (const double e) const
virtual double ScaleVelocity (const double v) const
virtual double ScaleDiffusion (const double d) const
virtual double ScaleDiffusionTensor (const double d) const
virtual double ScaleTownsend (const double alpha) const
virtual double ScaleAttachment (const double eta) const
virtual double ScaleLorentzAngle (const double lor) const
virtual double ScaleDissociation (const double diss) const
virtual bool GetOpticalDataRange (double &emin, double &emax, const unsigned int i=0)
 Get the energy range [eV] of the available optical data.
virtual bool GetDielectricFunction (const double e, double &eps1, double &eps2, const unsigned int i=0)
 Get the complex dielectric function at a given energy.
virtual bool GetPhotoAbsorptionCrossSection (const double e, double &sigma, const unsigned int i=0)
virtual double GetPhotonCollisionRate (const double e)
virtual bool GetPhotonCollision (const double e, int &type, int &level, double &e1, double &ctheta, int &nsec, double &esec)
void EnableDebugging ()
 Switch on/off debugging messages.
void DisableDebugging ()

Protected Member Functions

bool ReadHeader (std::ifstream &gasfile, int &version, std::bitset< 20 > &gasok, bool &is3d, std::vector< double > &mixture, std::vector< double > &efields, std::vector< double > &bfields, std::vector< double > &angles, std::vector< ExcLevel > &excLevels, std::vector< IonLevel > &ionLevels)
void ReadFooter (std::ifstream &gasfile, std::array< unsigned int, 13 > &extrapH, std::array< unsigned int, 13 > &extrapL, std::array< unsigned int, 13 > &interp, unsigned int &thrAlp, unsigned int &thrAtt, unsigned int &thrDis, double &ionDiffL, double &ionDiffT, double &pgas, double &tgas)
void ReadRecord3D (std::ifstream &gasfile, double &ve, double &vb, double &vx, double &dl, double &dt, double &alpha, double &alpha0, double &eta, double &mu, double &lor, double &dis, std::array< double, 6 > &dif, std::vector< double > &rexc, std::vector< double > &rion)
void ReadRecord1D (std::ifstream &gasfile, double &ve, double &vb, double &vx, double &dl, double &dt, double &alpha, double &alpha0, double &eta, double &mu, double &lor, double &dis, std::array< double, 6 > &dif, std::vector< double > &rexc, std::vector< double > &rion)
void InsertE (const int ie, const int ne, const int nb, const int na)
void InsertB (const int ib, const int ne, const int nb, const int na)
void InsertA (const int ia, const int ne, const int nb, const int na)
void ZeroRowE (const int ie, const int nb, const int na)
void ZeroRowB (const int ib, const int ne, const int na)
void ZeroRowA (const int ia, const int ne, const int nb)
bool GetMixture (const std::vector< double > &mixture, const int version, std::vector< std::string > &gasnames, std::vector< double > &percentages) const
void GetGasBits (std::bitset< 20 > &gasok) const
bool GetGasInfo (const std::string &gasname, double &a, double &z) const
std::string GetGasName (const int gasnumber, const int version) const
std::string GetGasName (std::string input) const
int GetGasNumberGasFile (const std::string &input) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Garfield::Medium
bool Velocity (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &velE, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &velB, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &velX, const double q, double &vx, double &vy, double &vz) const
bool Diffusion (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &difL, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &difT, double &dl, double &dt) const
bool Diffusion (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > > &diff, double cov[3][3]) const
bool Alpha (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &tab, unsigned int intp, const unsigned int thr, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &extr, double &alpha) const
double GetAngle (const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, const double e, const double b) const
bool Interpolate (const double e, const double b, const double a, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &table, double &y, const unsigned int intp, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &extr) const
double Interpolate1D (const double e, const std::vector< double > &table, const std::vector< double > &fields, const unsigned int intpMeth, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &extr) const
bool SetEntry (const size_t i, const size_t j, const size_t k, const std::string &fcn, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &tab, const double val)
bool GetEntry (const size_t i, const size_t j, const size_t k, const std::string &fcn, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &tab, double &val) const
void SetExtrapolationMethod (const std::string &low, const std::string &high, std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &extr, const std::string &fcn)
bool GetExtrapolationIndex (std::string str, unsigned int &nb) const
size_t SetThreshold (const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &tab) const
void Clone (std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &tab, const std::vector< double > &efields, const std::vector< double > &bfields, const std::vector< double > &angles, const unsigned int intp, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &extr, const double init, const std::string &label)
void Clone (std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > > &tab, const size_t n, const std::vector< double > &efields, const std::vector< double > &bfields, const std::vector< double > &angles, const unsigned int intp, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &extr, const double init, const std::string &label)
void Init (const size_t nE, const size_t nB, const size_t nA, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &tab, const double val)
void Init (const size_t nE, const size_t nB, const size_t nA, const size_t nT, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > > &tab, const double val)

Protected Attributes

std::array< std::string, m_nMaxGasesm_gas
std::array< double, m_nMaxGasesm_fraction
std::array< double, m_nMaxGasesm_atWeight
std::array< double, m_nMaxGasesm_atNum
bool m_usePenning = false
double m_rPenningGlobal = 0.
double m_lambdaPenningGlobal = 0.
std::array< double, m_nMaxGasesm_rPenningGas
std::array< double, m_nMaxGasesm_lambdaPenningGas
double m_pressureTable
double m_temperatureTable
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eAlp0
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > > m_excRates
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > > m_ionRates
std::vector< ExcLevelm_excLevels
std::vector< IonLevelm_ionLevels
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrExc = {0, 1}
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrIon = {0, 1}
unsigned int m_intpExc = 2
unsigned int m_intpIon = 2
- Protected Attributes inherited from Garfield::Medium
std::string m_className = "Medium"
int m_id
unsigned int m_nComponents = 1
std::string m_name = ""
double m_temperature = 293.15
double m_pressure = 760.
double m_epsilon = 1.
double m_z = 1.
double m_a = 0.
double m_density = 0.
double m_w = 0.
double m_fano = 0.
bool m_driftable = false
bool m_microscopic = false
bool m_ionisable = false
bool m_isChanged = true
bool m_debug = false
bool m_tab2d = false
std::vector< double > m_eFields
std::vector< double > m_bFields
std::vector< double > m_bAngles
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eVelE
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eVelX
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eVelB
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eDifL
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eDifT
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eAlp
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eAtt
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eLor
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > > m_eDifM
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_hVelE
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_hVelX
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_hVelB
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_hDifL
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_hDifT
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_hAlp
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_hAtt
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > > m_hDifM
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_iMob
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_iDifL
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_iDifT
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_iDis
unsigned int m_eThrAlp = 0
unsigned int m_eThrAtt = 0
unsigned int m_hThrAlp = 0
unsigned int m_hThrAtt = 0
unsigned int m_iThrDis = 0
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrVel = {0, 1}
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrDif = {0, 1}
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrAlp = {0, 1}
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrAtt = {0, 1}
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrLor = {0, 1}
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrMob = {0, 1}
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrDis = {0, 1}
unsigned int m_intpVel = 2
unsigned int m_intpDif = 2
unsigned int m_intpAlp = 2
unsigned int m_intpAtt = 2
unsigned int m_intpLor = 2
unsigned int m_intpMob = 2
unsigned int m_intpDis = 2

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int m_nMaxGases = 6
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Garfield::Medium
static int m_idCounter = -1

Detailed Description

Base class for gas media.

Definition at line 15 of file MediumGas.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MediumGas()

Garfield::MediumGas::MediumGas ( )


Definition at line 112 of file

114 m_className = "MediumGas";
116 m_gas.fill("");
117 m_fraction.fill(0.);
118 m_atWeight.fill(0.);
119 m_atNum.fill(0.);
120 // Default gas mixture: pure argon
121 m_gas[0] = "Ar";
122 m_fraction[0] = 1.;
123 m_name = m_gas[0];
126 m_rPenningGas.fill(0.);
127 m_lambdaPenningGas.fill(0.);
129 m_isChanged = true;
131 EnableDrift();
bool GetGasInfo(const std::string &gasname, double &a, double &z) const
std::array< double, m_nMaxGases > m_rPenningGas
Definition: MediumGas.hh:142
std::array< double, m_nMaxGases > m_atNum
Definition: MediumGas.hh:132
double m_temperatureTable
Definition: MediumGas.hh:149
std::array< double, m_nMaxGases > m_atWeight
Definition: MediumGas.hh:131
std::array< double, m_nMaxGases > m_lambdaPenningGas
Definition: MediumGas.hh:144
std::array< std::string, m_nMaxGases > m_gas
Definition: MediumGas.hh:129
std::array< double, m_nMaxGases > m_fraction
Definition: MediumGas.hh:130
double m_pressure
Definition: Medium.hh:506
virtual void EnableDrift(const bool on=true)
Switch electron/ion/hole on/off.
Definition: Medium.hh:67
std::string m_name
Definition: Medium.hh:502
virtual void EnablePrimaryIonisation(const bool on=true)
Make the medium ionisable or non-ionisable.
Definition: Medium.hh:69
std::string m_className
Definition: Medium.hh:493
bool m_isChanged
Definition: Medium.hh:527
double m_temperature
Definition: Medium.hh:504

◆ ~MediumGas()

virtual Garfield::MediumGas::~MediumGas ( )


Definition at line 20 of file MediumGas.hh.


Member Function Documentation

◆ AdjustTownsendCoefficient()

bool Garfield::MediumGas::AdjustTownsendCoefficient ( )

Adjust the Townsend coefficient using the excitation and ionisation rates stored in the gas table and the Penning transfer probabilities.

Definition at line 2486 of file

2486 {
2488 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2489 // GASSPT
2490 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2492 // Make sure there are Townsend coefficients.
2493 if (m_eAlp.empty() || m_eAlp0.empty()) {
2494 std::cerr << m_className << "::AdjustTownsendCoefficient:\n "
2495 << "Present gas table does not include Townsend coefficients.\n";
2496 return false;
2497 }
2498 // Make sure there are excitation and ionisation rates.
2499 if (m_excLevels.empty() || m_excRates.empty()) {
2500 std::cerr << m_className << "::AdjustTownsendCoefficient:\n "
2501 << "Present gas table does not include excitation rates.\n";
2502 return false;
2503 }
2504 if (m_ionLevels.empty() || m_ionRates.empty()) {
2505 std::cerr << m_className << "::AdjustTownsendCoefficient:\n "
2506 << "Present gas table does not include ionisation rates.\n";
2507 return false;
2508 }
2509 const unsigned int nE = m_eFields.size();
2510 const unsigned int nB = m_bFields.size();
2511 const unsigned int nA = m_bAngles.size();
2512 if (m_debug) {
2513 std::cout << m_className << "::AdjustTownsendCoefficient:\n"
2514 << " Entry Exc. Ion.\n";
2515 }
2516 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nE; ++i) {
2517 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nA; ++j) {
2518 for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nB; ++k) {
2519 // Compute total ionisation rate.
2520 double rion = 0.;
2521 for (const auto& ion : m_ionRates) {
2522 rion += ion[j][k][i];
2523 }
2524 // Compute rate of Penning ionisations.
2525 double rexc = 0.;
2526 const unsigned int nexc = m_excLevels.size();
2527 for (unsigned int ie = 0; ie < nexc; ++ie) {
2528 rexc += m_excLevels[ie].prob * m_excRates[ie][j][k][i];
2529 }
2530 if (m_debug) {
2531 std::cout << FmtInt(i, 4) << FmtInt(j, 4) << FmtInt(k, 4)
2532 << FmtFloat(rexc, 12, 5) << FmtFloat(rion, 12, 5) << "\n";
2533 }
2534 // Adjust the Townsend coefficient.
2535 double alpha0 = m_eAlp0[j][k][i];
2536 if (alpha0 < -20.) {
2537 alpha0 = 0.;
2538 } else {
2539 alpha0 = m_pressure * exp(alpha0);
2540 }
2541 double alpha1 = alpha0;
2542 if (rion > 0.) alpha1 *= (rexc + rion) / rion;
2543 m_eAlp[j][k][i] = alpha1 > 0. ? log(alpha1 / m_pressure) : -30.;
2544 }
2545 }
2546 }
2547 // Update the threshold index.
2549 return true;
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > > m_excRates
Definition: MediumGas.hh:155
std::vector< IonLevel > m_ionLevels
Definition: MediumGas.hh:172
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > > m_ionRates
Definition: MediumGas.hh:156
std::vector< ExcLevel > m_excLevels
Definition: MediumGas.hh:166
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eAlp0
Definition: MediumGas.hh:152
std::vector< double > m_bFields
Definition: Medium.hh:537
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eAlp
Definition: Medium.hh:546
size_t SetThreshold(const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &tab) const
std::vector< double > m_eFields
Definition: Medium.hh:536
std::vector< double > m_bAngles
Definition: Medium.hh:538
DoubleAc exp(const DoubleAc &f)
Definition: DoubleAc.cpp:377

Referenced by DisablePenningTransfer(), and EnablePenningTransfer().

◆ DisablePenningTransfer() [1/2]

void Garfield::MediumGas::DisablePenningTransfer ( )

Switch the simulation of Penning transfers off globally.

Reimplemented in Garfield::MediumMagboltz.

Definition at line 2431 of file

2431 {
2433 m_rPenningGlobal = 0.;
2436 m_rPenningGas.fill(0.);
2437 m_lambdaPenningGas.fill(0.);
2439 if (m_excLevels.empty()) return;
2440 for (auto& exc : m_excLevels) {
2441 exc.prob = 0.;
2442 }
bool AdjustTownsendCoefficient()
double m_lambdaPenningGlobal
Definition: MediumGas.hh:140

Referenced by Garfield::MediumMagboltz::DisablePenningTransfer().

◆ DisablePenningTransfer() [2/2]

bool Garfield::MediumGas::DisablePenningTransfer ( std::string  gasname)

Switch the simulation of Penning transfers off for a given component.

Reimplemented in Garfield::MediumMagboltz.

Definition at line 2446 of file

2446 {
2448 // Get the "standard" name of this gas.
2449 gasname = GetGasName(gasname);
2450 if (gasname.empty()) {
2451 std::cerr << m_className << "::DisablePenningTransfer: Unknown gas name.\n";
2452 return false;
2453 }
2455 // Look for this gas in the present gas mixture.
2456 int iGas = -1;
2457 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
2458 if (m_gas[i] == gasname) {
2459 m_rPenningGas[i] = 0.;
2460 m_lambdaPenningGas[i] = 0.;
2461 iGas = i;
2462 break;
2463 }
2464 }
2466 if (iGas < 0) {
2467 std::cerr << m_className << "::DisablePenningTransfer:\n"
2468 << " Requested gas (" << gasname
2469 << ") is not part of the present gas mixture.\n";
2470 return false;
2471 }
2473 if (m_excLevels.empty()) return true;
2474 for (auto& exc : m_excLevels) {
2475 // Try to extract the gas name from the label.
2476 const auto pos = exc.label.find('-');
2477 if (pos == std::string::npos) continue;
2478 if (GetGasName(exc.label.substr(0, pos)) != gasname) continue;
2479 exc.prob = 0.;
2480 }
2482 return true;
std::string GetGasName(const int gasnumber, const int version) const
unsigned int m_nComponents
Definition: Medium.hh:500

◆ EnablePenningTransfer() [1/2]

bool Garfield::MediumGas::EnablePenningTransfer ( const double  r,
const double  lambda 

Switch on simulation of Penning transfers by means of transfer probabilities, for all excitation levels in the mixture.

rtransfer probability [0, 1]
lambdaparameter for sampling the distance of the Penning electron with respect to the excitation.

Reimplemented in Garfield::MediumMagboltz.

Definition at line 2302 of file

2303 {
2305 if (r < 0. || r > 1.) {
2306 std::cerr << m_className << "::EnablePenningTransfer:\n"
2307 << " Transfer probability must be in the range [0, 1].\n";
2308 return false;
2309 }
2311 m_rPenningGlobal = r;
2312 m_lambdaPenningGlobal = lambda > Small ? lambda : 0.;
2314 std::cout << m_className << "::EnablePenningTransfer:\n"
2315 << " Global Penning transfer parameters set to:\n"
2316 << " r = " << m_rPenningGlobal << "\n"
2317 << " lambda = " << m_lambdaPenningGlobal << " cm\n";
2319 // Find the min. ionisation energy.
2320 if (m_ionLevels.empty()) {
2321 std::cerr << m_className << "::EnablePenningTransfer:\n Warning: present"
2322 << " gas table has no ionisation rates.\n Ignore this message "
2323 << "if you are using microscopic tracking only.\n";
2324 return true;
2325 }
2326 double minIonPot = -1.;
2327 for (const auto& ion : m_ionLevels) {
2328 if (minIonPot < 0.) {
2329 minIonPot =;
2330 } else {
2331 minIonPot = std::min(minIonPot,;
2332 }
2333 }
2335 // Update the transfer probabilities of the excitation levels in the table.
2336 unsigned int nLevelsFound = 0;
2337 for (auto& exc : m_excLevels) {
2338 if ( < minIonPot) continue;
2339 exc.prob = m_rPenningGlobal;
2340 exc.rms = m_lambdaPenningGlobal;
2341 ++nLevelsFound;
2342 }
2343 if (nLevelsFound > 0) {
2344 std::cout << m_className << "::EnablePenningTransfer:\n"
2345 << " Updated transfer probabilities for " << nLevelsFound
2346 << " excitation rates.\n";
2348 } else {
2349 std::cerr << m_className << "::EnablePenningTransfer:\n Warning: present"
2350 << " gas table has no eligible excitation rates.\n Ignore this"
2351 << " message if you are using microscopic tracking only.\n";
2352 }
2353 return true;

Referenced by Garfield::MediumMagboltz::EnablePenningTransfer().

◆ EnablePenningTransfer() [2/2]

bool Garfield::MediumGas::EnablePenningTransfer ( const double  r,
const double  lambda,
std::string  gasname 

Switch on simulation of Penning transfers by means of transfer probabilities, for all excitations of a given component.

Reimplemented in Garfield::MediumMagboltz.

