BOSS 7.1.0
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
PdtEntry Member List

This is the complete list of members for PdtEntry, including all inherited members.

addDecay(float bf, vector< PdtEntry * > *kids)PdtEntry
charge() constPdtEntryinline
conjugate() constPdtEntry
decayList() constPdtEntryinline
geantId() constPdtEntryinline
lifetime() constPdtEntryinline
lundId() constPdtEntryinline
mass() constPdtEntryinline
name() constPdtEntryinline
operator<(const PdtEntry &) constPdtEntry
operator==(const PdtEntry &) constPdtEntry
pdgId() constPdtEntryinline
PdtEntry(const char *name, PdtLund::LundType code, float spin, float charge, float mass, float width=0, float massCut=0)PdtEntry
PdtEntry(const char *name, PdtGeant::GeantType code, float spin, float charge, float mass, float width=0, float massCut=0)PdtEntry
PdtEntry(const char *name, PdtPdg::PdgType code, float spin, float charge, float mass, float width=0, float massCut=0)PdtEntry
pidId() constPdtEntryinline
pidNeutId() constPdtEntryinline
printBFOn(std::ostream &str) constPdtEntry
printOn(std::ostream &str) constPdtEntry
spin() constPdtEntryinline
sumBR() constPdtEntryinline
width() constPdtEntryinline
widthCut() constPdtEntryinline