BOSS 7.1.1
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
3//Date: 2005.3.17
4//Author: L.L.Wang
5//History: 2005.3.17 created by Wang Liangliang
6// 2005.8.12 find a mistake in caculation of error direction of tof and corrected by Wang Liangliang
8//#include "CLHEP/config/CLHEP.h"
12#include "G4Track.hh"
13#include "G4TrackStatus.hh"
14#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
15#include "G4TransportationManager.hh"
16#include "G4FieldManager.hh"
17#include "G4Field.hh"
18#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
19#include "globals.hh"
21//#include "TofSim/BesTofDigitizerEcV4.hh"
22//#include "TofSim/BesTofDigitizerEcV4_dbs.hh"
24#include "TrkExtAlg/ExtMucKal.h"
26#include <iostream>
27#include <string>
28#include "strstream"
30using namespace std;
35 myTof1R = 814.001;
36 myTof1Z = 1330.0;
37 myTof2R = 871.036;
38 myEmcR1 = 945.0;
39 myEmcR2 = 983.9;
40 myEmcZ = 1416.8;
41 myMucR = 1700.0-0.01;
42 myMucZ = 2050.0-0.01;
43 m_which_tof_version=2;
50 chicc = 0.;
51 myExtTrack = 0;
52 myPathIntoCrystal = 0.;
53 myPathOutCrystal = 0.;
54 myPathInCrystal = 0.;
56 myPathIntoTof1 = 0.0;
57 myPathOutTof1 = 0.0;
58 //myPathInTof1 = 0.0;
59 myPathInTof1.clear();
61 myPathIntoTof2 = 0.0;
62 myPathOutTof2 = 0.0;
63 //myPathInTof2 = 0.0;
64 myPathInTof2.clear();
66 myTofFlag = false;
67 myTof1Flag = false;
68 myTof2Flag = false;
69 myInTof1 = false;
70 myInTof2 = false;
71 myOutTof1 = false;
72 myOutTof2 = false;
73 myPhyEmcFlag = false;
74 myEmcFlag = false;
75 myEmcPathFlag= false;
76 myMucFlag = false;
78 m_trackstop =false;
79 myMucchisq_ =0.;
80 myMucnfit_ =0;
81 myMucdepth_=-99.;
82 myMucbrLastLay_=-1;
83 myMucecLastLay_=-1;
84 RememberID[0]=-1;
85 RememberID[1]=-1;
86 RememberID[2]=-1;
92 RemStep =0;
93 RemDist = 99999.;
94 RemDepth = 0.;
95 RemID[0]=-1;
96 RemID[1]=-1;
97 RemID[2]=-1;
98 RemVol = "";
103void ExtSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step* currentStep)
106 //Get track and its status
107 G4Track* currentTrack = currentStep->GetTrack();
108 if(!currentTrack)
109 {
110 cout<<"Can't get currentTrack"<<endl;
111 return;
112 }
113 G4TrackStatus currentTrackStatus = currentTrack->GetTrackStatus();
115 int stepNumber = currentTrack->GetCurrentStepNumber();
116 if(msgFlag) cout<<"STEP "<<stepNumber<<":"<<endl;
118 //Get current position and momentum
119 Hep3Vector currentPosition = currentTrack->GetPosition();
120 Hep3Vector currentMomentum = currentTrack->GetMomentum();
123 //Get current Volume
124 G4VPhysicalVolume* oldVolume;
125 G4VPhysicalVolume* newVolume;
126 if(!currentTrack->GetTouchableHandle()) cout<<"Can't get currentTrack->GetTouchableHandle()"<<endl;
127 else oldVolume= currentTrack->GetTouchableHandle()->GetVolume();
128 if(!currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()) cout<<"Can't get currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()"<<endl;
129 else newVolume= currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetVolume();
130 if(!oldVolume) cout<<"Can't get oldVolume!"<<endl;
132 //****added by LI Chunhua
133 if(stepNumber>50000) {
134 cout<<"infinite steps in the track "<<endl;
135 currentTrack->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); m_trackstop =true;
136 }
138 G4String ParticleName = currentTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName();
139 double x_ = currentPosition.x();
140 double y_ = currentPosition.y();
141 double z_ = currentPosition.z();
142 bool inner = (oldVolume!=newVolume)&&(!( (fabs(x_)>=myMucR) || (fabs(y_)>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x_-y_)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x_+y_)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || (fabs(z_)>=myMucZ)) );
143 bool mucdec = (fabs(x_)>=myMucR) || (fabs(y_)>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x_-y_)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x_+y_)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || (fabs(z_)>=myMucZ);
145 //if current particle is alive.
146 if(currentTrackStatus == fAlive)
147 {
148 //if(oldVolume!=newVolume)//if so, update Error Matrix and chicc.
