BOSS 7.0.7
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
EventModel.cxx File Reference
#include "EventModel/EventModel.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/Kernel.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ClassID.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  EventDataModel


#define _Event_EventModel_CPP_


const CLID & CLID_Event = 110
const CLID & CLID_EventList = 111
const CLID & CLID_EventHeader = 112
const CLID & CLID_GenEvent = 1100
const CLID & CLID_GenEventCol = CLID_GenEvent + CLID_ObjectList
const CLID & CLID_McEvent = 1200
const CLID & CLID_McEventCol = CLID_McEvent + CLID_ObjectList
const CLID & CLID_McParticle = 1201
const CLID & CLID_McParticleCol = CLID_McParticle + CLID_ObjectList
const CLID & CLID_DecayMode = 1202
const CLID & CLID_McPrimaryParticle = 1203
const CLID & CLID_McPrimaryParticleCol = CLID_McParticle + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_MdcMcHit = 1211
const CLID & CLID_MdcMcHitCol = CLID_MdcMcHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_TofMcHit = 1212
const CLID & CLID_TofMcHitCol = CLID_TofMcHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_EmcMcHit = 1213
const CLID & CLID_EmcMcHitCol = CLID_EmcMcHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_MucMcHit = 1214
const CLID & CLID_MucMcHitCol = CLID_MucMcHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_McHitMcPartToMdcHitTab = 1221
const CLID & CLID_McHitMcPartToTofHitTab = 1222
const CLID & CLID_McHitMcPartToEmcHitTab = 1223
const CLID & CLID_McHitMcPartToMucHitTab = 1224
const CLID & CLID_DigiEvent = 1300
 Raw event and Digi IDs.
const CLID & CLID_MdcDigi = 1310
const CLID & CLID_MdcDigiCol = CLID_MdcDigi+CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_EmcDigi = 1320
const CLID & CLID_EmcDigiCol = CLID_EmcDigi+CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_TofDigi = 1330
const CLID & CLID_TofDigiCol = CLID_TofDigi+CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_MucDigi = 1340
const CLID & CLID_MucDigiCol = CLID_MucDigi+CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_LumiDigi = 1350
const CLID & CLID_LumiDigiCol = CLID_LumiDigi + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_DstEvent = 1400
const CLID & CLID_DstMdcTrack = 1410
const CLID & CLID_DstMdcTrackCol = CLID_DstMdcTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_DstMdcKalTrack = 1415
const CLID & CLID_DstMdcKalTrackCol = CLID_DstMdcKalTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_DstMdcDedx = 1420
const CLID & CLID_DstMdcDedxCol = CLID_DstMdcDedx + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_DstTofTrack = 1430
const CLID & CLID_DstTofTrackCol = CLID_DstTofTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_DstEmcShower = 1440
const CLID & CLID_DstEmcShowerCol = CLID_DstEmcShower + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_DstMucTrack = 1450
const CLID & CLID_DstMucTrackCol = CLID_DstMucTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_DstExtTrack = 1460
const CLID & CLID_DstExtTrackCol = CLID_DstExtTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_DstTrkList = 1470
const CLID & CLID_DstTrkListCol = CLID_DstTrkList + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_TrigEvent = 2100
const CLID & CLID_TrigGTD = 2110
const CLID & CLID_TrigGTDCol = CLID_TrigGTD + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_TrigData = 2120
const CLID & CLID_HltEvent = 2200
const CLID & CLID_HltRaw = 2210
const CLID & CLID_HltRawCol = CLID_HltRaw + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_HltInf = 2220
const CLID & CLID_DstHltInf = 2230
const CLID & CLID_ZddEvent = 2300
const CLID & CLID_ReconEvent = 3000
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcTrack = 3110
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcTrackCol = CLID_RecMdcTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcHit = 3120
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcHitCol = CLID_RecMdcHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_MdcHitOnTrack = 3130
const CLID & CLID_MdcHOTCol = CLID_MdcHitOnTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcDedx = 3140
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcDedxCol = CLID_RecMdcDedx + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcDedxHit = 3145
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcDedxHitCol = CLID_RecMdcDedxHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcKalTrack = 3150
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcKalTrackCol = CLID_RecMdcKalTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcKalHelixSeg = 3160
