10#include <mysql/mysql.h>
16#include "TBufferFile.h"
19int main(
int argc,
char** argv) {
20 char *opt_host_name =
21 char *opt_user_name =
22 unsigned int opt_port_num = 3306;
23 char *opt_socket_name = NULL;
24 char *opt_db_name =
25 unsigned int opt_flags = 0;
30 conn = mysql_init(NULL);
32 mysql_real_connect(conn, opt_host_name, opt_user_name, opt_password,
33 opt_db_name, opt_port_num, opt_socket_name, opt_flags);
36 std::cout<<
"connect the database ok\n"<<std::endl;
38 std::cout<<
"can't connect to the db:"<<std::endl;
42unsigned long *lengths;
48 sprintf(stmt1,
"select TofConPar from TofCalConst where serno = 2564");
52 int status = mysql_real_query(conn, stmt1, strlen(stmt1));
55 std::cout <<
"Query is:" <<stmt1<<
" failed: " << mysql_error(conn) << std::endl;
57 res_set = mysql_store_result (conn);
58 mysql_field_seek (res_set, 0);
61 row = mysql_fetch_row (res_set);
62 lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(res_set);
63 std::cout<<
"lengths[0]: " << lengths[0] <<std::endl;
68 TTree* newHist=
new TTree();
69 TBufferFile rootBuffer2(TBufferFile::kRead,lengths[0], row[0], kFALSE);
70 newHist->Streamer(rootBuffer2);
72 int nentri = newHist -> GetEntries();
73 std::cout<<
"nentri is:"<<nentri<<std::endl;
83 mysql_free_result(res_set);
struct st_mysql_res MYSQL_RES
sprintf(cut,"kal_costheta0_em>-0.93&&kal_costheta0_em<0.93&&kal_pxy0_em>=0.05+%d*0.1&&kal_pxy0_em<0.15+%d*0.1&&NGch>=2", j, j)