149 if(inner||mucdec)//update Error Matrix for newvolume in MDC,TOF,EMC; update Error Matrix step by step in MUC;
150 {
151 //Get current B field
152 double currentPoint[3]={currentPosition.x(),currentPosition.y(),currentPosition.z()};
153 double currentBfield[3]={0.0,0.0,0.0};
154 Hep3Vector currentB(0.0,0.0,1.0);
155 if(G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager())
156 {
157 G4FieldManager* fieldManager=G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetFieldManager();
158 if(fieldManager)
159 {
160 if(fieldManager->GetDetectorField())
161 {
162 fieldManager->GetDetectorField()->GetFieldValue(currentPoint,currentBfield);
163 currentB.set(currentBfield[0]/tesla,currentBfield[1]/tesla,currentBfield[2]/tesla);
164 if(msgFlag) cout<<"B:"<<currentB.x()<<","<<currentB.y()<<","<<currentB.z()<<endl;
165 }
166 }
167 }
169 //Get chicc
170 G4Material* oldMaterial = oldVolume->GetLogicalVolume()->GetMaterial();
171 if(!oldMaterial) std::cout<<"Can't get oldMaterial"<<std::endl;
172 else CalculateChicc(oldMaterial);
174 //Update Error Matrix
175 if(!(extXpErr->move(currentPosition,currentMomentum,currentB,1,chicc)))
176 if(msgFlag) cout<<"can not update Error Matrix!!"<<endl;
178 //Verbose
179 if(msgFlag)
180 {
181 cout<<"Volume name:"<<newVolume->GetName()<<endl;
182 cout<<"Volume number:"<<newVolume->GetCopyNo()<<endl;
183 cout<<"x:"<<currentPoint[0]<<"//y:"<<currentPoint[1]<<"//z:"<<currentPoint[2]
184 <<"||px:"<<currentMomentum.x()<<"//py:"<<currentMomentum.y()<<"//pz:"
185 <<currentMomentum.z()<<endl;
186 cout<<"ptot = "<<currentMomentum.mag()<<endl;
187 cout<<"trk len = "<<currentTrack->GetTrackLength()<<endl;
188 cout<<"Error matrix is:"<<extXpErr->get_err()<<endl;
189 cout<<"phi:"<<atan(currentPoint[1]/currentPoint[0])<<endl;
190 Hep3Vector nz(0.,0.,1.);
191 cout<<"Projected z error:"<<extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),nz)
192 <<endl;
193 double x,y,R;
194 x = currentPoint[0];
195 y = currentPoint[1];
196 R = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
197 Hep3Vector nt(-y/R,x/R,0.);
198 cout<<"Projected phi error:"<<(extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),nt))/R
199 <<endl<<endl;
200 }
202 //some often used things
203 Hep3Vector xVector(1.0,0,0);
204 Hep3Vector yVector(0,1.0,0);
205 Hep3Vector zVector(0,0,1.0);
206 Hep3Vector tzVector;
207 tzVector.setRThetaPhi(1.0,M_PI/2.0,currentPosition.phi());
208 double r = currentPosition.perp();
209 double x = currentPosition.x();
210 double y = currentPosition.y();
211 double z = currentPosition.z();
212 G4String newVolumeName = newVolume->GetName();
213 G4String oldVolumeName = oldVolume->GetName();
214 G4StepPoint* postStepPoint = currentStep->GetPostStepPoint();
215 G4TouchableHistory* theTouchable = (G4TouchableHistory*)(postStepPoint->GetTouchable());
216 int newVolumeNumber=newVolume->GetCopyNo();
217 // int newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(2);
219 G4String name1;
220 if(newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer")
221 {
222 name1=theTouchable->GetVolume(3)->GetName();
223 newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(3);
224 }
231 //Get PhyTof data
233 //std::cout << "ExtSteppingAction NewVolumeName: " << newVolumeName << std::endl;
234 //std::cout << "ExtSteppingAction OldVolumeName: " << oldVolumeName << std::endl;
235 //std::cout << "ExtSteppingAction name1: " <<name1<<std::endl;
236 //Comment this part to remove the airtight Tof. Most hits would be replaced by the following specific sensitive
237 //detector. The remianing few hits are abondoned in Tof reconstruction.
238 /*
239 if( (!myTofFlag) && (!myTof1Flag) && (newVolumeName.contains("Tof") ))
240 {
241 newVolumeNumber = -2;
242 double currentTrackLength = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
243 double totalTrackLength = currentTrackLength + initialPath;
244 //double initialTof = initialPath/(myBetaInMDC*299.792458);
245 //cout<<"initialTof = "<<initialTof<<endl;
246 //double totalTOF = totalTrackLength/(myBetaInMDC*299.792458);
247 double localTime = currentTrack->GetLocalTime();
248 //cout<<"localTime = "<<localTime<<endl;
249 double totalTOF = localTime + initialTof;
250 //cout<<"totalTOF= "<<totalTOF<<endl;
252 //std::cout << "ExtSteppingAction Volumename contains one of the marker words" << std::endl;
254 if(myExtTrack)
255 {
256 double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
257 double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
258 double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
259 double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
260 myExtTrack->SetTof1Data(currentPosition/10.0,currentMomentum/1000.0,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
261 myTofFlag = true;
262 }
263 return;
264 }//close if (!myTofFlag)
265 */
269 //Get Tof layer1 Ext data
270 if((!myTof1Flag) && (newVolumeName=="logicalScinBr1" || newVolumeName.contains("ScinEc") ||
271 (newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m0" || name1=="logical_container_m1"))))
272 {
273 double currentTrackLength = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
274 double totalTrackLength = currentTrackLength+initialPath;
275 double localTime = currentTrack->GetLocalTime();
276 double totalTOF = localTime + initialTof;
277 myInTof1 = true;
278 myPathIntoTof1 = currentTrackLength;
279 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathIntoTof1 = " << myPathIntoTof1 << endl;
281 newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(2);
283 if(newVolumeName.contains("ScinEc")) {
284 newVolumeNumber=(95-newVolumeNumber)/2;
285 newVolumeNumber=newVolumeNumber+176;
287 if(newVolumeName.contains("East")) newVolumeNumber=newVolumeNumber+48;
288 if(myExtTrack) {
289 double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
290 double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
291 double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
292 double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
293 myExtTrack->SetTof1Data(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
294 myTof1Flag = true;
295 }
296 }
298 else if(newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer")
299 {
300 G4ThreeVector currentPostPosition = currentStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
301 G4ThreeVector localPosition = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(currentPostPosition);
302 //cout<<"localPosition: "<<localPosition.x()<<" "<<localPosition.y()<<" "<<localPosition.z()<<endl;
304 //Here we assume the spread of one strip is 24+3=27mm.