Definition at line 2356 of file

2357 {
2359 if (r < 0. || r > 1.) {
2360 std::cerr << m_className << "::EnablePenningTransfer:\n"
2361 << " Transfer probability must be in the range [0, 1].\n";
2362 return false;
2363 }
2365 // Get the "standard" name of this gas.
2366 gasname = GetGasName(gasname);
2367 if (gasname.empty()) {
2368 std::cerr << m_className << "::EnablePenningTransfer: Unknown gas name.\n";
2369 return false;
2370 }
2372 // Look for this gas in the present gas mixture.
2373 int iGas = -1;
2374 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
2375 if (m_gas[i] == gasname) {
2376 m_rPenningGas[i] = r;
2377 m_lambdaPenningGas[i] = lambda > Small ? lambda : 0.;
2378 iGas = i;
2379 break;
2380 }
2381 }
2383 if (iGas < 0) {
2384 std::cerr << m_className << "::EnablePenningTransfer:\n"
2385 << " Requested gas (" << gasname
2386 << ") is not part of the present gas mixture.\n";
2387 return false;
2388 }
2390 // Find the min. ionisation energy.
2391 if (m_ionLevels.empty()) {
2392 std::cerr << m_className << "::EnablePenningTransfer:\n Warning: present"
2393 << " gas table has no ionisation rates.\n Ignore this message"
2394 << " if you are using microscopic tracking only.\n";
2395 return true;
2396 }
2397 double minIonPot = -1.;
2398 for (const auto& ion : m_ionLevels) {
2399 if (minIonPot < 0.) {
2400 minIonPot =;
2401 } else {
2402 minIonPot = std::min(minIonPot,;
2403 }
2404 }
2405 // Update the transfer probabilities of the excitation levels in the table.
2406 unsigned int nLevelsFound = 0;
2407 for (auto& exc : m_excLevels) {
2408 if ( < minIonPot) continue;
2409 // Try to extract the gas name from the label.
2410 // TODO: test if this works for all gases and excitation levels.
2411 const auto pos = exc.label.find('-');
2412 if (pos == std::string::npos) continue;
2413 if (GetGasName(exc.label.substr(0, pos)) != gasname) continue;
2414 exc.prob = r;
2415 exc.rms = lambda;
2416 ++nLevelsFound;
2417 }
2418 if (nLevelsFound > 0) {
2419 std::cout << m_className << "::EnablePenningTransfer:\n"
2420 << " Updated transfer probabilities for " << nLevelsFound
2421 << " excitation rates.\n";
2423 } else {
2424 std::cerr << m_className << "::EnablePenningTransfer:\n Warning: present"
2425 << " gas table has no eligible excitation rates.\n Ignore this"
2426 << " message if you are using microscopic tracking only.\n";
2427 }
2428 return true;

◆ GetAtomicNumber()

double Garfield::MediumGas::GetAtomicNumber ( ) const

Get the effective atomic number.

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 303 of file

303 {
304 // Effective Z, weighted by the fractions of the components.
305 double z = 0.;
306 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
307 z += m_atNum[i] * m_fraction[i];
308 }
309 return z;

◆ GetAtomicWeight()

double Garfield::MediumGas::GetAtomicWeight ( ) const

Get the effective atomic weight.

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 284 of file

284 {
285 // Effective A, weighted by the fractions of the components.
286 double a = 0.;
287 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
288 a += m_atWeight[i] * m_fraction[i];
289 }
290 return a;

Referenced by GetMassDensity().

◆ GetComponent()

void Garfield::MediumGas::GetComponent ( const unsigned int  i,
std::string &  label,
double &  f 

Get the name and fraction of a given component.

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 247 of file

248 {
249 if (i >= m_nComponents) {
250 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetComponent: Index out of range.\n";
251 label = "";
252 f = 0.;
253 return;
254 }
256 label = m_gas[i];
257 f = m_fraction[i];

◆ GetComposition()

void Garfield::MediumGas::GetComposition ( std::string &  gas1,
double &  f1,
std::string &  gas2,
double &  f2,
std::string &  gas3,
double &  f3,
std::string &  gas4,
double &  f4,
std::string &  gas5,
double &  f5,
std::string &  gas6,
double &  f6 

Retrieve the gas mixture.

Definition at line 229 of file

232 {
233 gas1 = m_gas[0];
234 gas2 = m_gas[1];
235 gas3 = m_gas[2];
236 gas4 = m_gas[3];
237 gas5 = m_gas[4];
238 gas6 = m_gas[5];
239 f1 = m_fraction[0];
240 f2 = m_fraction[1];
241 f3 = m_fraction[2];
242 f4 = m_fraction[3];
243 f5 = m_fraction[4];
244 f6 = m_fraction[5];

◆ GetGasBits()

void Garfield::MediumGas::GetGasBits ( std::bitset< 20 > &  gasok) const

Definition at line 2052 of file

2052 {
2054 gasok.reset();
2055 if (!m_eVelE.empty()) gasok.set(0);
2056 if (!m_iMob.empty()) gasok.set(1);
2057 if (!m_eDifL.empty()) gasok.set(2);
2058 if (!m_eAlp.empty()) gasok.set(3);
2059 // Cluster size distribution; skipped
2060 if (!m_eAtt.empty()) gasok.set(5);
2061 if (!m_eLor.empty()) gasok.set(6);
2062 if (!m_eDifT.empty()) gasok.set(7);
2063 if (!m_eVelB.empty()) gasok.set(8);
2064 if (!m_eVelX.empty()) gasok.set(9);
2065 if (!m_eDifM.empty()) gasok.set(10);
2066 if (!m_iDis.empty()) gasok.set(11);
2067 // SRIM, HEED; skipped
2068 if (!m_excRates.empty()) gasok.set(14);
2069 if (!m_ionRates.empty()) gasok.set(15);
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eVelE
Definition: Medium.hh:541
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eVelX
Definition: Medium.hh:542
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eDifL
Definition: Medium.hh:544
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eAtt
Definition: Medium.hh:547
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eLor
Definition: Medium.hh:548
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eDifT
Definition: Medium.hh:545
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_eVelB
Definition: Medium.hh:543
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > > m_eDifM
Definition: Medium.hh:550
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_iMob
Definition: Medium.hh:564
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_iDis
Definition: Medium.hh:567

Referenced by MergeGasFile(), and WriteGasFile().

◆ GetGasInfo()

bool Garfield::MediumGas::GetGasInfo ( const std::string &  gasname,
double &  a,
double &  z 
) const

Definition at line 2552 of file

2553 {
2554 if (gasname == "CF4") {
2555 a = 12.0107 + 4 * 18.9984032;
2556 z = 6 + 4 * 9;
2557 return true;
2558 } else if (gasname == "Ar") {
2559 a = 39.948;
2560 z = 18;
2561 } else if (gasname == "He") {
2562 a = 4.002602;
2563 z = 2;
2564 } else if (gasname == "He-3") {
2565 a = 3.01602931914;
2566 z = 2;
2567 } else if (gasname == "Ne") {
2568 a = 20.1797;
2569 z = 10;
2570 } else if (gasname == "Kr") {
2571 a = 37.798;
2572 z = 36;
2573 } else if (gasname == "Xe") {
2574 a = 131.293;
2575 z = 54;
2576 } else if (gasname == "CH4") {
2577 a = 12.0107 + 4 * 1.00794;
2578 z = 6 + 4;
2579 } else if (gasname == "C2H6") {
2580 a = 2 * 12.0107 + 6 * 1.00794;
2581 z = 2 * 6 + 6;
2582 } else if (gasname == "C3H8") {
2583 a = 3 * 12.0107 + 8 * 1.00794;
2584 z = 3 * 6 + 8;
2585 } else if (gasname == "iC4H10") {
2586 a = 4 * 12.0107 + 10 * 1.00794;
2587 z = 4 * 6 + 10;
2588 } else if (gasname == "CO2") {
2589 a = 12.0107 + 2 * 15.9994;
2590 z = 6 + 2 * 8;
2591 } else if (gasname == "neoC5H12") {
2592 a = 5 * 12.0107 + 12 * 1.00794;
2593 z = 5 * 6 + 12;
2594 } else if (gasname == "H2O") {
2595 a = 2 * 1.00794 + 15.9994;
2596 z = 2 + 8;
2597 } else if (gasname == "O2") {
2598 a = 2 * 15.9994;
2599 z = 2 * 8;
2600 } else if (gasname == "N2") {
2601 a = 2 * 14.0067;
2602 z = 2 * 7;
2603 } else if (gasname == "NO") {
2604 a = 14.0067 + 15.9994;
2605 z = 7 + 8;
2606 } else if (gasname == "N2O") {
2607 a = 2 * 14.0067 + 15.9994;
2608 z = 2 * 7 + 8;
2609 } else if (gasname == "C2H4") {
2610 a = 2 * 12.0107 + 4 * 1.00794;
2611 z = 2 * 6 + 4;
2612 } else if (gasname == "C2H2") {
2613 a = 2 * 12.0107 + 2 * 1.00794;
2614 z = 2 * 6 + 2;
2615 } else if (gasname == "H2" || gasname == "paraH2") {
2616 a = 2 * 1.00794;
2617 z = 2;
2618 } else if (gasname == "D2" || gasname == "orthoD2") {
2619 a = 2 * 2.01410177785;
2620 z = 2;
2621 } else if (gasname == "CO") {
2622 a = 12.0107 + 15.9994;
2623 z = 6 + 8;
2624 } else if (gasname == "Methylal") {
2625 a = 3 * 12.0107 + 8 * 1.00794 + 2 * 15.9994;
2626 z = 3 * 6 + 8 + 2 * 8;
2627 } else if (gasname == "DME") {
2628 a = 4 * 12.0107 + 10 * 1.00794 + 2 * 15.9994;
2629 z = 4 * 6 + 10 + 2 * 8;
2630 } else if (gasname == "Reid-Step" || gasname == "Maxwell-Model" ||
2631 gasname == "Reid-Ramp") {
2632 a = 1.;
2633 z = 1.;
2634 } else if (gasname == "C2F6") {
2635 a = 2 * 12.0107 + 6 * 18.9984032;
2636 z = 2 * 6 + 6 * 9;
2637 } else if (gasname == "SF6") {
2638 a = 32.065 + 6 * 18.9984032;
2639 z = 16 + 6 * 9;
2640 } else if (gasname == "NH3") {
2641 a = 14.0067 + 3 * 1.00794;
2642 z = 7 + 3;
2643 } else if (gasname == "C3H6") {
2644 a = 3 * 12.0107 + 6 * 1.00794;
2645 z = 3 * 6 + 6;
2646 } else if (gasname == "cC3H6") {
2647 a = 3 * 12.0107 + 6 * 1.00794;
2648 z = 3 * 6 + 6;
2649 } else if (gasname == "CH3OH") {
2650 a = 12.0107 + 4 * 1.00794 + 15.9994;
2651 z = 6 + 4 + 8;
2652 } else if (gasname == "C2H5OH") {
2653 a = 2 * 12.0107 + 6 * 1.00794 + 15.9994;
2654 z = 2 * 6 + 6 + 8;
2655 } else if (gasname == "C3H7OH" || gasname == "nC3H7OH") {
2656 a = 3 * 12.0107 + 8 * 1.00794 + 15.9994;
2657 z = 3 * 6 + 8 * 8;
2658 } else if (gasname == "Cs") {
2659 a = 132.9054519;
2660 z = 55;
2661 } else if (gasname == "F2") {
2662 a = 2 * 18.9984032;
2663 z = 2 * 9;
2664 } else if (gasname == "CS2") {
2665 a = 12.0107 + 2 * 32.065;
2666 z = 6 + 2 * 16;
2667 } else if (gasname == "COS") {
2668 a = 12.0107 + 15.9994 + 32.065;
2669 z = 6 + 8 + 16;
2670 } else if (gasname == "CD4") {
2671 a = 12.0107 + 4 * 2.01410177785;
2672 z = 6 + 4;
2673 } else if (gasname == "BF3") {
2674 a = 10.811 + 3 * 18.9984032;
2675 z = 5 + 3 * 9;
2676 } else if (gasname == "C2H2F4") {
2677 a = 2 * 12.0107 + 2 * 1.00794 + 4 * 18.9984032;
2678 z = 2 * 6 + 2 + 4 * 9;
2679 } else if (gasname == "CHF3") {
2680 a = 12.0107 + 1.00794 + 3 * 18.9984032;
2681 z = 6 + 1 + 3 * 9;
2682 } else if (gasname == "CF3Br") {
2683 a = 12.0107 + 3 * 18.9984032 + 79.904;
2684 z = 6 + 3 * 9 + 35;
2685 } else if (gasname == "C3F8") {
2686 a = 3 * 12.0107 + 8 * 18.9984032;
2687 z = 3 * 6 + 8 * 9;
2688 } else if (gasname == "O3") {
2689 a = 3 * 15.9994;
2690 z = 3 * 8;
2691 } else if (gasname == "Hg") {
2692 a = 2 * 200.59;
2693 z = 80;
2694 } else if (gasname == "H2S") {
2695 a = 2 * 1.00794 + 32.065;
2696 z = 2 + 16;
2697 } else if (gasname == "nC4H10") {
2698 a = 4 * 12.0107 + 10 * 1.00794;
2699 z = 4 * 6 + 10;
2700 } else if (gasname == "nC5H12") {
2701 a = 5 * 12.0107 + 12 * 1.00794;
2702 z = 5 * 6 + 12;
2703 } else if (gasname == "GeH4") {
2704 a = 72.64 + 4 * 1.00794;
2705 z = 32 + 4;
2706 } else if (gasname == "SiH4") {
2707 a = 28.0855 + 4 * 1.00794;
2708 z = 14 + 4;
2709 } else {
2710 a = 0.;
2711 z = 0.;
2712 return false;
2713 }
2715 return true;

Referenced by LoadGasFile(), MediumGas(), and SetComposition().

◆ GetGasName() [1/2]

std::string Garfield::MediumGas::GetGasName ( const int  gasnumber,
const int  version 
) const

Definition at line 2718 of file

2718 {
2720 switch (gasnumber) {
2721 case 1:
2722 return "CF4";
2723 case 2:
2724 return "Ar";
2725 case 3:
2726 return "He";
2727 case 4:
2728 return "He-3";
2729 case 5:
2730 return "Ne";
2731 case 6:
2732 return "Kr";
2733 case 7:
2734 return "Xe";
2735 case 8:
2736 return "CH4";
2737 case 9:
2738 return "C2H6";
2739 case 10:
2740 return "C3H8";
2741 case 11:
2742 return "iC4H10";
2743 case 12:
2744 return "CO2";
2745 case 13:
2746 return "neoC5H12";
2747 case 14:
2748 return "H2O";
2749 case 15:
2750 return "O2";
2751 case 16:
2752 return "N2";
2753 case 17:
2754 return "NO";
2755 case 18:
2756 return "N2O";
2757 case 19:
2758 return "C2H4";
2759 case 20:
2760 return "C2H2";
2761 case 21:
2762 return "H2";
2763 case 22:
2764 return "D2";
2765 case 23:
2766 return "CO";
2767 case 24:
2768 return "Methylal";
2769 case 25:
2770 return "DME";
2771 case 26:
2772 return "Reid-Step";
2773 case 27:
2774 return "Maxwell-Model";
2775 case 28:
2776 return "Reid-Ramp";
2777 case 29:
2778 return "C2F6";
2779 case 30:
2780 return "SF6";
2781 case 31:
2782 return "NH3";
2783 case 32:
2784 return "C3H6";
2785 case 33:
2786 return "cC3H6";
2787 case 34:
2788 return "CH3OH";
2789 case 35:
2790 return "C2H5OH";
2791 case 36:
2792 return "C3H7OH";
2793 case 37:
2794 return "Cs";
2795 case 38:
2796 return "F2";
2797 case 39:
2798 return "CS2";
2799 case 40:
2800 return "COS";
2801 case 41:
2802 return "CD4";
2803 case 42:
2804 return "BF3";
2805 case 43:
2806 return "C2H2F4";
2807 case 44:
2808 return version <= 11 ? "He-3" : "TMA";
2809 case 45:
2810 return version <= 11 ? "He" : "paraH2";
2811 case 46:
2812 return version <= 11 ? "Ne" : "nC3H7OH";
2813 case 47:
2814 return "Ar";
2815 case 48:
2816 return version <= 11 ? "Kr" : "orthoD2";
2817 case 49:
2818 return "Xe";
2819 case 50:
2820 return "CHF3";
2821 case 51:
2822 return "CF3Br";
2823 case 52:
2824 return "C3F8";
2825 case 53:
2826 return "O3";
2827 case 54:
2828 return "Hg";
2829 case 55:
2830 return "H2S";
2831 case 56:
2832 return "nC4H10";
2833 case 57:
2834 return "nC5H12";
2835 case 58:
2836 return "N2";
2837 case 59:
2838 return "GeH4";
2839 case 60:
2840 return "SiH4";
2841 default:
2842 break;
2843 }
2844 return "";

Referenced by DisablePenningTransfer(), Garfield::MediumMagboltz::DisablePenningTransfer(), EnablePenningTransfer(), Garfield::MediumMagboltz::EnablePenningTransfer(), GetMixture(), SetComposition(), and Garfield::MediumMagboltz::SetExcitationScaling().

◆ GetGasName() [2/2]

