BOSS 7.0.8
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
Alignment.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <vector>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  Alignment


void Alignment::expd (double veca[3], double vecb[3], double val[3])
int Alignment::dist2Line (double sta[3], double stb[3], double veca[3], double vecb[3], double &d, double &za, double &zb, int fgZcal=1)
double Alignment::docaLineWire (double trkpar[], double wirest[], double wirev[], double &zwire, int fgZcal=1)
double Alignment::docaHelixWireNewton (double trkpar[], double wirest[], double wirev[], double &zwire, double zini)
double Alignment::docaHelixWire (double trkpar[], double wirest[], double wirev[], double &zwire, double zini)
bool Alignment::getDoca (double trkpar[], double wpos[], double &doca, double whitPos[], double zini)
double Alignment::getPhiIni (double trkpar[], double rLayer, double pos[])
int Alignment::getEpId (int lay, int iEnd)
const std::string Alignment::MSG_DEBUG ("DEBUG: ")
const std::string Alignment::MSG_INFO ("INFO: ")
const std::string Alignment::MSG_WARNING ("WARNING: ")
const std::string Alignment::MSG_ERROR ("ERROR: ")
const std::string Alignment::MSG_FATAL ("FATAL: ")


bool Alignment::gFlagMag
int Alignment::gNiter
const double Alignment::CC = 2.99792458E10
const double Alignment::PI = 3.141592653
const double Alignment::PI2 = 6.283185307
const double Alignment::HFPI = 1.570796327
const int Alignment::WIRENMAX = 6796
const int Alignment::LAYERNMAX = 43
const int Alignment::CELLNMAX = 288
const int Alignment::INNERNMAX = 8
const int Alignment::NEP = 16
const int Alignment::NTRKPAR = 5
const int Alignment::NTRKPARALL = 10
const double Alignment::BFIELD = 1.0
const int Alignment::NDOFALIGN = 3
const bool Alignment::m_iteration = true
const bool Alignment::debug_mode = false
const bool Alignment::verbose_mode = false
const bool Alignment::verbose_reject = false
const bool Alignment::g_dofs [3] = {1, 1, 1}
const double Alignment::g_Sigm [3] = {0.1, 0.01, 0.05}
const double Alignment::g_res_cut = 1.2
const double Alignment::g_res_cut_init = 3.
const double Alignment::g_start_chi_cut = 100.
const int Alignment::gNsamLC = 100
const int Alignment::gNsamGB = 100
const double Alignment::gStepLC [5] = {0.001, 0.001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.0001}
const double Alignment::gStepGB [48]