305 //Distance between strips and lower large glass margin: 6, top: 8, z_strip=z_small_glass-0.5
306 double z_mm = localPosition.z()-0.5+(24+3)*6;
307 int strip;
308 if(z_mm<=0)
309 {
310 strip=0;
311 }
312 else if(z_mm>0 && z_mm<12*27)
313 {
314 strip=floor(z_mm/27);
315 }
316 else
317 {
318 strip=11;
319 }
320 if(strip<0) strip=0;
321 if(strip>11) strip=11;
323 newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(3);
324 newVolumeNumber = 35-newVolumeNumber;
325 if( currentPosition.z() < 0.0 ) { newVolumeNumber = newVolumeNumber + 36; }
326 newVolumeNumber = 12*newVolumeNumber+strip;
327 newVolumeNumber = newVolumeNumber + 176 + 96;
328 if(myExtTrack) {
329 double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
330 double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
331 double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
332 double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
333 Hep3Vector locP = Hep3Vector( localPosition.x(), localPosition.y(), localPosition.z() );
334 //cout<<"locP: "<<locP.x()<<" "<<locP.y()<<" "<<locP.z()
335 //<<" currentMomentum: "<<currentMomentum.x()<<" "<<currentMomentum.y()<<" "<<currentMomentum.z()
336 //<<" newVolumeName: "<<newVolumeName<<" newVolumeNumber: "<<newVolumeNumber
337 //<<" totalTOF: "<<totalTOF<<" totalTrackLength: "<<totalTrackLength<<endl;
338 myExtTrack->SetTof1Data(locP/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
339 myTof1Flag = true;
340 }
341 }
342 else
343 {
344 newVolumeNumber=(527-newVolumeNumber)/3;
345 if(myExtTrack) {
346 double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
347 double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
348 double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
349 double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
350 myExtTrack->SetTof1Data(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
351 myTof1Flag = true;
352 }
353 }
355 return;
357 }//close if (!myTof1Flag)
359 if( myInTof1 && ( oldVolumeName=="logicalScinBr1" || oldVolumeName.contains("ScinEc") ||
360 (oldVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m0" || name1=="logical_container_m1"))) ) {
361 myInTof1 = false;
362 myOutTof1 = true;
363 myPathOutTof1 = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
364 myPathInTof1.push_back(myPathOutTof1 - myPathIntoTof1);
365 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathOutTof1 = " << myPathOutTof1 << endl;
366 }
368 if( myOutTof1 && ( newVolumeName=="logicalScinBr1" || newVolumeName.contains("ScinEc") ||
369 (newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m0" || name1=="logical_container_m1"))) ) {
370 myInTof1 = true;
371 myOutTof1 = false;
372 myPathIntoTof1 = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
373 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathIntoTof1 = " << myPathIntoTof1 << endl;
374 }
377 //Get Tof layer2 Ext data
378 if( (!myTof2Flag) && (newVolumeName=="logicalScinBr2" ||
379 (newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m2" || name1=="logical_container_m3"))))
380 {
381 double currentTrackLength = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
382 double totalTrackLength = currentTrackLength+initialPath;
383 //double totalTOF = totalTrackLength/(myBetaInMDC*299.792458);
384 double localTime = currentTrack->GetLocalTime();
385 double totalTOF = localTime + initialTof;
386 myInTof2 = true;
387 myPathIntoTof2 = currentTrackLength;
388 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathIntoTof2 = " << myPathIntoTof2 << endl;
389 newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(2);
391 if(newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer")
392 {
393 G4ThreeVector currentPostPosition = currentStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
394 G4ThreeVector localPosition = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(currentPostPosition);
395 //cout<<"localPosition: "<<localPosition.x()<<" "<<localPosition.y()<<" "<<localPosition.z()<<endl;
397 //Here we assume the spread of one strip is 24+3=27mm.