std::string Garfield::MediumGas::GetGasName ( std::string  input) const

Definition at line 2847 of file

2847 {
2848 // Convert to upper-case.
2849 std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), input.begin(), toupper);
2851 if (input.empty()) return "";
2853 if (input == "CF4" || input == "FREON" || input == "FREON-14" ||
2854 input == "TETRAFLUOROMETHANE") {
2855 return "CF4";
2856 } else if (input == "AR" || input == "ARGON") {
2857 return "Ar";
2858 } else if (input == "HE" || input == "HELIUM" || input == "HE-4" ||
2859 input == "HE 4" || input == "HE4" || input == "4-HE" ||
2860 input == "4 HE" || input == "4HE" || input == "HELIUM-4" ||
2861 input == "HELIUM 4" || input == "HELIUM4") {
2862 return "He";
2863 } else if (input == "HE-3" || input == "HE3" || input == "HELIUM-3" ||
2864 input == "HELIUM 3" || input == "HELIUM3") {
2865 return "He-3";
2866 } else if (input == "NE" || input == "NEON") {
2867 return "Ne";
2868 } else if (input == "KR" || input == "KRYPTON") {
2869 return "Kr";
2870 } else if (input == "XE" || input == "XENON") {
2871 return "Xe";
2872 } else if (input == "CH4" || input == "METHANE") {
2873 return "CH4";
2874 } else if (input == "C2H6" || input == "ETHANE") {
2875 return "C2H6";
2876 } else if (input == "C3H8" || input == "PROPANE") {
2877 return "C3H8";
2878 } else if (input == "C4H10" || input == "ISOBUTANE" || input == "ISO" ||
2879 input == "IC4H10" || input == "ISO-C4H10" || input == "ISOC4H10") {
2880 return "iC4H10";
2881 } else if (input == "CO2" || input == "CARBON-DIOXIDE" ||
2882 input == "CARBON DIOXIDE" || input == "CARBONDIOXIDE") {
2883 return "CO2";
2884 } else if (input == "NEOPENTANE" || input == "NEO-PENTANE" ||
2885 input == "NEO-C5H12" || input == "NEOC5H12" ||
2886 input == "DIMETHYLPROPANE" || input == "C5H12") {
2887 return "neoC5H12";
2888 } else if (input == "H2O" || input == "WATER" || input == "WATER-VAPOUR" ||
2889 input == "WATER VAPOUR") {
2890 return "H2O";
2891 } else if (input == "O2" || input == "OXYGEN") {
2892 return "O2";
2893 } else if (input == "NI" || input == "NITRO" || input == "N2" ||
2894 input == "NITROGEN") {
2895 return "N2";
2896 } else if (input == "NO" || input == "NITRIC-OXIDE" || input == "NITRIC OXIDE" ||
2897 input == "NITROGEN-MONOXIDE" || input == "NITROGEN MONOXIDE") {
2898 return "NO";
2899 } else if (input == "N2O" || input == "NITROUS-OXIDE" || input == "NITROUS OXIDE" ||
2900 input == "DINITROGEN-MONOXIDE" || input == "LAUGHING-GAS") {
2901 return "N2O";
2902 } else if (input == "C2H4" || input == "ETHENE" || input == "ETHYLENE") {
2903 return "C2H4";
2904 } else if (input == "C2H2" || input == "ACETYL" || input == "ACETYLENE" ||
2905 input == "ETHYNE") {
2906 return "C2H2";
2907 } else if (input == "H2" || input == "HYDROGEN") {
2908 return "H2";
2909 } else if (input == "PARA H2" || input == "PARA-H2" ||
2910 input == "PARAH2" || input == "PARA HYDROGEN" ||
2911 input == "PARA-HYDROGEN" || input == "PARAHYDROGEN") {
2912 return "paraH2";
2913 } else if (input == "D2" || input == "DEUTERIUM") {
2914 return "D2";
2915 } else if (input == "ORTHO D2" || input == "ORTHO-D2" ||
2916 input == "ORTHOD2" || input == "ORTHO DEUTERIUM" ||
2917 input == "ORTHO-DEUTERIUM" || input == "ORTHODEUTERIUM") {
2918 return "orthoD2";
2919 } else if (input == "CO" || input == "CARBON-MONOXIDE" ||
2920 input == "CARBON MONOXIDE") {
2921 return "CO";
2922 } else if (input == "METHYLAL" || input == "METHYLAL-HOT" || input == "DMM" ||
2923 input == "DIMETHOXYMETHANE" || input == "FORMAL" || input == "C3H8O2") {
2924 // Methylal (dimethoxymethane, CH3-O-CH2-O-CH3, "hot" version)
2925 return "Methylal";
2926 } else if (input == "DME" || input == "DIMETHYL-ETHER" || input == "DIMETHYLETHER" ||
2927 input == "DIMETHYL ETHER" || input == "METHYL ETHER" ||
2928 input == "METHYL-ETHER" || input == "METHYLETHER" ||
2929 input == "WOOD-ETHER" || input == "WOODETHER" || input == "WOOD ETHER" ||
2930 input == "DIMETHYL OXIDE" || input == "DIMETHYL-OXIDE" ||
2931 input == "DEMEON" || input == "METHOXYMETHANE" || input == "C4H10O2") {
2932 return "DME";
2933 } else if (input == "REID-STEP") {
2934 return "Reid-Step";
2935 } else if (input == "MAXWELL-MODEL") {
2936 return "Maxwell-Model";
2937 } else if (input == "REID-RAMP") {
2938 return "Reid-Ramp";
2939 } else if (input == "C2F6" || input == "FREON-116" || input == "ZYRON-116" ||
2940 input == "ZYRON-116-N5" || input == "HEXAFLUOROETHANE") {
2941 return "C2F6";
2942 } else if (input == "SF6" || input == "SULPHUR-HEXAFLUORIDE" ||
2944 input == "SULFUR HEXAFLUORIDE") {
2945 return "SF6";
2946 } else if (input == "NH3" || input == "AMMONIA") {
2947 return "NH3";
2948 } else if (input == "C3H6" || input == "PROPENE" || input == "PROPYLENE") {
2949 return "C3H6";
2950 } else if (input == "C-PROPANE" || input == "CYCLO-PROPANE" ||
2951 input == "CYCLO PROPANE" || input == "CYCLOPROPANE" ||
2952 input == "C-C3H6" || input == "CC3H6" || input == "CYCLO-C3H6") {
2953 return "cC3H6";
2954 } else if (input == "METHANOL" || input == "METHYL-ALCOHOL" ||
2955 input == "METHYL ALCOHOL" || input == "WOOD ALCOHOL" ||
2956 input == "WOOD-ALCOHOL" || input == "CH3OH") {
2957 return "CH3OH";
2958 } else if (input == "ETHANOL" || input == "ETHYL-ALCOHOL" ||
2959 input == "ETHYL ALCOHOL" || input == "GRAIN ALCOHOL" ||
2960 input == "GRAIN-ALCOHOL" || input == "C2H5OH") {
2961 return "C2H5OH";
2962 } else if (input == "PROPANOL" || input == "2-PROPANOL" || input == "ISOPROPYL" ||
2963 input == "ISO-PROPANOL" || input == "ISOPROPANOL" ||
2964 input == "ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL" || input == "ISOPROPYL-ALCOHOL" ||
2965 input == "C3H7OH") {
2966 return "C3H7OH";
2967 } else if (input == "NPROPANOL" || input == "N-PROPANOL" ||
2968 input == "1-PROPANOL" || input == "PROPYL ALCOHOL" ||
2969 input == "PROPYL-ALCOHOL" || input == "N-PROPYL ALCOHOL" ||
2970 input == "NC3H7OH" || input == "N-C3H7OH") {
2971 return "nC3H7OH";
2972 } else if (input == "CS" || input == "CESIUM" || input == "CAESIUM") {
2973 return "Cs";
2974 } else if (input == "F2" || input == "FLUOR" || input == "FLUORINE") {
2975 return "F2";
2976 } else if (input == "CS2" || input == "CARBON-DISULPHIDE" ||
2977 input == "CARBON-DISULFIDE" || input == "CARBON DISULPHIDE" ||
2978 input == "CARBON DISULFIDE") {
2979 return "CS2";
2980 } else if (input == "COS" || input == "CARBONYL-SULPHIDE" ||
2981 input == "CARBONYL-SULFIDE" || input == "CARBONYL SULFIDE") {
2982 return "COS";
2983 } else if (input == "DEUT-METHANE" || input == "DEUTERIUM-METHANE" ||
2984 input == "DEUTERATED-METHANE" || input == "DEUTERATED METHANE" ||
2985 input == "DEUTERIUM METHANE" || input == "CD4") {
2986 return "CD4";
2987 } else if (input == "BF3" || input == "BORON-TRIFLUORIDE" ||
2988 input == "BORON TRIFLUORIDE") {
2989 return "BF3";
2990 } else if (input == "C2HF5" || input == "C2H2F4" || input == "C2F5H" ||
2991 input == "C2F4H2" || input == "FREON 134" || input == "FREON 134A" ||
2992 input == "FREON-134" || input == "FREON-134-A" || input == "FREON 125" ||
2993 input == "ZYRON 125" || input == "FREON-125" || input == "ZYRON-125" ||
2994 input == "TETRAFLUOROETHANE" || input == "PENTAFLUOROETHANE") {
2995 // C2H2F4 (and C2HF5).
2996 return "C2H2F4";
2997 } else if (input == "TMA" || input == "TRIMETHYLAMINE" || input == "N(CH3)3" ||
2998 input == "N-(CH3)3") {
2999 return "TMA";
3000 } else if (input == "CHF3" || input == "FREON-23" || input == "TRIFLUOROMETHANE" ||
3001 input == "FLUOROFORM") {
3002 return "CHF3";
3003 } else if (input == "CF3BR" || input == "TRIFLUOROBROMOMETHANE" ||
3004 input == "BROMOTRIFLUOROMETHANE" || input == "HALON-1301" ||
3005 input == "HALON 1301" || input == "FREON-13B1" || input == "FREON 13BI") {
3006 return "CF3Br";
3007 } else if (input == "C3F8" || input == "OCTAFLUOROPROPANE" || input == "R218" ||
3008 input == "R-218" || input == "FREON 218" || input == "FREON-218" ||
3009 input == "PERFLUOROPROPANE" || input == "RC 218" || input == "PFC 218" ||
3010 input == "RC-218" || input == "PFC-218" || input == "FLUTEC PP30" ||
3011 input == "GENETRON 218") {
3012 return "C3F8";
3013 } else if (input == "OZONE" || input == "O3") {
3014 return "O3";
3015 } else if (input == "MERCURY" || input == "HG" || input == "HG2") {
3016 return "Hg";
3017 } else if (input == "H2S" || input == "HYDROGEN SULPHIDE" || input == "SEWER GAS" ||
3018 input == "HYDROGEN-SULPHIDE" || input == "SEWER-GAS" ||
3019 input == "HYDROGEN SULFIDE" || input == "HEPATIC ACID" ||
3020 input == "HYDROGEN-SULFIDE" || input == "HEPATIC-ACID" ||
3021 input == "SULFUR HYDRIDE" || input == "DIHYDROGEN MONOSULFIDE" ||
3022 input == "SULFUR-HYDRIDE" || input == "DIHYDROGEN-MONOSULFIDE" ||
3023 input == "DIHYDROGEN MONOSULPHIDE" || input == "SULPHUR HYDRIDE" ||
3024 input == "DIHYDROGEN-MONOSULPHIDE" || input == "SULPHUR-HYDRIDE" ||
3025 input == "STINK DAMP" || input == "SULFURATED HYDROGEN" ||
3026 input == "STINK-DAMP" || input == "SULFURATED-HYDROGEN") {
3027 return "H2S";
3028 } else if (input == "N-BUTANE" || input == "N-C4H10" || input == "NBUTANE" ||
3029 input == "NC4H10") {
3030 return "nC4H10";
3031 } else if (input == "N-PENTANE" || input == "N-C5H12" || input == "NPENTANE" ||
3032 input == "NC5H12") {
3033 return "nC5H12";
3034 } else if (input == "NI-PHELPS" || input == "NI PHELPS" ||
3035 input == "NITROGEN-PHELPS" || input == "NITROGEN PHELPHS" ||
3036 input == "N2-PHELPS" || input == "N2 PHELPS" || input == "N2 (PHELPS)") {
3037 // Nitrogen
3038 return "N2 (Phelps)";
3039 } else if (input == "GERMANE" || input == "GERM" || input == "GERMANIUM-HYDRIDE" ||
3041 input == "GERMANIUM-TETRAHYDRIDE" || input == "GERMANOMETHANE" ||
3042 input == "MONOGERMANE" || input == "GEH4") {
3043 return "GeH4";
3044 } else if (input == "SILANE" || input == "SIL" || input == "SILICON-HYDRIDE" ||
3045 input == "SILICON HYDRIDE" || input == "SILICON-TETRAHYDRIDE" ||
3046 input == "SILICANE" || input == "MONOSILANE" || input == "SIH4") {
3047 return "SiH4";
3048 }
3050 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetGasName:\n"
3051 << " Gas " << input << " is not recognized.\n";
3052 return "";

◆ GetGasNumberGasFile()

int Garfield::MediumGas::GetGasNumberGasFile ( const std::string &  input) const

Definition at line 3055 of file

3055 {
3057 if (input.empty()) return 0;
3059 if (input == "CF4") {
3060 return 1;
3061 } else if (input == "Ar") {
3062 return 2;
3063 } else if (input == "He" || input == "He-4") {
3064 return 3;
3065 } else if (input == "He-3") {
3066 return 4;
3067 } else if (input == "Ne") {
3068 return 5;
3069 } else if (input == "Kr") {
3070 return 6;
3071 } else if (input == "Xe") {
3072 return 7;
3073 } else if (input == "CH4") {
3074 // Methane
3075 return 8;
3076 } else if (input == "C2H6") {
3077 // Ethane
3078 return 9;
3079 } else if (input == "C3H8") {
3080 // Propane
3081 return 10;
3082 } else if (input == "iC4H10") {
3083 // Isobutane
3084 return 11;
3085 } else if (input == "CO2") {
3086 return 12;
3087 } else if (input == "neoC5H12") {
3088 // Neopentane
3089 return 13;
3090 } else if (input == "H2O") {
3091 return 14;
3092 } else if (input == "O2") {
3093 return 15;
3094 } else if (input == "N2") {
3095 return 16;
3096 } else if (input == "NO") {
3097 // Nitric oxide
3098 return 17;
3099 } else if (input == "N2O") {
3100 // Nitrous oxide
3101 return 18;
3102 } else if (input == "C2H4") {
3103 // Ethene
3104 return 19;
3105 } else if (input == "C2H2") {
3106 // Acetylene
3107 return 20;
3108 } else if (input == "H2") {
3109 return 21;
3110 } else if (input == "D2") {
3111 // Deuterium
3112 return 22;
3113 } else if (input == "CO") {
3114 return 23;
3115 } else if (input == "Methylal") {
3116 // Methylal (dimethoxymethane, CH3-O-CH2-O-CH3, "hot" version)
3117 return 24;
3118 } else if (input == "DME") {
3119 return 25;
3120 } else if (input == "Reid-Step") {
3121 return 26;
3122 } else if (input == "Maxwell-Model") {
3123 return 27;
3124 } else if (input == "Reid-Ramp") {
3125 return 28;
3126 } else if (input == "C2F6") {
3127 return 29;
3128 } else if (input == "SF6") {
3129 return 30;
3130 } else if (input == "NH3") {
3131 return 31;
3132 } else if (input == "C3H6") {
3133 // Propene
3134 return 32;
3135 } else if (input == "cC3H6") {
3136 // Cyclopropane
3137 return 33;
3138 } else if (input == "CH3OH") {
3139 // Methanol
3140 return 34;
3141 } else if (input == "C2H5OH") {
3142 // Ethanol
3143 return 35;
3144 } else if (input == "C3H7OH") {
3145 // Propanol
3146 return 36;
3147 } else if (input == "Cs") {
3148 return 37;
3149 } else if (input == "F2") {
3150 // Fluorine
3151 return 38;
3152 } else if (input == "CS2") {
3153 return 39;
3154 } else if (input == "COS") {
3155 return 40;
3156 } else if (input == "CD4") {
3157 // Deuterated methane
3158 return 41;
3159 } else if (input == "BF3") {
3160 return 42;
3161 } else if (input == "C2HF5" || input == "C2H2F4") {
3162 return 43;
3163 } else if (input == "TMA") {
3164 return 44;
3165 } else if (input == "paraH2") {
3166 return 45;
3167 } else if (input == "nC3H7OH") {
3168 return 46;
3169 } else if (input == "orthoD2") {
3170 return 48;
3171 } else if (input == "CHF3") {
3172 return 50;
3173 } else if (input == "CF3Br") {
3174 return 51;
3175 } else if (input == "C3F8") {
3176 return 52;
3177 } else if (input == "O3") {
3178 // Ozone
3179 return 53;
3180 } else if (input == "Hg") {
3181 return 54;
3182 } else if (input == "H2S") {
3183 return 55;
3184 } else if (input == "nC4H10") {
3185 // n-butane
3186 return 56;
3187 } else if (input == "nC5H12") {
3188 // n-pentane
3189 return 57;
3190 } else if (input == "N2 (Phelps)") {
3191 return 58;
3192 } else if (input == "GeH4") {
3193 // Germane
3194 return 59;
3195 } else if (input == "SiH4") {
3196 // Silane
3197 return 60;
3198 }
3200 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetGasNumberGasFile:\n"
3201 << " Gas " << input << " not found.\n";
3202 return 0;

Referenced by WriteGasFile().

◆ GetMassDensity()

double Garfield::MediumGas::GetMassDensity ( ) const

Get the mass density [g/cm3].

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 299 of file

299 {
300 return GetNumberDensity() * GetAtomicWeight() * AtomicMassUnit;
double GetNumberDensity() const override
Get the number density [cm-3].
double GetAtomicWeight() const override
Get the effective atomic weight.

◆ GetMixture()

bool Garfield::MediumGas::GetMixture ( const std::vector< double > &  mixture,
const int  version,
std::vector< std::string > &  gasnames,
std::vector< double > &  percentages 
) const

Definition at line 895 of file

897 {
899 gasnames.clear();
900 percentages.clear();
901 const unsigned int nMagboltzGases = mixture.size();
902 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nMagboltzGases; ++i) {
903 if (mixture[i] < Small) continue;
904 const std::string gasname = GetGasName(i + 1, version);
905 if (gasname.empty()) {
906 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetMixture:\n"
907 << " Unknown gas (gas number " << i + 1 << ").\n";
908 return false;
909 }
910 gasnames.push_back(gasname);
911 percentages.push_back(mixture[i]);
912 }
913 if (gasnames.size() > m_nMaxGases) {
914 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetMixture:\n"
915 << " Gas mixture has " << gasnames.size() << " components.\n"
916 << " Number of gases is limited to " << m_nMaxGases << ".\n";
917 return false;
918 } else if (gasnames.empty()) {
919 std::cerr << m_className << "::GetMixture:\n"
920 << " Gas mixture is not defined (zero components).\n";
921 return false;
922 }
923 double sum = std::accumulate(percentages.begin(), percentages.end(), 0.);
924 if (sum != 100.) {
925 std::cout << m_className << "::GetMixture:\n"
926 << " Renormalizing the percentages.\n";
927 for (auto& percentage : percentages) percentage *= 100. / sum;
928 }
929 return true;
static constexpr unsigned int m_nMaxGases
Definition: MediumGas.hh:126

Referenced by LoadGasFile(), and MergeGasFile().

◆ GetNumberDensity()

double Garfield::MediumGas::GetNumberDensity ( ) const

Get the number density [cm-3].

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 293 of file

293 {
294 // Ideal gas law.
295 return LoschmidtNumber * (m_pressure / AtmosphericPressure) *
296 (ZeroCelsius / m_temperature);

Referenced by GetMassDensity(), and LoadIonMobility().

◆ GetPhotoAbsorptionCrossSection()

bool Garfield::MediumGas::GetPhotoAbsorptionCrossSection ( const double  e,
double &  sigma,
const unsigned int  i 

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 3205 of file

3206 {
3207 if (i >= m_nMaxGases) {
3208 std::cerr << m_className
3209 << "::GetPhotoAbsorptionCrossSection: Index out of range.\n";
3210 return false;
3211 }
3213 OpticalData optData;
3214 if (!optData.IsAvailable(m_gas[i])) return false;
3215 double eta = 0.;
3216 return optData.GetPhotoabsorptionCrossSection(m_gas[i], e, sigma, eta);

◆ InsertA()

void Garfield::MediumGas::InsertA ( const int  ia,
const int  ne,
const int  nb,
const int  na 

Definition at line 1694 of file

1695 {
1696 ResizeA(m_eVelE, ne, nb, na + 1);
1697 ResizeA(m_eVelB, ne, nb, na + 1);
1698 ResizeA(m_eVelX, ne, nb, na + 1);
1699 ResizeA(m_eDifL, ne, nb, na + 1);
1700 ResizeA(m_eDifT, ne, nb, na + 1);
1701 ResizeA(m_eAlp, ne, nb, na + 1);
1702 ResizeA(m_eAlp0, ne, nb, na + 1);
1703 ResizeA(m_eAtt, ne, nb, na + 1);
1704 ResizeA(m_eLor, ne, nb, na + 1);
1705 ResizeA(m_iMob, ne, nb, na + 1);
1706 ResizeA(m_iDis, ne, nb, na + 1);
1707 ResizeA(m_iDifL, ne, nb, na + 1);
1708 ResizeA(m_iDifT, ne, nb, na + 1);
1709 for (auto& dif : m_eDifM) ResizeA(dif, ne, nb, na + 1);
1710 for (auto& exc : m_excRates) ResizeA(exc, ne, nb, na + 1);
1711 for (auto& ion : m_ionRates) ResizeA(ion, ne, nb, na + 1);
1712 for (int j = 0; j < nb; ++j) {
1713 for (int i = 0; i < ne; ++i) {
1714 for (int k = na; k > ia; k--) {
1715 if (!m_eVelE.empty()) m_eVelE[k][j][i] = m_eVelE[k - 1][j][i];
1716 if (!m_eVelB.empty()) m_eVelB[k][j][i] = m_eVelB[k - 1][j][i];
1717 if (!m_eVelX.empty()) m_eVelX[k][j][i] = m_eVelX[k - 1][j][i];
1718 if (!m_eDifL.empty()) m_eDifL[k][j][i] = m_eDifL[k - 1][j][i];
1719 if (!m_eDifT.empty()) m_eDifT[k][j][i] = m_eDifT[k - 1][j][i];
1720 if (!m_eAlp.empty()) m_eAlp[k][j][i] = m_eAlp[k - 1][j][i];
1721 if (!m_eAlp0.empty()) m_eAlp0[k][j][i] = m_eAlp0[k - 1][j][i];
1722 if (!m_eAtt.empty()) m_eAtt[k][j][i] = m_eAtt[k - 1][j][i];
1723 if (!m_eLor.empty()) m_eLor[k][j][i] = m_eLor[k - 1][j][i];
1724 if (!m_iMob.empty()) m_iMob[k][j][i] = m_iMob[k - 1][j][i];
1725 if (!m_iDis.empty()) m_iDis[k][j][i] = m_iDis[k - 1][j][i];
1726 if (!m_iDifL.empty()) m_iDifL[k][j][i] = m_iDifL[k - 1][j][i];
1727 if (!m_iDifT.empty()) m_iDifT[k][j][i] = m_iDifT[k - 1][j][i];
1728 for (auto& dif : m_eDifM) dif[k][j][i] = dif[k - 1][j][i];
1729 for (auto& exc : m_excRates) exc[k][j][i] = exc[k - 1][j][i];
1730 for (auto& ion : m_ionRates) ion[k][j][i] = ion[k - 1][j][i];
1731 }
1732 }
1733 }
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_iDifT
Definition: Medium.hh:566
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_iDifL
Definition: Medium.hh:565

Referenced by MergeGasFile().

