CGEM BOSS 6.6.5.h
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
EmcRec Class Reference

#include <EmcRec.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for EmcRec:

Public Member Functions

 EmcRec (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode finalize ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file EmcRec.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EmcRec()

EmcRec::EmcRec ( const std::string & name,
ISvcLocator * pSvcLocator )

Definition at line 38 of file EmcRec.cxx.

38 :
39 Algorithm(name, pSvcLocator),fCluster2Shower(0)
41 m_event=0;
42 fPositionMode.push_back("log");
43 fPositionMode.push_back("5x5");
44 // Declare the properties
45 m_propMgr.declareProperty("Output",fOutput=0);
46 m_propMgr.declareProperty("EventNb",fEventNb=0);
47 m_propMgr.declareProperty("DigiCalib",fDigiCalib=false);
48 m_propMgr.declareProperty("TofEnergy",fTofEnergy=false);
49 m_propMgr.declareProperty("OnlineMode",fOnlineMode=false);
50 m_propMgr.declareProperty("TimeMin",fTimeMin=0);
51 m_propMgr.declareProperty("TimeMax",fTimeMax=60);
52 m_propMgr.declareProperty("PositionMode",fPositionMode);
54 IJobOptionsSvc* jobSvc;
55 pSvcLocator->service("JobOptionsSvc", jobSvc);
56 jobSvc->setMyProperties("EmcRecAlg", &m_propMgr);
58 // Get EmcRecParameter
61 Para.SetDigiCalib(fDigiCalib);
62 Para.SetTimeMin(fTimeMin);
63 Para.SetTimeMax(fTimeMax);
64 Para.SetPositionMode(fPositionMode);
void SetDigiCalib(bool digi)
void SetPositionMode(std::vector< std::string > &mode)
static EmcRecParameter & GetInstance()
static void unlock()
void SetTimeMin(double min)
static void lock()
void SetTimeMax(double max)

Member Function Documentation

◆ execute()

StatusCode EmcRec::execute ( )

Reconstruction begins. State 1: Initialize digit map

Retrieve EMC digi

State 2: DigitMap --> HitMap

State 3: HitMap --> ClusterMap

State 4: ClusterMap --> ShowerMap

State 6: Register to TDS

Definition at line 147 of file EmcRec.cxx.