398 //Distance between strips and lower large glass margin: 6, top: 8, z_strip=z_small_glass-0.5
399 double z_mm = localPosition.z()-0.5+(24+3)*6;
400 int strip;
401 if(z_mm<=0)
402 {
403 strip=0;
404 }
405 else if(z_mm>0 && z_mm<12*27)
406 {
407 strip=floor(z_mm/27);
408 }
409 else
410 {
411 strip=11;
412 }
413 if(strip<0) strip=0;
414 if(strip>11) strip=11;
416 newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(3);
417 newVolumeNumber = 35-newVolumeNumber;
418 if( currentPosition.z() < 0.0 ) { newVolumeNumber = newVolumeNumber + 36; }
419 newVolumeNumber = 12*newVolumeNumber+strip;
420 newVolumeNumber = newVolumeNumber + 176 + 96;
422 if(myExtTrack)
423 {
424 double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
425 double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
426 double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
427 double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
428 Hep3Vector locP = Hep3Vector( localPosition.x(), localPosition.y(), localPosition.z() );
429 //cout<<"locP: "<<locP.x()<<" "<<locP.y()<<" "<<locP.z()
430 //<<" currentMomentum: "<<currentMomentum.x()<<" "<<currentMomentum.y()<<" "<<currentMomentum.z()
431 //<<" newVolumeName: "<<newVolumeName<<" newVolumeNumber: "<<newVolumeNumber
432 //<<" totalTOF: "<<totalTOF<<" totalTrackLength: "<<totalTrackLength<<endl;
433 myExtTrack->SetTof2Data(locP/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
434 myTof2Flag = true;
435 }
436 }
437 else
438 {
439 newVolumeNumber=(527-newVolumeNumber)/3;
440 if(myExtTrack)
441 {
442 double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
443 double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
444 double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
445 double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
446 myExtTrack->SetTof2Data(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
447 myTof2Flag = true;
448 }
449 }
450 return;
451 }//close if( (!myTof2Flag) && newVolumeName=="logicalScinBr2" )
453 if( myInTof2 && (oldVolumeName=="logicalScinBr2" ||
454 (oldVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m2" || name1=="logical_container_m3"))) ) {
455 myInTof2 = false;
456 myOutTof2 = true;
457 myPathOutTof2 = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
458 myPathInTof2.push_back(myPathOutTof2 - myPathIntoTof2);
459 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathOutTof2 = " << myPathOutTof2 << endl;
460 }
462 if( myOutTof2 && (newVolumeName=="logicalScinBr2" ||
463 (newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m2" || name1=="logical_container_m3"))) ) {
464 myInTof2 = true;
465 myOutTof2 = false;
466 myPathIntoTof2 = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
467 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathIntoTof2 = " << myPathIntoTof2 << endl;
468 }
471 //Get PhyEmc data.
472 if( (!myPhyEmcFlag) && (!myEmcFlag) && (newVolumeName=="EMC" || newVolumeName.contains("BSC") || newVolumeName=="EndPhi"))
473 {
474 newVolumeNumber = -2;
475 if(myExtTrack)
476 {
477 // myPathIntoCrystal = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
478 Hep3Vector nPhi(-y/r,x/r,0.);
479 double errorPhi = (extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),nPhi))/r;
481 Hep3Vector aPosition = currentPosition;
482 double R = aPosition.r();
483 double aTheta = aPosition.theta();
484 aPosition.setTheta(aTheta + M_PI_2);
485 double errorTheta;
486 errorTheta =(extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),aPosition.unit()))/R;
487 if(msgFlag) cout<<"Theta direction: "<<aPosition<<endl;
488 myExtTrack->SetEmcData(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,errorTheta,errorPhi,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()));
489 }
490 myPhyEmcFlag = true;
491 return;
492 }
495 if(!myEmcPathFlag && newVolumeName.contains("Crystal") )
496 {
497 myPathIntoCrystal = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
498 // cout<<"Enter Crystal, path: "<<myPathIntoCrystal<<endl;
499 myEmcPathFlag = true;
500 }
502 //Get Emc Ext data.
503 if( (!myEmcFlag) && newVolumeName.contains("Crystal") )
504 {
505 if(myExtTrack)
506 {
507 //------------------- record crystal number
508 int npart,ntheta,nphi;
509 if(currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetVolume(1)->GetName().contains("BSC")) { //barrel
510 npart=1;
511 std::istringstream thetaBuf((currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetVolume(1)->GetName()).substr(16,2));
512 thetaBuf >> ntheta ;
513 nphi = 308-currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetCopyNumber(2);
514 } else { //endcap
515 npart=2-2*currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetCopyNumber(3);
516 int endSector=currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetCopyNumber(2);
517 int endNb,endNbGDML;
518 std::istringstream thetaBuf((currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetVolume(0)->GetName()).substr(20,2));
519 thetaBuf >> endNb ;
520 endNbGDML=CalculateEmcEndCopyNb(endNb);
521 int endSectorGDML=CalculateEmcEndPhiNb(endSector);
522 CalculateEmcEndThetaPhi(npart,endSectorGDML,endNbGDML,ntheta,nphi);
523 }
524 ostringstream strEmc;
525 if(ntheta<10) {
526 strEmc<<"EmcPart"<<npart<<"Theta0"<<ntheta<<"Phi"<<nphi;
527 } else {
528 strEmc<<"EmcPart"<<npart<<"Theta"<<ntheta<<"Phi"<<nphi;
529 } //------------------------------------------
531 // myPathIntoCrystal = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
532 Hep3Vector nPhi(-y/r,x/r,0.);
533 double errorPhi = (extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),nPhi))/r;
535 Hep3Vector aPosition = currentPosition;
536 double R = aPosition.r();
537 double aTheta = aPosition.theta();
538 aPosition.setTheta(aTheta + M_PI_2);
539 double errorTheta;
540 errorTheta =(extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),aPosition.unit()))/R;
541 if(msgFlag) cout<<"Theta direction: "<<aPosition<<endl;
542 myExtTrack->SetEmcData(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,strEmc.str(),
543 newVolumeNumber,errorTheta,errorPhi,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()));
544 }
545 myEmcFlag = true;
546 return;
547 }
549 //Get path in Emc
550 if(myEmcPathFlag && oldVolumeName.contains("Crystal") )
551 {
552 myPathOutCrystal = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
553 myPathInCrystal = myPathInCrystal+myPathOutCrystal-myPathIntoCrystal;
554 // cout<<"Go out of crystal, path: "<<myPathOutCrystal<<endl;
555 myEmcPathFlag=false;
556 }
559 //Get Muc Ext Data.
