16#include "GaudiKernel/IInterface.h"
17#include "GaudiKernel/Kernel.h"
18#include "GaudiKernel/Service.h"
19#include "MagneticField/IMagneticFieldSvc.h"
20#include "MagneticField/MagneticFieldSvc.h"
22#include "CLHEP/Matrix/Vector.h"
23#include "CLHEP/Matrix/SymMatrix.h"
25#include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
27#include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h"
29#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
46using CLHEP::HepVector;
47using CLHEP::HepSymMatrix;
48using CLHEP::Hep3Vector;
49using CLHEP::HepLorentzVector;
60 const HepSymMatrix & Ea);
88 double *
double dPhi,
double p[3])
100 Hep3Vector
double dPhi, HepSymMatrix & Em)
106 HepLorentzVector
double dPhi,
double mass, HepSymMatrix & Em)
113 double dr(
116 double dz(
124 const HepVector &
127 const HepSymMatrix &
130 double cosTheta(
return m_a[4]/sqrt(1.+ m_a[4]*m_a[4]); }
133 const HepVector &
const HepVector & newA);
136 const HepSymMatrix &
const HepSymMatrix & newdA);
144 const HepSymMatrix & Ea);
176 void updateCache(
201#ifdef Helix_NO_INLINE
205#define Helix_INLINE_DEFINE_HERE
208#ifdef Helix_INLINE_DEFINE_HERE
**********INTEGER nmxhep !maximum number of particles DOUBLE PRECISION vhep INTEGER jdahep COMMON hepevt $ !serial number $ !number of particles $ !status code $ !particle ident KF $ !parent particles $ !childreen particles $ !four momentum
NTuple::Item< double > m_pt
HepGeom::Point3D< double > HepPoint3D
CLHEP::Hep3Vector Vector3
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix SymMatrix
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector VectorL
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector Vector4
HepLorentzVector momentum(double dPhi, double mass, HepPoint3D &x, HepSymMatrix &Emx) const
returns 4momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
Helix(const HepPoint3D &pivot, const HepVector &a)
Constructor without error matrix.
HepMatrix delApDelA(const HepVector &ap) const
static const double ConstantAlpha
Constant alpha for uniform field.
double cosPhi0(void) const
HepMatrix delMDelA(double phi) const
HepPoint3D x(double dPhi, HepSymMatrix &Ex) const
returns position and convariance matrix(Ex) after rotation.
double dPhi(HepPoint3D &hit) const
double sinPhi0(void) const
const HepPoint3D & pivot(const HepPoint3D &newPivot)
sets pivot position.
double flightLength(HepPoint3D &hit) const
double bFieldZ(double)
sets/returns z componet of the magnetic field.
const HepPoint3D & center(void) const
returns position of helix center(z = 0.);
virtual ~Helix()
void set(const HepPoint3D &pivot, const HepVector &a, const HepSymMatrix &Ea)
sets helix pivot position, parameters, and error matrix.
double cosTheta(void) const
Helix(const HepPoint3D &position, const Hep3Vector &momentum, double charge)
Constructor with position, momentum, and charge.
void ignoreErrorMatrix(void)
unsets error matrix. Error calculations will be ignored after this function call until an error matri...
IMagneticFieldSvc * m_pmgnIMF
HepMatrix del4MXDelA(double phi, double mass) const
Hep3Vector momentum(double dPhi=0.) const
returns momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
const HepVector & a(const HepVector &newA)
sets helix parameters.
double IntersectCylinder(double r) const
HepLorentzVector momentum(double dPhi, double mass) const
returns 4momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
const HepSymMatrix & Ea(const HepSymMatrix &newdA)
sets helix paramters and error matrix.
double flightArc(double r) const
const HepSymMatrix & Ea(void) const
returns error matrix.
HepPoint3D x(double dPhi=0.) const
returns position after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
double bFieldZ(void) const
double * x(double dPhi, double p[3]) const
HepMatrix del4MDelA(double phi, double mass) const
HepMatrix delXDelA(double phi) const
double flightArc(HepPoint3D &hit) const
double radius(void) const
returns radious of helix.
double dr(void) const
returns an element of parameters.
const HepVector & a(void) const
returns helix parameters.
Hep3Vector momentum(double dPhi, HepSymMatrix &Em) const
returns momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
Helix(const HepPoint3D &pivot, const HepVector &a, const HepSymMatrix &Ea)
Constructor with pivot, helix parameter a, and its error matrix.
const HepPoint3D & pivot(void) const
returns pivot position.
Hep3Vector direction(double dPhi=0.) const
returns direction vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
HepLorentzVector momentum(double dPhi, double mass, HepSymMatrix &Em) const
returns 4momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.