◆ InsertB()

void Garfield::MediumGas::InsertB ( const int  ib,
const int  ne,
const int  nb,
const int  na 

Definition at line 1646 of file

1647 {
1648 for (int k = 0; k < na; ++k) {
1649 if (!m_eVelE.empty()) m_eVelE[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1650 if (!m_eVelB.empty()) m_eVelB[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1651 if (!m_eVelX.empty()) m_eVelX[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1652 if (!m_eDifL.empty()) m_eDifL[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1653 if (!m_eDifT.empty()) m_eDifT[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1654 if (!m_eAlp.empty()) m_eAlp[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1655 if (!m_eAlp0.empty()) m_eAlp0[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1656 if (!m_eAtt.empty()) m_eAtt[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1657 if (!m_eLor.empty()) m_eLor[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1658 if (!m_iMob.empty()) m_iMob[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1659 if (!m_iDis.empty()) m_iDis[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1660 if (!m_iDifL.empty()) m_iDifL[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1661 if (!m_iDifT.empty()) m_iDifT[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1662 for (auto& dif : m_eDifM) {
1663 dif[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1664 }
1665 for (auto& exc : m_excRates) {
1666 exc[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1667 }
1668 for (auto& ion : m_ionRates) {
1669 ion[k].resize(nb + 1, std::vector<double>(ne, 0.));
1670 }
1671 for (int i = 0; i < ne; ++i) {
1672 for (int j = nb; j > ib; j--) {
1673 if (!m_eVelE.empty()) m_eVelE[k][j][i] = m_eVelE[k][j - 1][i];
1674 if (!m_eVelB.empty()) m_eVelB[k][j][i] = m_eVelB[k][j - 1][i];
1675 if (!m_eVelX.empty()) m_eVelX[k][j][i] = m_eVelX[k][j - 1][i];
1676 if (!m_eDifL.empty()) m_eDifL[k][j][i] = m_eDifL[k][j - 1][i];
1677 if (!m_eDifT.empty()) m_eDifT[k][j][i] = m_eDifT[k][j - 1][i];
1678 if (!m_eAlp.empty()) m_eAlp[k][j][i] = m_eAlp[k][j - 1][i];
1679 if (!m_eAlp0.empty()) m_eAlp0[k][j][i] = m_eAlp0[k][j - 1][i];
1680 if (!m_eAtt.empty()) m_eAtt[k][j][i] = m_eAtt[k][j - 1][i];
1681 if (!m_eLor.empty()) m_eLor[k][j][i] = m_eLor[k][j - 1][i];
1682 if (!m_iMob.empty()) m_iMob[k][j][i] = m_iMob[k][j - 1][i];
1683 if (!m_iDis.empty()) m_iDis[k][j][i] = m_iDis[k][j - 1][i];
1684 if (!m_iDifL.empty()) m_iDifL[k][j][i] = m_iDifL[k][j - 1][i];
1685 if (!m_iDifT.empty()) m_iDifT[k][j][i] = m_iDifT[k][j - 1][i];
1686 for (auto& dif : m_eDifM) dif[k][j][i] = dif[k][j - 1][i];
1687 for (auto& exc : m_excRates) exc[k][j][i] = exc[k][j - 1][i];
1688 for (auto& ion : m_ionRates) ion[k][j][i] = ion[k][j - 1][i];
1689 }
1690 }
1691 }

Referenced by MergeGasFile().

◆ InsertE()

void Garfield::MediumGas::InsertE ( const int  ie,
const int  ne,
const int  nb,
const int  na 

Definition at line 1604 of file

1605 {
1606 for (int k = 0; k < na; ++k) {
1607 for (int j = 0; j < nb; ++j) {
1608 if (!m_eVelE.empty()) m_eVelE[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1609 if (!m_eVelB.empty()) m_eVelB[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1610 if (!m_eVelX.empty()) m_eVelX[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1611 if (!m_eDifL.empty()) m_eDifL[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1612 if (!m_eDifT.empty()) m_eDifT[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1613 if (!m_eAlp.empty()) m_eAlp[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1614 if (!m_eAlp0.empty()) m_eAlp0[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1615 if (!m_eAtt.empty()) m_eAtt[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1616 if (!m_eLor.empty()) m_eLor[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1617 if (!m_iMob.empty()) m_iMob[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1618 if (!m_iDis.empty()) m_iDis[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1619 if (!m_iDifL.empty()) m_iDifL[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1620 if (!m_iDifT.empty()) m_iDifT[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1621 for (auto& dif : m_eDifM) dif[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1622 for (auto& exc : m_excRates) exc[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1623 for (auto& ion : m_ionRates) ion[k][j].resize(ne + 1, 0.);
1624 for (int i = ne; i > ie; --i) {
1625 if (!m_eVelE.empty()) m_eVelE[k][j][i] = m_eVelE[k][j][i - 1];
1626 if (!m_eVelB.empty()) m_eVelB[k][j][i] = m_eVelB[k][j][i - 1];
1627 if (!m_eVelX.empty()) m_eVelX[k][j][i] = m_eVelX[k][j][i - 1];
1628 if (!m_eDifL.empty()) m_eDifL[k][j][i] = m_eDifL[k][j][i - 1];
1629 if (!m_eDifT.empty()) m_eDifT[k][j][i] = m_eDifT[k][j][i - 1];
1630 if (!m_eAlp.empty()) m_eAlp[k][j][i] = m_eAlp[k][j][i - 1];
1631 if (!m_eAlp0.empty()) m_eAlp0[k][j][i] = m_eAlp0[k][j][i - 1];
1632 if (!m_eAtt.empty()) m_eAtt[k][j][i] = m_eAtt[k][j][i - 1];
1633 if (!m_eLor.empty()) m_eLor[k][j][i] = m_eLor[k][j][i - 1];
1634 if (!m_iMob.empty()) m_iMob[k][j][i] = m_iMob[k][j][i - 1];
1635 if (!m_iDis.empty()) m_iDis[k][j][i] = m_iDis[k][j][i - 1];
1636 if (!m_iDifL.empty()) m_iDifL[k][j][i] = m_iDifL[k][j][i - 1];
1637 if (!m_iDifT.empty()) m_iDifT[k][j][i] = m_iDifT[k][j][i - 1];
1638 for (auto& dif : m_eDifM) dif[k][j][i] = dif[k][j][i - 1];
1639 for (auto& exc : m_excRates) exc[k][j][i] = exc[k][j][i - 1];
1640 for (auto& ion : m_ionRates) ion[k][j][i] = ion[k][j][i - 1];
1641 }
1642 }
1643 }

Referenced by MergeGasFile().

◆ IsGas()

bool Garfield::MediumGas::IsGas ( ) const

Is this medium a gas?

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 22 of file MediumGas.hh.

22{ return true; }

◆ LoadGasFile()

bool Garfield::MediumGas::LoadGasFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Read table of gas properties (transport parameters) from file.

Definition at line 312 of file

312 {
314 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
315 // GASGET
316 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
318 std::ifstream gasfile;
319 // Open the file.
321 // Make sure the file could be opened.
322 if (!gasfile.is_open()) {
323 std::cerr << m_className << "::LoadGasFile:\n"
324 << " Cannot open file " << filename << ".\n";
325 return false;
326 }
327 std::cout << m_className << "::LoadGasFile: Reading " << filename << ".\n";
329 ResetTables();
331 // Start reading the data.
332 if (m_debug) std::cout << m_className << "::LoadGasFile: Reading header.\n";
333 int version = 12;
334 // GASOK bits
335 std::bitset<20> gasok;
336 // Gas composition
337 constexpr int nMagboltzGases = 60;
338 std::vector<double> mixture(nMagboltzGases, 0.);
339 if (!ReadHeader(gasfile, version, gasok, m_tab2d, mixture,
341 gasfile.close();
342 return false;
343 }
344 std::cout << m_className << "::LoadGasFile: Version " << version << "\n";
346 // Check the gas mixture.
347 std::vector<std::string> gasnames;
348 std::vector<double> percentages;
349 if (!GetMixture(mixture, version, gasnames, percentages)) {
350 std::cerr << m_className << "::LoadGasFile:\n "
351 << "Cannot determine the gas composition.\n";
352 gasfile.close();
353 return false;
354 }
356 m_name = "";
357 m_nComponents = gasnames.size();
358 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
359 if (i > 0) m_name += "/";
360 m_name += gasnames[i];
361 m_gas[i] = gasnames[i];
362 m_fraction[i] = percentages[i] / 100.;
364 }
365 std::cout << m_className << "::LoadGasFile:\n"
366 << " Gas composition set to " << m_name;
367 if (m_nComponents > 1) {
368 std::cout << " (" << m_fraction[0] * 100;
369 for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
370 std::cout << "/" << m_fraction[i] * 100;
371 }
372 std::cout << ")";
373 }
374 std::cout << "\n";
376 const int nE = m_eFields.size();
377 const int nB = m_bFields.size();
378 const int nA = m_bAngles.size();
379 if (m_debug) {
380 std::cout << m_className << "::LoadGasFile:\n " << nE
381 << " electric field(s), " << nB
382 << " magnetic field(s), " << nA << " angle(s).\n";
383 }
385 // Decode the GASOK bits.
386 // GASOK(I) : .TRUE. if present
387 // (1) electron drift velocity || E
388 // (2) ion mobility,
389 // (3) longitudinal diffusion || E
390 // (4) Townsend coefficient,
391 // (5) cluster size distribution.
392 // (6) attachment coefficient,
393 // (7) Lorentz angle,
394 // (8) transverse diffusion || ExB and Bt
395 // (9) electron drift velocity || Bt
396 // (10) electron drift velocity || ExB
397 // (11) diffusion tensor
398 // (12) ion dissociation
399 // (13) allocated for SRIM data (not used)
400 // (14) allocated for HEED data (not used)
401 // (15) excitation rates
402 // (16) ionisation rates
404 if (gasok[0]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eVelE, 0.);
405 if (gasok[1]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_iMob, 0.);
406 if (gasok[2]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eDifL, 0.);
407 if (gasok[3]) {
408 Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eAlp, -30.);
409 Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eAlp0, -30.);
410 }
411 if (gasok[5]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eAtt, -30.);
412 if (gasok[6]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eLor, -30.);
413 if (gasok[7]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eDifT, 0.);
414 if (gasok[8]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eVelB, 0.);
415 if (gasok[9]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eVelX, 0.);
416 if (gasok[10]) Init(nE, nB, nA, 6, m_eDifM, 0.);
417 if (gasok[11]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_iDis, -30.);
418 if (gasok[14]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_excLevels.size(), m_excRates, 0.);
419 if (gasok[15]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_ionLevels.size(), m_ionRates, 0.);
421 // Force re-initialisation of collision rates etc.
422 m_isChanged = true;
424 if (m_debug) {
425 const std::string fmt = m_tab2d ? "3D" : "1D";
426 std::cout << m_className << "::LoadGasFile: Reading " << fmt << " table.\n";
427 }
429 // Drift velocity along E, Bt and ExB
430 double ve = 0., vb = 0., vx = 0.;
431 // Lorentz angle
432 double lor = 0.;
433 // Longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients
434 double dl = 0., dt = 0.;
435 // Townsend and attachment coefficients
436 double alpha = 0., alpha0 = 0., eta = 0.;
437 // Ion mobility and dissociation coefficient
438 double mu = 0., dis = 0.;
439 // Diffusion tensor.
440 std::array<double, 6> diff;
441 // Excitation and ionization rates.
442 const unsigned int nexc = m_excLevels.size();
443 std::vector<double> rexc(nexc, 0.);
444 const unsigned int nion = m_ionLevels.size();
445 std::vector<double> rion(nion, 0.);
446 for (int i = 0; i < nE; i++) {
447 for (int j = 0; j < nA; j++) {
448 for (int k = 0; k < nB; k++) {
449 if (m_tab2d) {
450 ReadRecord3D(gasfile, ve, vb, vx, dl, dt, alpha, alpha0, eta, mu,
451 lor, dis, diff, rexc, rion);
452 } else {
453 ReadRecord1D(gasfile, ve, vb, vx, dl, dt, alpha, alpha0, eta, mu,
454 lor, dis, diff, rexc, rion);
455 }
456 if (!m_eVelE.empty()) m_eVelE[j][k][i] = ve;
457 if (!m_eVelB.empty()) m_eVelB[j][k][i] = vb;
458 if (!m_eVelX.empty()) m_eVelX[j][k][i] = vx;
459 if (!m_eDifL.empty()) m_eDifL[j][k][i] = dl;
460 if (!m_eDifT.empty()) m_eDifT[j][k][i] = dt;
461 if (!m_eAlp.empty()) {
462 m_eAlp[j][k][i] = alpha;
463 m_eAlp0[j][k][i] = alpha0;
464 }
465 if (!m_eAtt.empty()) m_eAtt[j][k][i] = eta;
466 if (!m_iMob.empty()) m_iMob[j][k][i] = mu;
467 if (!m_eLor.empty()) m_eLor[j][k][i] = lor;
468 if (!m_iDis.empty()) m_iDis[j][k][i] = dis;
469 if (!m_eDifM.empty()) {
470 for (int l = 0; l < 6; l++) {
471 m_eDifM[l][j][k][i] = diff[l];
472 }
473 }
474 if (!m_excRates.empty()) {
475 for (unsigned int l = 0; l < nexc; ++l) {
476 m_excRates[l][j][k][i] = rexc[l];
477 }
478 }
479 if (!m_ionRates.empty()) {
480 for (unsigned int l = 0; l < nion; ++l) {
481 m_ionRates[l][j][k][i] = rion[l];
482 }
483 }
484 }
485 }
486 }
488 // Extrapolation methods
489 std::array<unsigned int, 13> extrapH = {{0}};
490 std::array<unsigned int, 13> extrapL = {{1}};
491 // Interpolation methods
492 std::array<unsigned int, 13> interp = {{2}};
493 // Ion diffusion coefficients.
494 double ionDiffL = 0.;
495 double ionDiffT = 0.;
496 // Gas pressure [Torr] and temperature [K].
497 double pgas = 0.;
498 double tgas = 0.;
499 // Moving on to the file footer
500 gasfile.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
501 if (m_debug) std::cout << m_className << "::LoadGasFile: Reading footer.\n";
502 ReadFooter(gasfile, extrapH, extrapL, interp,
503 m_eThrAlp, m_eThrAtt, m_iThrDis, ionDiffL, ionDiffT, pgas, tgas);
504 gasfile.close();
506 // Decrement the threshold indices (compatibility with Fortran).
507 if (m_eThrAlp > 0) --m_eThrAlp;
508 if (m_eThrAtt > 0) --m_eThrAtt;
509 if (m_iThrDis > 0) --m_iThrDis;
511 // Set the reference pressure and temperature.
512 if (pgas > 0.) m_pressure = m_pressureTable = pgas;
513 if (tgas > 0.) m_temperature = m_temperatureTable = tgas;
515 // Multiply the E/p values by the pressure.
516 for (auto& field : m_eFields) field *= m_pressureTable;
518 // Scale the parameters.
519 const double sqrp = sqrt(m_pressureTable);
520 const double logp = log(m_pressureTable);
521 for (int i = nE; i--;) {
522 for (int j = nA; j--;) {
523 for (int k = nB; k--;) {
524 if (!m_eDifL.empty()) m_eDifL[j][k][i] /= sqrp;
525 if (!m_eDifT.empty()) m_eDifT[j][k][i] /= sqrp;
526 if (!m_eDifM.empty()) {
527 for (int l = 6; l--;) m_eDifM[l][j][k][i] /= m_pressureTable;
528 }
529 if (!m_eAlp.empty()) {
530 m_eAlp[j][k][i] += logp;
531 m_eAlp0[j][k][i] += logp;
532 }
533 if (!m_eAtt.empty()) m_eAtt[j][k][i] += logp;
534 if (!m_iDis.empty()) m_iDis[j][k][i] += logp;
535 /*
536 for (auto& exc : m_excRates) {
537 exc[j][k][i] /= m_pressureTable;
538 }
539 for (auto& ion : m_ionRates) {
540 ion[j][k][i] /= m_pressureTable;
541 }
542 */
543 }
544 }
545 }
547 // Decode the extrapolation and interpolation tables.
548 m_extrVel = {extrapL[0], extrapH[0]};
549 // Indices 1 and 2 correspond to velocities along Bt and ExB.
550 m_extrDif = {extrapL[3], extrapH[3]};
551 m_extrAlp = {extrapL[4], extrapH[4]};
552 m_extrAtt = {extrapL[5], extrapH[5]};
553 m_extrMob = {extrapL[6], extrapH[6]};
554 m_extrLor = {extrapL[7], extrapH[7]};
555 // Index 8: transverse diffusion.
556 m_extrDis = {extrapL[9], extrapH[9]};
557 // Index 10: diff. tensor
558 m_extrExc = {extrapL[11], extrapH[11]};
559 m_extrIon = {extrapL[12], extrapH[12]};
560 m_intpVel = interp[0];
561 m_intpDif = interp[3];
562 m_intpAlp = interp[4];
563 m_intpAtt = interp[5];
564 m_intpMob = interp[6];
565 m_intpLor = interp[7];
566 m_intpDis = interp[9];
567 m_intpExc = interp[11];
568 m_intpIon = interp[12];
570 // Ion diffusion
571 if (ionDiffL > 0.) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_iDifL, ionDiffL);
572 if (ionDiffT > 0.) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_iDifT, ionDiffT);
574 if (m_debug) std::cout << m_className << "::LoadGasFile: Done.\n";
576 return true;
void ReadRecord3D(std::ifstream &gasfile, double &ve, double &vb, double &vx, double &dl, double &dt, double &alpha, double &alpha0, double &eta, double &mu, double &lor, double &dis, std::array< double, 6 > &dif, std::vector< double > &rexc, std::vector< double > &rion)
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrIon
Definition: MediumGas.hh:176
unsigned int m_intpIon
Definition: MediumGas.hh:178
void ResetTables() override
Reset all tables of transport parameters.
void ReadFooter(std::ifstream &gasfile, std::array< unsigned int, 13 > &extrapH, std::array< unsigned int, 13 > &extrapL, std::array< unsigned int, 13 > &interp, unsigned int &thrAlp, unsigned int &thrAtt, unsigned int &thrDis, double &ionDiffL, double &ionDiffT, double &pgas, double &tgas)
void ReadRecord1D(std::ifstream &gasfile, double &ve, double &vb, double &vx, double &dl, double &dt, double &alpha, double &alpha0, double &eta, double &mu, double &lor, double &dis, std::array< double, 6 > &dif, std::vector< double > &rexc, std::vector< double > &rion)
bool GetMixture(const std::vector< double > &mixture, const int version, std::vector< std::string > &gasnames, std::vector< double > &percentages) const
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrExc
Definition: MediumGas.hh:175
bool ReadHeader(std::ifstream &gasfile, int &version, std::bitset< 20 > &gasok, bool &is3d, std::vector< double > &mixture, std::vector< double > &efields, std::vector< double > &bfields, std::vector< double > &angles, std::vector< ExcLevel > &excLevels, std::vector< IonLevel > &ionLevels)
unsigned int m_intpExc
Definition: MediumGas.hh:177
unsigned int m_intpMob
Definition: Medium.hh:591
unsigned int m_intpDis
Definition: Medium.hh:592
unsigned int m_intpDif
Definition: Medium.hh:587
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrAtt
Definition: Medium.hh:580
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrVel
Definition: Medium.hh:577
void Init(const size_t nE, const size_t nB, const size_t nA, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > &tab, const double val)
unsigned int m_intpVel
Definition: Medium.hh:586
unsigned int m_intpAtt
Definition: Medium.hh:589
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrDis
Definition: Medium.hh:583
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrAlp
Definition: Medium.hh:579
unsigned int m_eThrAtt
Definition: Medium.hh:571
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrLor
Definition: Medium.hh:581
unsigned int m_intpLor
Definition: Medium.hh:590
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrDif
Definition: Medium.hh:578
unsigned int m_iThrDis
Definition: Medium.hh:574
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_extrMob
Definition: Medium.hh:582
unsigned int m_eThrAlp
Definition: Medium.hh:570
unsigned int m_intpAlp
Definition: Medium.hh:588
DoubleAc sqrt(const DoubleAc &f)
Definition: DoubleAc.cpp:314

Referenced by GarfieldPhysics::InitializePhysics().