const CLID & CLID_RecMdcKalHelixSegCol = CLID_RecMdcKalHelixSeg + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecEmcShower = 3210
const CLID & CLID_RecEmcShowerCol = CLID_RecEmcShower + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecEmcHit = 3220
const CLID & CLID_RecEmcHitCol = CLID_RecEmcHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecEmcCluster = 3230
const CLID & CLID_RecEmcClusterCol = CLID_RecEmcCluster + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecBTofHit = 3310
const CLID & CLID_RecBTofHitCol = CLID_RecBTofHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecETofHit = 3320
const CLID & CLID_RecETofHitCol = CLID_RecETofHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecTofTrack = 3330
const CLID & CLID_RecTofTrackCol = CLID_RecTofTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecBTofCalHit = 3350
const CLID & CLID_RecBTofCalHitCol = CLID_RecBTofCalHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecETofCalHit = 3360
const CLID & CLID_RecETofCalHitCol = CLID_RecETofCalHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecMucTrack = 3410
const CLID & CLID_RecMucTrackCol = CLID_RecMucTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_MucRecHit = 3420
const CLID & CLID_MucRecHitCol = CLID_MucRecHit + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecExtTrack = 3510
const CLID & CLID_RecExtTrackCol = CLID_RecExtTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecEsTime = 3610
const CLID & CLID_RecEsTimeCol = CLID_RecEsTime + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_RecZddChannel = 3810
const CLID & CLID_RecZddChannelCol = CLID_RecZddChannel + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecObject = 4000
 ! Global link and reconstruction
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecEvent = 4010
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecPrimaryVertex = 4020
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecTrack = 4100
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecTrackCol = CLID_EvtRecTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecVeeVertex = 4110
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecVeeVertexCol = CLID_EvtRecVeeVertex + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecDTag = 4120
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecDTagCol = CLID_EvtRecDTag + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecPi0 = 4130
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecPi0Col = CLID_EvtRecPi0 + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecEtaToGG = 4140
const CLID & CLID_EvtRecEtaToGGCol = CLID_EvtRecEtaToGG + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_AnalEvent = 5000
const CLID & CLID_BParticle = 5010
const CLID & CLID_BParticleCol = CLID_BParticle + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BParticleID = 5020
const CLID & CLID_BParticleIDCol = CLID_BParticleID + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BVertex = 5030
const CLID & CLID_BVertexCol = CLID_BVertex + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BPhoton = 5040
const CLID & CLID_BPhotonCol = CLID_BPhoton + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BElectron = 5050
const CLID & CLID_BElectronCol = CLID_BElectron + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BMuon = 5060
const CLID & CLID_BMuonCol = CLID_BMuon + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BPion = 5070
const CLID & CLID_BPionCol = CLID_BPion + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BKaon = 5080
const CLID & CLID_BKaonCol = CLID_BKaon + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BProton = 5090
const CLID & CLID_BProtonCol = CLID_BProton + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BTrack = 5100
const CLID & CLID_BTrackCol = CLID_BTrack + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BPi0 = 5110
const CLID & CLID_BPi0Col = CLID_BPi0 + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BEta = 5120
const CLID & CLID_BEtaCol = CLID_BEta + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BKShort = 5130
const CLID & CLID_BKShortCol = CLID_BKShort + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BLambda = 5140
const CLID & CLID_BLambdaCol = CLID_BLambda + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_PhysEvent = 6000
const CLID & CLID_BCharmMeson = 6010
const CLID & CLID_BCharmMesonCol = CLID_BCharmMeson + CLID_ObjectVector
const CLID & CLID_BJPsi = 6020
const CLID & CLID_BJPsiCol = CLID_BJPsi + CLID_ObjectVector