560 if( (!myMucFlag) && ( (fabs(x)>=myMucR) || (fabs(y)>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x-y)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x+y)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || (fabs(z)>=myMucZ) ) )
561 {
562 int newVolumeNumber = newVolume->GetCopyNo();
563 if(myExtTrack)
564 {
565 Hep3Vector xVector(1.0,0,0);
566 Hep3Vector yVector(0,1.0,0);
567 Hep3Vector zVector(0,0,1.0);
568 double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
569 double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
570 double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
571 double tzError;
572 double phi = currentPosition.phi();
573 if(phi<0.) phi+=M_PI;
574 int i = int(8.0*phi/M_PI);
575 if( i==0 || i==7 || i==8 )
576 {
577 tzError = yError;
578 }
579 if( i==1 || i==2 )
580 {
581 Hep3Vector tzVector(-1.0,1.0,0.);
582 tzError =extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector.unit());
583 }
584 if( i==3 || i==4 )
585 {
586 tzError = xError;
587 }
588 if( i==5 || i==6 )
589 {
590 Hep3Vector tzVector(1.0,1.0,0.);
591 tzError =extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector.unit());
592 }
593 myExtTrack->SetMucData(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
594 }
595 myMucFlag = true;
596 if(!(ParticleName.contains("mu")&&myUseMucKalFlag))
597 {
598 //currentTrack->SetKineticEnergy(0.0);
599 currentStep->GetTrack()->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
600 m_trackstop=true;
601 return;
602 }
603 }
605 //**************************************************
606 //************inset KalFilter Algorithm in MUC******
607 //**************************************************
608 HepSymMatrix XpErr = extXpErr->get_err();
609 int namesize = oldVolumeName.size();
610 bool Flag1(false),Flag2(false),Flag3(false),Flag4(false),Flag5(false);
611 Flag1 = m_mucdigicol->size()>0;
612 Flag2 = myUseMucKalFlag;
613 Flag3 = ParticleName.contains("mu")&&oldVolumeName.contains("lMuc")&&oldVolumeName.contains("P")&&oldVolumeName.contains("S")&&(oldVolumeName.contains("G")||oldVolumeName.contains("Ab"));
614 Flag4 = oldVolumeName.contains("lMuc")&&oldVolumeName.contains("P")&&oldVolumeName.contains("S")&&((namesize==10&&oldVolumeName.contains("G"))||(namesize==11&&oldVolumeName.contains("Ab")));
615 Flag5 = !((RemID[0]==1&&RemID[2]==9)||((RemID[0]==0||RemID[0]==2)&&RemID[2]==8));
616 // if(!Flag5) {currentStep->GetTrack()->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);m_trackstop=true;}
617 if(Flag1&&Flag2&&Flag3&&Flag5)
618 {
619 //get depth in Ab
620 double depth = currentStep-> GetStepLength();
621 if(oldVolumeName.contains("Ab"))
622 RemDepth = RemDepth+ depth;
623 if(RemStep==0&&Flag4)
624 {
625 Hep3Vector ID_1 = GetGapID(oldVolumeName);
626 RemID = ID_1;
628 bool LastLay = (ID_1[0]==1&&ID_1[2]<9)||((ID_1[0]==0||ID_1[0]==2)&&ID_1[2]<8);
629 if(RememberID[2]!=ID_1[2]&&LastLay)
630 {
631 Hep3Vector pos_loc = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(ID_1[0],ID_1[1],ID_1[2])->TransformToGap(currentPosition);
632 double dist = fabs(pos_loc.z());
633 RemPositon = currentPosition;
634 RemMomentum = currentMomentum;
635 RemXpErr = XpErr;
636 RemDist = dist;
637 RemStep++;
638 }
639 }
640 if(RemStep>0)
641 {
642 bool WillFilter = false;
643 bool LastLay_ = false;
644 double dist_b = 99999.;
645 Hep3Vector ID_2;
646 if(Flag4)
647 {
648 ID_2 = GetGapID(oldVolumeName);
649 LastLay_ =(ID_2[0]==1&&ID_2[2]<9)||((ID_2[0]==0||ID_2[0]==2)&&ID_2[2]<8);
650 if(LastLay_)dist_b=fabs(MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(ID_2[0],ID_2[1],ID_2[2])->TransformToGap(currentPosition).z());
651 if(RemID!=ID_2)
652 WillFilter=true;
654 }
656 Hep3Vector pos_loc = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(RemID[0],RemID[1],RemID[2])->TransformToGap(currentPosition);
657 double dist = fabs(pos_loc.z());
658 //get the nearest point from the center of gap
659 if(!WillFilter&&RemDist>dist)
660 {
661 RemPositon = currentPosition;
662 RemMomentum = currentMomentum;
663 RemXpErr = XpErr;
664 RemDist = dist;
665 RemVol = oldVolumeName;
666 }
668 //if find the nearest point in the gap, Open Fillter
669 if(WillFilter)
670 {
671 ExtMucKal* muckal = new ExtMucKal();
672 muckal->SetGapID(RemID);
673 muckal->SetPosMomErr(RemPositon,RemMomentum,RemXpErr);