147 {
149 MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
150 log << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
152 /// Reconstruction begins.
153 /// State 1: Initialize digit map
154 int event, run;
156 SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> eventHeader(eventSvc(),"/Event/EventHeader");
157 if (!eventHeader) {
158 log << MSG::FATAL <<name() << " Could not find Event Header" << endreq;
159 return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
160 }
161 run=eventHeader->runNumber();
162 event=eventHeader->eventNumber();
163 if(fEventNb!=0&&m_event%fEventNb==0) {
164 log << MSG::FATAL <<m_event<<"-------: "<<run<<","<<event<<endreq;
165 }
166 m_event++;
167 if(fOutput>=2) {
168 log << MSG::DEBUG <<"===================================="<<endreq;
169 log << MSG::DEBUG <<"run= "<<run<<"; event= "<<event<<endreq;
170 }
172 Hep3Vector posG; //initial photon position
173#ifndef OnlineMode
174 if(!(m_rawDataProviderSvc->isOnlineMode())) {
175 if(fOutput>=1&&run<0) { //run<0 means MC
176 // Retrieve mc truth
177 SmartDataPtr<McParticleCol> mcParticleCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/MC/McParticleCol");
178 if (!mcParticleCol) {
179 log << MSG::WARNING << "Could not find McParticle" << endreq;
180 } else {
181 HepLorentzVector pG;
182 McParticleCol::iterator iter_mc = mcParticleCol->begin();
183 for (;iter_mc != mcParticleCol->end(); iter_mc++) {
184 log << MSG::INFO
185 << " particleId = " << (*iter_mc)->particleProperty()
186 << endreq;
187 pG = (*iter_mc)->initialFourMomentum();
188 posG = (*iter_mc)->initialPosition().v();
189 }
190 ttheta = pG.theta();
191 tphi = pG.phi();
192 if(tphi<0) {
193 tphi=twopi+tphi;
194 }
195 tp = pG.rho();
197 // Retrieve EMC truth
198 SmartDataPtr<EmcMcHitCol> emcMcHitCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/MC/EmcMcHitCol");
199 if (!emcMcHitCol) {
200 log << MSG::WARNING << "Could not find EMC truth" << endreq;
201 }
203 RecEmcID mcId;
204 unsigned int mcTrackIndex;
205 double mcPosX=0,mcPosY=0,mcPosZ=0;
206 double mcPx=0,mcPy=0,mcPz=0;
207 double mcEnergy=0;
209 EmcMcHitCol::iterator iterMc;
210 for(iterMc=emcMcHitCol->begin();iterMc!=emcMcHitCol->end();iterMc++){
211 mcId=(*iterMc)->identify();
212 mcTrackIndex=(*iterMc)->getTrackIndex();
213 mcPosX=(*iterMc)->getPositionX();
214 mcPosY=(*iterMc)->getPositionY();
215 mcPosZ=(*iterMc)->getPositionZ();
216 mcPx=(*iterMc)->getPx();
217 mcPy=(*iterMc)->getPy();
218 mcPz=(*iterMc)->getPz();
219 mcEnergy=(*iterMc)->getDepositEnergy();
221 if(fOutput>=2){
222 //cout<<"mcId="<<mcId<<"\t"<<"mcTrackIndex="<<mcTrackIndex<<endl;
223 //cout<<"mcPosition:\t"<<mcPosX<<"\t"<<mcPosY<<"\t"<<mcPosZ<<endl;
224 //cout<<"mcP:\t"<<mcPx<<"\t"<<mcPy<<"\t"<<mcPz<<endl;
225 //cout<<"mcDepositEnergy=\t"<<mcEnergy<<endl;
226 }
227 }
228 }
229 } //fOutput>=1
230 } //isOnlineMode
234 /// Retrieve EMC digi
235 fDigitMap.clear();
236 fHitMap.clear();
237 fClusterMap.clear();
238 fShowerMap.clear();
240 // Get EmcCalibConstSvc.
241 IEmcCalibConstSvc *emcCalibConstSvc = 0;
242 StatusCode sc = service("EmcCalibConstSvc", emcCalibConstSvc);
243 if(sc != StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
244 ;
245 //cout << "EmcRec Error: Can't get EmcCalibConstSvc." << endl;
246 }
248 SmartDataPtr<EmcDigiCol> emcDigiCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Digi/EmcDigiCol");
249 if (!emcDigiCol) {
250 log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find EMC digi" << endreq;
251 return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
252 }
254 EmcDigiCol::iterator iter3;
255 for (iter3=emcDigiCol->begin();iter3!= emcDigiCol->end();iter3++) {
256 RecEmcID id((*iter3)->identify());