◆ LoadIonMobility()

bool Garfield::MediumGas::LoadIonMobility ( const std::string &  filename)

Read a table of ion mobilities as function of electric field from file.

Definition at line 2215 of file

2215 {
2216 // Open the file.
2217 std::ifstream infile;
2218, std::ios::in);
2219 // Make sure the file could actually be opened.
2220 if (!infile) {
2221 std::cerr << m_className << "::LoadIonMobility:\n"
2222 << " Error opening file " << filename << ".\n";
2223 return false;
2224 }
2226 std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > data;
2227 // Read the file line by line.
2228 int i = 0;
2229 constexpr size_t size = 100;
2230 char line[size];
2231 while (infile.getline(line, size)) {
2232 ++i;
2233 char* token = strtok(line, " ,\t");
2234 if (!token) break;
2235 if (strcmp(token, "#") == 0 || strcmp(token, "*") == 0 ||
2236 strcmp(token, "//") == 0) {
2237 continue;
2238 }
2239 double field = atof(token);
2240 token = strtok(NULL, " ,\t");
2241 if (!token) {
2242 std::cerr << m_className << "::LoadIonMobility:\n"
2243 << " Found E/N but no mobility before the end-of-line.\n"
2244 << " Skipping line " << i << ".\n";
2245 continue;
2246 }
2247 double mu = atof(token);
2248 if (m_debug) {
2249 std::cout << " E/N = " << field << " Td: mu = " << mu << " cm2/(Vs)\n";
2250 }
2251 // Make sure the values make sense.
2252 // Negative field values are not allowed.
2253 if (field < 0.) {
2254 std::cerr << m_className << "::LoadIonMobility:\n"
2255 << " Negative electric field (line " << i << ").\n";
2256 return false;
2257 }
2258 // Add the values to the list.
2259 data.push_back(std::make_pair(field, mu));
2260 }
2261 infile.close();
2263 if (data.empty()) {
2264 std::cerr << m_className << "::LoadIonMobilities:\n"
2265 << " No valid data found.\n";
2266 return false;
2267 }
2268 // Sort by electric field.
2269 std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
2271 // The E/N values in the file are supposed to be in Td (10^-17 V cm2).
2272 const double scaleField = 1.e-17 * GetNumberDensity();
2273 // The reduced mobilities in the file are supposed to be in cm2/(V s).
2274 const double scaleMobility = 1.e-9 * (AtmosphericPressure / m_pressure) *
2275 (m_temperature / ZeroCelsius);
2277 const size_t ne = data.size();
2278 std::vector<double> efields(ne, 0.);
2279 std::vector<double> mobilities(ne, 0.);
2280 for (size_t j = 0; j < ne; ++j) {
2281 // Scale the fields and mobilities.
2282 efields[j] = data[j].first * scaleField;
2283 mobilities[j] = data[j].second * scaleMobility;
2284 }
2286 std::cout << m_className << "::LoadIonMobility:\n"
2287 << " Read " << ne << " values from file " << filename << "\n";
2289 return SetIonMobility(efields, mobilities);
bool SetIonMobility(const std::vector< double > &fields, const std::vector< double > &mobilities)

◆ MergeGasFile()

bool Garfield::MediumGas::MergeGasFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const bool  replaceOld 

Read table of gas properties from and merge with the existing dataset.

