CGEM BOSS 6.6.5.i
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
EventNavigator.h File Reference
#include <map>
#include "GaudiKernel/Kernel.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/StreamBuffer.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/DataObject.h"
#include "EventModel/EventModel.h"
#include "McTruth/McParticle.h"
#include "McTruth/MdcMcHit.h"
#include "McTruth/EmcMcHit.h"
#include "McTruth/TofMcHit.h"
#include "McTruth/MucMcHit.h"
#include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcTrack.h"
#include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcKalTrack.h"
#include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcHit.h"
#include "EmcRecEventModel/RecEmcShower.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  EventNavigator


typedef std::multimap< int, int > IndexMap
typedef std::vector< pair< const Event::McParticle *, int > > McParticleVectorP
typedef std::vector< pair< const RecMdcTrack *, int > > RecMdcTrackVectorP
typedef std::vector< pair< const RecMdcKalTrack *, int > > RecMdcKalTrackVectorP
typedef std::vector< pair< const RecEmcShower *, int > > RecEmcShowerVectorP
typedef std::vector< const Event::McParticle * > McParticleVector
typedef std::vector< const RecMdcTrack * > RecMdcTrackVector
typedef std::vector< const RecMdcKalTrack * > RecMdcKalTrackVector
typedef std::vector< const Event::MdcMcHit * > MdcMcHitVector
typedef std::vector< const RecMdcHit * > RecMdcHitVector
typedef std::vector< const MdcDigi * > MdcDigiVector
typedef std::vector< const Event::EmcMcHit * > EmcMcHitVector
typedef std::vector< const RecEmcShower * > RecEmcShowerVector

Typedef Documentation

◆ EmcMcHitVector

typedef std::vector<const Event::EmcMcHit*> EmcMcHitVector

Definition at line 55 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ IndexMap

typedef std::multimap<int, int> IndexMap

Definition at line 44 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ McParticleVector

typedef std::vector<const Event::McParticle*> McParticleVector

Definition at line 49 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ McParticleVectorP

typedef std::vector< pair<const Event::McParticle*,int> > McParticleVectorP

Definition at line 45 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ MdcDigiVector

typedef std::vector<const MdcDigi*> MdcDigiVector

Definition at line 54 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ MdcMcHitVector

typedef std::vector<const Event::MdcMcHit*> MdcMcHitVector

Definition at line 52 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ RecEmcShowerVector

typedef std::vector<const RecEmcShower*> RecEmcShowerVector

Definition at line 56 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ RecEmcShowerVectorP

typedef std::vector< pair<const RecEmcShower*,int> > RecEmcShowerVectorP

Definition at line 48 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ RecMdcHitVector

typedef std::vector<const RecMdcHit*> RecMdcHitVector

Definition at line 53 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ RecMdcKalTrackVector

typedef std::vector<const RecMdcKalTrack*> RecMdcKalTrackVector

Definition at line 51 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ RecMdcKalTrackVectorP

typedef std::vector< pair<const RecMdcKalTrack*,int> > RecMdcKalTrackVectorP

Definition at line 47 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ RecMdcTrackVector

typedef std::vector<const RecMdcTrack*> RecMdcTrackVector

Definition at line 50 of file EventNavigator.h.

◆ RecMdcTrackVectorP

typedef std::vector< pair<const RecMdcTrack*,int> > RecMdcTrackVectorP

Definition at line 46 of file EventNavigator.h.