257 double adc=RawDataUtil::EmcCharge((*iter3)->getMeasure(),
258 (*iter3)->getChargeChannel());
259 double tdc=RawDataUtil::EmcTime((*iter3)->getTimeChannel());
261 //for cable connection correction
262 unsigned int nnpart=EmcID::barrel_ec(id);
263 unsigned int nnthe=EmcID::theta_module(id);
264 unsigned int nnphi=EmcID::phi_module(id);
266 int index = emcCalibConstSvc->getIndex(nnpart,nnthe,nnphi);
267 int ixtalNumber=emcCalibConstSvc->getIxtalNumber(index);
269 if(run>0&&ixtalNumber>0) {
270 unsigned int npartNew=emcCalibConstSvc->getPartID(ixtalNumber);
271 unsigned int ntheNew=emcCalibConstSvc->getThetaIndex(ixtalNumber);
272 unsigned int nphiNew=emcCalibConstSvc->getPhiIndex(ixtalNumber);
273 id=EmcID::crystal_id(npartNew,ntheNew,nphiNew);
274 }//-------
276 //ixtalNumber=-9 tag dead channel
277 if (ixtalNumber==-9) {
278 adc=0.0;
279 }
281 //ixtalNumber=-99 tag hot channel
282 if (ixtalNumber==-99) {
283 adc=0.0;
284 }
286 RecEmcDigit aDigit;
287 aDigit.Assign(id,adc,tdc);
288 fDigitMap[id]=aDigit;
289 }
291 if(fOutput>=2) {
292 RecEmcDigitMap::iterator iDigitMap;
293 for(iDigitMap=fDigitMap.begin();
294 iDigitMap!=fDigitMap.end();
295 iDigitMap++){
296 //cout<<iDigitMap->second;
297 }
298 }
299 // DigitMap ok
301 // oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
302 /// State 2: DigitMap --> HitMap
303 fDigit2Hit.Convert(fDigitMap,fHitMap);
304 if(fOutput>=2) {
305 RecEmcHitMap::iterator iHitMap;
306 for(iHitMap=fHitMap.begin();
307 iHitMap!=fHitMap.end();
308 iHitMap++){
309 //cout<<iHitMap->second;
310 }
311 fDigit2Hit.Output(fHitMap);
312 }
315 /// State 3: HitMap --> ClusterMap
316 fHit2Cluster.Convert(fHitMap,fClusterMap);
317 //
318 if(fOutput>=2) {
319 RecEmcClusterMap::iterator iClusterMap;
320 for(iClusterMap=fClusterMap.begin();
321 iClusterMap!=fClusterMap.end();
322 iClusterMap++){
323 //cout<<iClusterMap->second;
324 }
325 }
327 /// State 4: ClusterMap --> ShowerMap
328 fCluster2Shower->Convert(fClusterMap,fShowerMap);
329 //
330 if(fOutput>=2) {
331 RecEmcShowerMap::iterator iShowerMap;
332 for(iShowerMap=fShowerMap.begin();
333 iShowerMap!=fShowerMap.end();
334 iShowerMap++) {
335 //cout<<iShowerMap->second;
336 }
337 }
339 /// State 6: Register to TDS
340 EmcRecTDS tds;
341 tds.RegisterToTDS(fHitMap,fClusterMap,fShowerMap);
342 if(fOutput>=2) {
343 tds.CheckRegister();
344 }
346 // oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
347#ifndef OnlineMode
348 if(!(m_rawDataProviderSvc->isOnlineMode())) {
349 if(fOutput>=1) {
350 nrun=run;
351 nrec=event;
353 //cout<<"cm="<<cm<<"\tmm="<<mm<<"\tGeV="<<GeV<<"\tMeV="<<MeV<<endl;
354 ndigi=fDigitMap.size();
355 nhit=fHitMap.size();
356 ncluster=fClusterMap.size();
357 RecEmcShowerVec fShowerVec;
358 RecEmcShowerMap::iterator iShowerMap;
359 for(iShowerMap=fShowerMap.begin();
360 iShowerMap!=fShowerMap.end();
361 iShowerMap++) {
362 fShowerVec.push_back(iShowerMap->second);
363 }
364 sort(fShowerVec.begin(), fShowerVec.end(), greater<RecEmcShower>());
365 nneu=fShowerMap.size();
367 RecEmcShower aShower;
368 //aShower.e5x5(-99.);
369 RecEmcShowerVec::iterator iShowerVec;
370 iShowerVec=fShowerVec.begin();
371 npart=-99;
372 ntheta=-99;
373 nphi=-99;
374 if(iShowerVec!=fShowerVec.end()) {
375 aShower=*iShowerVec;
376 RecEmcID id=aShower.getShowerId();
377 npart=EmcID::barrel_ec(id);
378 ntheta=EmcID::theta_module(id);
379 nphi=EmcID::phi_module(id);
380 pp1[0]*aShower.x()/aShower.position().mag();
381 pp1[1]*aShower.y()/aShower.position().mag();
382 pp1[2]*aShower.z()/aShower.position().mag();
383 pp1[3];
384 theta1=(aShower.position()-posG).theta();
385 phi1=(aShower.position()-posG).phi();
386 if(phi1<0) {
387 phi1=twopi+phi1;
388 }
389 thtgap1=aShower.ThetaGap();
