Geant4 9.6.0
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
This is the complete list of members for SoG4Polyhedron, including all inherited members.
AddAtts(const std::vector< G4AttValue > *values, const std::map< G4String, G4AttDef > *defs) | G4AttHolder | inline |
alternateRep | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | |
clearAlternateRep() | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | virtual |
computeBBox(SoAction *, SbBox3f &, SbVec3f &) | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | protectedvirtual |
doAction(SoAction *) | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | protectedvirtual |
G4AttHolder() | G4AttHolder | inline |
Geant4_SoPolyhedron() | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | |
Geant4_SoPolyhedron(const G4Polyhedron &) | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | |
Geant4_SoPolyhedron(G4Polyhedron *) | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | |
generateAlternateRep() | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | virtual |
generatePrimitives(SoAction *) | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | protectedvirtual |
GetAttDefs() const | G4AttHolder | inline |
GetAttValues() const | G4AttHolder | inline |
initClass() | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | static |
reducedWireFrame | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | |
SoG4Polyhedron(const G4Polyhedron &polyhedron) | SoG4Polyhedron | inline |
solid | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | |
~G4AttHolder() | G4AttHolder | |
~Geant4_SoPolyhedron() | Geant4_SoPolyhedron | protectedvirtual |