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ _Event_EventModel_CPP_

#define _Event_EventModel_CPP_

Definition at line 1 of file EventModel.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ CLID_AnalEvent

const CLID& CLID_AnalEvent = 5000


Definition at line 388 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BCharmMeson

const CLID& CLID_BCharmMeson = 6010

Definition at line 435 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BCharmMesonCol

const CLID& CLID_BCharmMesonCol = CLID_BCharmMeson + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 436 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BElectron

const CLID& CLID_BElectron = 5050

Definition at line 402 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BElectronCol

const CLID& CLID_BElectronCol = CLID_BElectron + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 403 of file EventModel.cxx.


const CLID& CLID_BEta = 5120

Definition at line 423 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BEtaCol

const CLID& CLID_BEtaCol = CLID_BEta + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 424 of file EventModel.cxx.


const CLID& CLID_BJPsi = 6020

Definition at line 438 of file EventModel.cxx.


const CLID& CLID_BJPsiCol = CLID_BJPsi + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 439 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BKaon

const CLID& CLID_BKaon = 5080

Definition at line 411 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BKaonCol

const CLID& CLID_BKaonCol = CLID_BKaon + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 412 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BKShort

const CLID& CLID_BKShort = 5130

Definition at line 426 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BKShortCol

const CLID& CLID_BKShortCol = CLID_BKShort + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 427 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BLambda

const CLID& CLID_BLambda = 5140

Definition at line 429 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BLambdaCol

const CLID& CLID_BLambdaCol = CLID_BLambda + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 430 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BMuon

const CLID& CLID_BMuon = 5060

Definition at line 405 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BMuonCol

const CLID& CLID_BMuonCol = CLID_BMuon + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 406 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BParticle

const CLID& CLID_BParticle = 5010

Definition at line 390 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BParticleCol

const CLID& CLID_BParticleCol = CLID_BParticle + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 391 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BParticleID

const CLID& CLID_BParticleID = 5020

Definition at line 393 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BParticleIDCol

const CLID& CLID_BParticleIDCol = CLID_BParticleID + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 394 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BPhoton

const CLID& CLID_BPhoton = 5040

Definition at line 399 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BPhotonCol

const CLID& CLID_BPhotonCol = CLID_BPhoton + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 400 of file EventModel.cxx.


const CLID& CLID_BPi0 = 5110

Definition at line 420 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BPi0Col

const CLID& CLID_BPi0Col = CLID_BPi0 + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 421 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BPion

const CLID& CLID_BPion = 5070

Definition at line 408 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BPionCol

const CLID& CLID_BPionCol = CLID_BPion + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 409 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BProton

const CLID& CLID_BProton = 5090

Definition at line 414 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BProtonCol

const CLID& CLID_BProtonCol = CLID_BProton + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 415 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BTrack

const CLID& CLID_BTrack = 5100

Definition at line 417 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_BTrackCol = CLID_BTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 418 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BVertex

const CLID& CLID_BVertex = 5030

Definition at line 396 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_BVertexCol

const CLID& CLID_BVertexCol = CLID_BVertex + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 397 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_DecayMode

const CLID& CLID_DecayMode = 1202

Definition at line 209 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by DecayMode::classID().

◆ CLID_DigiEvent

const CLID& CLID_DigiEvent = 1300

Raw event and Digi IDs.

Definition at line 232 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataDigiCnv::classID(), DigiEvent::classID(), and DigiCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_DstEmcShower

const CLID& CLID_DstEmcShower = 1440

Definition at line 264 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by DstEmcShower::classID().

◆ CLID_DstEmcShowerCol

const CLID& CLID_DstEmcShowerCol = CLID_DstEmcShower + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 265 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EmcTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_DstEvent

const CLID& CLID_DstEvent = 1400

Definition at line 250 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by DstEvent::classID(), and DstCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_DstExtTrack

const CLID& CLID_DstExtTrack = 1460

Definition at line 270 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by DstExtTrack::classID().

◆ CLID_DstExtTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_DstExtTrackCol = CLID_DstExtTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 271 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by ExtTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_DstHltInf

const CLID& CLID_DstHltInf = 2230

Definition at line 287 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by DstHltInf::classID(), and DstHltInfCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_DstMdcDedx

const CLID& CLID_DstMdcDedx = 1420

Definition at line 258 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by DstMdcDedx::classID().

◆ CLID_DstMdcDedxCol

const CLID& CLID_DstMdcDedxCol = CLID_DstMdcDedx + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 259 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by MdcDedxCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_DstMdcKalTrack

const CLID& CLID_DstMdcKalTrack = 1415

Definition at line 255 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by DstMdcKalTrack::classID().

◆ CLID_DstMdcKalTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_DstMdcKalTrackCol = CLID_DstMdcKalTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 256 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by MdcKalTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_DstMdcTrack

const CLID& CLID_DstMdcTrack = 1410

Definition at line 252 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by DstMdcTrack::classID().

◆ CLID_DstMdcTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_DstMdcTrackCol = CLID_DstMdcTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 253 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by MdcTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_DstMucTrack

const CLID& CLID_DstMucTrack = 1450

Definition at line 267 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by DstMucTrack::classID().

◆ CLID_DstMucTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_DstMucTrackCol = CLID_DstMucTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 268 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by MucTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_DstTofTrack

const CLID& CLID_DstTofTrack = 1430

Definition at line 261 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by DstTofTrack::classID().