674 muckal->SetMucDigiCol(m_mucdigicol);
675 muckal->SetMucWindow(myMucWindow);
676 bool iniOK = muckal->MucKalIniti();
677 vector<MucRecHit*> tmp = muckal->TrackHit();
678 bool filter = muckal->ExtMucFilter();
679 // bool filter = muckal->GetFilterStatus();
680 double chi2 = muckal->GetChi2();
681 bool samestrip = muckal->GetSameStrip();
682 if(filter&&iniOK)
683 {
685 myMucnfit_++;
686 //cout<<"myMucnfit_: "<<myMucnfit_<<endl;
687 myMucchisq_ = myMucchisq_+chi2;
688 muckal->XPmod(m_pos_mod,m_mom_mod,m_err_mod);
689 RememberID = muckal->GetHitGap();
690 if(RememberID[0]==1)myMucbrLastLay_=RememberID[2];
691 if(RememberID[0]==0||RememberID[0]==2)myMucecLastLay_=RememberID[2];
692 if(oldVolumeName.contains("Ab"))
693 RemDepth = RemDepth-depth;
694 if(myMucnfit_==1)
695 myMucdepth_ = RemDepth;
696 else
697 myMucdepth_=myMucdepth_+RemDepth;
699 if(!samestrip)
700 {
702 extXpErr->put_err(m_err_mod);
703 extXpErr->set_pos(m_pos_mod);
704 extXpErr->set_mom(m_mom_mod);
705 currentStep->GetTrack()->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
707 }
708 else
709 {
710 //cout<<"-------hit exist, but no modify-------"<<endl;
711 RemPositon = currentPosition;
712 RemMomentum = currentMomentum;
713 RemXpErr = XpErr;
714 RemDist = dist_b;
715 RemID =ID_2;
716 if(oldVolumeName.contains("Ab"))
717 RemDepth = depth;
718 else
719 RemDepth = 0.;
720 }
721 if(msgFlag)cout<<"---------Filter is OK---------- "<<endl;
722 }
723 else
724 {
725 // if(LastLay_)
726 //{
727 RemPositon = currentPosition;
728 RemMomentum = currentMomentum;
729 RemXpErr = XpErr;
730 RemDist = dist_b;
731 RemID =ID_2;
732 // }
733 }
734 delete muckal;
735 }
736 }
737 if(myExtTrack)myExtTrack->SetMucKalData(myMucchisq_,myMucnfit_,myMucdepth_,myMucbrLastLay_,myMucecLastLay_,myMucnhits_);
738 }
740 /*
741 if(Flag1&&Flag2&&Flag3)
742 {
743 ExtMucKal* muckal = new ExtMucKal();
744 muckal->SetVolume(oldVolume,newVolume);
745 muckal->SetMomPosErr(currentPosition,currentMomentum,XpErr);
746 muckal->SetMucDigiCol(mucdigicol);
747 muckal->ExtMucFilter();
748 muckal->XPmod(m_pos_mod,m_mom_mod,m_err_mod);
749 bool filter = muckal->GetFilterStatus();
750 double chi2 = muckal->GetChi2();
751 if(filter)
752 {
753 myMucnfit_++;
754 myMucchisq_ = myMucchisq_+chi2;
755 currentStep->GetTrack()->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
756 RememberVol.assign(oldVolumeName,10);
757 extXpErr->put_err(m_err_mod);
758 extXpErr->set_pos(m_pos_mod);
759 extXpErr->set_mom(m_mom_mod);
760 }
761 delete muckal;
762 }
763 */
764 // if(myExtTrack)myExtTrack->SetMucKalData(myMucchisq_,myMucnfit_,myMucdepth_,myMucbrLastLay_,myMucecLastLay_,myMucnhits_);
765 /* //Get Muc Ext Hits Data.
766 if(newVolumeName.contains("Strip"))
767 {
768 int newVolumeNumber = newVolume->GetCopyNo();
769 if(myExtTrack)
770 {
771 ExtMucHit aExtMucHit;
772 Hep3Vector xVector(1.0,0,0);
773 Hep3Vector yVector(0,1.0,0);
774 Hep3Vector zVector(0,0,1.0);
775 double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
776 double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
777 double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
778 double tzError;
779 double phi = currentPosition.phi();
780 if(phi<0.) phi+=M_PI;
781 int i = int(8.0*phi/M_PI);
782 if( i==0 || i==7 || i==8 )
783 {
784 tzError = yError;
785 }
786 if( i==1 || i==2 )
787 {
788 Hep3Vector tzVector(-1.0,1.0,0.);
789 tzError =extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector.unit());
790 }
791 if( i==3 || i==4 )
792 {
793 tzError = xError;
794 }
795 if( i==5 || i==6 )
796 {
797 Hep3Vector tzVector(1.0,1.0,0.);
798 tzError =extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector.unit());
799 }
800 aExtMucHit.SetExtMucHit(currentPosition,currentMomentum,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,extXpErr->get_err(),zError,tzError,xError,yError);
801 myExtTrack->AddExtMucHit(aExtMucHit);
802 }
803 }
804 */
805 }
806 else {
807 if(msgFlag) cout<<"x:"<<currentPosition.x()<<"//y:"<<currentPosition.y()<<"//z:"<<currentPosition.z()<<"||px:"<<currentMomentum.x()<<"//py:"<<currentMomentum.y()<<"//pz:"<<currentMomentum.z()<<endl;
808 double x = currentPosition.x();
809 double y = currentPosition.y();
810 double z = currentPosition.z();