Definition at line 932 of file

933 {
935 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
936 // GASMRG - Merges gas data from a file with existing gas tables.
937 // (Last changed on 16/ 2/11.)
938 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
940 constexpr double eps = 1.e-3;
942 std::ifstream gasfile;
943 // Open the file.
945 // Make sure the file could be opened.
946 if (!gasfile.is_open()) {
947 std::cerr << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n"
948 << " Cannot open file " << filename << ".\n";
949 return false;
950 }
952 int version = 12;
953 std::bitset<20> gasok;
954 bool new3d = false;
955 constexpr int nMagboltzGases = 60;
956 std::vector<double> mixture(nMagboltzGases, 0.);
957 std::vector<double> efields;
958 std::vector<double> bfields;
959 std::vector<double> angles;
960 std::vector<ExcLevel> excLevels;
961 std::vector<IonLevel> ionLevels;
962 if (!ReadHeader(gasfile, version, gasok, new3d, mixture, efields, bfields,
963 angles, excLevels, ionLevels)) {
964 std::cerr << m_className << "::MergeGasFile: Error reading header.\n";
965 gasfile.close();
966 return false;
967 }
968 // Check the version.
969 if (version != 12) {
970 std::cout << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n "
971 << "This dataset cannot be read because of a change in format.\n";
972 gasfile.close();
973 return false;
974 }
976 // Check the gas composition.
977 std::vector<std::string> gasnames;
978 std::vector<double> percentages;
979 if (!GetMixture(mixture, version, gasnames, percentages)) {
980 std::cerr << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n "
981 << "Cannot determine the gas composition.\n";
982 gasfile.close();
983 return false;
984 }
985 if (m_nComponents != gasnames.size()) {
986 std::cerr << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n "
987 << "Composition of the dataset differs from the present one.\n";
988 gasfile.close();
989 return false;
990 }
992 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
993 const auto it = std::find(gasnames.begin(), gasnames.end(), m_gas[i]);
994 if (it == gasnames.end()) {
995 std::cerr << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n "
996 << "Composition of the dataset differs from the present one.\n";
997 gasfile.close();
998 return false;
999 }
1000 const double f2 = m_fraction[i];
1001 const double f1 = 0.01 * percentages[it - gasnames.begin()];
1002 if (fabs(f1 - f2) > 1.e-6 * (1. + fabs(f1) + fabs(f2))) {
1003 std::cerr << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n "
1004 << "Percentages of " << m_gas[i] << " differ.\n";
1005 gasfile.close();
1006 return false;
1007 }
1008 }
1010 // Check that the excitations and ionisations match.
1011 const unsigned int nexc = excLevels.size();
1012 const unsigned int nion = ionLevels.size();
1013 bool excMatch = (m_excLevels.size() == nexc);
1014 if (excMatch) {
1015 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nexc; ++i) {
1016 if (m_excLevels[i].label == excLevels[i].label) continue;
1017 excMatch = false;
1018 break;
1019 }
1020 }
1021 bool ionMatch = (m_ionLevels.size() == nion);
1022 if (ionMatch) {
1023 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nion; ++i) {
1024 if (m_ionLevels[i].label == ionLevels[i].label) continue;
1025 ionMatch = false;
1026 break;
1027 }
1028 }
1030 // Drift velocity along E, Bt and ExB
1031 double ve = 0., vb = 0., vx = 0.;
1032 // Lorentz angle
1033 double lor = 0.;
1034 // Longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients
1035 double dl = 0., dt = 0.;
1036 // Townsend and attachment coefficients
1037 double alpha = 0., alpha0 = 0., eta = 0.;
1038 // Ion mobility and dissociation coefficient
1039 double mu = 0., dis = 0.;
1040 // Diffusion tensor.
1041 std::array<double, 6> diff;
1042 // Excitation and ionization rates.
1043 std::vector<double> rexc(nexc, 0.);
1044 std::vector<double> rion(nion, 0.);
1045 // Loop through the gas tables to fast-forward to the footer.
1046 const unsigned int nNewE = efields.size();
1047 const unsigned int nNewB = bfields.size();
1048 const unsigned int nNewA = angles.size();
1049 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nNewE; i++) {
1050 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nNewA; j++) {
1051 for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nNewB; k++) {
1052 if (new3d) {
1053 ReadRecord3D(gasfile, ve, vb, vx, dl, dt, alpha, alpha0, eta, mu,
1054 lor, dis, diff, rexc, rion);
1055 } else {
1056 ReadRecord1D(gasfile, ve, vb, vx, dl, dt, alpha, alpha0, eta, mu,
1057 lor, dis, diff, rexc, rion);
1058 }
1059 }
1060 }
1061 }
1063 // Extrapolation methods
1064 std::array<unsigned int, 13> extrapH = {{0}};
1065 std::array<unsigned int, 13> extrapL = {{1}};
1066 // Interpolation methods
1067 std::array<unsigned int, 13> interp = {{2}};
1068 // Thresholds.
1069 unsigned int thrAlp = 0, thrAtt = 0, thrDis = 0;
1070 // Ion diffusion coefficients.
1071 double ionDiffL = 0., ionDiffT = 0.;
1072 // Gas pressure [Torr] and temperature [K].
1073 double pgas = 0., tgas = 0.;
1074 // Read the footer.
1075 gasfile.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
1076 ReadFooter(gasfile, extrapH, extrapL, interp, thrAlp, thrAtt, thrDis,
1077 ionDiffL, ionDiffT, pgas, tgas);
1079 // Check the pressure and temperature.
1080 if (!Similar(pgas, m_pressureTable, eps)) {
1081 std::cerr << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n "
1082 << "The gas pressure of the dataset to be read differs\n "
1083 << "from the current reference pressure; stop.\n";
1084 gasfile.close();
1085 return false;
1086 }
1087 if (!Similar(tgas, m_temperatureTable, eps)) {
1088 std::cerr << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n "
1089 << "The gas temperature of the dataset to be read differs\n "
1090 << "from the current reference temperature; stop.\n";
1091 gasfile.close();
1092 return false;
1093 }
1095 // Go back to the start and re-read the header to get to the gas tables.
1096 gasfile.clear();
1097 gasfile.seekg(0);
1098 if (!ReadHeader(gasfile, version, gasok, new3d, mixture, efields, bfields,
1099 angles, excLevels, ionLevels)) {
1100 std::cerr << m_className << "::MergeGasFile: Error re-reading header.\n";
1101 gasfile.close();
1102 return false;
1103 }
1105 // Multiply the E/p values by the pressure.
1106 for (auto& field : efields) field *= pgas;
1108 if (m_debug) {
1109 std::cout << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n "
1110 << "Dataset to be merged has the following dimensions:\n "
1111 << "3D = " << new3d << " nE = " << nNewE << ", nB = " << nNewB
1112 << ", nA = " << nNewA << ", nExc = "
1113 << excLevels.size() << ", nIon = " << ionLevels.size() << "\n";
1114 }
1116 unsigned int nE = m_eFields.size();
1117 unsigned int nB = m_bFields.size();
1118 unsigned int nA = m_bAngles.size();
1119 // Determine which mode we have to use for the E field.
1120 const int iemode = Equal(efields, m_eFields, eps);
1121 // Determine which mode we have to use for the angles.
1122 const int iamode = Equal(angles, m_bAngles, eps);
1123 // Determine which mode we have to use for the B field.
1124 const int ibmode = Equal(bfields, m_bFields, eps);
1125 if (m_debug) {
1126 std::cout << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n";
1127 if (iemode == 0) std::cout << " The E vectors differ.\n";
1128 else std::cout << " The E vectors are identical.\n";
1129 if (iamode == 0) std::cout << " The angle vectors differ.\n";
1130 else std::cout << " The angle vectors are identical.\n";
1131 if (ibmode == 0) std::cout << " The B vectors differ.\n";
1132 else std::cout << " The B vectors are identical.\n";
1133 }
1134 // Ensure there is a common mode.
1135 if (iemode + iamode + ibmode < 2) {
1136 std::cerr << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n Existing data and data "
1137 << "in the file don't have two common axes; not merged.\n";
1138 gasfile.close();
1139 return false;
1140 }
1141 // Decide whether we have to produce a 3D table or a 1D table.
1142 const bool old3d = m_tab2d;
1143 if ((new3d || ibmode * iamode == 0) && !m_tab2d) {
1144 if (m_debug) std::cout << " Expanding existing table to 3D mode.\n";
1145 m_tab2d = true;
1146 }
1148 // Determine which data are currently present.
1149 std::bitset<20> existing;
1150 GetGasBits(existing);
1151 // If the grids don't match, warn for data being lost in the merge.
1152 if (iemode * ibmode * iamode == 0) {
1153 // Check for data currently present which are absent in the new data.
1154 if (existing[0] && !gasok[0]) {
1155 existing.reset(0);
1156 m_eVelE.clear();
1157 PrintAbsentInNew("drift velocity");
1158 }
1159 if (existing[1] && !gasok[1]) {
1160 existing.reset(1);
1161 m_iMob.clear();
1162 PrintAbsentInNew("ion mobility");
1163 }
1164 if (existing[2] && !gasok[2]) {
1165 existing.reset(2);
1166 m_eDifL.clear();
1167 PrintAbsentInNew("longitudinal diffusion");
1168 }
1169 if (existing[3] && !gasok[3]) {
1170 existing.reset(3);
1171 m_eAlp.clear();
1172 PrintAbsentInNew("Townsend coefficient");
1173 }
1174 if (existing[5] && !gasok[5]) {
1175 existing.reset(5);
1176 m_eAtt.clear();
1177 PrintAbsentInNew("attachment coefficient");
1178 }
1179 if (existing[6] && !gasok[6]) {
1180 existing.reset(6);
1181 m_eLor.clear();
1182 PrintAbsentInNew("Lorentz angle");
1183 }
1184 if (existing[7] && !gasok[7]) {
1185 existing.reset(7);
1186 m_eDifT.clear();
1187 PrintAbsentInNew("transverse diffusion");
1188 }
1189 if (existing[8] && !gasok[8]) {
1190 existing.reset(8);
1191 m_eVelB.clear();
1192 PrintAbsentInNew("velocity along Bt");
1193 }
1194 if (existing[9] && !gasok[9]) {
1195 existing.reset(9);
1196 m_eVelX.clear();
1197 PrintAbsentInNew("velocity along ExB");
1198 }
1199 if (existing[10] && !gasok[10]) {
1200 existing.reset(10);
1201 m_eDifM.clear();
1202 PrintAbsentInNew("diffusion tensor");
1203 }
1204 if (existing[11] && !gasok[11]) {
1205 existing.reset(11);
1206 m_iDis.clear();
1207 PrintAbsentInNew("ion dissociation data");
1208 }
1209 if (existing[14] && !gasok[14]) {
1210 existing.reset(14);
1211 m_excLevels.clear();
1212 m_excRates.clear();
1213 PrintAbsentInNew("excitation data");
1214 }
1215 if (existing[15] && !gasok[15]) {
1216 existing.reset(15);
1217 m_ionLevels.clear();
1218 m_ionRates.clear();
1219 PrintAbsentInNew("ionisation data");
1220 }
1221 // And for data present in the file but not currently present.
1222 if (!existing[0] && gasok[0]) {
1223 gasok.reset(0);
1224 PrintAbsentInExisting("drift velocity");
1225 }
1226 if (!existing[1] && gasok[1]) {
1227 gasok.reset(1);
1228 PrintAbsentInExisting("ion mobility");
1229 }
1230 if (!existing[2] && gasok[2]) {
1231 gasok.reset(2);
1232 PrintAbsentInExisting("longitudinal diffusion");
1233 }
1234 if (!existing[3] && gasok[3]) {
1235 gasok.reset(3);
1236 PrintAbsentInExisting("Townsend coefficient");
1237 }
1238 if (!existing[5] && gasok[5]) {
1239 gasok.reset(5);
1240 PrintAbsentInExisting("attachment coefficient");
1241 }
1242 if (!existing[6] && gasok[6]) {
1243 if (old3d) {
1244 gasok.reset(6);
1245 PrintAbsentInExisting("Lorentz angle");
1246 } else {
1247 // Existing dataset is for B = 0 (no Lorentz angle).
1248 Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eLor, -30.);
1249 existing.set(6);
1250 }
1251 }
1252 if (!existing[7] && gasok[7]) {
1253 gasok.reset(7);
1254 PrintAbsentInExisting("transverse diffusion");
1255 }
1256 if (!existing[8] && gasok[8]) {
1257 if (old3d) {
1258 gasok.reset(8);
1259 PrintAbsentInExisting("velocity along Bt");
1260 } else {
1261 // Existing dataset is for B = 0 (no velocity component || Bt).
1262 Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eVelB, 0.);
1263 existing.set(8);
1264 }
1265 }
1266 if (!existing[9] && gasok[9]) {
1267 if (old3d) {
1268 gasok.reset(9);
1269 PrintAbsentInExisting("velocity along ExB");
1270 } else {
1271 // Existing dataset is for B = 0 (no velocity component || ExB).
1272 Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eVelX, 0.);
1273 existing.set(9);
1274 }
1275 }
1276 if (!existing[10] && gasok[10]) {
1277 gasok.reset(10);
1278 PrintAbsentInExisting("diffusion tensor");
1279 }
1280 if (!existing[11] && gasok[11]) {
1281 gasok.reset(11);
1282 PrintAbsentInExisting("ion dissociation data");
1283 }
1284 if (!existing[14] && gasok[14]) {
1285 gasok.reset(14);
1286 PrintAbsentInExisting("excitation data");
1287 }
1288 if (!existing[15] && gasok[15]) {
1289 gasok.reset(15);
1290 PrintAbsentInExisting("ionisation data");
1291 }
1292 if (existing[14] && gasok[14] && !excMatch) {
1293 std::cerr << " Excitation levels of the two datasets don't match.\n"
1294 << " Deleting excitation data.\n";
1295 m_excLevels.clear();
1296 m_excRates.clear();
1297 existing.reset(14);
1298 gasok.reset(14);
1299 }
1300 if (existing[15] && gasok[15] && !ionMatch) {
1301 std::cerr << " Ionisation levels of the two datasets don't match.\n"
1302 << " Deleting ionisation data.\n";
1303 m_ionLevels.clear();
1304 m_ionRates.clear();
1305 existing.reset(15);
1306 gasok.reset(15);
1307 }
1308 } else {
1309 // If the grids are identical, initialise the tables that are only present
1310 // in the new dataset but not in existing one.
1311 if (gasok[0] && !existing[0]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eVelE, 0.);
1312 if (gasok[1] && !existing[1]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_iMob, 0.);
1313 if (gasok[2] && !existing[2]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eDifL, 0.);
1314 if (gasok[3] && !existing[3]) {
1315 Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eAlp, -30.);
1316 Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eAlp0, -30.);
1317 }
1318 if (gasok[5] && !existing[5]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eAtt, -30.);
1319 if (gasok[6] && !existing[6]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eLor, -30.);
1320 if (gasok[7] && !existing[7]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eDifT, 0.);
1321 if (gasok[8] && !existing[8]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eVelB, 0.);
1322 if (gasok[9] && !existing[9]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_eVelX, 0.);
1323 if (gasok[10] && !existing[10]) Init(nE, nB, nA, 6, m_eDifM, 0.);
1324 if (gasok[11] && !existing[11]) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_iDis, -30.);
1325 if (gasok[14] && (!existing[14] || replaceOld)) {
1326 Init(nE, nB, nA, nexc, m_excRates, 0.);
1327 }
1328 if (gasok[15] && (!existing[15] || replaceOld)) {
1329 Init(nE, nB, nA, nion, m_ionRates, 0.);
1330 }
1331 }
1333 // Initialise the "new" flags.
1334 std::vector<bool> newE(nE, false);
1335 std::vector<bool> newA(nA, false);
1336 std::vector<bool> newB(nB, false);
1337 // Extend the existing tables.
1338 std::cout << m_className << "::MergeGasFile: Extending the tables.\n";
1339 // Insert room in the tables for new columns in E.
1340 if (iemode == 0) {
1341 // Loop over the new values.
1342 for (const auto efield : efields) {
1343 // Loop over the old values.
1344 bool found = false;
1345 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nE; ++j) {
1346 // If it overlaps with existing E, either keep old or new data.
1347 if (Similar(efield, m_eFields[j], eps)) {
1348 if (replaceOld) {
1349 std::cout << " Replacing existing data for E = "
1350 << m_eFields[j] << " V/cm by data from file.\n";
1351 m_eFields[j] = efield;
1352 newE[j] = true;
1353 ZeroRowE(j, nB, nA);
1354 } else {
1355 std::cout << " Keeping existing data for E = " << m_eFields[j]
1356 << " V/cm, not using data from the file.\n";
1357 }
1358 found = true;
1359 break;
1360 } else if (efield < m_eFields[j]) {
1361 // Otherwise shift all data at higher E values.
1362 if (m_debug) {
1363 std::cout << " Inserting E = " << efield
1364 << " V/cm at slot " << j << ".\n";
1365 }
1366 InsertE(j, nE, nB, nA);
1367 m_eFields.insert(m_eFields.begin() + j, efield);
1368 newE.insert(newE.begin() + j, true);
1369 ZeroRowE(j, nB, nA);
1370 ++nE;
1371 found = true;
1372 break;
1373 }
1374 }
1375 if (found) continue;
1376 // If there is no higher E, then add the line at the end.
1377 if (m_debug) {
1378 std::cout << " Adding E = " << efield << " V/cm at the end.\n";
1379 }
1380 InsertE(nE, nE, nB, nA);
1381 m_eFields.push_back(efield);
1382 newE.push_back(true);
1383 ZeroRowE(nE, nB, nA);
1384 ++nE;
1385 }
1386 }
1387 // Insert room in the tables for new columns in B.
1388 if (ibmode == 0) {
1389 // Loop over the new values.
1390 for (const auto bfield : bfields) {
1391 // Loop over the old values.
1392 bool found = false;
1393 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nB; ++j) {
1394 // If it overlaps with existing B, either keep old or new data.
1395 if (Similar(bfield, m_bFields[j], eps)) {
1396 if (replaceOld) {
1397 std::cout << " Replacing old data for B = " << m_bFields[j]
1398 << " T by data from file.\n";
1399 m_bFields[j] = bfield;
1400 newB[j] = true;
1401 ZeroRowB(j, nE, nA);
1402 } else {
1403 std::cout << " Keeping old data for B = " << m_bFields[j]
1404 << " T, not using data from file.\n";
1405 }
1406 found = true;
1407 break;
1408 } else if (bfield < m_bFields[j]) {
1409 // Otherwise shift all data at higher B values.
1410 if (m_debug) {
1411 std::cout << " Inserting B = " << bfield << " T at slot "
1412 << j << ".\n";
1413 }
1414 InsertB(j, nE, nB, nA);
1415 m_bFields.insert(m_bFields.begin() + j, bfield);
1416 newB.insert(newB.begin() + j, true);
1417 ZeroRowB(j, nE, nA);
1418 ++nB;
1419 found = true;
1420 break;
1421 }
1422 }
1423 if (found) continue;
1424 // If there is no higher B, then add the line at the end.
1425 if (m_debug) {
1426 std::cout << " Adding B = " << bfield << " T at the end.\n";
1427 }
1428 InsertB(nB, nE, nB, nA);
1429 m_bFields.push_back(bfield);
1430 newB.push_back(true);
1431 ZeroRowB(nB, nE, nA);
1432 ++nB;
1433 }
1434 }
1435 // Insert room in the tables for new columns in angle.
1436 if (iamode == 0) {
1437 // Loop over the new values.
1438 for (const auto angle : angles) {
1439 // Loop over the old values.
1440 bool found = false;
1441 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nA; ++j) {
1442 // If it overlaps with an existing angle, either keep old or new data.
1443 if (Similar(angle, m_bAngles[j], eps)) {
1444 if (replaceOld) {
1445 std::cout << " Replacing old data for angle(E,B) = "
1446 << m_bAngles[j] * RadToDegree
1447 << " degrees by data from the file.\n";
1448 m_bAngles[j] = angle;
1449 newA[j] = true;
1450 ZeroRowA(j, nE, nB);
1451 } else {
1452 std::cout << " Keeping old data for angle(E,B) = "
1453 << m_bAngles[j] * RadToDegree
1454 << " degrees, not using data from file.\n";
1455 }
1456 found = true;
1457 break;
1458 } else if (angle < m_bAngles[j]) {
1459 // Otherwise shift all data at higher angles.
1460 if (m_debug) {
1461 std::cout << " Inserting angle = " << angle * RadToDegree
1462 << " degrees at slot " << j << ".\n";
1463 }
1464 InsertA(j, nE, nB, nA);
1465 m_bAngles.insert(m_bAngles.begin() + j, angle);
1466 newA.insert(newA.begin() + j, true);
1467 ZeroRowA(j, nE, nB);
1468 ++nA;
1469 found = true;
1470 break;
1471 }
1472 }
1473 if (found) continue;
1474 // If there is no higher angle, then add the line at the end.
1475 if (m_debug) {
1476 std::cout << " Adding angle = " << angle * RadToDegree
1477 << " degrees at the end.\n";
1478 }
1479 InsertA(nA, nE, nB, nA);
1480 m_bAngles.push_back(angle);
1481 newA.push_back(true);
1482 ZeroRowA(nA, nE, nB);
1483 ++nA;
1484 }
1485 }
1487 const double sqrp = sqrt(pgas);
1488 const double logp = log(pgas);
1490 // Read the gas table.
1491 for (const auto efield : efields) {
1492 // Locate the index at which these values are to be stored.
1493 const int inde = FindIndex(efield, m_eFields, eps);
1494 for (const auto angle : angles) {
1495 const int inda = FindIndex(angle, m_bAngles, eps);
1496 for (const auto bfield : bfields) {
1497 // Read the record.
1498 if (new3d) {
1499 ReadRecord3D(gasfile, ve, vb, vx, dl, dt, alpha, alpha0, eta, mu,
1500 lor, dis, diff, rexc, rion);
1501 } else {
1502 ReadRecord1D(gasfile, ve, vb, vx, dl, dt, alpha, alpha0, eta, mu,
1503 lor, dis, diff, rexc, rion);
1504 }
1505 const int indb = FindIndex(bfield, m_bFields, eps);
1506 if (inde < 0 || inda < 0 || indb < 0) {
1507 std::cerr << m_className << "::MergeGasFile:\n Unable to locate"
1508 << " the (E,angle,B) insertion point; no gas data read.\n";
1509 std::cout << "BFIELD = " << bfield << ", IB = " << indb << "\n";
1510 ResetTables();
1511 gasfile.close();
1512 return false;
1513 }
1514 const bool update = newE[inde] || newA[inda] || newB[indb] || replaceOld;
1515 // Store the data.
1516 if (gasok[0] && (update || !existing[0])) {
1517 m_eVelE[inda][indb][inde] = ve;
1518 }
1519 if (gasok[1] && (update || !existing[1])) {
1520 m_iMob[inda][indb][inde] = mu;
1521 }
1522 if (gasok[2] && (update || !existing[2])) {
1523 m_eDifL[inda][indb][inde] = dl / sqrp;
1524 }
1525 if (gasok[3] && (update || !existing[3])) {
1526 m_eAlp[inda][indb][inde] = alpha + logp;
1527 m_eAlp0[inda][indb][inde] = alpha0 + logp;
1528 }
1529 if (gasok[5] && (update || !existing[5])) {
1530 m_eAtt[inda][indb][inde] = eta + logp;
1531 }
1532 if (gasok[6] && (update || !existing[6])) {
1533 m_eLor[inda][indb][inde] = lor;
1534 }
1535 if (gasok[7] && (update || !existing[7])) {
1536 m_eDifT[inda][indb][inde] = dt / sqrp;
1537 }
1538 if (gasok[8] && (update || !existing[8])) {
1539 m_eVelB[inda][indb][inde] = vb;
1540 }
1541 if (gasok[9] && (update || !existing[9])) {
1542 m_eVelX[inda][indb][inde] = vx;
1543 }
1544 if (gasok[10] && (update || !existing[10])) {
1545 for (unsigned int l = 0; l < 6; ++l) {
1546 m_eDifM[l][inda][indb][inde] = diff[l] / pgas;
1547 }
1548 }
1549 if (gasok[11] && (update || !existing[11])) {
1550 m_iDis[inda][indb][inde] = dis + logp;
1551 }
1552 if (gasok[14] && (update || !existing[14])) {
1553 for (unsigned int l = 0; l < nexc; ++l) {
1554 m_excRates[l][inda][indb][inde] = rexc[l];
1555 }
1556 }
1557 if (gasok[15] && (update || !existing[15])) {
1558 for (unsigned int l = 0; l < nion; ++l) {
1559 m_ionRates[l][inda][indb][inde] = rion[l];
1560 }
1561 }
1562 }
1563 }
1564 }
1565 // if (iemode + iamode + ibmode == 3) { ... }
1566 if (replaceOld) {
1567 if (m_debug) {
1568 std::cout << m_className << "::MergeGasFile: "
1569 << "Replacing extrapolation and interpolation data.\n";
1570 }
1571 if (gasok[0]) m_extrVel = {extrapL[0], extrapH[0]};
1572 if (gasok[1]) m_extrMob = {extrapL[6], extrapH[6]};
1573 if (gasok[2]) m_extrDif = {extrapL[3], extrapH[3]};
1574 if (gasok[3]) m_extrAlp = {extrapL[4], extrapH[4]};
1575 if (gasok[5]) m_extrAtt = {extrapL[5], extrapH[5]};
1576 if (gasok[6]) m_extrLor = {extrapL[7], extrapH[7]};
1577 if (gasok[11]) m_extrDis = {extrapL[9], extrapH[9]};
1578 if (gasok[14]) m_extrExc = {extrapL[11], extrapH[11]};
1579 if (gasok[15]) m_extrIon = {extrapL[12], extrapH[12]};
1581 if (gasok[0]) m_intpVel = interp[0];
1582 if (gasok[1]) m_intpMob = interp[6];
1583 if (gasok[2]) m_intpDif = interp[3];
1584 if (gasok[3]) m_intpAlp = interp[4];
1585 if (gasok[5]) m_intpAtt = interp[5];
1586 if (gasok[6]) m_intpLor = interp[7];
1587 if (gasok[11]) m_intpDis = interp[9];
1588 if (gasok[14]) m_intpExc = interp[11];
1589 if (gasok[15]) m_intpIon = interp[12];
1591 // Ion diffusion.
1592 if (m_debug && (ionDiffL > 0. || ionDiffT > 0.)) {
1593 std::cout << m_className << "::MergeGasFile: Replacing ion diffusion.\n";
1594 }
1595 if (ionDiffL > 0.) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_iDifL, ionDiffL);
1596 if (ionDiffT > 0.) Init(nE, nB, nA, m_iDifT, ionDiffT);
1597 }
1598 // Update the Townsend and attachment threshold indices.
1601 return true;
void InsertB(const int ib, const int ne, const int nb, const int na)
void GetGasBits(std::bitset< 20 > &gasok) const
void ZeroRowA(const int ia, const int ne, const int nb)
void ZeroRowB(const int ib, const int ne, const int na)
void ZeroRowE(const int ie, const int nb, const int na)
void InsertA(const int ia, const int ne, const int nb, const int na)
void InsertE(const int ie, const int ne, const int nb, const int na)
DoubleAc fabs(const DoubleAc &f)
Definition: DoubleAc.h:615

◆ PrintGas()

void Garfield::MediumGas::PrintGas ( )

Print information about the present gas mixture and available data.

Reimplemented in Garfield::MediumMagboltz.

Definition at line 2072 of file

2072 {
2073 // Print a summary.
2074 std::cout << m_className << "::PrintGas:\n"
2075 << " Gas composition: " << m_name;
2076 if (m_nComponents > 1) {
2077 std::cout << " (" << m_fraction[0] * 100;
2078 for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
2079 std::cout << "/" << m_fraction[i] * 100;
2080 }
2081 std::cout << ")";
2082 }
2083 std::cout << "\n";
2084 std::cout << " Pressure: " << m_pressure << " Torr\n"
2085 << " Temperature: " << m_temperature << " K\n"
2086 << " Gas file:\n"
2087 << " Pressure: " << m_pressureTable << " Torr\n"
2088 << " Temperature: " << m_temperatureTable << " K\n";
2089 if (m_eFields.size() > 1) {
2090 std::cout << " Electric field range: " << m_eFields[0] << " - "
2091 << m_eFields.back() << " V/cm in " << m_eFields.size() - 1
2092 << " steps.\n";
2093 } else if (m_eFields.size() == 1) {
2094 std::cout << " Electric field: " << m_eFields[0] << " V/cm\n";
2095 } else {
2096 std::cout << " Electric field range: not set\n";
2097 }
2098 if (m_bFields.size() > 1) {
2099 std::cout << " Magnetic field range: " << m_bFields[0] << " - "
2100 << m_bFields.back() << " T in " << m_bFields.size() - 1
2101 << " steps.\n";
2102 } else if (m_bFields.size() == 1) {
2103 std::cout << " Magnetic field: " << m_bFields[0] << " T\n";
2104 } else {
2105 std::cout << " Magnetic field range: not set\n";
2106 }
2107 if (m_bAngles.size() > 1) {
2108 std::cout << " Angular range: " << m_bAngles[0] << " - "
2109 << m_bAngles.back() << " rad in " << m_bAngles.size() - 1
2110 << " steps.\n";
2111 } else if (m_bAngles.size() == 1) {
2112 std::cout << " Angle between E and B: " << m_bAngles[0] << " rad\n";
2113 } else {
2114 std::cout << " Angular range: not set\n";
2115 }
2117 std::cout << " Available electron transport data:\n";
2118 if (!m_eVelE.empty()) {
2119 std::cout << " Velocity along E\n";
2120 }
2121 if (!m_eVelB.empty()) {
2122 std::cout << " Velocity along Bt\n";
2123 }
2124 if (!m_eVelX.empty()) {
2125 std::cout << " Velocity along ExB\n";
2126 }
2127 if (!(m_eVelE.empty() && m_eVelB.empty() &&
2128 m_eVelX.empty())) {
2129 PrintExtrapolation(m_extrVel);
2130 std::cout << " Interpolation order: " << m_intpVel << "\n";
2131 }
2132 if (!m_eDifL.empty()) {
2133 std::cout << " Longitudinal diffusion coefficient\n";
2134 }
2135 if (!m_eDifT.empty()) {
2136 std::cout << " Transverse diffusion coefficient\n";
2137 }
2138 if (!m_eDifM.empty()) {
2139 std::cout << " Diffusion tensor\n";
2140 }
2141 if (!m_eDifL.empty() || !m_eDifT.empty() || !m_eDifM.empty()) {
2142 PrintExtrapolation(m_extrDif);
2143 std::cout << " Interpolation order: " << m_intpDif << "\n";
2144 }
2145 if (!m_eAlp.empty()) {
2146 std::cout << " Townsend coefficient\n";
2147 PrintExtrapolation(m_extrAlp);
2148 std::cout << " Interpolation order: " << m_intpAlp << "\n";
2149 }
2150 if (!m_eAtt.empty()) {
2151 std::cout << " Attachment coefficient\n";
2152 PrintExtrapolation(m_extrAtt);
2153 std::cout << " Interpolation order: " << m_intpAtt << "\n";
2154 }
2155 if (!m_eLor.empty()) {
2156 std::cout << " Lorentz Angle\n";
2157 PrintExtrapolation(m_extrLor);
2158 std::cout << " Interpolation order: " << m_intpLor << "\n";
2159 }
2160 if (!m_excRates.empty()) {
2161 std::cout << " Excitation rates\n";
2162 for (const auto& exc : m_excLevels) {
2163 std::cout << " " << exc.label << "\n";
2164 std::cout << " Energy = " << << " eV";
2165 if (exc.prob > 0.) {
2166 std::cout << ", Penning transfer probability = " << exc.prob;
2167 }
2168 std::cout << "\n";
2169 }
2170 PrintExtrapolation(m_extrExc);
2171 std::cout << " Interpolation order: " << m_intpExc << "\n";
2172 }
2173 if (!m_ionRates.empty()) {
2174 std::cout << " Ionisation rates\n";
2175 for (const auto& ion : m_ionLevels) {
2176 std::cout << " " << ion.label << "\n";
2177 std::cout << " Threshold = " << << " eV\n";
2178 }
2179 PrintExtrapolation(m_extrIon);
2180 std::cout << " Interpolation order: " << m_intpIon << "\n";
2181 }
2182 if (m_eVelE.empty() && m_eVelB.empty() && m_eVelX.empty() &&
2183 m_eDifL.empty() && m_eDifT.empty() && m_eDifM.empty() &&
2184 m_eAlp.empty() && m_eAtt.empty() && m_excRates.empty() &&
2185 m_ionRates.empty() && m_eLor.empty()) {
2186 std::cout << " none\n";
2187 }
2189 std::cout << " Available ion transport data:\n";
2190 if (!m_iMob.empty()) {
2191 std::cout << " Mobility\n";
2192 PrintExtrapolation(m_extrMob);
2193 std::cout << " Interpolation order: " << m_intpMob << "\n";
2194 }
2195 if (!m_iDifL.empty()) {
2196 std::cout << " Longitudinal diffusion coefficient\n";
2197 }
2198 if (!m_iDifT.empty()) {
2199 std::cout << " Transverse diffusion coefficient\n";
2200 }
2201 if (!m_iDifL.empty() || !m_iDifT.empty()) {
2202 PrintExtrapolation(m_extrDif);
2203 std::cout << " Interpolation order: " << m_intpDif << "\n";
2204 }
2205 if (!m_iDis.empty()) {
2206 std::cout << " Dissociation coefficient\n";
2207 PrintExtrapolation(m_extrDis);
2208 std::cout << " Interpolation order: " << m_intpDis << "\n";
2209 }
2210 if (m_iMob.empty() && m_iDifL.empty() && m_iDifT.empty() && m_iDis.empty()) {
2211 std::cout << " none\n";
2212 }

Referenced by Garfield::MediumMagboltz::PrintGas().