◆ CLID_DstTofTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_DstTofTrackCol = CLID_DstTofTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 262 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by TofTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_DstTrkList

const CLID& CLID_DstTrkList = 1470

Definition at line 273 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_DstTrkListCol

const CLID& CLID_DstTrkListCol = CLID_DstTrkList + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 274 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_EmcDigi

const CLID& CLID_EmcDigi = 1320

Definition at line 237 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EmcDigi::classID().

◆ CLID_EmcDigiCol

const CLID& CLID_EmcDigiCol = CLID_EmcDigi+CLID_ObjectVector

◆ CLID_EmcMcHit

const CLID& CLID_EmcMcHit = 1213

Definition at line 220 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by Event::EmcMcHit::classID().

◆ CLID_EmcMcHitCol

const CLID& CLID_EmcMcHitCol = CLID_EmcMcHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 221 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataEmcMcHitCnv::classID(), and EmcMcHitCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_Event

◆ CLID_EventHeader

const CLID& CLID_EventHeader = 112

◆ CLID_EventList

const CLID& CLID_EventList = 111

Definition at line 194 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_EvtRecDTag

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecDTag = 4120

Definition at line 379 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecDTag::classID().

◆ CLID_EvtRecDTagCol

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecDTagCol = CLID_EvtRecDTag + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 380 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecDTagCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_EvtRecEtaToGG

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecEtaToGG = 4140

Definition at line 383 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecEtaToGG::classID().

◆ CLID_EvtRecEtaToGGCol

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecEtaToGGCol = CLID_EvtRecEtaToGG + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 384 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecEtaToGGCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_EvtRecEvent

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecEvent = 4010

Definition at line 372 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecEvent::classID(), and EvtRecEventCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_EvtRecObject

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecObject = 4000

! Global link and reconstruction

Definition at line 371 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecObject::classID(), and EvtRecCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_EvtRecPi0

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecPi0 = 4130

Definition at line 381 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecPi0::classID().

◆ CLID_EvtRecPi0Col

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecPi0Col = CLID_EvtRecPi0 + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 382 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecPi0Cnv::classID().

◆ CLID_EvtRecPrimaryVertex

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecPrimaryVertex = 4020

◆ CLID_EvtRecTrack

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecTrack = 4100

Definition at line 375 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecTrack::classID().

◆ CLID_EvtRecTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecTrackCol = CLID_EvtRecTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 376 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_EvtRecVeeVertex

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecVeeVertex = 4110

Definition at line 377 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecVeeVertex::classID().

◆ CLID_EvtRecVeeVertexCol

const CLID& CLID_EvtRecVeeVertexCol = CLID_EvtRecVeeVertex + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 378 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by EvtRecVeeVertexCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_GenEvent

const CLID& CLID_GenEvent = 1100

Definition at line 199 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by McGenEvent::classID().

◆ CLID_GenEventCol

const CLID& CLID_GenEventCol = CLID_GenEvent + CLID_ObjectList

Definition at line 200 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_HltEvent

const CLID& CLID_HltEvent = 2200

Definition at line 283 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by HltEvent::classID(), RawDataHltCnv::classID(), and HltCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_HltInf

const CLID& CLID_HltInf = 2220

Definition at line 286 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by HltInf::classID(), and HltInfCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_HltRaw

const CLID& CLID_HltRaw = 2210

Definition at line 284 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by HltRaw::classID().

◆ CLID_HltRawCol

const CLID& CLID_HltRawCol = CLID_HltRaw + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 285 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataHltRawCnv::classID(), and HltRawCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_LumiDigi

const CLID& CLID_LumiDigi = 1350

Definition at line 246 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by LumiDigi::classID().

◆ CLID_LumiDigiCol

const CLID& CLID_LumiDigiCol = CLID_LumiDigi + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 247 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataLumiDigiCnv::classID(), and LumiDigiCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_McEvent

const CLID& CLID_McEvent = 1200

Definition at line 203 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by McEvent::classID(), RawDataMcCnv::classID(), and McCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_McEventCol

const CLID& CLID_McEventCol = CLID_McEvent + CLID_ObjectList

Definition at line 204 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_McHitMcPartToEmcHitTab

const CLID& CLID_McHitMcPartToEmcHitTab = 1223

Definition at line 228 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_McHitMcPartToMdcHitTab

const CLID& CLID_McHitMcPartToMdcHitTab = 1221

Definition at line 226 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_McHitMcPartToMucHitTab

const CLID& CLID_McHitMcPartToMucHitTab = 1224

Definition at line 229 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_McHitMcPartToTofHitTab

const CLID& CLID_McHitMcPartToTofHitTab = 1222

Definition at line 227 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_McParticle

const CLID& CLID_McParticle = 1201

Definition at line 206 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by Event::McParticle::classID().