811 if( (fabs(x)>=2*myMucR) || (fabs(y)>=2*myMucR) || (fabs(z)>=2*myMucZ) )
812 //currentTrack->SetKineticEnergy(0.0);// protection in case that a very energetic track travels without touching BESIII
813 {currentStep->GetTrack()->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);m_trackstop=true;}
814 }
816 }
817 else if(currentTrackStatus == fStopAndKill)
818 {
819 m_trackstop=true;
820 if(myEmcFlag) myExtTrack->SetEmcPath(myPathInCrystal/10.);
821 if(myTof1Flag) myExtTrack->setPathInTof1(myPathInTof1);
822 if(myTof2Flag) myExtTrack->setPathInTof2(myPathInTof2);
823 if(msgFlag) {
824 cout << "myPathInTof1 = " ;
825 for(int i=0; i!=myPathInTof1.size(); i++)
826 cout << myPathInTof1[i] << " ";
827 cout << endl;
828 cout << "myPathInTof2 = " ;
829 for(int i=0; i!=myPathInTof2.size(); i++)
830 cout << myPathInTof2[i] << " ";
831 cout << endl;
832 }
834 if(msgFlag)
835 {
836 if(newVolume!=0)
837 {
838 std::cout<<"x:"<<currentPosition.x()<<"//y:"<<currentPosition.y()<<"//z:"<<currentPosition.z()<<"||px:"<<currentMomentum.x()<<"//py:"<<currentMomentum.y()<<"//pz:"<<currentMomentum.z()<<"//stoped"<<endl;
839 cout<<"Error matrix is:"<<extXpErr->get_err()<<endl;
840 }
841 else {
842 cout<<"x:"<<currentPosition.x()<<"//y:"<<currentPosition.y()<<"//z:"<<currentPosition.z()<<"||px:"<<currentMomentum.x()<<"//py:"<<currentMomentum.y()<<"//pz:"<<currentMomentum.z()<<"//escaped"<<std::endl;
843 std::cout<<"Error matrix is:"<<extXpErr->get_err()<<std::endl;
844 }
845 }
846 }
851void ExtSteppingAction::CalculateChicc(G4Material* currentMaterial)
853 int n = currentMaterial->GetNumberOfElements();
854 const double *p = currentMaterial->GetFractionVector();
855 double density = (currentMaterial->GetDensity())/(g/cm3);
856 double temp=0.0;
857 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
858 {
859 const G4Element* mElement = currentMaterial->GetElement(i);
860 double z = mElement->GetZ();
861 double a = mElement->GetN();
862 // std::cout<<"Fraction: "<<*p<<" z: "<<z<<" a: "<<a<<std::endl;
863 temp += *(p++)/a*z*(z+1);
864 }
865 chicc = 0.39612e-3*std::sqrt(density*temp);
866 // std::cout<<"chicc:"<<chicc<<std::endl;
870HepSymMatrix & ExtSteppingAction::myOutputSymMatrix(const HepSymMatrix & m1)
872 // std::cout<<"myOutputSymMatrix:1"<<std::endl;
873 HepSymMatrix m;
874 // std::cout<<"myOutputSymMatrix:2"<<std::endl;
875 m=m1;
876 // std::cout<<"myOutputSymMatrix:3"<<std::endl;
877 for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
878 { for(int j=0;j<=i;j++)
879 { if(i<3) {
880 m[i][j]=m[i][j]/100; //mm*mm --> cm*cm
881 }
882 else if(j<3) {
883 m[i][j]=m[i][j]/10000; //mm*MeV --> cm*GeV
884 }
885 else {
886 m[i][j]=m[i][j]/1000000; //MeV*MeV --> GeV*GeV
887 }
888 }
889 }
890 // std::cout<<"myOutputSymMatrix:4"<<std::endl;
891 // std::cout<<"m1="<<m1<<std::endl;
892 // std::cout<<"m="<<m<<std::endl;
893 myOutputSM=m;
894 return myOutputSM;
897void ExtSteppingAction::CalculateEmcEndThetaPhi(int npart, int sector, int nb, int &ntheta, int &nphi)
899 if((sector>=0)&&(sector<3))
900 sector+=16;
901 //if((sector!=7)&&(sector!=15))
902 {
903 if((nb>=0)&&(nb<4))
904 {
905 ntheta = 0;
906 nphi = (sector-3)*4+nb;
907 }
908 else if((nb>=4)&&(nb<8))
909 {
910 ntheta = 1;
911 nphi = (sector-3)*4+nb-4;
912 }
913 else if((nb>=8)&&(nb<13))
914 {
915 ntheta = 2;
916 nphi = (sector-3)*5+nb-8;
917 }
918 else if((nb>=13)&&(nb<18))
919 {
920 ntheta = 3;
921 nphi = (sector-3)*5+nb-13;
922 }
923 else if((nb>=18)&&(nb<24))
924 {
925 ntheta = 4;
926 nphi = (sector-3)*6+nb-18;
927 }
928 else if((nb>=24)&&(nb<30))
929 {
930 ntheta = 5;
931 nphi = (sector-3)*6+nb-24;
932 }
933 }
935 if(npart==2)
936 {
937 switch(ntheta)
938 {
939 case 0:
940 if(nphi<32)
941 nphi = 31-nphi;
942 else
943 nphi = 95-nphi;
944 break;
945 case 1:
946 if(nphi<32)
947 nphi = 31-nphi;
948 else
949 nphi = 95-nphi;
950 break;
951 case 2:
952 if(nphi<40)
953 nphi = 39-nphi;
954 else
955 nphi = 119-nphi;
956 break;
957 case 3:
958 if(nphi<40)
959 nphi = 39-nphi;
960 else
961 nphi = 119-nphi;
962 break;
963 case 4:
964 if(nphi<48)
965 nphi = 47-nphi;
966 else
967 nphi = 143-nphi;
968 break;
969 case 5:
970 if(nphi<48)
971 nphi = 47-nphi;
972 else
973 nphi = 143-nphi;
974 default:
975 ;
976 }
977 }
982 if(num==0||num==1) {
983 return 15-num*8;
984 } else if(num==2||num==3) {
985 return 30-num*8;