◆ ReadFooter()

void Garfield::MediumGas::ReadFooter ( std::ifstream &  gasfile,
std::array< unsigned int, 13 > &  extrapH,
std::array< unsigned int, 13 > &  extrapL,
std::array< unsigned int, 13 > &  interp,
unsigned int &  thrAlp,
unsigned int &  thrAtt,
unsigned int &  thrDis,
double &  ionDiffL,
double &  ionDiffT,
double &  pgas,
double &  tgas 

Definition at line 813 of file

819 {
821 bool done = false;
822 while (!done) {
823 char line[256];
824 gasfile.getline(line, 256);
825 char* token = strtok(line, " :,%=\t");
826 while (token) {
827 if (strcmp(token, "H") == 0) {
828 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
829 for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
830 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
831 if (token != NULL) extrapH[i] = atoi(token);
832 }
833 } else if (strcmp(token, "L") == 0) {
834 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
835 for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
836 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
837 if (token != NULL) extrapL[i] = atoi(token);
838 }
839 } else if (strcmp(token, "Thresholds") == 0) {
840 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
841 if (token != NULL) thrAlp = atoi(token);
842 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
843 if (token != NULL) thrAtt = atoi(token);
844 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
845 if (token != NULL) thrDis = atoi(token);
846 } else if (strcmp(token, "Interp") == 0) {
847 for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
848 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
849 if (token != NULL) interp[i] = atoi(token);
850 }
851 } else if (strcmp(token, "A") == 0) {
852 // Parameter for energy loss distribution, not used in Garfield++.
853 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
854 } else if (strcmp(token, "Z") == 0) {
855 // Parameter for energy loss distribution, not used in Garfield++.
856 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
857 } else if (strcmp(token, "EMPROB") == 0) {
858 // Parameter for energy loss distribution, not used in Garfield++.
859 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
860 } else if (strcmp(token, "EPAIR") == 0) {
861 // Parameter for energy loss distribution, not used in Garfield++.
862 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
863 } else if (strcmp(token, "Ion") == 0) {
864 // Ion diffusion coefficients
865 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
866 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
867 if (token != NULL) ionDiffL = atof(token);
868 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
869 if (token != NULL) ionDiffT = atof(token);
870 } else if (strcmp(token, "CMEAN") == 0) {
871 // Clusters per cm, not used in Garfield..
872 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
873 } else if (strcmp(token, "RHO") == 0) {
874 // Parameter for energy loss distribution, not used in Garfield++.
875 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
876 } else if (strcmp(token, "PGAS") == 0) {
877 // Pressure [Torr]
878 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
879 if (token != NULL) pgas = atof(token);
880 } else if (strcmp(token, "TGAS") == 0) {
881 // Temperature [K]
882 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
883 if (token != NULL) tgas = atof(token);
884 done = true;
885 break;
886 } else {
887 done = true;
888 break;
889 }
890 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%=\t");
891 }
892 }

Referenced by LoadGasFile(), and MergeGasFile().

◆ ReadHeader()

bool Garfield::MediumGas::ReadHeader ( std::ifstream &  gasfile,
int &  version,
std::bitset< 20 > &  gasok,
bool &  is3d,
std::vector< double > &  mixture,
std::vector< double > &  efields,
std::vector< double > &  bfields,
std::vector< double > &  angles,
std::vector< ExcLevel > &  excLevels,
std::vector< IonLevel > &  ionLevels 

Definition at line 579 of file

583 {
585 gasok.reset();
586 bool done = false;
587 char line[256];
588 while (gasfile.getline(line, 256)) {
589 const bool quotes = (strstr(line, "\"") != NULL);
590 if (strncmp(line, " The gas tables follow:", 8) == 0 ||
591 strncmp(line, "The gas tables follow:", 7) == 0) {
592 done = true;
593 break;
594 }
595 char* token = strtok(line, " :,%");
596 while (token) {
597 if (strcmp(token, "Version") == 0) {
598 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
599 version = atoi(token);
600 // Check the version number.
601 if (version != 10 && version != 11 && version != 12) {
602 std::cerr << m_className << "::ReadHeader:\n"
603 << " The file has version number " << version << ".\n"
604 << " Files written in this format cannot be read.\n";
605 return false;
606 }
607 } else if (strcmp(token, "GASOK") == 0) {
608 // Get the GASOK bits indicating if a parameter
609 // is present in the table (T) or not (F).
610 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%\t");
611 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%\t");
612 std::string okstr(token);
613 if (m_debug) std::cout << " GASOK bits: " << okstr << "\n";
614 if (okstr.size() < 20) {
615 std::cerr << m_className << "::ReadHeader:\n"
616 << " Unexpected size of GASOK string ("
617 << okstr.size() << ").\n";
618 return false;
619 }
620 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
621 if (okstr[i] == 'T') gasok.set(i);
622 }
623 } else if (strcmp(token, "Identifier") == 0) {
624 // Get the identification string.
625 std::string identifier = "";
626 token = strtok(NULL, "\n");
627 if (token != NULL) identifier += token;
628 if (m_debug) std::cout << " Identifier: " << identifier << "\n";
629 } else if (strcmp(token, "Dimension") == 0) {
630 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%\t");
631 if (strcmp(token, "F") == 0) {
632 is3d = false;
633 } else {
634 is3d = true;
635 }
636 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%\t");
637 const int nE = atoi(token);
638 // Check the number of E points.
639 if (nE <= 0) {
640 std::cerr << m_className << "::ReadHeader:\n"
641 << " Number of E fields out of range.\n";
642 return false;
643 }
644 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%\t");
645 const int nA = atoi(token);
646 // Check the number of angles.
647 if (is3d && nA <= 0) {
648 std::cerr << m_className << "::ReadHeader:\n"
649 << " Number of E-B angles out of range.\n";
650 return false;
651 }
652 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%\t");
653 const int nB = atoi(token);
654 // Check the number of B points.
655 if (is3d && nB <= 0) {
656 std::cerr << m_className << "::ReadHeader:\n"
657 << " Number of B fields out of range.\n";
658 return false;
659 }
660 efields.resize(nE);
661 angles.resize(nA);
662 bfields.resize(nB);
663 // Fill in the excitation/ionisation structs
664 // Excitation
665 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%\t");
666 const int nexc = atoi(token);
667 // Ionization
668 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%\t");
669 const int nion = atoi(token);
670 if (m_debug) {
671 std::cout << " " << nexc << " excitations, " << nion
672 << " ionisations.\n";
673 }
674 } else if (strcmp(token, "E") == 0) {
675 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
676 if (strncmp(token, "fields", 6) == 0) {
677 const int nE = efields.size();
678 for (int i = 0; i < nE; ++i) gasfile >> efields[i];
679 }
680 } else if (strcmp(token, "E-B") == 0) {
681 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
682 if (strncmp(token, "angles", 6) == 0) {
683 const int nA = angles.size();
684 for (int i = 0; i < nA; ++i) gasfile >> angles[i];
685 }
686 } else if (strcmp(token, "B") == 0) {
687 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
688 if (strncmp(token, "fields", 6) == 0) {
689 double bstore = 0.;
690 const int nB = bfields.size();
691 for (int i = 0; i < nB; i++) {
692 gasfile >> bstore;
693 bfields[i] = bstore / 100.;
694 }
695 }
696 } else if (strcmp(token, "Mixture") == 0) {
697 const unsigned int nMagboltzGases = mixture.size();
698 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nMagboltzGases; ++i) {
699 gasfile >> mixture[i];
700 }
701 } else if (strcmp(token, "Excitation") == 0) {
702 // Skip number.
703 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
704 ExcLevel exc;
705 // Get label.
706 if (quotes) {
707 token = strtok(NULL, "\"");
708 token = strtok(NULL, "\"");
709 } else {
710 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
711 }
712 exc.label = token;
713 // Get energy.
714 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
715 = atof(token);
716 // Get Penning probability.
717 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
718 exc.prob = atof(token);
719 exc.rms = 0.;
720 exc.dt = 0.;
721 if (version >= 11) {
722 // Get Penning rms distance.
723 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
724 if (token) {
725 exc.rms = atof(token);
726 // Get decay time.
727 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
728 if (token) exc.dt = atof(token);
729 }
730 }
731 excLevels.push_back(std::move(exc));
732 } else if (strcmp(token, "Ionisation") == 0) {
733 // Skip number.
734 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
735 // Get label.
736 IonLevel ion;
737 if (quotes) {
738 token = strtok(NULL, "\"");
739 token = strtok(NULL, "\"");
740 } else {
741 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
742 }
743 ion.label += token;
744 // Get energy.
745 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
746 = atof(token);
747 ionLevels.push_back(std::move(ion));
748 }
749 token = strtok(NULL, " :,%");
750 }
751 }
752 return done;

Referenced by LoadGasFile(), and MergeGasFile().

◆ ReadRecord1D()

void Garfield::MediumGas::ReadRecord1D ( std::ifstream &  gasfile,
double &  ve,
double &  vb,
double &  vx,
double &  dl,
double &  dt,
double &  alpha,
double &  alpha0,
double &  eta,
double &  mu,
double &  lor,
double &  dis,
std::array< double, 6 > &  dif,
std::vector< double > &  rexc,
std::vector< double > &  rion 

Definition at line 789 of file

793 {
795 double waste = 0.;
796 gasfile >> ve >> waste >> vb >> waste >> vx >> waste;
797 ve *= 1.e-3;
798 vb *= 1.e-3;
799 vx *= 1.e-3;
800 gasfile >> dl >> waste >> dt >> waste;
801 gasfile >> alpha >> waste >> alpha0 >> eta >> waste;
802 gasfile >> mu >> waste;
803 mu *= 1.e-3;
804 gasfile >> lor >> waste;
805 gasfile >> dis >> waste;
806 for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) gasfile >> dif[j] >> waste;
807 const unsigned int nexc = rexc.size();
808 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nexc; ++j) gasfile >> rexc[j] >> waste;
809 const unsigned int nion = rion.size();
810 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nion; ++j) gasfile >> rion[j] >> waste;

Referenced by LoadGasFile(), and MergeGasFile().

◆ ReadRecord3D()

void Garfield::MediumGas::ReadRecord3D ( std::ifstream &  gasfile,
double &  ve,
double &  vb,
double &  vx,
double &  dl,
double &  dt,
double &  alpha,
double &  alpha0,
double &  eta,
double &  mu,
double &  lor,
double &  dis,
std::array< double, 6 > &  dif,
std::vector< double > &  rexc,
std::vector< double > &  rion 

Definition at line 755 of file

759 {
761 // Drift velocity along E, Bt and ExB
762 gasfile >> ve >> vb >> vx;
763 // Convert from cm / us to cm / ns.
764 ve *= 1.e-3;
765 vb *= 1.e-3;
766 vx *= 1.e-3;
767 // Longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients
768 gasfile >> dl >> dt;
769 // Townsend and attachment coefficients
770 gasfile >> alpha >> alpha0 >> eta;
771 // Ion mobility
772 gasfile >> mu;
773 // Convert from cm2 / (V us) to cm2 / (V ns)
774 mu *= 1.e-3;
775 // Lorentz angle
776 gasfile >> lor;
777 // Ion dissociation
778 gasfile >> dis;
779 // Diffusion tensor
780 for (int l = 0; l < 6; l++) gasfile >> dif[l];
781 // Excitation rates
782 const unsigned int nexc = rexc.size();
783 for (unsigned int l = 0; l < nexc; ++l) gasfile >> rexc[l];
784 // Ionization rates
785 const unsigned int nion = rion.size();
786 for (unsigned int l = 0; l < nion; ++l) gasfile >> rion[l];

Referenced by LoadGasFile(), and MergeGasFile().

◆ ResetTables()

void Garfield::MediumGas::ResetTables ( )

Reset all tables of transport parameters.

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 2292 of file

2292 {
2295 m_eAlp0.clear();
2296 m_excLevels.clear();
2297 m_ionLevels.clear();
2298 m_excRates.clear();
2299 m_ionRates.clear();
virtual void ResetTables()
Reset all tables of transport parameters.

Referenced by LoadGasFile(), MergeGasFile(), and SetComposition().

◆ ScaleAttachment()

double Garfield::MediumGas::ScaleAttachment ( const double  eta) const

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 115 of file MediumGas.hh.

115 {
116 return eta * m_pressure / m_pressureTable;
117 }

◆ ScaleDiffusion()

double Garfield::MediumGas::ScaleDiffusion ( const double  d) const

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 106 of file MediumGas.hh.

106 {
107 return d * sqrt(m_pressureTable / m_pressure);
108 }

◆ ScaleDiffusionTensor()

double Garfield::MediumGas::ScaleDiffusionTensor ( const double  d) const

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 109 of file MediumGas.hh.

109 {
110 return d * m_pressureTable / m_pressure;
111 }

◆ ScaleElectricField()

double Garfield::MediumGas::ScaleElectricField ( const double  e) const

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 100 of file MediumGas.hh.

100 {
101 return e * m_pressureTable / m_pressure;
102 }

◆ ScaleLorentzAngle()

double Garfield::MediumGas::ScaleLorentzAngle ( const double  lor) const

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 118 of file MediumGas.hh.

118 {
119 return lor * m_pressure / m_pressureTable;
120 }

◆ ScaleTownsend()

double Garfield::MediumGas::ScaleTownsend ( const double  alpha) const

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 112 of file MediumGas.hh.

112 {
114 }

◆ SetAtomicNumber()

void Garfield::MediumGas::SetAtomicNumber ( const double  z)

Set the effective atomic number.

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 260 of file

260 {
261 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetAtomicNumber:\n"
262 << " Effective Z cannot be changed directly.\n"
263 << " Use SetComposition to define the gas mixture.\n";

◆ SetAtomicWeight()

void Garfield::MediumGas::SetAtomicWeight ( const double  a)

Set the effective atomic weight.

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 266 of file

266 {
267 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetAtomicWeight:\n"
268 << " Effective A cannot be changed directly.\n"
269 << " Use SetComposition to define the gas mixture.\n";

◆ SetComposition()

bool Garfield::MediumGas::SetComposition ( const std::string &  gas1,
const double  f1 = 1.,
const std::string &  gas2 = "",
const double  f2 = 0.,
const std::string &  gas3 = "",
const double  f3 = 0.,
const std::string &  gas4 = "",
const double  f4 = 0.,
const std::string &  gas5 = "",
const double  f5 = 0.,
const std::string &  gas6 = "",
const double  f6 = 0. 

Set the gas mixture.

Definition at line 135 of file

140 {
141 std::array<std::string, 6> gases = {gas1, gas2, gas3, gas4, gas5, gas6};
142 std::array<double, 6> fractions = {f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6};
144 // Make a backup copy of the gas composition.
145 const std::array<std::string, m_nMaxGases> gasOld = m_gas;
146 const unsigned int nComponentsOld = m_nComponents;
148 // Reset all transport parameters.
149 ResetTables();
150 // Force a recalculation of the collision rates.
151 m_isChanged = true;
153 m_nComponents = 0;
154 m_gas.fill("");
155 m_fraction.fill(0.);
156 m_atWeight.fill(0.);
157 m_atNum.fill(0.);
158 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
159 if (fractions[i] < Small) continue;
160 // Find the gas name corresponding to the input string.
161 const std::string gasname = GetGasName(gases[i]);
162 if (!gasname.empty()) {
163 m_gas[m_nComponents] = gasname;
164 m_fraction[m_nComponents] = fractions[i];
166 }
167 }
169 // Check if at least one valid ingredient was specified.
170 if (m_nComponents == 0) {
171 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetComposition:\n"
172 << " Error setting the composition. No valid components.\n";
173 return false;
174 }
176 // Establish the name.
177 m_name = "";
178 double sum = 0.;
179 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
180 if (i > 0) m_name += "/";
181 m_name += m_gas[i];
182 sum += m_fraction[i];
183 }
184 // Normalise the fractions to one.
185 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
186 m_fraction[i] /= sum;
187 }
189 // Set the atomic weight and number.
190 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
192 }
194 // Print the composition.
195 std::cout << m_className << "::SetComposition:\n " << m_name;
196 if (m_nComponents > 1) {
197 std::cout << " (" << m_fraction[0] * 100;
198 for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
199 std::cout << "/" << m_fraction[i] * 100;
200 }
201 std::cout << ")";
202 }
203 std::cout << "\n";
206 // Copy the previous Penning transfer parameters.
207 std::array<double, m_nMaxGases> rPenningGasOld;
208 std::array<double, m_nMaxGases> lambdaPenningGasOld;
209 rPenningGasOld.fill(0.);
210 lambdaPenningGasOld.fill(0.);
211 rPenningGasOld.swap(m_rPenningGas);
212 lambdaPenningGasOld.swap(m_lambdaPenningGas);
213 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
214 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nComponentsOld; ++j) {
215 if (m_gas[i] != gasOld[j]) continue;
216 if (rPenningGasOld[j] < Small) continue;
217 m_rPenningGas[i] = rPenningGasOld[j];
218 m_lambdaPenningGas[i] = lambdaPenningGasOld[i];
219 std::cout << m_className << "::SetComposition:\n"
220 << " Using Penning transfer parameters for " << m_gas[i]
221 << " from previous mixture.\n"
222 << " r = " << m_rPenningGas[i] << "\n"
223 << " lambda = " << m_lambdaPenningGas[i] << " cm\n";
224 }
225 }
226 return true;

Referenced by GarfieldPhysics::InitializePhysics(), and main().

◆ SetExtrapolationMethodExcitationRates()

void Garfield::MediumGas::SetExtrapolationMethodExcitationRates ( const std::string &  low,
const std::string &  high 

Definition at line 83 of file MediumGas.hh.

