BOSS 7.0.8
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx File Reference
#include "filename.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TString.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void gainVsDoca ()


const int PadNo1 = 0
const int PadNo2 = 40
const int TotalNo = 1600
const int NumSlices = 40
const int gainmin = 0
const int gainmax = 3
TString LegendName = "gain vs doca"
const int Ipadx = 1
const int Ipady = 1
const int CanvasX = 800
const int CanvasY = 600
bool NormFlag = false
const double histmin = 0.7
const double histmax = 1.3
const double delta = 0.15

Function Documentation

◆ gainVsDoca()

void gainVsDoca ( )

Definition at line 24 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

26 pushNo();
27 const int FileNo = file.size();
28 TH2F*** h = new TH2F**[PadNo2];
29 TCanvas*** c = new TCanvas**[PadNo2];
30 TLegend*** lgd = new TLegend**[PadNo2];
31 gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
32 gStyle->SetCanvasColor(10);
33 for(int i=0;i<PadNo2;i++)
34 {
35 h[i] = new TH2F*[FileNo/2];
36 c[i] = new TCanvas*[FileNo/2];
37 lgd[i] = new TLegend*[FileNo/2];
38 }
41 TFile* f1;
42 TFile* f2;
43 TTree* tree1;
44 TTree* tree2;
45 double gain1[TotalNo],gain2[TotalNo],Ip_eangle1[TotalNo],Ip_eangle2[TotalNo],Norm1,Norm2;
47 stringstream histname; //histogram name
48 stringstream ss_file1; //file name
49 stringstream ss_file2;
50 stringstream ss1; //picture's drawing content
51 stringstream ss2;
52 stringstream cut;
53 stringstream legendheader;
55 for(int k=0;k<FileNo;k+=2)
56 {
57 ss_file1.str("");
58 ss_file1<<file[k];
59 f1=new TFile(ss_file1.str().c_str());
60 tree1=(TTree*)f1->Get("ddgcalib");
61 tree1->SetBranchAddress("Out_gain", gain1);
62 tree1->SetBranchAddress("Ip_eangle", Ip_eangle1);
63 tree1->GetEntry(0);
64 tree1->SetMarkerStyle(22);
65 tree1->SetMarkerColor(4);
66 tree1->SetLineColor(4);
68 ss_file2.str("");
69 ss_file2<<file[k+1];
70 f2=new TFile(ss_file2.str().c_str());
71 tree2=(TTree*)f2->Get("ddgcalib");
72 tree2->SetBranchAddress("Out_gain", gain2);
73 tree2->SetBranchAddress("Ip_eangle", Ip_eangle2);
74 tree2->GetEntry(0);
75 tree2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
76 tree2->SetMarkerColor(2);
77 tree2->SetLineColor(2);
79 for(int i=PadNo1;i<PadNo2;i++)
80 {
81 Norm1=0;
82 Norm2=0;
83 int k1=0;
84 int k2=0;
86 for(int j=0;j<TotalNo;j++)
87 {
88 if(Ip_eangle1[j]!=i) continue;
89 if(gain1[j]>gainmin && gain1[j]<gainmax) {Norm1 += gain1[j];k1++;}
90 if(gain2[j]>gainmin && gain2[j]<gainmax) {Norm2 += gain2[j];k2++;}
91 }
92 if(k1==0 || k2==0) {Norm1=1; Norm2=1;}
93 else {Norm1/= k1; Norm2/= k2;}
94 cout<<"Norm1= "<<Norm1<<" Norm2= "<<Norm2<<endl;
96 legendheader.str("");
97 legendheader<<"eangle"<<i<<": "<<LegendName;
98 //cout<<"legendheader: "<<legendheader.str().c_str()<<endl;
99 lgd[i][k/2] = new TLegend(.3, .75, .89, .89);
100 lgd[i][k/2] ->SetFillColor(10);
101 lgd[i][k/2] ->SetBorderSize(1);
102 lgd[i][k/2] ->SetHeader(legendheader.str().c_str());
103 lgd[i][k/2] ->AddEntry(tree1, ss_file1.str().c_str() , "p");
104 lgd[i][k/2] ->AddEntry(tree2, ss_file2.str().c_str() , "p");
106 histname.str("");
107 histname<<"eangle"<<i<<"_"<<file[k]<<"-"<<file[k+1];
108 //cout<<"histname: "<<histname.str().c_str()<<endl;
109 if(NormFlag) h[i][k/2] = new TH2F(histname.str().c_str(),"",100,0,NumSlices,100,histmin,histmax);
110 else h[i][k/2] = new TH2F(histname.str().c_str(),"",100,0,NumSlices,100,(Norm1+Norm2)/2-delta,(Norm1+Norm2)/2+delta);
111 h[i][k/2] -> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("gain");