390 phigap1=aShower.PhiGap();
391 RecEmcID seed,nseed;
392 seed=aShower.getShowerId();
393 nseed=aShower.NearestSeed();
394 eseed=aShower.eSeed();
395 e3x3=aShower.e3x3();
396 e5x5=aShower.e5x5();
397 etof2x1=aShower.getETof2x1();
398 etof2x3=aShower.getETof2x3();
399 if(aShower.getCluster()) {
400 cluster2ndMoment=aShower.getCluster()->getSecondMoment();
401 }
402 secondMoment=aShower.secondMoment();
403 latMoment=aShower.latMoment();
404 a20Moment=aShower.a20Moment();
405 a42Moment=aShower.a42Moment();
406 if(nseed.is_valid()) {
407 enseed=fHitMap[nseed].getEnergy();
408 } else {
409 enseed=0;
410 }
412 dphi1=phi1-tphi;
413 if(dphi1<-pi) dphi1=dphi1+twopi;
414 if(dphi1>pi) dphi1=dphi1-twopi;
415 }
417 if(iShowerVec!=fShowerVec.end()) {
418 iShowerVec++;
419 if(iShowerVec!=fShowerVec.end()) {
420 aShower=*iShowerVec;
421 pp2[0]*aShower.x()/aShower.position().mag();
422 pp2[1]*aShower.y()/aShower.position().mag();
423 pp2[2]*aShower.z()/aShower.position().mag();
424 pp2[3];
425 }
426 }
428 //for pi0
429 if(fShowerVec.size()>=2) {
430 RecEmcShowerVec::iterator iShowerVec1,iShowerVec2;
431 iShowerVec1=fShowerVec.begin();
432 iShowerVec2=fShowerVec.begin()+1;
433 double e1=(*iShowerVec1).energy();
434 double e2=(*iShowerVec2).energy();
435 double angle=(*iShowerVec1).position().angle((*iShowerVec2).position());
436 mpi0=sqrt(2*e1*e2*(1-cos(angle)));
437 }
438 m_tuple->write();
439 }
440 }
443 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
double cos(const BesAngle a)
Definition BesAngle.h:213
Double_t e1
Double_t e2
vector< RecEmcShower > RecEmcShowerVec
IMessageSvc * msgSvc()
HepPoint3D position() const
double latMoment() const
double a42Moment() const
double eSeed() const
double e3x3() const
double secondMoment() const
double x() const
double e5x5() const
double z() const
double a20Moment() const
double energy() const
double y() const
static Identifier crystal_id(const unsigned int barrel_ec, const unsigned int theta_module, const unsigned int phi_module)
For a single crystal.
Definition EmcID.cxx:71
static unsigned int barrel_ec(const Identifier &id)
Values of different levels (failure returns 0)
Definition EmcID.cxx:38
static unsigned int theta_module(const Identifier &id)
Definition EmcID.cxx:43
static unsigned int phi_module(const Identifier &id)
Definition EmcID.cxx:48
virtual void Convert(RecEmcClusterMap &aClusterMap, RecEmcShowerMap &aShowerMap)=0
void Convert(const RecEmcDigitMap &aDigitMap, RecEmcHitMap &aHitMap)
void Output(const RecEmcHitMap &aHitMap) const
void Convert(const RecEmcHitMap &aHitMap, RecEmcClusterMap &aClusterMap)
StatusCode RegisterToTDS(RecEmcHitMap &aHitMap, RecEmcClusterMap &aClusterMap, RecEmcShowerMap &aShowerMap)
Definition EmcRecTDS.cxx:15
StatusCode CheckRegister()
virtual unsigned int getPartID(int Index) const =0
virtual int getIxtalNumber(int No) const =0
virtual unsigned int getPhiIndex(int Index) const =0
virtual unsigned int getThetaIndex(int Index) const =0
virtual int getIndex(unsigned int PartId, unsigned int ThetaIndex, unsigned int PhiIndex) const =0
virtual bool isOnlineMode()=0
virtual bool is_valid() const
Check if id is in a valid state.
Definition Identifier.h:198
static double EmcTime(int timeChannel)
Definition RawDataUtil.h:20
static double EmcCharge(int measure, int chargeChannel)
Definition RawDataUtil.h:23
double getSecondMoment() const
void Assign(const RecEmcID &CellId, const RecEmcADC &ADC, const RecEmcTDC &TDC)
RecEmcID getShowerId() const
RecEmcCluster * getCluster() const
RecEmcEnergy getETof2x1() const
int ThetaGap() const
RecEmcID NearestSeed() const
int PhiGap() const
RecEmcEnergy getETof2x3() const
const float pi
Definition vector3.h:133

