CGEM BOSS 6.6.5.g
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
tau_mode.c File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


myCanvas Divide (1, 1)
c1_1 Draw ()
c1_1 cd ()
c1_1 Range (0.425458,-114.842, 0.674993, 802.951)
c1_1 SetBorderSize (2)
c1_1 SetBottomMargin (0.125129)
c1_1 SetFrameFillColor (0)
data SetBranchAddress ("time",&time)
data SetBranchAddress ("dltphi",&dltphi)
data SetBranchAddress ("costht1",&costht1)
data SetBranchAddress ("costht2",&costht2)
data SetBranchAddress ("e1",&e1)
data SetBranchAddress ("e2",&e2)
data SetBranchAddress ("etot",&etot)
data SetBranchAddress ("phi1",&phi1)
data SetBranchAddress ("phi2",&phi2)
 for (Int_t i=0;i< 10;i++)
data GetEntry (0)
data GetEntry ((nentries - 1))
c1 SetFillColor (kWhite)
c1 SetGrid ()
g1 SetParameters (lum[0], 1e+4.)
g1 SetLineColor (2)
gr SetLineWidth (2)
gr SetMarkerColor (4)
gr SetMarkerStyle (21)
gr SetTitle ("BbLum_000XXXX")
gr GetXaxis () -> SetTitle("Time")
gr GetYaxis () -> SetTitle("Luminosity")
gr Fit ("g1","R")
gr Draw ("ap")
m_outputFile open ("Lum_Tau.txt", ios_base::app)


TFile * f1 = new TFile("/bes3fs/groups/psip/psipgroup/temp/user/liuh/BbLum/psipp/BbEmc_00XXXX.root")
TTree * data =event
TCanvas * myCanvas = new TCanvas()
TPad * c1_1 = new TPad("c1_1", "c1_1",0.01,0.01,0.99,0.99)
Double_t time = 0.0
Double_t dltphi = 0.0
Double_t costht1 = 0.0
Double_t costht2 = 0.0
Double_t e1 = 0.0
Double_t e2 = 0.0
Double_t etot = 0.0
Double_t phi1 = 0.0
Double_t phi2 = 0.0
Int_t nentries = 0
TH1D * hdltphi [10]
TH1 * htime = new TH1D("htime","time", 80, -10., 10.)
Double_t timemin = 0.0
Double_t timemax = 0.0
Double_t difft = timemax-timemin
Double_t xtime [11]
Double_t lum [10]
Int_t nevt [10]
Double_t x [10]
TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("c1"," ",700,500)
const Int_t n = 10
TF1 * g1 = new TF1("g1","[0]*exp(-x/[1])",0,10000.)
TGraph * gr = new TGraph(n,x,lum)
std::ofstream m_outputFile

Function Documentation

◆ cd()

c1_1 cd ( )

◆ Divide()

myCanvas Divide ( ,

◆ Draw() [1/2]

gr Draw ( "ap"  )

◆ Draw() [2/2]

◆ Fit()

gr Fit ( "g1"  ,

◆ for()

for ( )

Definition at line 31 of file tau_mode.c.

32 {
33 hdltphi[i] = new TH1D(" ","dltphi distribution",50,-50.,50.);
34 }
TH1D * hdltphi[10]
Definition: tau_mode.c:29

◆ GetEntry() [1/2]

data GetEntry ( (nentries - 1)  )

◆ GetEntry() [2/2]

data GetEntry ( )

◆ GetXaxis()

gr GetXaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("Time")

◆ GetYaxis()

gr GetYaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("Luminosity")

◆ open()

m_outputFile open ( "Lum_Tau.txt"  ,

◆ Range()

c1_1 Range ( 0.  425458,
-114.  842,
0.  674993,
802.  951 

◆ SetBorderSize()

c1_1 SetBorderSize ( )

◆ SetBottomMargin()

c1_1 SetBottomMargin ( 0.  125129)

◆ SetBranchAddress() [1/9]

data SetBranchAddress ( "costht1"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [2/9]

data SetBranchAddress ( "costht2"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [3/9]

data SetBranchAddress ( "dltphi"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [4/9]

data SetBranchAddress ( "e1"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [5/9]

data SetBranchAddress ( "e2"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [6/9]

data SetBranchAddress ( "etot"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [7/9]

data SetBranchAddress ( "phi1"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [8/9]

data SetBranchAddress ( "phi2"  ,

◆ SetBranchAddress() [9/9]

data SetBranchAddress ( "time"  ,

◆ SetFillColor()

c1 SetFillColor ( kWhite  )

◆ SetFrameFillColor()

c1_1 SetFrameFillColor ( )

◆ SetGrid()

c1 SetGrid ( )

◆ SetLineColor()

g1 SetLineColor ( )

◆ SetLineWidth()

gr SetLineWidth ( )

◆ SetMarkerColor()

gr SetMarkerColor ( )

◆ SetMarkerStyle()

gr SetMarkerStyle ( 21  )

◆ SetParameters()

g1 SetParameters ( lum  [0],
1e+  4. 

◆ SetTitle()

gr SetTitle ( "BbLum_000XXXX"  )

Variable Documentation

◆ c1

◆ c1_1

TPad* c1_1 = new TPad("c1_1", "c1_1",0.01,0.01,0.99,0.99)

Definition at line 9 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ costht1

Double_t costht1 = 0.0

Definition at line 17 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ costht2

Double_t costht2 = 0.0

Definition at line 17 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ data

TTree* data =event

Definition at line 5 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ difft

Double_t difft = timemax-timemin

Definition at line 45 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ dltphi

Double_t dltphi = 0.0

Definition at line 17 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ e1

Double_t e1 = 0.0

Definition at line 17 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ e2

Double_t e2 = 0.0

Definition at line 17 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ etot

Double_t etot = 0.0

Definition at line 17 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ f1

TFile* f1 = new TFile("/bes3fs/groups/psip/psipgroup/temp/user/liuh/BbLum/psipp/BbEmc_00XXXX.root")

Definition at line 4 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ g1

TF1* g1 = new TF1("g1","[0]*exp(-x/[1])",0,10000.)

Definition at line 80 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ gr

TGraph* gr = new TGraph(n,x,lum)

Definition at line 83 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ hdltphi

TH1D* hdltphi[10]

Definition at line 29 of file tau_mode.c.

Referenced by for().

◆ htime

TH1* htime = new TH1D("htime","time", 80, -10., 10.)

Definition at line 36 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ lum

Double_t lum[10]

Definition at line 46 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ m_outputFile

std::ofstream m_outputFile

Definition at line 94 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ myCanvas

TCanvas* myCanvas = new TCanvas()

Definition at line 7 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ n

const Int_t n = 10

Definition at line 79 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ nentries

nentries = 0

Definition at line 18 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ nevt

Int_t nevt[10]

Definition at line 66 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ phi1

Double_t phi1 = 0.0

Definition at line 17 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ phi2

Double_t phi2 = 0.0

Definition at line 17 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ time

Double_t time = 0.0

Definition at line 17 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ timemax

timemax = 0.0

Definition at line 37 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ timemin

timemin = 0.0

Definition at line 37 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ x

Double_t x[10]

Definition at line 67 of file tau_mode.c.

◆ xtime

Double_t xtime[11]

Definition at line 46 of file tau_mode.c.