986 } else if(num<=9) {
987 return 17-num;
988 } else {
989 return 15-num;
990 }
995 int copyNb;
996 switch(num){
997 case 30:
998 copyNb = 5;
999 break;
1000 case 31:
1001 copyNb = 6;
1002 break;
1003 case 32:
1004 copyNb = 14;
1005 break;
1006 case 33:
1007 copyNb = 15;
1008 break;
1009 case 34:
1010 copyNb = 16;
1011 break;
1012 default:
1013 copyNb = num;
1014 break;
1015 }
1016 return copyNb;
1019void ExtSteppingAction::InfmodMuc(Hep3Vector &pos,Hep3Vector &mom,HepSymMatrix &err)
1021 pos = m_pos_mod;
1022 mom = m_mom_mod;
1023 err = m_err_mod;
1027Hep3Vector ExtSteppingAction::GetGapID(G4String vol)
1029 int par(-1),se(-1),ga(-1);
1030 G4String strPart = vol.substr(5,1);
1031 //G4String strSeg = m_MotherVolumeName.substr(7,1);
1033 G4String strSeg = vol.substr(7,1);
1034 G4String strGap;
1035 if(vol.contains("G")) strGap= vol.substr(9,1);
1036 if(vol.contains("Ab")) strGap= vol.substr(10,1);
1037 std::istrstream partBuf(strPart.c_str(), strlen(strPart.c_str()));
1038 std::istrstream segBuf(strSeg.c_str(), strlen(strSeg.c_str()));
1039 std::istrstream gapBuf(strGap.c_str(), strlen(strGap.c_str()));
1041 partBuf >> par ;
1042 segBuf >> se;
1043 gapBuf >> ga;
1044 if(vol.contains("Ab")&&par==1) ga = ga+1;
1045 //panelBuf >> m_panel;
1046 Hep3Vector vec;
1047 vec[0]=par;
1048 vec[1]=se;
1049 vec[2]=ga;
1050 return vec;
const int nPhi
const Int_t n
Double_t x[10]
#define M_PI
Definition TConstant.h:4
void SetTof1Data(Hep3Vector aPosition, Hep3Vector aMomentum, string aVolumeName, int aVolumeNumber, double aTof, double aPath, HepSymMatrix aErrorMatrix, double aZSigma=0., double aTSigma=0., double aXSigma=0., double aYSigma=0.)
void SetEmcData(Hep3Vector aPosition, Hep3Vector aMomentum, string aVolumeName, int aVolumeNumber, double aThetaSigma, double aPhiSigma, HepSymMatrix aErrorMatrix)
void SetTof2Data(Hep3Vector aPosition, Hep3Vector aMomentum, string aVolumeName, int aVolumeNumber, double aTof, double aPath, HepSymMatrix aErrorMatrix, double aZSigma=0., double aTSigma=0., double aXSigma=0., double aYSigma=0.)
void SetMucData(Hep3Vector aPosition, Hep3Vector aMomentum, string aVolumeName, int aVolumeNumber, HepSymMatrix aErrorMatrix, double aZSigma=0., double aTSigma=0., double aXSigma=0., double aYSigma=0.)
void SetEmcPath(double path)
void SetMucKalData(double chi2, int dof, double depth, int brLastLay, int ecLastLay, int nhits)
bool ExtMucFilter()
Definition ExtMucKal.cxx:16
void SetGapID(Hep3Vector id)
Definition ExtMucKal.h:28
bool GetSameStrip()
Definition ExtMucKal.h:42
void SetPosMomErr(Hep3Vector pos, Hep3Vector mom, HepSymMatrix err)
Definition ExtMucKal.h:25
void SetMucWindow(int aMucWindow)
Definition ExtMucKal.h:27
void XPmod(Hep3Vector &pos, Hep3Vector &mom, HepSymMatrix &err)
Definition ExtMucKal.cxx:71
void SetMucDigiCol(MucDigiCol *amucdigi)
Definition ExtMucKal.h:26
double GetChi2()
Definition ExtMucKal.h:35
vector< MucRecHit * > TrackHit()
Definition ExtMucKal.cxx:78
bool MucKalIniti()
Hep3Vector GetHitGap()
Hep3Vector GetGapID(G4String vol)
void CalculateEmcEndThetaPhi(int npart, int sector, int nb, int &ntheta, int &nphi)
void InfmodMuc(Hep3Vector &pos, Hep3Vector &mom, HepSymMatrix &err)
void UserSteppingAction(const G4Step *currentStep)
int CalculateEmcEndCopyNb(int num)
int CalculateEmcEndPhiNb(int num)
void put_err(const double error[])
Definition Ext_errmx.cxx:45
const HepSymMatrix & get_err() const
Definition Ext_errmx.h:157
double get_plane_err(const Hep3Vector &np, const Hep3Vector &nr) const
Definition Ext_errmx.cxx:85
void set_mom(const Hep3Vector &mom)
Definition Ext_xp_err.h:90
bool move(const Hep3Vector &xv1, const Hep3Vector &pv1, const Hep3Vector &B, const int ms_on, const double chi_cc)
void set_pos(const Hep3Vector &pos)
Definition Ext_xp_err.h:85
HepPoint3D TransformToGap(const HepPoint3D gPoint) const
Transform a point from global coordinate to gap coordinate.
MucGeoGap * GetGap(const int part, const int seg, const int gap) const
Get a pointer to the gap identified by (part,seg,gap).
static MucGeoGeneral * Instance()
Get a pointer to the single instance of MucGeoGeneral.
void setPathInTof1(vector< double > x)
Definition RecExtTrack.h:61
void setPathInTof2(vector< double > x)
Definition RecExtTrack.h:62
double y[1000]
double * m1
Definition qcdloop1.h:75