BOSS 7.0.2
BESIII Offline Software System
Classes | |
class | EmcMcHit |
class | EventH |
class | EventHeader |
class | McParticle |
class | McPrimaryParticle |
class | McTrajectory |
class | MdcMcHit |
class | MucMcHit |
class | Relation |
class | RelKey |
class | RelTable |
class | TofMcHit |
class | ZddEvent |
class EventHeader brief Essential header information of the event. It can be identified by "/Event" on the TDS.
It contains:
typedef ObjectVector< EmcMcHit > Event::EmcMcHitCol |
Definition at line 132 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/EmcMcHit.h.
typedef ObjectList< McParticle > Event::McParticleCol |
Definition at line 205 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McParticle.h.
typedef SmartRef< Event::McParticle > Event::McParticleRef |
Definition at line 22 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McPrimaryParticle.h.
typedef SmartRefVector< Event::McParticle > Event::McParticleRefVec |
Definition at line 21 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McPrimaryParticle.h.
typedef ObjectList< Event::McPartToEmcHitRel > Event::McPartToEmcHitList |
Definition at line 42 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
Definition at line 41 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
Definition at line 40 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
typedef std::vector< Event::McPartToEmcHitRel * > Event::McPartToEmcHitVec |
Definition at line 43 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
typedef ObjectList< Event::McPartToMdcHitRel > Event::McPartToMdcHitList |
Definition at line 30 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
Definition at line 29 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
Definition at line 28 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
typedef std::vector< Event::McPartToMdcHitRel * > Event::McPartToMdcHitVec |
Definition at line 31 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
typedef ObjectList< Event::McPartToMucHitRel > Event::McPartToMucHitList |
Definition at line 48 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
Definition at line 47 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
Definition at line 46 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
typedef std::vector< Event::McPartToMucHitRel * > Event::McPartToMucHitVec |
Definition at line 49 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
typedef ObjectList< Event::McPartToTofHitRel > Event::McPartToTofHitList |
Definition at line 36 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
Definition at line 35 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
Definition at line 34 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
typedef std::vector< Event::McPartToTofHitRel * > Event::McPartToTofHitVec |
Definition at line 37 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McRelTableDefs.h.
typedef ObjectVector< McPrimaryParticle > Event::McPrimaryParticleCol |
Definition at line 96 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McPrimaryParticle.h.
typedef ObjectVector< McTrajectory > Event::McTrajectoryCol |
Definition at line 59 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McTrajectory.h.
typedef ObjectList< McTrajectory > Event::McTrajectoryList |
Definition at line 61 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McTrajectory.h.
typedef ObjectVector< McTrajectory > Event::McTrajectoryVector |
Definition at line 58 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/McTrajectory.h.
typedef ObjectVector< MdcMcHit > Event::MdcMcHitCol |
Definition at line 88 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/MdcMcHit.h.
typedef ObjectVector< MucMcHit > Event::MucMcHitCol |
Definition at line 89 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/MucMcHit.h.
typedef ObjectVector< TofMcHit > Event::TofMcHitCol |
Definition at line 100 of file Event/McTruth/McTruth-00-02-19/McTruth/TofMcHit.h.