84 {
85 SetExtrapolationMethod(low, high, m_extrExc, "ExcitationRates");
86 }
void SetExtrapolationMethod(const std::string &low, const std::string &high, std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &extr, const std::string &fcn)

◆ SetExtrapolationMethodIonisationRates()

void Garfield::MediumGas::SetExtrapolationMethodIonisationRates ( const std::string &  low,
const std::string &  high 

Definition at line 87 of file MediumGas.hh.

88 {
89 SetExtrapolationMethod(low, high, m_extrIon, "IonisationRates");
90 }

◆ SetInterpolationMethodExcitationRates()

void Garfield::MediumGas::SetInterpolationMethodExcitationRates ( const unsigned int  intrp)

Definition at line 91 of file MediumGas.hh.

91 {
92 if (intrp > 0) m_intpExc = intrp;
93 }

◆ SetInterpolationMethodIonisationRates()

void Garfield::MediumGas::SetInterpolationMethodIonisationRates ( const unsigned int  intrp)

Definition at line 94 of file MediumGas.hh.

94 {
95 if (intrp > 0) m_intpIon = intrp;
96 }

◆ SetMassDensity()

void Garfield::MediumGas::SetMassDensity ( const double  rho)

Set the mass density [g/cm3].

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 278 of file

278 {
279 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetMassDensity:\n"
280 << " Density cannot be changed directly.\n"
281 << " Use SetTemperature, SetPressure and SetComposition.\n";

◆ SetNumberDensity()

void Garfield::MediumGas::SetNumberDensity ( const double  n)

Set the number density [cm-3].

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 272 of file

272 {
273 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetNumberDensity:\n"
274 << " Density cannot be changed directly.\n"
275 << " Use SetTemperature and SetPressure.\n";

◆ UnScaleElectricField()

double Garfield::MediumGas::UnScaleElectricField ( const double  e) const

Reimplemented from Garfield::Medium.

Definition at line 103 of file MediumGas.hh.

103 {
104 return e * m_pressure / m_pressureTable;
105 }

◆ WriteGasFile()

bool Garfield::MediumGas::WriteGasFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Save the present table of gas properties (transport parameters) to a file.

Definition at line 1760 of file

1760 {
1762 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1763 // GASWRT
1764 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1766 // Set the gas mixture.
1767 constexpr int nMagboltzGases = 60;
1768 std::vector<double> mixture(nMagboltzGases, 0.);
1769 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
1770 const int ng = GetGasNumberGasFile(m_gas[i]);
1771 if (ng <= 0) {
1772 std::cerr << m_className << "::WriteGasFile:\n"
1773 << " Error retrieving gas number for " << m_gas[i] << ".\n";
1774 continue;
1775 }
1776 mixture[ng - 1] = m_fraction[i] * 100.;
1777 }
1779 if (m_debug) {
1780 std::cout << m_className << "::WriteGasFile:\n"
1781 << " Writing gas tables to file " << filename << "\n";
1782 }
1784 std::ofstream outfile;
1785, std::ios::out);
1786 if (!outfile.is_open()) {
1787 std::cerr << m_className << "::WriteGasFile:\n"
1788 << " Cannot open file " << filename << ".\n";
1789 outfile.close();
1790 return false;
1791 }
1793 // Assemble the GASOK bits.
1794 std::bitset<20> gasok;
1795 GetGasBits(gasok);
1796 std::string okstr(20, 'F');
1797 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
1798 if (gasok[i]) okstr[i] = 'T';
1799 }
1800 if (m_debug) std::cout << " GASOK bits: " << okstr << "\n";
1801 // Get the current time.
1802 time_t rawtime = time(0);
1803 tm timeinfo = *localtime(&rawtime);
1804 char datebuf[80] = {0};
1805 char timebuf[80] = {0};
1806 // Format date and time.
1807 strftime(datebuf, sizeof(datebuf) - 1, "%d/%m/%y", &timeinfo);
1808 strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf) - 1, "%H.%M.%S", &timeinfo);
1809 // Set the member name.
1810 std::string member = "< none >";
1811 // Write the header.
1812 outfile << "*----.----1----.----2----.----3----.----4----.----"
1813 << "5----.----6----.----7----.----8----.----9----.---"
1814 << "10----.---11----.---12----.---13--\n";
1815 outfile << "% Created " << datebuf << " at " << timebuf << " ";
1816 outfile << member << " GAS ";
1817 // Add remark.
1818 std::string buffer;
1819 outfile << "\"none" << std::string(25, ' ') << "\"\n";
1820 const int version = 12;
1821 outfile << " Version : " << version << "\n";
1822 outfile << " GASOK bits: " << okstr << "\n";
1823 std::stringstream ids;
1824 ids.str("");
1825 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nComponents; ++i) {
1826 ids << m_gas[i] << " " << 100. * m_fraction[i] << "%, ";
1827 }
1828 ids << "T=" << m_temperatureTable << " K, "
1829 << "p=" << m_pressureTable / AtmosphericPressure << " atm";
1830 outfile << " Identifier: " << std::setw(80) << std::left << ids.str() << "\n";
1831 outfile << " Clusters : " << std::string(80, ' ') << "\n";
1832 outfile << " Dimension : ";
1833 if (m_tab2d) {
1834 outfile << "T ";
1835 } else {
1836 outfile << "F ";
1837 }
1839 const unsigned int nE = m_eFields.size();
1840 const unsigned int nB = m_bFields.size();
1841 const unsigned int nA = m_bAngles.size();
1842 if (m_debug) {
1843 std::cout << m_className << "::WriteGasFile:\n "
1844 << "Dataset has the following dimensions:\n "
1845 << "3D = " << m_tab2d << " nE = " << nE << ", nB = " << nB
1846 << ", nA = " << nA << ", nExc = "
1847 << m_excLevels.size() << ", nIon = " << m_ionLevels.size() << "\n";
1848 }
1849 outfile << FmtInt(nE, 9) << " " << FmtInt(nA, 9) << " "
1850 << FmtInt(nB, 9) << " " << FmtInt(m_excLevels.size(), 9) << " "
1851 << FmtInt(m_ionLevels.size(), 9) << "\n";
1852 // Store reduced electric fields (E/p).
1853 outfile << " E fields \n";
1854 std::vector<double> efields = m_eFields;
1855 for (auto& field : efields) field /= m_pressureTable;
1856 int cnt = 0;
1857 // List 5 values, then new line.
1858 PrintArray(efields, outfile, cnt, 5);
1859 if (nE % 5 != 0) outfile << "\n";
1860 // Store angles.
1861 outfile << " E-B angles \n";
1862 cnt = 0;
1863 PrintArray(m_bAngles, outfile, cnt, 5);
1864 if (nA % 5 != 0) outfile << "\n";
1865 // Store B fields (convert to hGauss).
1866 outfile << " B fields \n";
1867 std::vector<double> bfields = m_bFields;
1868 for (auto& field : bfields) field *= 100.;
1869 cnt = 0;
1870 PrintArray(bfields, outfile, cnt, 5);
1871 if (nB % 5 != 0) outfile << "\n";
1873 // Store the gas composition.
1874 outfile << " Mixture: \n";
1875 cnt = 0;
1876 PrintArray(mixture, outfile, cnt, 5);
1877 if (nMagboltzGases % 5 != 0) outfile << "\n";
1879 cnt = 0;
1880 for (const auto& exc : m_excLevels) {
1881 ++cnt;
1882 outfile << " Excitation " << FmtInt(cnt, 5) << ": " << std::setw(45);
1883 // If the label contains white space, enclose it in quotes.
1884 if (exc.label.find(" ") != std::string::npos) {
1885 outfile << "\"" + exc.label + "\"";
1886 } else {
1887 outfile << exc.label;
1888 }
1889 outfile << " " << FmtFloat( << FmtFloat(exc.prob)
1890 << FmtFloat(exc.rms) << FmtFloat(exc.dt) << "\n";
1891 }
1892 cnt = 0;
1893 for (const auto& ion : m_ionLevels) {
1894 ++cnt;
1895 outfile << " Ionisation " << FmtInt(cnt, 5) << ": " << std::setw(45);
1896 // If the label contains white space, enclose it in quotes.
1897 if (ion.label.find(" ") != std::string::npos) {
1898 outfile << "\"" + ion.label << "\"";
1899 } else {
1900 outfile << ion.label;
1901 }
1902 outfile << " " << FmtFloat( << "\n";
1903 }
1905 const double sqrp = sqrt(m_pressureTable);
1906 const double logp = log(m_pressureTable);
1907 outfile << " The gas tables follow:\n";
1908 cnt = 0;
1909 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nE; ++i) {
1910 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nA; ++j) {
1911 for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nB; ++k) {
1912 // Get the velocities.
1913 double ve = m_eVelE.empty() ? 0. : m_eVelE[j][k][i];
1914 double vb = m_eVelB.empty() ? 0. : m_eVelB[j][k][i];
1915 double vx = m_eVelX.empty() ? 0. : m_eVelX[j][k][i];
1916 // Convert from cm / ns to cm / us.
1917 ve *= 1.e3;
1918 vb *= 1.e3;
1919 vx *= 1.e3;
1920 // Make a list of the values to be written, start with the velocities.
1921 std::vector<double> val;
1922 if (m_tab2d) {
1923 val = {ve, vb, vx};
1924 } else {
1925 // Add dummy spline values in case of a 1D table.
1926 val = {ve, 0., vb, 0., vx, 0.};
1927 }
1928 // Get the diffusion coefficients.
1929 double dl = m_eDifL.empty() ? 0. : m_eDifL[j][k][i] * sqrp;
1930 double dt = m_eDifT.empty() ? 0. : m_eDifT[j][k][i] * sqrp;
1931 // Get the Townsend and attachment coefficients.
1932 double alpha = m_eAlp.empty() ? -30. : m_eAlp[j][k][i] - logp;
1933 double alpha0 = m_eAlp0.empty() ? -30. : m_eAlp0[j][k][i] - logp;
1934 double eta = m_eAtt.empty() ? -30. : m_eAtt[j][k][i] - logp;
1935 // Add them to the list.
1936 if (m_tab2d) {
1937 val.insert(val.end(), {dl, dt, alpha, alpha0, eta});
1938 } else {
1939 val.insert(val.end(), {dl, 0., dt, 0., alpha, 0., alpha0, eta, 0.});
1940 }
1941 // Get the ion mobility and convert from cm2 / (V ns) to cm2 / (V us).
1942 double mu = m_iMob.empty() ? 0. : 1.e3 * m_iMob[j][k][i];
1943 // Get the Lorentz angle.
1944 double lor = m_eLor.empty() ? 0 : m_eLor[j][k][i];
1945 // Get the dissociation coefficient.
1946 double diss = m_iDis.empty() ? -30. : m_iDis[j][k][i] - logp;
1947 // Add them to the list.
1948 if (m_tab2d) {
1949 val.insert(val.end(), {mu, lor, diss});
1950 } else {
1951 val.insert(val.end(), {mu, 0., lor, 0., diss, 0.});
1952 }
1953 // Get the components of the diffusion tensor.
1954 for (int l = 0; l < 6; ++l) {
1955 if (!m_eDifM.empty()) {
1956 const double cov = m_eDifM[l][j][k][i] * m_pressureTable;
1957 val.push_back(cov);
1958 } else {
1959 val.push_back(0.);
1960 }
1961 if (!m_tab2d) val.push_back(0.);
1962 }
1963 // Get the excitation and ionisation rates.
1964 for (const auto& rexc : m_excRates) {
1965 if (rexc[j][k][i] > Small) {
1966 val.push_back(rexc[j][k][i]);
1967 } else {
1968 val.push_back(0.);
1969 }
1970 if (!m_tab2d) val.push_back(0.);
1971 }
1972 for (const auto& rion : m_ionRates) {
1973 if (rion[j][k][i] > Small) {
1974 val.push_back(rion[j][k][i]);
1975 } else {
1976 val.push_back(0.);
1977 }
1978 if (!m_tab2d) val.push_back(0.);
1979 }
1980 PrintArray(val, outfile, cnt, 8);
1981 }
1982 if (cnt % 8 != 0) outfile << "\n";
1983 cnt = 0;
1984 }
1985 }
1987 if (!m_tab2d) {
1988 // Extrapolation methods
1989 int extrapH[13], extrapL[13];
1990 extrapL[0] = extrapL[1] = extrapL[2] = m_extrVel.first;
1991 extrapH[0] = extrapH[1] = extrapH[2] = m_extrVel.second;
1992 extrapL[3] = extrapL[8] = extrapL[10] = m_extrDif.first;
1993 extrapH[3] = extrapH[8] = extrapH[10] = m_extrDif.second;
1994 extrapL[4] = m_extrAlp.first;
1995 extrapH[4] = m_extrAlp.second;
1996 extrapL[5] = m_extrAtt.first;
1997 extrapH[5] = m_extrAtt.second;
1998 extrapL[6] = m_extrMob.first;
1999 extrapH[6] = m_extrMob.second;
2000 // Lorentz angle
2001 extrapL[7] = m_extrLor.first;
2002 extrapH[7] = m_extrLor.second;
2003 extrapL[9] = m_extrDis.first;
2004 extrapH[9] = m_extrDis.second;
2005 extrapL[11] = m_extrExc.first;
2006 extrapH[11] = m_extrExc.second;
2007 extrapL[12] = m_extrIon.first;
2008 extrapH[12] = m_extrIon.second;
2009 outfile << " H Extr: ";
2010 for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) outfile << FmtInt(extrapH[i], 5);
2011 outfile << "\n";
2012 outfile << " L Extr: ";
2013 for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) outfile << FmtInt(extrapL[i], 5);
2014 outfile << "\n";
2015 }
2016 // Increment the threshold indices for compatibility with Fortran.
2017 outfile << " Thresholds: " << FmtInt(m_eThrAlp + 1, 10)
2018 << FmtInt(m_eThrAtt + 1, 10) << FmtInt(m_iThrDis + 1, 10) << "\n";
2019 // Interpolation methods.
2020 int interp[13];
2021 interp[0] = interp[1] = interp[2] = m_intpVel;
2022 interp[3] = interp[8] = interp[10] = m_intpDif;
2023 interp[4] = m_intpAlp;
2024 interp[5] = m_intpAtt;
2025 interp[6] = m_intpMob;
2026 interp[7] = m_intpLor;
2027 interp[9] = m_intpDis;
2028 interp[11] = m_intpExc;
2029 interp[12] = m_intpIon;
2030 outfile << " Interp: ";
2031 for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) outfile << FmtInt(interp[i], 5);
2032 outfile << "\n";
2033 outfile << " A =" << FmtFloat(0.) << ", Z =" << FmtFloat(0.) << ","
2034 << " EMPROB=" << FmtFloat(0.) << ", EPAIR =" << FmtFloat(0.) << "\n";
2035 const double dli = m_iDifL.empty() ? 0. : m_iDifL[0][0][0];
2036 const double dti = m_iDifT.empty() ? 0. : m_iDifT[0][0][0];
2037 outfile << " Ion diffusion: " << FmtFloat(dli) << FmtFloat(dti) << "\n";
2038 outfile << " CMEAN =" << FmtFloat(0.) << ", RHO =" << FmtFloat(0.) << ","
2039 << " PGAS =" << FmtFloat(m_pressureTable) << ","
2040 << " TGAS =" << FmtFloat(m_temperatureTable) << "\n";
2041 outfile << " CLSTYP : NOT SET \n"
2042 << " FCNCLS : " << std::string(80, ' ') << "\n"
2043 << " NCLS : " << FmtInt(0, 10) << "\n"
2044 << " Average : " << FmtFloat(0., 25, 18) << "\n"
2045 << " Heed initialisation done: F\n"
2046 << " SRIM initialisation done: F\n";
2047 outfile.close();
2049 return true;
int GetGasNumberGasFile(const std::string &input) const

◆ ZeroRowA()

void Garfield::MediumGas::ZeroRowA ( const int  ia,
const int  ne,
const int  nb 

Definition at line 1752 of file

1752 {
1753 for (int j = 0; j < nb; ++j) {
1754 for (int i = 0; i < ne; ++i) {
1755 if (!m_eVelE.empty()) m_eVelE[ia][j][i] = 0.;
1756 }
1757 }

Referenced by MergeGasFile().

◆ ZeroRowB()

void Garfield::MediumGas::ZeroRowB ( const int  ib,
const int  ne,
const int  na 

Definition at line 1744 of file

1744 {
1745 for (int k = 0; k < na; ++k) {
1746 for (int i = 0; i < ne; ++i) {
1747 if (!m_eVelE.empty()) m_eVelE[k][ib][i] = 0.;
1748 }
1749 }

Referenced by MergeGasFile().

◆ ZeroRowE()

void Garfield::MediumGas::ZeroRowE ( const int  ie,
const int  nb,
const int  na 

Definition at line 1736 of file

1736 {
1737 for (int k = 0; k < na; ++k) {
1738 for (int j = 0; j < nb; ++j) {
1739 if (!m_eVelE.empty()) m_eVelE[k][j][ie] = 0.;
1740 }
1741 }

Referenced by MergeGasFile().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_atNum

std::array<double, m_nMaxGases> Garfield::MediumGas::m_atNum

Definition at line 132 of file MediumGas.hh.

Referenced by GetAtomicNumber(), LoadGasFile(), MediumGas(), and SetComposition().

◆ m_atWeight

std::array<double, m_nMaxGases> Garfield::MediumGas::m_atWeight

Definition at line 131 of file MediumGas.hh.

Referenced by GetAtomicWeight(), LoadGasFile(), MediumGas(), and SetComposition().

◆ m_eAlp0

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double> > > Garfield::MediumGas::m_eAlp0

◆ m_excLevels

◆ m_excRates

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double> > > > Garfield::MediumGas::m_excRates

◆ m_extrExc

std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> Garfield::MediumGas::m_extrExc = {0, 1}

◆ m_extrIon

std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> Garfield::MediumGas::m_extrIon = {0, 1}

◆ m_fraction

◆ m_gas

◆ m_intpExc

unsigned int Garfield::MediumGas::m_intpExc = 2

◆ m_intpIon

unsigned int Garfield::MediumGas::m_intpIon = 2

◆ m_ionLevels

std::vector<IonLevel> Garfield::MediumGas::m_ionLevels

◆ m_ionRates

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double> > > > Garfield::MediumGas::m_ionRates

◆ m_lambdaPenningGas

std::array<double, m_nMaxGases> Garfield::MediumGas::m_lambdaPenningGas

◆ m_lambdaPenningGlobal

double Garfield::MediumGas::m_lambdaPenningGlobal = 0.

◆ m_nMaxGases

constexpr unsigned int Garfield::MediumGas::m_nMaxGases = 6

Definition at line 126 of file MediumGas.hh.

Referenced by GetMixture(), and GetPhotoAbsorptionCrossSection().

◆ m_pressureTable

◆ m_rPenningGas

std::array<double, m_nMaxGases> Garfield::MediumGas::m_rPenningGas

◆ m_rPenningGlobal

double Garfield::MediumGas::m_rPenningGlobal = 0.

◆ m_temperatureTable

double Garfield::MediumGas::m_temperatureTable

◆ m_usePenning

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: