Geant4 11.1.1
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
This is the complete list of members for G4PhysicsLogVector, including all inherited members.
binVector | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
ComputeLogVectorBin(const G4double logenergy) const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
dataVector | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
DumpValues(G4double unitE=1.0, G4double unitV=1.0) const | G4PhysicsVector | |
edgeMax | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
edgeMin | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
Energy(const std::size_t index) const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
FillSecondDerivatives(const G4SplineType=G4SplineType::Base, const G4double dir1=0.0, const G4double dir2=0.0) | G4PhysicsVector | |
FindBin(const G4double energy, std::size_t idx) const | G4PhysicsVector | |
FindLinearEnergy(const G4double rand) const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
G4PhysicsLogVector(G4bool spline=false) | G4PhysicsLogVector | explicit |
G4PhysicsLogVector(G4double Emin, G4double Emax, std::size_t Nbin, G4bool spline=false) | G4PhysicsLogVector | explicit |
G4PhysicsVector(G4bool spline=false) | G4PhysicsVector | explicit |
G4PhysicsVector(const G4PhysicsVector &)=default | G4PhysicsVector | |
G4PhysicsVector(const G4PhysicsVector &&)=delete | G4PhysicsVector | |
GetEnergy(const G4double value) const | G4PhysicsVector | |
GetLowEdgeEnergy(const std::size_t index) const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
GetMaxEnergy() const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
GetMaxValue() const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
GetMinEnergy() const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
GetMinValue() const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
GetSpline() const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
GetType() const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
GetValue(const G4double energy, G4bool &isOutRange) const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
GetVectorLength() const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
idxmax | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
Initialise() final | G4PhysicsLogVector | protectedvirtual |
invdBin | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
logemin | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
LogVectorValue(const G4double energy, const G4double theLogEnergy) const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
numberOfNodes | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
operator!=(const G4PhysicsVector &right) const =delete | G4PhysicsVector | |
operator()(const std::size_t index) const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
operator=(const G4PhysicsVector &)=default | G4PhysicsVector | |
operator=(const G4PhysicsVector &&)=delete | G4PhysicsVector | |
operator==(const G4PhysicsVector &right) const =delete | G4PhysicsVector | |
operator[](const std::size_t index) const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
PrintPutValueError(std::size_t index, G4double value, const G4String &text) | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
PutValue(const std::size_t index, const G4double value) | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
Retrieve(std::ifstream &fIn, G4bool ascii=false) | G4PhysicsVector | |
ScaleVector(const G4double factorE, const G4double factorV) | G4PhysicsVector | |
secDerivative | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
SetVerboseLevel(G4int value) | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
Store(std::ofstream &fOut, G4bool ascii=false) const | G4PhysicsVector | |
type | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
Value(const G4double energy, std::size_t &lastidx) const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
Value(const G4double energy) const | G4PhysicsVector | inline |
verboseLevel | G4PhysicsVector | protected |
~G4PhysicsLogVector() override=default | G4PhysicsLogVector | |
~G4PhysicsVector()=default | G4PhysicsVector | virtual |