◆ CLID_McParticleCol

const CLID& CLID_McParticleCol = CLID_McParticle + CLID_ObjectList

Definition at line 207 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataMcParticleCnv::classID(), and McParticleCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_McPrimaryParticle

const CLID& CLID_McPrimaryParticle = 1203

Definition at line 211 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by Event::McPrimaryParticle::classID().

◆ CLID_McPrimaryParticleCol

const CLID& CLID_McPrimaryParticleCol = CLID_McParticle + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 212 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_MdcDigi

const CLID& CLID_MdcDigi = 1310

Definition at line 234 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by MdcDigi::classID().

◆ CLID_MdcDigiCol

const CLID& CLID_MdcDigiCol = CLID_MdcDigi+CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 235 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataMdcDigiCnv::classID(), and MdcDigiCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_MdcHitOnTrack

const CLID& CLID_MdcHitOnTrack = 3130

Definition at line 301 of file EventModel.cxx.


const CLID& CLID_MdcHOTCol = CLID_MdcHitOnTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 302 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_MdcMcHit

const CLID& CLID_MdcMcHit = 1211

Definition at line 214 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by Event::MdcMcHit::classID().

◆ CLID_MdcMcHitCol

const CLID& CLID_MdcMcHitCol = CLID_MdcMcHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 215 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataMdcMcHitCnv::classID(), and MdcMcHitCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_MucDigi

const CLID& CLID_MucDigi = 1340

Definition at line 243 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by MucDigi::classID().

◆ CLID_MucDigiCol

const CLID& CLID_MucDigiCol = CLID_MucDigi+CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 244 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataMucDigiCnv::classID(), and MucDigiCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_MucMcHit

const CLID& CLID_MucMcHit = 1214

Definition at line 223 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by Event::MucMcHit::classID().

◆ CLID_MucMcHitCol

const CLID& CLID_MucMcHitCol = CLID_MucMcHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 224 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataMucMcHitCnv::classID(), and MucMcHitCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_MucRecHit

const CLID& CLID_MucRecHit = 3420

Definition at line 347 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by MucRecHit::classID().

◆ CLID_MucRecHitCol

const CLID& CLID_MucRecHitCol = CLID_MucRecHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 348 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMucRecHitCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_PhysEvent

const CLID& CLID_PhysEvent = 6000

Definition at line 434 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_RecBTofCalHit

const CLID& CLID_RecBTofCalHit = 3350

Definition at line 338 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecBTofCalHit::classID().

◆ CLID_RecBTofCalHitCol

const CLID& CLID_RecBTofCalHitCol = CLID_RecBTofCalHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 339 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecBTofCalHitCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecBTofHit

const CLID& CLID_RecBTofHit = 3310

Definition at line 326 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecBTofHit::classID().

◆ CLID_RecBTofHitCol

const CLID& CLID_RecBTofHitCol = CLID_RecBTofHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 327 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_RecEmcCluster

const CLID& CLID_RecEmcCluster = 3230

Definition at line 323 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecEmcCluster::classID().

◆ CLID_RecEmcClusterCol

const CLID& CLID_RecEmcClusterCol = CLID_RecEmcCluster + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 324 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecEmcClusterCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecEmcHit

const CLID& CLID_RecEmcHit = 3220

Definition at line 320 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecEmcHit::classID().

◆ CLID_RecEmcHitCol

const CLID& CLID_RecEmcHitCol = CLID_RecEmcHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 321 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecEmcHitCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecEmcShower

const CLID& CLID_RecEmcShower = 3210

Definition at line 317 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecEmcShower::classID().

◆ CLID_RecEmcShowerCol

const CLID& CLID_RecEmcShowerCol = CLID_RecEmcShower + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 318 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecEmcShowerCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecEsTime

const CLID& CLID_RecEsTime = 3610

Definition at line 363 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecEsTime::classID().

◆ CLID_RecEsTimeCol

const CLID& CLID_RecEsTimeCol = CLID_RecEsTime + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 364 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecEvTimeCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecETofCalHit

const CLID& CLID_RecETofCalHit = 3360

Definition at line 341 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecETofCalHit::classID().