112 h[i][k/2] -> GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.);
113 h[i][k/2] -> GetXaxis()->SetTitle("doca");
114 c[i][k/2] = new TCanvas(histname.str().c_str(),histname.str().c_str(),800,600);
115 h[i][k/2] -> Draw();
117 cut.str("");
118 cut<<"Ip_eangle=="<<i;
119 cout<<"cut: "<<cut.str().c_str()<<endl;
121 ss1.str("");
122 if(NormFlag) ss1<<"Out_gain/"<<Norm1<<":Id_doca";
123 else ss1<<"Out_gain"<<":Id_doca";
124 tree1->Draw(ss1.str().c_str(),cut.str().c_str(),"sameLP");
125 ss2.str("");
126 if(NormFlag) ss2<<"Out_gain/"<<Norm2<<":Id_doca";
127 else ss2<<"Out_gain"<<":Id_doca";
128 tree2->Draw(ss2.str().c_str(),cut.str().c_str(),"sameLP");
129 lgd[i][k/2] ->Draw();
130 }
131 }
133 TFile* g = new TFile("gainVsDoca.root","RECREATE");
134 for(int i=PadNo1;i<PadNo2;i++)
135 {
136 for(int k=0;k<FileNo;k+=2)
137 {
138 c[i][k/2] -> Write();
139 }
140 }
141 g->Close();
143 TCanvas* cc = new TCanvas("cc", "canvas", CanvasX, CanvasY);
144 cc->Divide(Ipadx,Ipady);
145 cc->Print("[");
146 for(int i=PadNo1;i<PadNo2;i++)
147 {
148 for(int k=0;k<FileNo;k+=2)
149 {
150 cc->cd(k/2+1);
151 gPad->Clear();
152 c[i][k/2]->DrawClonePad();
153 c[i][k/2] -> Close();
154 lgd[i][k/2] ->Delete();
155 }
156 cc->Update();
157 cc->Print("");
158 }
159 cc->Print("]");
160 cc->Close();
162 delete cc;
163 for(int i=PadNo1;i<PadNo2;i++)
164 {
165 for(int k=0;k<FileNo;k+=2)
166 {
167 delete h[i][k/2];
168 delete c[i][k/2];
169 }
170 }
f1 Close()
curve Write()
legend Draw()
mg GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(0.8, 1.02)
mg GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(0.5, 1.9)
char * file
Definition: DQA_TO_DB.cxx:15
TFile * f1
const int NumSlices
const int PadNo2
const int CanvasX
const int Ipadx
const double delta
const int Ipady
const double histmax
const double histmin
const int gainmin
const int PadNo1
const int CanvasY
const int gainmax
const int TotalNo
TString LegendName

Variable Documentation

◆ CanvasX

const int CanvasX = 800

Definition at line 16 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ CanvasY

const int CanvasY = 600

Definition at line 17 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ delta

const double delta = 0.15

Definition at line 21 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ gainmax

const int gainmax = 3

Definition at line 12 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ gainmin

const int gainmin = 0

Definition at line 11 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ histmax

const double histmax = 1.3

Definition at line 20 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ histmin

const double histmin = 0.7

Definition at line 19 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ Ipadx

const int Ipadx = 1

Definition at line 14 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ Ipady

const int Ipady = 1

Definition at line 15 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ LegendName

TString LegendName = "gain vs doca"

Definition at line 13 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ NormFlag

bool NormFlag = false

Definition at line 18 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ NumSlices

const int NumSlices = 40

Definition at line 10 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ PadNo1

const int PadNo1 = 0

Definition at line 7 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ PadNo2

const int PadNo2 = 40

Definition at line 8 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().

◆ TotalNo

const int TotalNo = 1600

Definition at line 9 of file DocaEangleSec/gainVsDoca.cxx.

Referenced by gainVsDoca().