◆ finalize()

StatusCode EmcRec::finalize ( )

Definition at line 447 of file EmcRec.cxx.

447 {
449 if(fCluster2Shower) delete fCluster2Shower;
451 MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
452 log << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
453 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

◆ initialize()

StatusCode EmcRec::initialize ( )

Definition at line 70 of file EmcRec.cxx.

70 {
72 MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
73 log << MSG::INFO << "in initialize()" << endreq;
75 //Get RawDataProviderSvc
76 // tianhl for mt
77 std::string rawDataProviderSvc_name("RawDataProviderSvc");
78 StatusCode sc = service(rawDataProviderSvc_name.c_str(), m_rawDataProviderSvc);
79 if(sc != StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
80 log << MSG::ERROR << "EmcRec Error: Can't get RawDataProviderSvc." << endmsg;
81 }
83 fDigit2Hit.SetAlgName(name());
85#ifndef OnlineMode
86 if(!(m_rawDataProviderSvc->isOnlineMode())) {
87 m_tuple=0;
88 StatusCode status;
90 if(fOutput>=1) {
91 NTuplePtr nt(ntupleSvc(),"FILE301/n1");
92 if ( nt ) m_tuple = nt;
93 else {
94 m_tuple=ntupleSvc()->book("FILE301/n1",CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,"EmcRec");
95 if( m_tuple ) {
96 status = m_tuple->addItem ("pid",pid);
97 status = m_tuple->addItem ("tp",tp);
98 status = m_tuple->addItem ("ttheta",ttheta);
99 status = m_tuple->addItem ("tphi",tphi);
100 status = m_tuple->addItem ("nrun",nrun);
101 status = m_tuple->addItem ("nrec",nrec);
102 status = m_tuple->addItem ("nneu",nneu);
103 status = m_tuple->addItem ("ncluster",ncluster);
104 status = m_tuple->addItem ("npart",npart);
105 status = m_tuple->addItem ("ntheta",ntheta);
106 status = m_tuple->addItem ("nphi",nphi);
107 status = m_tuple->addItem ("ndigi",ndigi);
108 status = m_tuple->addItem ("nhit",nhit);
109 status = m_tuple->addItem ("pp1",4,pp1);
110 status = m_tuple->addItem ("theta1",theta1);
111 status = m_tuple->addItem ("phi1",phi1);
112 status = m_tuple->addItem ("dphi1",dphi1);
113 status = m_tuple->addItem ("eseed",eseed);
114 status = m_tuple->addItem ("e3x3",e3x3);
115 status = m_tuple->addItem ("e5x5",e5x5);
116 status = m_tuple->addItem ("enseed",enseed);
117 status = m_tuple->addItem ("etof2x1",etof2x1);
118 status = m_tuple->addItem ("etof2x3",etof2x3);
119 status = m_tuple->addItem ("cluster2ndMoment",cluster2ndMoment);
120 status = m_tuple->addItem ("secondMoment",secondMoment);
121 status = m_tuple->addItem ("latMoment",latMoment);
122 status = m_tuple->addItem ("a20Moment",a20Moment);
123 status = m_tuple->addItem ("a42Moment",a42Moment);
124 status = m_tuple->addItem ("mpi0",mpi0);
125 status = m_tuple->addItem ("thtgap1",thtgap1);
126 status = m_tuple->addItem ("phigap1",phigap1);
127 status = m_tuple->addItem ("pp2",4,pp2);
128 }
129 else { // did not manage to book the N tuple....
130 log << MSG::ERROR <<"Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(m_tuple) << endmsg;
131 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
132 }
133 }
134 }
135 fCluster2Shower = new EmcRecCluster2Shower;
136 } else {
137 fCluster2Shower = new EmcRecFastCluster2Shower;
138 }
140 fCluster2Shower = new EmcRecFastCluster2Shower;
143 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
INTupleSvc * ntupleSvc()
void SetAlgName(const string &name)

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