◆ CLID_RecETofCalHitCol

const CLID& CLID_RecETofCalHitCol = CLID_RecETofCalHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 342 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecETofCalHitCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecETofHit

const CLID& CLID_RecETofHit = 3320

Definition at line 329 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecETofHit::classID().

◆ CLID_RecETofHitCol

const CLID& CLID_RecETofHitCol = CLID_RecETofHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 330 of file EventModel.cxx.

◆ CLID_RecExtTrack

const CLID& CLID_RecExtTrack = 3510

Definition at line 361 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecExtTrack::classID().

◆ CLID_RecExtTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_RecExtTrackCol = CLID_RecExtTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 362 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecExtTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcDedx

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcDedx = 3140

Definition at line 304 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcDedx::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcDedxCol

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcDedxCol = CLID_RecMdcDedx + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 305 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcDedxCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcDedxHit

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcDedxHit = 3145

Definition at line 307 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcDedxHit::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcDedxHitCol

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcDedxHitCol = CLID_RecMdcDedxHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 308 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcDedxHitCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcHit

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcHit = 3120

Definition at line 298 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcHit::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcHitCol

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcHitCol = CLID_RecMdcHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 299 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcHitCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcKalHelixSeg

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcKalHelixSeg = 3160

Definition at line 314 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcKalHelixSeg::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcKalHelixSegCol

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcKalHelixSegCol = CLID_RecMdcKalHelixSeg + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 315 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcKalHelixSegCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcKalTrack

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcKalTrack = 3150

Definition at line 311 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcKalTrack::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcKalTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcKalTrackCol = CLID_RecMdcKalTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 312 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcKalTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcTrack

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcTrack = 3110

Definition at line 295 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcTrack::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMdcTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_RecMdcTrackCol = CLID_RecMdcTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 296 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMdcTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMucTrack

const CLID& CLID_RecMucTrack = 3410

Describes a track found in the muon chamber.

A track is originated from a track reconstructed in MDC, and has its intersection and direction on MUC start surface, which is extrapolated from MDC track. Methods include projecting along the trajectory to each gap, including hits in search window, modifing intersectins, and then projecting the trajectory to the next gap.

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Definition at line 344 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMucTrack::classID().

◆ CLID_RecMucTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_RecMucTrackCol = CLID_RecMucTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 345 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecMucTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_ReconEvent

const CLID& CLID_ReconEvent = 3000


Definition at line 293 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by ReconEvent::classID(), and RecTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecTofTrack

const CLID& CLID_RecTofTrack = 3330

Definition at line 332 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecTofTrack::classID().

◆ CLID_RecTofTrackCol

const CLID& CLID_RecTofTrackCol = CLID_RecTofTrack + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 333 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecTofTrackCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_RecZddChannel

const CLID& CLID_RecZddChannel = 3810

Definition at line 366 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecZddChannel::classID().

◆ CLID_RecZddChannelCol

const CLID& CLID_RecZddChannelCol = CLID_RecZddChannel + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 367 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecZddChannelCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_TofDigi

const CLID& CLID_TofDigi = 1330

Definition at line 240 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by TofDigi::classID().

◆ CLID_TofDigiCol

const CLID& CLID_TofDigiCol = CLID_TofDigi+CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 241 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataTofDigiCnv::classID(), and TofDigiCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_TofMcHit

const CLID& CLID_TofMcHit = 1212

Definition at line 217 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by Event::TofMcHit::classID().

◆ CLID_TofMcHitCol

const CLID& CLID_TofMcHitCol = CLID_TofMcHit + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 218 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataTofMcHitCnv::classID(), and TofMcHitCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_TrigData

const CLID& CLID_TrigData = 2120

Definition at line 280 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by TrigDataCnv::classID(), and TrigData::classID().

◆ CLID_TrigEvent

const CLID& CLID_TrigEvent = 2100

Definition at line 277 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataTrigCnv::classID(), TrigCnv::classID(), and TrigEvent::classID().


const CLID& CLID_TrigGTD = 2110

Definition at line 278 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by TrigGTD::classID().


const CLID& CLID_TrigGTDCol = CLID_TrigGTD + CLID_ObjectVector

Definition at line 279 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataTrigGTDCnv::classID().

◆ CLID_ZddEvent

const CLID& CLID_ZddEvent = 2300

Definition at line 290 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RawDataZddEventCnv::classID(), and Event::ZddEvent::classID().